Is there a b5paper japanese style in latex? - layout

My thesis is written in b5j documentclass style.
I have a paper that is appended at the end. However this is written in b5paper style as an article.
How do I get the paper to follow the japanese style? Havent found any b5paperj options in the geometry package.. :-/

It is possible to build the paper that must be appended separately and input it in your document using pdfpages. This way you don't have to control both styles and the package provides enough flexibility to make it look like you want to.


Document format for writing homeworks in Vim

I'm a college student majoring in CS, and that means I spend a lot of time poking around in vim. I'm still a complete noob, but I love editing text in the terminal--it's more fun than writing documents has any right to be.
However, I'm curious if there's a basic, low-frills document format I can use (from within vim) to typeset my homework assignments. I'm familiar enough with LaTeX, and if it were possible I'd use it for everything, but it has two main disadvantages:
It takes a long time to write an entire LaTeX document, and
LaTeX doesn't handle code very well.
With that in mind, I'd like to know if some format exists which addresses both these needs and is still easy to hash out quickly from a terminal-based text editor. I use vim for literally everything else I write, so the need to keep LibreOffice Writer around just for homeworks seems a bit overbearing to me.
I would tend towards something light like Markdown, but the needed capabilities depend on what requirements you have for the output (formatting and styling).
I find the AsciiDoc project quite interesting. From their website:
AsciiDoc is a text document format for writing notes, documentation,
articles, books, ebooks, slideshows, web pages, blogs and UNIX man
pages. AsciiDoc files can be translated to many formats including
HTML, PDF, EPUB, man page. AsciiDoc is highly configurable: both the
AsciiDoc source file syntax and the backend output markups (which can
be almost any type of SGML/XML markup) can be customized and extended
by the user.
It even comes with a Vim syntax.

add a duplicate (hidden) text layer to a pdf for extra searching

My problem:
I have a pdf with lots of roman characters with complex diacritical marks (e.g., ṣ, ś, ṝ, ǎ, etc.). To make it easier to search within the pdf, I would like to add an additional layer, much as one does with hocr, where the same text is present without the diacritics.
When using full-text search engines I can index multiple terms at the same position (vector) - I would like to achieve the same effect here.
I have read lots about adding a hocr layer to scanned images, but I really just want to duplicate the text layer, pass it through a script that strips the diacritics (straightforward enough) and then adds it back in as a hidden but searchable layer.
Anyone have any suggestions? (Solutions involving any platform, language, library or toolchain will be useful!)
Thanks :)
Edit: please let me know if the question is unclear.
Well I have a (slightly ugly and hackish) solution, so I thought I'd share it.
I'm using PDFMiner to extract the text, along with the co-ordinates. Then I'm using ReportLab to write the normalized versions of the text to a new pdf, in exactly the same position, as hidden text. To make the positions line up properly, I found I had to use exactly the same font, so I've used a combination of FontForge and MuPDF to extract the required font(s) from the original pdf.
Finally, having created the new pdf, I'm using pdftk to merge it with the original.
It works pretty well, but has the downside that copying text out of the pdf results in the normalized text being copied too. But this is acceptable for my present purposes, and I can't see any way around it. The pdf spec. doesn't really support my objective, and so I don't imagine I can do better than this hackish solution.
I have written something similar to add searchable text by OCR'ing images and converting it to PDF in C#. I used QuickPDF from to create hidden white text objects on top of the image and this worked reasonably well.
In your case QuickPDF would allow you to extract the text strings along with bounding boxes and font details. You could then normalize your text and create the invisible text objects using the existing font and position information and then save it out to a new file.
This would basically give you the same PDF as you have now and also give you both the original and normalised text as you are getting now.
QuickPDF is a commercial library. If your solution works well for you then there is no used buying a commercial engine though. The nice thing though is that it only requires 1 SDK and you would look at it if you had a more than a few PDF's to convert.

beamer includegraphics with screenshots

I'm using the LaTeX-Beamer class for making presentations. Every once in a while I need to include screenshots. Those graphics are pixel-based, of course. I use includegraphics like this:
\includegraphics[width= \paperwidth]{img/analyzer.png}
or usually something like this:
\includegraphics[width= 0.8\linewidth]{img/analyzer.png}
This leads to pretty bad readibility of the contained text, so I'm asking for your best practices: How would you include screenshots containing text considering, that I will do the output PDF with pdflatex?
EDIT: I suppose I'm looking for something like an 1:1 presetation of the image within beamer. However, [scale = 1.0] doesn't achieve what I'm looking for.
Your best bet is to scale the image outside of Latex for inclusion, and include it in 1:1 ratio. The scaling done by graphics packages in Latex isn't going to be anywhere near as good as possible from other tools. Latex (Tex) has limited floating-point arithmetic capabilities, whereas an external tool can use sophisticated algorithms to get the scaling better.
Another option is to use only a part of the screenshot, the one you want to concentrate on.
Edit: If you can change the font size before taking the screenshot, that's another option—just increase the font size for the screenshots.
Of course, you can combine the two methods.
I have done exactly what you do and e.g defined
\includegraphics[height=7.8cm,transparent]{#1}}} % 7.8in
which worked with whatever style I was using at the time. The files included with this macro were all PNGs created with one the usual Linux screen capture tools.
Edit: You may have to play with the size (height and width) of your input files. It came out rather nice for me (and this was from a presentation in 2006).
How about scaling it as follows:
This works for me.
Have you tried to convert the image to .eps or .pdf file and use this file in LaTeX?
Maybe try also latex, dvips and ps2pdf.
Problem might be in used viewer, in Linux I use Document viewer or ePDFViewer and output is much worse than in Adobe Reader or Acrobat, which I use in Windows...

what is the best way to mark any text?

I need users to mark some section of text with custom tags, I can't use the xml based tags as the whole text will be embedded in XML documents and all the < will be converted to html escape code <. I want users to marks some section of text with tags like skip, bookmark, these tags can have attributes also like bookmark name="first".
Which is the best way of allowing users to mark text using the BB forum way like [b]abcd[/b]
or using {{bookmark name="first"}}.
Or is there any better scheme or technique available.
I don't want to change the structure of the text as down by the markdown or textile, I just want to tag some section of text, like the phpBB tags. The question is there any other style than phpBB? Like in some software I see {{bookmark name = "abcd"}} style.
The three common markups I know of for this purpose are Markdown (used, I believe, by SO), textile, and BBCode. The first two are commonly used for blog sites and CMS frameworks, and BBCode I think is usually associated with bulletin-board sites. Preview and mapping utilities are available for each.
You can have a look at the Textile markup language to see if it fits your needs. It has many implementations and nice documentation.

Tools for displaying text, powerpoint style, in linux

I have a problem where I need a way to display a repeating series of "images" on a computer monitor. Specifically, given a series of text files, I'd like a way to display the contents of said files on a screen in a way much like a powerpoint would.
My current thoughts are to find some tool that will take in a text file of some format, and then output an image which contains the text from the file. Then I'd put it in a directory and have some Slideshow program continuously go between the images in that directory. It's a very hacky solution, obviously.
So, does anyone know of tools that would do such a thing? Or is there a better way to do this? I've looked into the library libgd2, but it doesn't seem to support text-wrapping for images, which is something I'd need.
MagicPoint is a tool for displaying presentations. Presentations are written in a simple plain text file format, much like HTML.
You could easily generate the MagicPoint file automatically and then run it and display the presentation. You can also generate HTML, PS oder PDF from the presentation and display that.
Are you looking for powerpoint equivalent for linux? Openoffice??
have you tried some magic scripting with TeX?
a chain like
tex file | dvi2ps | ps2jpg > output
and define some TeX-Macros?
Showoff's pretty cool. It uses Markdown-formatted slides to create a simple little Sinatra app that you run (with showoff serve), and then view in a browser.
Docutils. See
The text syntax is reStructuredText
another idea:
To complement the suggestions given by others, if you were going to write a program to do this, it would probably be more efficient to just render the text to the screen directly, rather than converting it to images first. It could probably be done using a canvas or text box component in a full-screen window on whatever window manager you are using (e.g. KDE or Gnome).
I give presentations with Opera's #media projection CSS support. On you can find a template and an example which you can load in Opera's full screen mode and start sliding through.
So besides writing in a familiar language HTML, it's dead easy to share the slides and even get your audience to look at the slides as you're going through them.
If you are looking for something more flashy, there are tools on the Web to generate animations and what not, and again you would simply use a full screen browser to play it back to your audience.
