How to programatically get the list of installed programs - visual-c++

I am creating a program which first checks whether a particular program has been installed or not, if it's installed it continues to execute other code, if it's not installed then it installs the application and then proceeds to execute the other code.
How do i check programatically in VC++ that the application has been installed or not

I got a C# function that does something similar, it looks on both the 32 bit and the 64 bit entries in the registry.I'm assuming you got the right name of the program you are looking for all you need is to match it with key "DisplayName". I doubt you'd have problems making it C++...It would go something like this
string SoftwareKey = #"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall";
bool found = false;
RegistryKey rk = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(SoftwareKey);
foreach (string skName in rk.GetSubKeyNames())
RegistryKey sk = rk.OpenSubKey(skName);
if (sk.GetValue("DisplayName") != null &&
//whatever you need to do with it
found = true;
SoftwareKey = #"SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall";
foreach (string skName in rk.GetSubKeyNames())
RegistryKey sk = rk.OpenSubKey(skName);
if (sk.GetValue("DisplayName") != null &&
//whatever you need to do with it
found = true;


Get name of linux distribution running

Is there any way to get the linux distributionn name used to run a flutter app?
The only way I found is to parse the Platform.operatingSystemVersion string but I think if we can get it like so, Flutter team surely provide a proper way to do this?
By distribution name I mean Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, etc.
First solution:
Found that device_info_plus_linux provide what I want.
To use it (without device_info_plus):
import 'package:device_info_plus_linux/device_info_plus_linux.dart';
import 'package:device_info_plus_platform_interface/device_info_plus_platform_interface.dart' show LinuxDeviceInfo;
LinuxDeviceInfo deviceInfoLinux = await DeviceInfoLinux().linuxInfo();
print('Linux distribution: ${}'); will return a string containing the name of the distribution in lowercase characters (ex: 'debian', 'ubuntu', ...). If the package don't found any id it will return 'linux'.
Second solution:
In my case doing work async was not possible so I implemented my own solution:
String _getLinuxDistribution() {
String linuxDistribution;
try {
final List<String> osEtc = File('/etc/os-release').readAsLinesSync();
linuxDistribution =
osEtc.firstWhere((element) => element.indexOf("ID=") == 0);
if (linuxDistribution != null)
linuxDistribution = linuxDistribution.substring(3).toLowerCase();
throw Exception;
} catch (e) {
try {
final List<String> osUsr = File('/usr/lib/os-release').readAsLinesSync();
linuxDistribution =
osUsr.firstWhere((element) => element.indexOf("ID=") == 0);
if (linuxDistribution != null)
linuxDistribution = linuxDistribution.substring(3).toLowerCase();
throw Exception;
} catch (e) {
try {
final List<String> lsb = File('/etc/lsb-release').readAsLinesSync();
linuxDistribution =
lsb.firstWhere((element) => element.indexOf("DISTRIB_ID=") == 0);
if (linuxDistribution != null)
linuxDistribution = linuxDistribution.substring(11).toLowerCase();
throw Exception;
} catch (e) {
print(_red("Error getting Linux distribution name"));
linuxDistribution = 'linux';
return linuxDistribution;
note that the performance impact is negligable, I mesured it between 10ms and 30ms.

wxDirDialog Returns the Wrong Directory on Vista

I recently ported the following code to wx3.0 under visual studio 2013:
void PanelFileControl::on_retrieve_clicked(wxCommandEvent &event)
Csi::ModalCounter counter;
wxDirDialog query(
int rcd;
rcd = query.ShowModal();
if(rcd == wxID_OK)
// we need to generate an operation for every selected file.
StrAsc path(make_StrAsc(query.GetPath()));
DlgFileControl::operations_type operations;
if(path.last() != Csi::FileSystemObject::dir_separator())
for(files_type::iterator fi = chosen_files.begin(); fi != chosen_files.end(); ++fi)
file_type const &file(*fi);
StrAsc file_path(path + file.get_file_name());
bool use_file(true);
OwxStringStream message;
message << boost::format(my_strings[strid_overwrite_file_confirm].c_str()) %
wxMessageDialog overwrite_query(
int rcd;
rcd = overwrite_query.ShowModal();
if(rcd != wxID_YES)
use_file = false;
operations.push_back(new ReceiveFileOperation(file, file_path));
// we can now display the operation dialogue
DlgFileControl dialogue(this, device_name, operations);
} // on_retrieve_clicked
Following this change (which didn't require any changes to the code above), I have received complaints that, if the user selects the desktop and then double clicks on a directory on the desktop, that the file save operation fails. This appears to be a result of the path produced by the wxDirDialog::GetPath() and has only been seen under windows vista. I have followed up some testing and I find that, under Vista, the last path component is mentioned twice in the string returned by GetPath().
Has anyone seen this issue? Are there any work arounds?
I found that I can address the issue by preventing the wxDirDialog from using the IFILEDIALOG interface from being used. My ShowModal() method now looks like this:
int wxDirDialog::ShowModal()
wxWindow* const parent = GetParent();
WXHWND hWndParent = parent ? GetHwndOf(parent) : NULL;
// Use IFileDialog under new enough Windows, it's more user-friendly.
int rc;
if ( wxGetWinVersion() > wxWinVersion_Vista )
rc = ShowIFileDialog(hWndParent);
rc = wxID_NONE;
if ( rc == wxID_NONE )
rc = ShowSHBrowseForFolder(hWndParent);
// change current working directory if asked so
if ( rc == wxID_OK && HasFlag(wxDD_CHANGE_DIR) )
return rc;

How to send data from barcode scanner MT2070

i've got problems with the barcode scanner MT2070 from Motorola. I use the EMDK 2.6 for .NET(Update 2) to create strings from the scanned barcode, then transmit them to the host pc. But the transmit failed.
The MT2070 run with Windows CE5.0 and is connected over bluetooth to the cradle STB2078. But everytime i get "send failed" and the ResultCode is "E_INCORRECT_MODE".
The problem is that dont understand what they mean with "INCORRECT_MODE" i set it to DECODE and by RawData what is mean with source?
ScannerServicesClient scannerServices;
scannerServices = new ScannerServicesClient();
Logger("start service with decode rights"); // primitiv method to see what happen
scannerServices.GetMode(out mode);
if (scannerServices.SetMode(mode) != RESULTCODE.E_OK)
Logger("cant set mode: " + mode.ToString());
// wanna know which connection is use
string connection = "";
switch (scannerServices.HostParameters.CurrentConnection)
connection = "Not connected";
connection = scannerServices.HostParameters.BluetoothConnection.ToString();
connection = scannerServices.HostParameters.RS232Connection.ToString();
connection = scannerServices.HostParameters.USBConnection.ToString();
ScannerHostParameters scnHost = new ScannerHostParameters(scannerServices);
//example hello
string input = "hello"; //what should send
byte[] output = new byte[input.Length]; //field with converted data
byte source = 0; //<-- what mean source? i sum all byte-value but this cant be correct
for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; ++i)
output[i] = Convert.ToByte(input[i]);
source += output[i];
RawData rawData = new RawData(output, input.Length, source);
//RawParameters rawParam = new RawParameters();
//rawParam.BaudRate = RawParameters.RawBaudRates.RAWSERIAL_9600;
//rawParam.Type = RawParameters.RawHostType.Auto;
RESULTCODE result = scannerServices.SendRawData(rawData, 2000);
if(result == RESULTCODE.E_OK)
Logger("successful send");
Logger("Send failed: " + result.ToString());
Logger("ScannerService kill");
scannerServices = null;
Thanks for your help! (and sorry for my english)
At some point (somewhere where you're setting the mode - I do it right after setting the mode) you'll want to do this:
//set raw mode
if (RESULTCODE.E_OK != scannerServices.SetAttributeByte((ushort)ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER.ATT_MIA_HOSTNUM, (byte)ENUM_HOSTS.HOST_RAW))
throw new Exception("Can't set RAW mode");
Where you have:
RawData rawData = new RawData(output, input.Length, source);
you can leave source as 0:
RawData rawData = new RawData(output, input.Length, 0);
Unfortunately I'm not the greatest when it comes to programming so I've only managed to stumble my way through getting my scanner to work. The documentation isn't great, in fact I find it severly lacking. Even the people at Motorola don't seem to know much about it or how to program it. I've been given misinformation by them on on at least one point.
I use the CDC COM Port Emulation mode for the scanner so that it shows up under Ports in Device Manager (I need the scanner to work with an old program we have which uses COM ports). A driver is also needed for this.
Depending on how you're using the scanner, the above may or may not work.

Orchard CMS- Get the current Data Migration Record version number

Given the name of a Migrations class as a string, how can I get the current version number as stored in Orchard_Framework_DataMigrationRecord?
I can see Version in IExtensionManager, but that appears to just be the module version as defined in module.txt.
OK, so I've solved this myself-
I knew that Orchard must already be executing similar code to what I require when it fires off migration methods, so I created a new migrations file, and put a breakpoint on the Create() method. When the breakpoint hit, I looked up through the call stack to find DataMigrationManager in Orchard.Data.Migration. Everything I needed was in there, and if anyone else has similar requirements, I suggest they have a look at that class as a starting point.
This is pretty much lifted straight out of that class:
string moduleName="Your.Module.Name";
var migrations = GetDataMigrations(moduleName);
// apply update methods to each migration class for the module
var current = 0;
foreach (var migration in migrations)
// copy the objet for the Linq query
var tempMigration = migration;
// get current version for this migration
var dataMigrationRecord = GetDataMigrationRecord(tempMigration);
if (dataMigrationRecord != null)
current = dataMigrationRecord.Version.Value;
// do we need to call Create() ?
if (current == 0)
// try to resolve a Create method
var createMethod = GetCreateMethod(migration);
if (createMethod != null)
//create method has been written, but not executed!
current = (int)createMethod.Invoke(migration, new object[0]);
Context.Output.WriteLine("Version: {0}", current);
A couple of methods you may need:
private DataMigrationRecord GetDataMigrationRecord(IDataMigration tempMigration)
return _dataMigrationRepository.Table
.Where(dm => dm.DataMigrationClass == tempMigration.GetType().FullName)
private static MethodInfo GetCreateMethod(IDataMigration dataMigration)
var methodInfo = dataMigration.GetType().GetMethod("Create", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
if (methodInfo != null && methodInfo.ReturnType == typeof(int))
return methodInfo;
return null;
Don't forget to inject any dependencies that you may need.

Watin: Iterating through text boxes in a telerik gridview

I am currently developing a testing framework for a web data entry application that is using the Telerik ASP.Net framework and have run into a blocker. If I step through my code in debug mode the test will find the text box that I am looking for and enter some test data and then save that data to the database. The problem that I am running into is that when I let the test run on it's own the test fails saying that it couldn't fine the column that was declared. Here is my code:
/*Method to enter test data into cell*/
private TableCell EditFieldCell(string columnHeader)
var columnIndex = ColumnIndex(columnHeader);
if (columnIndex == -1)
throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Column {0} not found.", columnHeader));
return NewRecordRow.TableCells[columnIndex];
/*Method to return column index of column searching for*/
public int ColumnIndex(string columnHeader)
var rgTable = GridTable;
var rgCount = 0;
var rgIndex = -1;
foreach (var rgRow in rgTable.TableRows)
foreach (var rgElement in rgRow.Elements)
if (rgElement.Text != null)
if (rgElement.Text.Equals(columnHeader))
rgIndex = rgCount;
return rgIndex;
My thinking is that something with my nested for loops is presenting the problem because the rgIndex value that is returned when I let the program run is -1 which tells me that the code in the for loops isn't being run.
Bill Youngman
Code that gets the table Column index. You need to pass the Table(verify that the table exists while debug):
public int GetColumnIndex(Table table, string headerName)
ElementCollection headerElements = table.TableRows[0].Elements; //First row contains the header
int counter = 0;
foreach (var header in headerElements)
if (header.ClassName != null && header.ClassName.Contains(headerName)) //In this case i use class name of the header you can use the text
return counter;
// If not found
return -1;
