Error while starting web application - iis

When you right-click a Web site in the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in, and then you click Start, the Web site does not start and you receive the following error message:
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
What have to do.
To resolve this issue i got this solution:
You must use the Netstat.exe utility at the command line to see if another process is using port 80 or port 443.
But how to ensure that is these Ip are in use or not ? in terms of status ? What should its status ?
Second solution is : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HTTP\Parameters\ListenOnlyList.
But this key is not found .

Lalit, this should probably be on as this is more of a server administration question. With that said, you probably have more than one website listening on port 80 or 443 without the use of host headers. When using port 80, you cannot have more than one site on the port without specifying the domain name(s) to use in your website bindings. 443 (HTTPS) gets a little more tricky as you typically cannot have more than one site use 443 even if you are using host headers (there are exceptions like wildcard SSL certs). This is due to IIS not being able to read the host headers and know which SSL cert to use to decrypt them since they are encrypted. for more information
More links:

Finally i keep error as it is and I reinstall IIS and required software.


IIS Manager Error - Unable to bind to the underlying transport for [::]:80.The process cannot access the file because

I know that this question has been asked in multiple forums and have several versions of the answers.. Unfortunately, none of those answers helped me out to resolve my issue.
I stood up an AWS EC2 instance of Windows Server 2016 and installed IIS, MSMQ, Windows Process Activation Service and few other things.. When I cracked open my IIS Manager, I noticed that the "Default Web Site" is stopped and when I tried to start it I get an error "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process (Exception from HRESULT:0x80070020)". Tried to dig a little more and found these two exceptions in my Event Viewer:
Unable to bind to the underlying transport for [::]:80. The IP Listen-Only list may contain a reference to an interface which may not exist on this machine. The data field contains the error number.
The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) did not register the URL prefix http://:80/SmsHandler for site 1. The site has been disabled. The data field contains the error number.*
Researching more online I found more than 2 dozen articles on this issue and more than 95% of them saying that the potential application that might be conflicting with IIS and using port 80 and 443 could be Skype.. But I DON'T HAVE SKYPE installed on my server..
I ran the "netstat -aon" command and found this:
C:\Windows\system32>netstat -aon | findstr :80
Going by what's mentioned in other articles online.. I tried to trace down the PID - 1164 in my Task Manager and found that its the "Service Host - Local System" process having 15 System services running into it.. There's no way I can kill that process to make my IIS work..
I then tried to change the Bindings in my IIS to listen on a different port than 80 and was able to get it up and running.. But I don't want IIS to run on any other port than 80 since I don't want the user to specify the port in the URL every time when they hit the website..
I'm now running short of ideas here.. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I ran into a similar issue, but not with port 80. In my case it was because the ip address [::] wasn't allowed to listen on any port. Adding it to the ListenOnly list in the registry fixed the issue.
From an admin command prompt:
netsh http add iplisten ipaddress=::
From this thread.
Found the culprit.. It apparently wasn't skype for me (as it is in most of the cases), it was this service called IP Helper which was running on port 80 and was conflicting with IIS. The way I found that out was, I checked all the services running under the PID for Service Host - Local System (which in my case as 1164) and started stopping them one at a time and saw if IIS starts working.. Just wanted to close this thread.. Hope this helps if someone else get stuck with the same issue.
I had VMware Workstation installed, the solution is: "VMware -> Edit -> Preferences -> Shared VMs -> "Disable Sharing".

IIS Apache and Node.JS HTTP all on the same server

I have one windows server already running sharepoint on 80/443 and the site works correctly.
We're trying to add more functionality by installing NodeJS and Apache
I've set apache to listen on 8080 and the default website comes up.
Node is running on 3000 and I can access the explorer that way as well.
My questions come from this. The server has a complete certificate chain installed on it and https://:8080 comes up correctly, but I can't get the node stuff to work on https: Secondly it appears while I have proxy pass set up correctly within my httpd.conf, either something is wrong within that as if I goto the https://:8080 /api/and anything beyond that, I get 503 errors and the page can't be displayed.
I'm unsure what I'm doing incorrectly here as from reading the documentation on proxy module, it seems that everything is setup and configured correctly.
Netstat shows listening on 3000 and 8080 and 80/443 for my SharePoint farm.
I had to configure the ssl settings for the proxypass to use the IP address of the local machine. After doing that I was able to connect correctly.
This allowed for connecting on :3000 via telnet to the localmachine and allowed for explorer to be viewed with https://:8080 the correct way enforcing our certificates.

Can WebORB "share" a port with another site in IIS?

I'm using WebORB for .NET and I've had no problems with it running on its default port (2037) in my development environment.
When I deploy it to my staging environment and attempt to access it over the public internet, this port is blocked at many points along the way as it's an uncommon port, and I observe a red WebORB logo with the message "can not connect to messaging server" when I access the WebORB console.
Opening the port is a partial solution, but anyone accessing WebORB's applications will also need to ensure they're not blocking that port... so it's not really a proper solution.
I have managed to get WebORB running on port 443 (which is used for SSL, and therefore almost never blocked), but only if I have no other sites in IIS with a port 443 binding.
This is also unacceptable as I will eventually have another site on the same server with a port 443 binding.
So, my question is: is it possible to run WebORB on port 443 (or 80), when another site in IIS is also bound to that port?
Update following answer
I'm on Server 2008R2, and therefore IIS7.5, and I'd prefer to run my WebORB website in integrated mode. The instructions in the first article mention adding a wildcard script map for Isapi.dll - this will only be invoked in classic mode.
I've added all of the entries that the article suggests, and have configured my site to use port 80. There are other sites bound to port 80 in IIS.
When I navigate to the WebORB console, I'm observing the same behaviour I saw before adding the new RTMPT handlers - a red WebORB logo and no entries appearing in the "Messaging Server" panel. However, I do see the "Bad request, only RTMPT supported." message when navigating to ~/open/1, and my diagnostics.aspx page looks fine.
In the log I see the following:
WEBORB INFO:adding child scope for - \root
WEBORB INFO:scope registered - \root
WEBORB INFO:WebORB Messaging Server (c) 2003-2010 Midnight Coders, Inc.
WEBORB INFO:is running - False
WEBORB EXCEPTION:System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoBind(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Bind(EndPoint localEP)
at Weborb.Messaging.BaseRTMPServer.start()
WEBORB INFO:shutting down WebORB Message Server
WEBORB INFO:loading type: Weborb.Management.ServiceBrowser.Browser.AssemblyBrowser
Do I need to alter any other config to enable the console to use RTMPT?
Also, given that incoming requests must be over HTTP, is there no way to consider host headers?
what you are asking is whether you can route RTMP connections via port 80 or 443. Since these ports are managed by IIS, the incoming connections must be HTTP-based. Your RTMP clients can connect via port 80 or 443 by using RTMPT or RTMPS respectively. In that case, you do not need to "run WebORB on these ports", but instead configure WebORB to use RTMPT or RTMPS. Please see the following doc:
Configuring RTMPT in WebORB:
Configuring RTMPS in WebORB:
Hope this helps.
UPDATE: If the goal is to route the management console's traffic via RTMPT, it will not work with the currently released version. The console can dynamically determine the RTMP port, but it will stick to the RTMP protocol and does not have the code to switch to RTMPT. This is something we will look into.
As for the exception you're getting, it occurs because the port you specified in Global.asax is already taken by some other process.

Local IIS, how do I map a URL with a port number?

I'm runnning IIS 7 on my local dev machine. My website is up and running. To access the website, I need to enter the url with the port number in the browser's address bar ( What do I need to change so I only need to enter the portion of the url? I've done this before but I'm drawing a blank. Port 80 is hosting a different website so I can't just move this one to the default http port.
If you want multiple sites to reside on the same IP address then you need to use HTTP Host Headers.
Provided that your existing website doesn't use SSL then you can use host headers. To configure host headers in IIS7 you modify the "Bindings" (there's a menu item for this in the right hand side Actions pane for the site):
You want to add/edit your bindings for each site that resides on the same IP address, for example for your site:
The caveat here is that if you have users already browsing your first site by IP address then they will need to be redirected to the site using its domain name.
You can do this by adding a site bound to the raw IP address and creating a HTTP Redirect.
I'm not sure what you're expecting to do here. If something else is binding to port 80, and your web server is binding to port 91, then you'll need to specify port 91 in the web browser when making a request to the server. By default, without being explicitly given a port in the address, a web browser will make the request on port 80 (or 443 for SSL).
You might be able to add an entry to your hosts file (c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts) where you map the non-specified port version to the specified port version, but I don't think it'll work. That file is for DNS resolution, not port mapping. Worth a try though, I suppose.
Can you clarify a bit on what exactly you're expecting? Or what you think you may have done before? I wonder if you're not giving us the whole picture here.

SSL Https, is it that simple?

I'm just setting up an SSL area of a website, and was just wondering... is it as simple as adding HTTPS on the url?
(this is presuming I have a valid certificate of the hosting company?)
Or is there something more to it?
You have to setup the server to allow ssl connections. That includes generating a signed server request. You send this CSR to the cert authority (Verisign etc), and they send you a cert to install on the server. If you are behind a firewall you need to open port 443.
If you don't control the server i.e. shared hosting, there is probably a page in your control panel to do it all for you using a GUI.
When you replace http: in a URL with https: you are asking your web browser to do two things:
To attempt an encrypted (SSL) connection
To change which port to use on the remote server if none is specified in the URL
Most web browsers use port 80 for unencrypted traffic and port 443 for encrypted traffic by default. So, the first thing you need is a web server that is listening on port 443. If you are using a hosting company, this is probably already the case or becomes the case when you configure SSL.
You do not have to use port 443 but that is where browsers will be looking when users do not specify a port. You could also force everybody that connects at port 80 to use SSL as well though with the right configuration. That means that ALL traffic to your site would be encrypted.
To get the encryption up and running you generally need three things: a certificate, an encryption key, and a server request (CSR).
How you configure these is extremely dependent on how you are hosting the web server. Most hosting companies have 'control panels' that you log into for configuration. Common ones are Plex and CPanel. If either of those ring a bell you can post more information to get a better answer.
If you are managing the server yourself the big question is whether you are hosting on Windows or Linux. If it is windows, you are most likely going to want to configure IIS (Internet Information Server) while if it is on Linux you are probably going to configure Apache.
If you are using IIS, this link might help:
If it is Apache, Byron gave a good link above:
You can use other web servers. For example, I use nginx:
So, I guess the real step one is finding out more about your server. :-)
Once your web server has the SSL cert installed, it is as easy as using HTTPS on the URLs. There are some considerations to be aware of:
Port 443 must be open between the user and web server. (obvious)
Browser caching will be reduced to in-memory session cache and not stored on disk. Also, caching proxies in between will not be able to cache anything, since everything is encrypted. This means an increase in load times and bandwidth requirements of the web server.
When using HTTPS to receive sensitive data, be sure to disallow its use over HTTP. e.g. If you have a page that accepts credit card numbers in a POST, the app should fail validation if it was not done over HTTPS. This can be done in your code or in web server configuration. This prevents a bug or malware from systematically sending sensitive data in the clear without the user knowing.
