After building exe using VS 2010 C++ missing MSVCP100.dll - visual-c++

I have designed an application that requires no install and can be used by non-administrators. I would rather not lose this functionality but when I use the .exe on other computers than the one I programmed it on I get an error that a missing MSVCP100.dll is preventing the file from executing.
What am I doing wrong here? How do I include the file in my release build?

Configure your project to statically link to the C/C++ runtime instead of linking to the runtime DLL:
Configuration Properties | C/C++ | Code Generation | Runtime Library
Select Multi-threaded (/MT) (or Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd) for your debug build).
As an alternative, you should be able to get xcopy deployment of the C/C++ runtime DLL using the technique documented on under the heading "Deploying Visual C++ library DLLs as private assemblies". I haven't tried that technique, as it's generally simpler to just statically link if you need xcopy installation of a native C++ program.
Distributing apps that have been compiled with Visual C++ requires distributing the C++ runtime .dlls that your app uses. In your case, I assume you want to just distribute a folder, so follow the directions (appropriately modified for your app) here:
Or just copy msvcp100.dll into your application's directory alongside the .exe and you'll be good to go.
32-bit msvcp100.dll is in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\
64-bit msvcp100.dll is in C:\Windows\System32\

What am I doing wrong here
What you had was dll hell. You had unintentionally used a dynamic linkage with the previous compiler where it just happened on most target systems there was an appropriate C runtime. Windows often included VC 6 CRT, and with more recent SP even VC7 & 8 CRT.
When you changed to the latest VC compiler most systems will not have the new VC runtime pre installed for you.
As Michael Burr says, you can have your 'no install' back if you link statically.
Or you could include the CRT and manifest in the same folder, still doesn't require install.
Or include the vcredist.exe from VS2010 and have a 1 off install

You need to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package.


How to run wxWidgets applications on other machines?

I have downloaded and extracted it to D:\wxWidgets-3.1.0. MY OS: Windows 7 Professional 64 Bit. I am using visual Studio 2015.
I build the library through running: D:\wxWidgets-3.1.0\build\msw\wx_vc14.sln, It was OK. So I can build the projects in samples.
The thing that matters I cannot run this application on another machines where wxWidgets is not installed there. I Don't know Which dlls I must Copy side-by-side my application.
How Can I Also build statically my application so I don not have to copy Dlls?
Can any one add a useful tutorial step by step on how to build on both: Static and dynamic?.
If you open the D:\wxWidgets-3.1.0\samples\minimal\minimal.sln you will be able to see what options you should set. Also, by default, the solution is set to build statically build executable. You can also try to change the "C/C++ -> Code Generation -> RunTime library" in order to statically link the CRT.
If you still need/want the DLL build, at the very least you will need "base" and "core" libraries from D:\wxWidgets-3.1.0\lib\vc_dll folder. And you will also need the CRT libraries. Every time you run the binary, you will get an error on screen that "library such-and-such can't be found". Just copy the library to the same folder where the executable is located.
The other thing - you should've build the library with "Build->Batch Build...->Select All->Build".
MSVS 2015 doesn't support linking CRT statically any longer, so you will need to install its CRT DLLs on the target machine in some way. It could be as simple as just copying the DLLs to your application folder (although this is not recommended by Microsoft), but it still needs to be done.
You can build wxWidgets statically simply by choosing the "Release" configuration in the solution file (and not the "DLL Release" one).

Is VC++ runtime needed for simple console applications?

I wonder if I need to distribute VC++ runtime when I only write simple console applications using Visual C++ 2015.
No DLLs etc... just static linking of the standard library (and my own libraries).
You can self-service this: use a clean VM OS installation to check.
But, the answer is: no. be sure to set c/c++ > code generation > runtime library to Multi-threaded or Multi-threaded Debug, as appropriate. Generally during development, it's convenient to use dependency walker periodically to verify your exe isn't importing any DLLs.

Which Windows Libraries are missing from the Visual C++ Redistributable Package?

I am using JNI to interface to a CAN driver I wrote using MSVC++ 2012. Everything compiles and runs fine - but only on my computer. Whenever I try to run on any other computer, I get the JNI "UnsatisfiedLinkError" - can't find dependent libraries. I've implemented JNI before, and typically this issue is resolved by simply installing the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package before running my program. The Redistributable does not solve my issue, however, installing the entire MSVC++ Express 2012 IDE on the computer in question seems to make everything work just fine. Thus, I assume this means that there is some dependency that gets installed and added to PATH when the IDE is installed but not when the Redistributable is installed. Just for verification, I uninstalled the IDE and my JNI driver failed to load once again. The primary difference between this and my other implementations of JNI is that I use Windows.h since it is required for the CAN API I use in my driver. Any ideas on any libraries installed with the IDE but not the Redistributable and whose prototypes are included with Windows.h? (Note: I am aware that Windows.h includes a number of headers itself but I imagine the other criteria make the issue a bit more specific.)
First guess: You are installing a debug build intead of a release build. Debug builds depend on debug versions of the CRT, which cannnot be redistributed.
Check that you are using the right "Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package". There are 2012, 2012 Update 1 and 2012 Update 2 (as well as many for 2010, 2008, ...).
Assuming your dependencies are load-time DLLs, you can use Depends to find out what's missing. (Note: you'll typically see some delay-load DLLs that are "missing". Ignore thoses; See the FAQ.)
Of course, once you find out the name and path of the missing DLL, you'll have to find out what redist package installs it.

wix custom action missing dll MSVCR100D.dll

I am writing an installer using wix. I have also written custom actions. But while installing the MSI the installation fails because the target system does not have MSVCR100D.dll
I am linking using /MTd option which is what the docs I read suggested for static linking.
Can anyone please let me know how to link msvcr100d.dll statically so that even if msvcr100d.dll is not present on the target system, my MSI installation succeeds?
The "D" in MSVCR100D.dll indicates that your native custom action DLL is a debug DLL. The "D" dependency won't be on the target machine unless they have various SDKs installed. Rebuild your DLL in release and the dependency will change to MSVCR100.dll
Also, since you are using WiX / Votive, there is a Visual Studio WiX C++ CA project type that creates the project for you. My experience has been that all of the default compiler and linker settings are good to go out of the box when you use that project type.
I have noticed the same problem. In my case, I am trying to debug my custom actions running in the context of the installer, so I do want to install debug versions.
The Visual Studio debug CRT DLL's are not redistributable, by Microsoft policy. Apparently, it seems furthermore that a 64-bit DLL compiled with Visual Studio 2010 using /MTd (static linking, debug configuration) produces output with a dependency on MSVCR100D.dll. In the 64-bit release configuration, as expected, compiling with /MT results in no dependency on MSVCR100.dll.
One solution is to install Visual Studio on the target test machine. Microsoft offers further suggestions here.

How to make project exe,how to include all runtime dll files

How to include the windows runtime dll files in setup project.
without vc++ 6.0 software in the machine the project must execute.
or give me the hint how to make a the project setup(EXE) in vc++ 6.0 ,i am using create installor,
You can modify the project settings to link statically to the C runtime (I assume this is what you mean when you said windows runtime ?). The static link flags are:
MultiThreaded static linkage (/MT)
MultiThreaded debug static linkage (/MTd)
Sorry, been awhile since I used VC6.0, so I had to check the GUI. You'll find this in project settings, C++ tab, Code Generation combo box, "Use run-time library").
To add to what Cannonade has already said, if you are doing it through Visual Studio, then this can be done through Project Settings->General Page->Use MFC as a static library. This way your created exe will be ready to run on any windows box.
