jqgrid scrollable dialog - dialog

I have a jqGrid that has add/edit dialogs with a form that's longer than the dialog height but the dialog won't scroll. I've tried to add an overflow: auto style to the dialog but no effect:
$("div.ui-jqdialog-content").css("overflow", "auto");
Although, if I change auto to scroll, I at least see a scrollbar but still no scrolling:
$("div.ui-jqdialog-content").css("overflow", "scroll");
This at least gives me a small glimmer of hope that I'm on the right track.
There doesn't seem to be any direction from the API documentation to support scrolling:
Does anyone know how to add a working scrollbar to the jqModal dialog window used by jqGrid?
This is a total hack job but I got a scrollbar to appear and function doing the following:
setTimeout(function() {$("#FrmGrid_list").html('<div style="height: 300px; overflow: auto;">' + $("#FrmGrid_list").html() + '</div>');}, 1000);
I attached this to the afterShowForm event. However, this really doesn't solve the problem because it causes other issues with other fields.

I thought I'd share my solution for others to reference.
The form element has a default height: auto; style property which causes the overflow: auto; not to function as desired. To make the overflow scroll, the height needs to be set to a fixed number to constrain the form container and therefore make the overflow necessary.
I attached a css update to the afterShowForm Form Editing event, using the following code:
afterShowForm: function(form) { form.css("height", "300px"); }
Mind you, 300px is an arbitrary number that I selected for testing. That number will be tweaked to fit my needs. It may even be dynamically adjusted on resizing. Who knows.
Also, using Firebug I found that my form id is FrmGrid_list. My grid id is list (e.g. <table id="list"></table> and jQuery("#list").jqGrid({...});). If your grid is named something other than list, the form id (above) should reflect that.
Reference link:

Your problem sounds strange. Every edit/add dialog has already a scrollable form with the name "FormPost" inside. This form has following style:
position: relative; width: 100%; height: auto; overflow: auto;
I just tested one jqGrid with a lot of controls and can scroll there without any problem.
The reason of the strange behavior which you have is probably that you either forget to include optional jqModal.js and jqDnR.js (see the same http://www.trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:form_editing page at the beginning) or use the wrong path to the files, so they will be not loaded.

This question is VERY old, but I'll add an answer anyway.
I don't know if this was possible before, but now you can simply use the dataheight property of the dialog (add or edit), to precisely set the height (in pixels) of the inner form. The default is 'auto', and thus it doesn't overflow. Setting the desired height shows the scroll-bar if necessary.
reference: http://www.trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:form_editing


Bootstrap carousel with transition background displacement

When the slide transitions, the background image displaces below the carousel before going back to the correct position. This happens on every slide every transition (when clicking or waiting). Here is a GIF showing what happens. http://gyazo.com/350334669db0e76f6d2b6e80fce0aed3
I have looked through some similar questions (all resolved). Only one seems it's the same issue, but the solution isn't applicable in my situation.
Here is the code. It is done mostly in jade with some html here and there. https://github.com/CastawayLabs/MCFreelancer/blob/master/views/index.jade
Your div was position:relative. Bootstrap uses position:absolute to perform the transition.
div.item(style='background: url(http://p1.pichost.me/640/25/1477731.jpg) no-repeat; background-size:cover; width: 900; height:400; position: relative;')
See patched commit

Content hiding behind left side menu

The content of my webpage is going behind the side menu I have positioned to the left.I want the menu to be fixed however whenever I do so the content hides behind the menu to the left. Any help would be much appreciated. (Apologies for formatting, new to the site.)
.menu {
padding-top: 150px;
height: 100%;
width: 170px;
background-color: white;
float: left;
display: table;
position: fixed;
Fixed elements are no longer within the page flow, they act in the same way as an absolute positioned element. Chris Coyier has a really good explanation about the differences in positioning http://css-tricks.com/absolute-relative-fixed-positioining-how-do-they-differ/
In order for your body content to stop flowing behind the fixed property, you need to create a container (if one does not exist yet) that all of the body content resides in, except of course the nav/menu bar. You then apply a padding-left to the main body content equal so the width of the fixed element so that the main body content is always padded away from the left of the browser.
Fixed elements don't affect the flow and positioning of elements and position:relative on a parent container has no affect on a fixed element.

Drupal autocomplete search UI bug

Hi in Drupal 7 I am using autocomplete search. In search input it displays part of ajax loader animation all the time even when the input is not focused. Bug is marked with red square .
Any suggestions please why there is this bug. (I am using boostrap theme)
Thank you for help.
It's not a twitter bootstrap error.
See your drupal installation's misc/throbber.gif file. You will see that it's actually a sprite and when the ajax request is in progress, it changes its position to show the animated throbber.
You will need to create a new one and adjust CSS accordingly to workaround this issue. Your text field has a relatively higher length than this sprite's
Add the following CSS to your theme's css file. These styles are defined already, so you will only need to override them. See inline comments.
html.js input.form-autocomplete {
background-image: url("/misc/throbber.gif"); // Enter a new thribber image here.
background-position: 100% 2px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
html.js input.throbbing {
background-position: 100% -18px; // Adjust this -18px to the height of your new throbber.

Cached Google Map shows up initially small in a browser

This is a cached map from the software: ogmaps
Please look carefully at the tiny shades below the address bar in the main window here.
On once clicking the minimize/maximize button, it gets showed up fully. Tested on firefox, and google chrome.
Can't say that this is the browser problem, since when I loaded this cached map on the Qt widget, I still had to click the minimize/maximize button, to get it gets showed up fully.
The html for the map is too long to be posted here. If there is any relevant section that you know of, then please tell me and I'll post it here.
Finally I have managed to upload that html code here: http://code.google.com/p/earthhtml/source/browse/trunk/ogmap.html
Please have a look about the div tags.
Although this may seem like something trivial, it worked out for me. I had the exact same problem (among other GM problems) using GMv3 and couldn't figure it out.
I added a min-height to the div containing the map (with !important)
I removed ALL max-height & max-widths from the CSS
This fixed the 'small map' problem plus an additional problem I had with the GM pins and infowindows.
On top of that, make sure that there are NO divs with a high z-index on your page, as GM will resize the containing div not to interrupt with the top div. Another div with a higher z-index will also mess up the map and make the height and the width go crazy.
min-height:600px !important; /* or any value that suits you */
border:1px solid #979797;
I hope this works as good for you as it worked for me. If not, good luck!

CSS auto height and sticky footer

I'm trying to wrap my head around CSS positioning guidelines. I'm trying to figure out how to make a sticky footer but have it stop being sticky when the main content area can no longer be condensed. An example of what I'm talking about can be found here http://ryanfait.com/sticky-footer/. Can someone explain to me why the footer stops being sticky and particularly what CSS properties cause this to occur? For me, as I look at the CSS it looks like the footer should just stay sticky to the bottom of the browser window always, but this isn't the case here. Why?
Thanks for the help.
Give this one a try.
http://www.cssstickyfooter.com/ (link no longer valid)
It is similar to Ryan's one but, from memory, I think I've had better luck with this (although both are very similar).
You have to declare the footer outside of the wrapper and give some height for footer and margin-top should -(footer-height)px
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="footer">
# wrapper {
#footer {
margin:-25px 0px 0px 0px;
Here's a brief summary of a layout I use fairly consistently as a basis for projects that require a sticky footer. Not sure where I initially got all the code from but it was pieced together over quite a while.
You should be able to see from the fiddle that you require a '#container' element which will wrap the whole of the page. this gives you 100% height (note the hacks for ie present in the css), and allows and child elements of this 'container' element to derive a height, or position relative to it.
Pitfalls of this method are:
You need to provide some padding/margin at the bottom of the '#main'
element so that the footer is displaced further than it naturally
would, so need to know at least a broad range of what your footer
height should be.
IE doesn't seem (<=IE8 not tested 9) to recognize browser resize
events if you only resize the bottom edge of the browser, so in
that particular case the stickiness would fail, until a horizontal
resize was also presented as an event.
if you want a fixed width to the layout you should place this
constraint not on the '#container' element, but on the '#page'
element, and perhaps introduce extra elements beneath '#footer' to
provide any width constraints there.
Good Luck!
