how to run JAR file in emulator in eclipse configured for Samsung SDK - java-me

I need to run a jar file which is application for for SAMSUNG mobiles. I have configured my eclipse with Latest samsung SDK for java. I also able to run a sample application on emulator. Now I have to run a JAR file in that emulator. Please advise.

Below are the steps to run JAR file on Samsung emulator.
1. You must have both JAR and JAD files.
2. Download Samsung SDK from the link :
Step 1. Place Jad and Jar files at the same folder.
Step 2. Run the below command from bin folder of Samsung SDK.
D:\Samsung_SDK_120_Beta\bin>emulator -Xdescriptor:..\%folder%\LAWBook.jad -Xdevice:GT-S5230N


Android Studio SDK manager doesn't show the candidate packages(How to install CMake)

From the post "Add C and C++ Code to Your Project",
You can install these components using the SDK Manager:
From an open project, select Tools > Android > SDK Manager
from the menu bar. Click the SDK Tools tab. Check the boxes next to LLDB,
CMake, and NDK, as shown in figure 1.
there is a image shows
But my Android Studio is not like that.
I upload a image to show my Android Studio sdk manager settings:
I googled for a while, but I didn't find anything useful. My PC is win10 64bit, I run Android Stdio 64bit, version is 2.2, I use the Android Studio bunndle version(I assume the AS and the sdk are one thing).
I also run Android Studio 2.3 on another PC, I check the sdk manager on version 2.3, it looks like behaving the same. I also try to run AS in the administrator role. it looks like behaving the same too.
The different on the AS2.2 and AS2.3 is that I can run the sdkmanager command in a win shell to install the CMake/LLDB on the PC that has AS 2.3, but I can't find the sdkmanager command in the SDK folder which is associated with the AS 2.2, so I go to download a standlone command line tools from the, I unzip the downloaded file and get a fold named "tool", what should I do? shold I merge the downloaded tool folder into the android_sdk/tools?
The below image is the sdk settings on another PC that has installed the AS 2.3. I installed the CMake the LLDB from the command line: "sdkmanager.bat cmake;3.6.4111459"
Why my Android Studio doesn't show the candidate not
installed packages?
Shold I merge the downloaded command line tool folder into the android_sdk/tools?

Aldebaran's Pepper sdk for android/Robot sdk 0.9 "Robot SDK'0.9' is not complete. Please download it again or re-create the robot application."

When trying to install the android sdk for Aldebaran's pepper robot on my computer following this official tutorial:
Step 1:
Step 2:
When trying to launch the Virtual Robot Environment of Pepper's tablet on my computer this message is printed: "Robot SDK'0.9' is not complete. Please download it again or re-create the robot application."
So far I have tried the following on my Ubuntu 16.04 64bit computer:
Uninstalling and re-downloading/installing the Robot sdk over the robot sdk manager provided by the android sdk for Pepper
Uninstalling and re-downloading/installing the android sdk for Pepper
Deleting, recreating and creating the android studio application turning it into a robot application
Removing other non essential android sdks
Moreover I also tried the following on another computer running windows 8.1 64bit:
Repeating the tutorial installation
Downloading and installing older version such as 2.22 and 2.11 of the android studio and repeating the tutorial installation.
Each time after I have completed Steps 1 & 2 when I want to start building or launching the application it fails on step B from this tutorial: and prints the Error mentioned above.
The project structure is identical to the one in the tutorial and I am able to sync the project via maven. But as I cannot actually launch the virtual robot environment or run the application I cannot make use of this sdk.
I have also found a similar question being asked on stackoverflow but there hasn't been a response yet. Also I don't understand the comments.
I tried using another computer with windows 10 64bit freshly formatted so I installed Java jdk & jre 1.8.0_121 and android studio 2.3.1 as I couldn't find 2.3.3:
Repeated the tutorial installation
But still the same error message.
I got mine to work doing the following:
go to your current android SDK folder
rename the tools folder to tools-old
create a new Folder named tools
download this:
unpacke it into your new tools folder
Make sure you have your AVD Options set to arm and not x86
and that "Use Host GPU" is enabled
After that the emulator worked.(note that it takes quite long to launche)
The suspected cause is that the Pepper emulator tries to use the emulator-arm.exe wich is not availible in the standart installation of Android Studio
You should try installing Android Studio 2.3.3 on Windows 10, 64-bit. I know that works at least.
I got this working finally thanks to theGary's hint above. No need to wipe out your whole tools directory though -- I was able to get the x86 Pepper emulator running (on Mac in my case) by copying these files and directories from the Android sdk/emulator directory into the sdk/tools directory:
Then edit your run/debug configurations and change the “robot app” AVD options from armeabi-v7 to x86.

Android app is not launched in emulator in Android studio

I created an app in Android studio. It builds and runs on my phone but, When i run emulator it runs and shows the phone.
The output:
emulator: WARNING: Crash service did not start
qemu-system-i386.exe: -drive if=none,index=1,id=cache,file=C:\Users\one\.android\avd\Nexus_5_API_23_new.avd/cache.img: could not open disk image C:\Users\one\.android\avd\Nexus_5_API_23_new.avd/cache.img: Could not open 'C:\Users\one\.android\avd\Nexus_5_API_23_new.avd/cache.img': Invalid argument
How to fix this?
It may be bad, but it´s working for me:
First, go to your SDK folder (i.e. %localappdata%\android\sdk)
Open the "tools" folder.
There you find an "emulator-crash-service.exe" file. Copy it to the same folder and rename it to "emulator64-crash-service.exe".
Go back to the SDK Folder and go to the subfolders "extras\intel\Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager\" and launch the "intelhaxm-android.exe" to install the HAXM driver manually.
Now create a new AVD and it should start.
I solved this problem by:
- redownloading Android x86 image (64bits/api23/google_apis in my case)
- creating a new virtual device and choosing Nexus 5 instead of Nexus 4
I'm not sure if all steps are required.

can't install jar in mobile phone (CLDC and MIDP)

When I export a jar of my j2me code I can install it on an emulator but not on my mobile phone with the error :
Not Supported
But I can install others jar from net on my phone.
There are some phones that will only let you install MIDlets OTA.
OTA = Over The Air
Basically just means that you HAVE to put your JAR and JAD file online, and then install from an URL that points to the JAD file.
When doing this, it is also important that MIME-types for JAD and JAR files are set correctly on the web-server.

fatal error: QCAR/QCAR.h: No such file or directory

I want to run a Vuforia sample project, in android studio.
Android NDK is ready to use and i can build NDK samples.
Vuforia Image Target sample app is imported and Vuforia.Jar library added as dependency.
But when i build the project, i see this:
fatal error: QCAR/QCAR.h: No such file or directory
Can anyone help me? Why this error appears?
Make sure the installation location of Vuforia SDK is correct.
From the official website of Vuforia:
The Vuforia SDK is distributed as a ZIP package for the following
platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
To start developing with the Vuforia SDK:
Download the Vuforia SDK (you need to accept the license agreement before the download can start)
Extract the contents of the ZIP package and put it into
Adjust the Vuforia Environment settings in Eclipse
Once extracted, the SDK package reveals a directory structure in your
Android development environment. This structure ensures that sample
apps can be easily built and deployed using the Android NDK and the
Eclipse Java developer environment.
