Haskell's TypeClasses and Go's Interfaces - programming-languages

What are the similarities and the differences between Haskell's TypeClasses and Go's Interfaces? What are the relative merits / demerits of the two approaches?

Looks like only in superficial ways are Go interfaces like single parameter type classes (constructor classes) in Haskell.
Methods are associated with an interface type
Objects (particular types) may have implementations of that interface
It is unclear to me whether Go in any way supports bounded polymorphism via interfaces, which is the primary purpose of type classes. That is, in Haskell, the interface methods may be used at different types,
class I a where
put :: a -> IO ()
get :: IO a
instance I Int where
instance I Double where
So my question is whether Go supports type polymorphism. If not, they're not really like type classes at all. And they're not really comparable.
Haskell's type classes allow powerful reuse of code via "generics" -- higher kinded polymorphism -- a good reference for cross-language support for such forms of generic program is this paper.
Ad hoc, or bounded polymorphism, via type classes, is well described here. This is the primary purpose of type classes in Haskell, and one not addressed via Go interfaces, meaning they're not really very similar at all. Interfaces are strictly less powerful - a kind of zeroth-order type class.

I will add to Don Stewart's excellent answer that one of the surprising consquences of Haskell's type classes is that you can use logic programming at compile time to generate arbitrarily many instances of a class. (Haskell's type-class system includes what is effectively a cut-free subset of Prolog, very similar to Datalog.) This system is exploited to great effect in the QuickCheck library. Or for a very simple example, you can see how to define a version of Boolean complement (not) that works on predicates of arbitrary arity. I suspect this ability was an unintended consequence of the type-class system, but it has proven incredibly powerful.
Go has nothing like it.

In haskell typeclass instantiation is explicit (i.e. you have to say instance Foo Bar for Bar to be an instance of Foo), while in go implementing an interface is implicit (i.e. when you define a class that defines the right methods, it automatically implements the according interface without having to say something like implement InterfaceName).
An interface can only describe methods where the instance of the interface is the receiver. In a typeclass the instantiating type can appear at any argument position or the return type of a function (i.e. you can say, if Foo is an instance of type Bar there must be a function named baz, which takes an Int and returns a Foo - you can't say that with interfaces).

Very superficial similarities, Go's interfaces are more like structural sub-typing in OCaml.

C++ Concepts (that didn't make it into C++0x) are like Haskell type classes. There were also "axioms" which aren't present in Haskell at all. They let you formalize things like the monad laws.


In Haskell, why is there a typeclass hierarchy/inheritance?

To clarify my question, let me rephrase it in a more or less equivalent way:
Why is there a concept of superclass/class inheritance in Haskell?
What are the historical reasons that led to that design choice?
Why would it be so bad, for example, to have a base library with no class hierarchy, just typeclasses independent from each other?
Here I'll expose some random thoughts that made me want to ask this question. My current intuitions might be inaccurate as they are based on my current understanding of Haskell which is not perfect, but here they are...
It is not obvious to me why type class inheritance exists in Haskell. I find it a bit weird, as it creates asymmetry in concepts.
Often in mathematics, concepts can be defined from different viewpoints, I don't necessarily want to favor an order of how they ought to be defined. OK there is some order in which one should prove things, but once theorems and structures are there, I'd rather see them as available independent tools.
Moreover one perhaps not so good thing I see with class inheritance is this: I think a class instance will silently pick a corresponding superclass instance, which was probably implemented to be the most natural one for that type. Let's consider a Monad viewed as a subclass of Functor. Maybe there could be more than one way to define a Functor on some type that also happens to be a Monad. But saying that a Monad is a Functor implicitly makes the choice of one particular Functor for that Monad. Someday, you might forget that actually you wanted some other Functor.
Perhaps this example is not the best fit, but I have the feeling this sort of situation might generalize and possibly be dangerous if your class is a child of many. Current Haskell inheritance sounds like it makes default choices about parents implicitly.
If instead you have a design without hierarchy, I feel you would always have to be explicit about all the properties required, which would perhaps mean a bit less risk, more clarity, and more symmetry. So far, what I'm seeing is that the cost of such a design, would be : more constraints to write in instance definitions, and newtype wrappers, for each meaningful conversion from one set of concepts to another. I am not sure, but perhaps that could have been acceptable. Unfortunately, I think Haskell auto deriving mechanism for newtypes doesn't work very well, I would appreciate that the language was somehow smarter with newtype wrapping/unwrapping and required less verbosity.
I'm not sure, but now that I think about it, perhaps an alternative to newtype wrappers could be specific imports of modules containing specific variations of instances.
Another alternative I thought about while writing this, is that maybe one could weaken the meaning of class (P x) => C x, where instead of it being a requirement that an instance of C selects an instance of P, we could just take it to loosely mean that for example, C class also contains P's methods but no instance of P is automatically selected, no other relationship with P exists. So we could keep some sort of weaker hierarchy that might be more flexible.
Thanks if you have some clarifications over that topic, and/or correct my possible misunderstandings.
Maybe you're tired of hearing from me, but here goes...
I think superclasses were introduced as a relatively minor and unimportant feature of type classes. In Wadler and Blott, 1988, they are briefly discussed in Section 6 where the example class Eq a => Num a is given. There, the only rationale offered is that it's annoying to have to write (Eq a, Num a) => ... in a function type when it should be "obvious" that data types that can be added, multiplied, and negated ought to be testable for equality as well. The superclass relationship allows "a convenient abbreviation".
(The unimportance of this feature is underscored by the fact that this example is so terrible. Modern Haskell doesn't have class Eq a => Num a because the logical justification for all Nums also being Eqs is so weak. The example class Eq a => Ord a would be been a lot more convincing.)
So, the base library implemented without any superclasses would look more or less the same. There would just be more logically superfluous constraints on function type signatures in both library and user code, and instead of fielding this question, I'd be fielding a beginner question about why:
leq :: (Ord a) => a -> a -> Bool
leq x y = x < y || x == y
doesn't type check.
To your point about superclasses forcing a particular hierarchy, you're missing your target.
This kind of "forcing" is actually a fundamental feature of type classes. Type classes are "opinionated by design", and in a given Haskell program (where "program" includes all the libraries, include base used by the program), there can be only one instance of a particular type class for a particular type. This property is referred to as coherence. (Even though there is a language extension IncohorentInstances, it is considered very dangerous and should only be used when all possible instances of a particular type class for a particular type are functionally equivalent.)
This design decision comes with certain costs, but it also comes with a number of benefits. Edward Kmett talks about this in detail in this video, starting at around 14:25. In particular, he compares Haskell's coherent-by-design type classes with Scala's incoherent-by-design implicits and contrasts the increased power that comes with the Scala approach with the reusability (and refactoring benefits) of "dumb data types" that comes with the Haskell approach.
So, there's enough room in the design space for both coherent type classes and incoherent implicits, and Haskell's appoach isn't necessarily the right one.
BUT, since Haskell has chosen coherent type classes, there's no "cost" to having a specific hierarchy:
class Functor a => Monad a
because, for a particular type, like [] or MyNewMonadDataType, there can only be one Monad and one Functor instance anyway. The superclass relationship introduces a requirement that any type with Monad instance must have Functor instance, but it doesn't restrict the choice of Functor instance because you never had a choice in the first place. Or rather, your choice was between having zero Functor [] instances and exactly one.
Note that this is separate from the question of whether or not there's only one reasonable Functor instance for a Monad type. In principle, we could define a law-violating data type with incompatible Functor and Monad instances. We'd still be restricted to using that one Functor MyType instance and that one Monad MyType instance throughout our program, whether or not Functor was a superclass of Monad.

Typeclasses in Common Lisp

I'm wondering if there's a way to emulate Haskell's typeclasses in Common Lisp.
Generic functions allow overloading, and it's possible to define types using deftype(which could be defined by membership to some list of instances, for example).
But I can't dispatch on a type. Is there a way to make a class a subclass(and a subtype) of some other class after its definition(e.g. making the cons class a subclass of a sequence class, without redefining cons)?
Type classes in Haskell are a means to statically look up implementations for "interfaces" in the form of dictionaries (similarly to how vtables in e.g. C++ are used but (almost) fully statically, unlike C++ which does dynamic dispatch at runtime). Common Lisp however is a dynamically typed language so such lookup would make no sense. However you can implement your own look up of "type class" implementations (instances) at runtime — a design not too hard to imagine in a language as expressive as Common Lisp.
P.S. Python's Zope has an adaption mechanism with very similar charactetistics, if you feel like referring to an existing solution in a dynamic setting.
You cannot modify the class hierarchy in the way you envision, but you can achieve pretty much the same effect.
Suppose that your definition of a sequence is that it has a method for the function sequence-length.
(defclass sequence ...)
(defmethod sequence-length ((s sequence)) ...)
Then you can easily extend your sequence-length method to conses:
(defmethod sequence-length ((s cons))
(length s))
Did that create a new class that includes cons? Not really. You can express the type of things that have a sequence-length method by saying (or sequence cons), but that's not really useful.

Why aren't there many discussions about co- and contra-variance in Haskell (as opposed to Scala or C#)?

I know what covariance and contravariance of types are. My question is why haven't I encountered discussion of these concepts yet in my study of Haskell (as opposed to, say, Scala)?
It seems there is a fundamental difference in the way Haskell views types as opposed to Scala or C#, and I'd like to articulate what that difference is.
Or maybe I'm wrong and I just haven't learned enough Haskell yet :-)
There are two main reasons:
Haskell lacks an inherent notion of subtyping, so in general variance is less relevant.
Contravariance mostly appears where mutability is involved, so most data types in Haskell would simply be covariant and there'd be little value to distinguishing that explicitly.
However, the concepts do apply--for instance, the lifting operation performed by fmap for Functor instances is actually covariant; the terms co-/contravariance are used in Category Theory to talk about functors. The contravariant package defines a type class for contravariant functors, and if you look at the instance list you'll see why I said it's much less common.
There are also places where the idea shows up implicitly, in how manual conversions work--the various numeric type classes define conversions to and from basic types like Integer and Rational, and the module Data.List contains generic versions of some standard functions. If you look at the types of these generic versions you'll see that Integral constraints (giving toInteger) are used on types in contravariant position, while Num constraints (giving fromInteger) are used for covariant position.
There are no "sub-types" in Haskell, so covariance and contravariance don't make any sense.
In Scala, you have e.g. Option[+A] with the subclasses Some[+A] and None. You have to provide the covariance annotations + to say that an Option[Foo] is an Option[Bar] if Foo extends Bar. Because of the presence of sub-types, this is necessary.
In Haskell, there are no sub-types. The equivalent of Option in Haskell, called Maybe, has this definition:
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
The type variable a can only ever be one type, so no further information about it is necessary.
As mentioned, Haskell does not have subtypes. However, if you're looking at typeclasses it may not be clear how that works without subtyping.
Typeclasses specify predicates on types, not types themselves. So when a Typeclass has a superclass (e.g. Eq a => Ord a), that doesn't mean instances are subtypes, because only the predicates are inherited, not the types themselves.
Also, co-, contra-, and in- variance mean different things in different fields of math (see Wikipedia). For example the terms covariant and contravariant are used in functors (which in turn are used in Haskell), but the terms mean something completely different. The term invariant can be used in a lot of places.

What's the difference of a "class" in Haskell and in an "abstract class" in OO language?

At first glance, there obvious distinctions between the two kinds of "class". However, I believe there are more similarities:
Both have different kinds of constructors.
Both define a group of operations that could be applied to a particular type of data, in other words, they both define an Interface.
I can see that "class" is much more concise in Haskell and it's also more efficient. But, I have a feeling that, theoretically, "class" and "abstract class" are identical.
What's your opinion?
Er, not really, no.
For one thing, Haskell's type classes don't have constructors; data types do.
Also, a type class instance isn't really attached to the type it's defined for, it's more of a separate entity. You can import instances and data definitions separately, and usually it doesn't really make sense to think about "what class(es) does this piece of data belong to". Nor do functions in a type class have any special access to the data type an instance is defined for.
What a type class actually defines is a collection of identifiers that can be shared to do conceptually equivalent things (in some sense) to different data types, on an explicit per-type basis. This is why it's called ad-hoc polymorphism, in contrast to the standard parametric polymorphism that you get from regular type variables.
It's much, much closer to "overloaded functions" in some languages, where different functions are given the same name, and dispatch is done based on argument types (for some reason, other languages don't typically allow overloading based on return type, though this poses no problem for type classes).
Apart from the implementation differences, one major conceptual difference is regarding when the classes / type classes as declared.
If you create a new class, MyClass, in e.g. Java or C#, you need to specify all the interfaces it provides at the time you develop the class. Now, if you bundle your code up to a library, and provide it to a third party, they are limited by the interfaces you decided the class to have. If they want additional interfaces, they'd have to create a derived class, TheirDerivedClass. Unfortunately, your library might make copies or MyClass without knowledge of the derived class, and might return new instances through its interfaces thatt they'd then have to wrap. So, to really add new interfaces to the class, they'd have to add a whole new layer on top of your library. Not elegant, nor really practical either.
With type classes, you specify interfaces that a type provides separate from the type definition. If a third party library now contained YourType, I can just instantiate YourType to belong to the new interfaces (that you did not provide when you created the type) within my own code.
Thus, type classes allow the user of the type to be in control of what interfaces the type adheres to, while with 'normal' classes, the developer of the class is in control (and has to have the crystal ball needed to see all the possible things for what the user might want to use the class).
From: http://www.haskell.org/tutorial/classes.html
Before going on to further examples of the use of type classes, it is worth pointing out two other views of Haskell's type classes. The first is by analogy with object-oriented programming (OOP). In the following general statement about OOP, simply substituting type class for class, and type for object, yields a valid summary of Haskell's type class mechanism:
"Classes capture common sets of operations. A particular object may be an instance of a class, and will have a method corresponding to each operation. Classes may be arranged hierarchically, forming notions of superclasses and sub classes, and permitting inheritance of operations/methods. A default method may also be associated with an operation."
In contrast to OOP, it should be clear that types are not objects, and in particular there is no notion of an object's or type's internal mutable state. An advantage over some OOP languages is that methods in Haskell are completely type-safe: any attempt to apply a method to a value whose type is not in the required class will be detected at compile time instead of at runtime. In other words, methods are not "looked up" at runtime but are simply passed as higher-order functions.
This slideshow may help you understand the similarities and differences between OO abstract classes and Haskell type classes: Classes, Jim, But Not As We Know Them.

What makes Haskell's type system more "powerful" than other languages' type systems?

Reading Disadvantages of Scala type system versus Haskell?, I have to ask: what is it, specifically, that makes Haskell's type system more powerful than other languages' type systems (C, C++, Java). Apparently, even Scala can't perform some of the same powers as Haskell's type system. What is it, specifically, that makes Haskell's type system (Hindley–Milner type inference) so powerful? Can you give an example?
What is it, specifically, that makes Haskell's type system
It has been engineered for the past decade to be both flexible -- as a logic for property verification -- and powerful.
Haskell's type system has been developed over the years to encourage a relatively flexible, expressive static checking discipline, with several groups of researchers identifying type system techniques that enable powerful new classes of compile-time verification. Scala's is relatively undeveloped in that area.
That is, Haskell/GHC provides a logic that is both powerful and designed to encourage type level programming. Something fairly unique in the world of functional programming.
Some papers that give a flavor of the direction the engineering effort on Haskell's type system has taken:
Fun with type functions
Associated types with class
Fun with functional dependencies
Hindley-Milner is not a type system, but a type inference algorithm. Haskell's type system, back in the day, used to be able to be fully inferred using HM, but that ship has long sailed for modern Haskell with extensions. (ML remains capable of being fully inferred).
Arguably, the ability to mainly or entirely infer all types yields power in terms of expressiveness.
But that's largely not what I think the question is really about.
The papers that dons linked point to the other aspect -- that the extensions to Haskell's type system make it turing complete (and that modern type families make that turing complete language much more closely resemble value-level programming). Another nice paper on this topic is McBride's Faking It: Simulating Dependent Types in Haskell.
The paper in the other thread on Scala: "Type Classes as Objects and Implicits" goes into why you can in fact do most of this in Scala as well, although with a bit more explicitness. I tend to feel, but this is more a gut sense than from real Scala experience, that its more ad-hoc and explicit approach (what the C++ discussion called "nominal") is ultimately a bit messier.
Let's go with a very simple example: Haskell's Maybe.
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
In C++:
template <T>
struct Maybe {
bool isJust;
T value; // IMPORTANT: must ignore when !isJust
Let's consider these two function signatures, in Haskell:
sumJusts :: Num a => [Maybe a] -> a
and C++:
template <T> T sumJusts(vector<maybe<T> >);
In C++ there are more possible mistakes to make. The compiler doesn't check the usage rule of Maybe.
The C++ type of sumJusts does not specify that it requires + and cast from 0. The error messages that show up when things do not work are cryptic and odd. In Haskell the compiler will just complain that the type is not an instance of Num, very straightforward..
In short, Haskell has:
A very friendly syntax and good support for generics (which in C++ people try to avoid because of all their cryptickynessishisms)
Haskell language allows you to write safer code without giving up with functionalities. Most languages nowadays trade features for safety: the Haskell language is there to show that's possible to have both.
We can live without null pointers, explicit castings, loose typing and still have a perfectly expressive language, able to produce efficient final code.
More, the Haskell type system, along with its lazy-by-default and purity approach to coding gives you a boost in complicate but important matters like parallelism and concurrency.
Just my two cents.
One thing I really like and miss in other languages is the support of typclasses, which are an elegant solution for many problems (including for instance polyvariadic functions).
Using typeclasses, it's extremely easy to define very abstract functions, which are still completely type-safe - like for instance this Fibonacci-function:
fibs :: Num a => [a]
fibs#(_:xs) = 0:1:zipWith (+) fibs xs
For instance:
map (`div` 2) fibs -- integral context
(fibs !! 10) + 1.234 -- rational context
map (:+ 1.0) fibs -- Complex context
You may even define your own numeric type for this.
What is expressiveness? To my understanding it is what constraint the type system allow us to put on our code, or in other words what properties of code which we can prove. The more expressive a type system is, the more information we can embed at the type level (which can be used at compile time by the type-checker to check our code).
Here are some properties of Haskell's type system that other languages don't have.
Purity allows Haskell to distinguish pure code and IO capable code
Haskell enforces parametricity for parametrically polymorphic functions so they must obey some laws. (Some languages does let you to express polymorphic function types but they don't enforce parametricity, for example Scala lets you to pattern match on a specific type even if the argument is polymorphic)
Haskell's base type system is a weaker version of λ2 which itself isn't really impressive. But with these extensions it become really powerful (even able to express dependent types with singleton):
existential types
rank-n types (full λ2)
type families
data kinds (allows "typed" programming at type level)
