Visual presentation of threading versus message passing and actor models - multithreading

I'm looking for a good slideshow/pdf/video explaining the differences in approach and thinking from hand-written threading of applications compared to the more abstracted and easier to use message passing and actor models. Does anyone know of existing resources to explain these concepts with good diagrams and visualizations?

It is slightly difficult to make direct comparisons without long, painful digressions, or a largely theoretical discussion. However, the following can be easily read, and I believe that the comparisons will form naturally for anyone familiar with the threading model.
Google's language GO uses message passing among co-routines as a core part of its concurrency model. There is a lot more information on GO at, and the following URL provides information about their concurrency model in GO.
This is a paper written by Edward Lee (Berkeley EECS department chair) called The Problem with Threads. It is a pitch for the actor model, and is a good read. Also note that there are other papers by Edward that deal with the problem with threads (visit his homepage for more papers).


UML Modeling - Does it become voodoo science in practice at some point?

I am looking for insight on modeling. I had a intro course on Design Patterns and basic class diagrams, sequence diagrams, and use cases.
The class diagrams I have found invaluable as a tool of organization in my programming. The use cases are moderately useful so far.
This semester I am in a class going into UML in much more depth i.e. Domain Analysis, Requirements Analysis, Software Design vs. Software Engineering etc.
There is a certain feeling that this is starting to be more voodoo-sciencey or non-concrete when we start trying to be precise with the ambiguities in scenarios, and changing requirements. Is UML past basic class diagrams and use-case diagrams practically useful in productivity in most applications?
It started out voodoo. Diagramming software designs has always been that way. It is a way of showing in pictures what you want to say about the design in a human language. If it was precise enough to generate code from, we'd go ahead and do that and dispense with the coding step altogether.
The only thing UML brings new to the older ways is that it is a standard. Even then, there are so many different kinds of "standard" diagrams that I have to snicker a little when calling it a standard.
However, the activity of design itself is extremely important for all but the most trivial of tasks. The question is whether you are going to spend some time up-front designing your system, or if you are going to do it on-the-fly, after having written a great deal of wrong or unnesscary code. If you want things done quickly and/or well, you do some design up front.
This doesn't just apply to writing software BTW. It is an inherent part of any complex creative activity. My father-in-law, a retired English teacher who writes his children longish postcards when he goes on vacation, actually writes outlines for his postcard messages. Most master painters and sculptors make test drawings first.
All sorts and forms of documentation, are only useful as a means of communication. Documentation for documentations sake is a complete waste of time.
Writing UML is useful and productive only when it comes with a document that explains (in words) what is it you want, why, and how. only then UML can help to illustrate what you are trying to say in the document.
Software teams that produce endless amounts of UML just for the sake of drawing squares, are just wasting time.
You started out with modeling, which is a great thing to do, especially in computer science - you model all the time. Keep in mind UML is a standard for a modeling notation for software systems, nothing more (e.g. it is not an analysis or design methodology) and nothing less (e.g. it is not a way for developers to look productive by drawing nonsense).
You are on the right track, always keep in mind what is actually useful and gives you some value. This is not exactly relevant to your question, but sue cases are not use case diagrams, there are much more, have written form and might help you with much of what you described would be in your next course.
As to your concern, modeling is about abstracting from unimportant details, so some ambiguities might occour. The point is they should be unimportant for the purpose of modeling. For example it does not really matter if you include all the properties of your classes if you want to show the structure of design, e.g. use of some pattern. You can also use public properties without concerning yourself if they are private fields with getters and setters (Java), properties (C#) or generated object methods using metaprogramming (Ruby). The same holds for scenarios captured using use cases - of course you cannot (and should not try to) capture alternative branches using UML, but you can describe the conditions in use case descriptions just enough to avoid ambiguity without having to develop the system first and finding it is wrong afterwards.
As to the voodoo stuff - the problem is that UML is large and so many developers don't know how to use it right and often create more mess than value. Don't be confused by general disrespect for UML, the problem is in tool vendors, commitees and lazy developers... Behind many concepts in UML are well known formal models backed by academic science work, e.g. the state diagrams come from Harel statecharts ( So my opinion it is not as much voodoo in principle, it is just oversold with tools not supporting the standard and also the standard tries to be and combine everything (it is an unified language...), however this slowly improves.
My advice for you would be try to learn what is important - those formalisms, analysis and design methods, try them practically and decide for yourself what is useful. If for no other reason, learn UML because it is the language for analysis and design, although large, it is still better than its ~50 predecessors combined:).
From my experience: Not really.
I never came across a really useful sequence diagram. Sequence diagrams stop being useful when the documented process becomes too complex, as you have a hard time following all the lines. But to understand a trivial process, I don't need a sequence diagram. When used as a design tool you will waste a ridiculous amount of time adjusting the diagrams, cussing MS Visio or whatever you use.
The notation however can be useful for a small snapshot when discussing something on a whiteboard. But this is valid for any notation style; UML is just well established, increasing the chances you are understood correctly.
Class diagrams are useful, both in design and in a posteriori documentation. But IMHO you shouldn't be too pedantic about them.
Not in MHO. It's completely superfluous as far as I am concerned.

what are the most significant disadvantages of using UML?

UML is a great language to model software for business requirements, but there is a growing community that points some disadvantages for some lacking features.
What are the most significant disadvantages that you find crucial for UML and what could it be a good alternative to solve this lacking features?
The biggest one is that it's yet another layer of red tape that gets in the way of just $#%$#% coding the thing and making it work.
The fact that people use it to "model software for business requirements", as you put it, and other such process-oriented claptrap. UML started out as a conventionalised way for programmers to communicate software to other programmers in a pictorial form. In that sense it's just formalised napkin-scribbling - and as such it is very effective. You can draw a UML class diagram on a whiteboard and I can understand it without quibbling over notation.
But somewhere along the line someone got the idea that a drawing notation could somehow be a process in it's own right, or at least a formal part of a larger process. And that's just silly. UML diagrams are a fine way to illustrate books, and quite useful as a means for engineers to scribble ideas back and forth. But that's where it should have ended.
I can say at least three:
It takes a lot of time to keep the diagram reasonable and synchronized with the actual code. UML diagrams don't run, but require a lot of time. So they are good only if your organization size can manage them
You cannot represent every condition in a sequence diagram. It's impossible if you want to deliver. So state diagrams should convey basic facts, not all the possible outcomes.
Good UML software costs money and it takes some time to master properly.
So, I think UML is good as a complementary documentation role, and only if the size of your organization allows it.
Solutions... well, in the end, diagramming is just a way to convey high level information to another person, in space or time (e.g. could be you in some year time). Extreme Programming shifts the burden of information retrieval from dead tree to living brain. Of course, it assumes that the living brain never forgets, and never quits. Extreme programming uses redundancy to reduce the impact of such occurrences. In a large company, a strong layoff round could wipeout entire teams, so storing information into brains can be risky. On the other hand, large companies have human power to waste, hence the diagramming.
Also, as WDuffy points out, if you are a designer, and you have to communicate to a team of programmers what they have to implement, it's much easier to use a UML diagram. Of course, a small company with a small team has generally small goals, and you can organize people with a different style. A small company UMLing will only produce UML diagrams of their revolutionary product, and then it will be bankrupt.
UML is not good nor bad. It can be a good tool, but it must be used in the proper context.
Lacking features?
well, I found that UML is strongly aimed at an Object Oriented vision of the world. Our company mainly developed in python, with a strong focus on module level routines. Objects were lightweight data containers, but all the logic was done at the module level. It's difficult to properly model this implementation style at the UML level, unless you resort to some "hacks" in the terminology. I guess it's difficult to model in UML for functional or procedural languages.
Another thing I find annoying is the assumption of use case modeling as a diagram. My experience is that the best way to convey a use case is to write a short story or a short code tingling the feature you want to convey. The story should be short, one page maximum.
This approach has two advantages: if your story is a written prose, the Q/A team can read and test it easily. If your story is code, you can put it as a functional test and let it run during the night. A diagram does not satisfy any of these value added needs.
One issue with UML is due to its universality: things in UML cannot be always implemented directly in the target language, or some languages have capabilities that cannot be expressed in UML. So it can be better to know the implementation language beforehand, which restrain its universality.
See also the criticisms section on UML wikipedia page:
Standards bloat
Problems in learning and adopting
Cumulative Impedance/Impedance Mismatching
Dysfunctional interchange format
It's not Agile
What should have been the last word on UML was written by frustrated student "Candide Smith", well, really Eiffel author Bertrand Meyer.
Another disadvantage of UML is that it tends to overemphasize design, which can lead to 'analysis paralysis' (people over-analyze their problem) and feature creep (loosing sight of the actual problem). A UML design can only take you so far in solving a problem, and you have to be careful to jump into the code soon enough (but not sooner ;-).
UML is somewhat less applicable to the brave new world of loose typing and NoSQL databases. It has OO ideas of Class as a data structure rather than classification embed in it.
Another disadvantage, although not self-inflicted, is that it doesn't explicitly to facilitate abstraction. Everyone I know uses UML tools for more abstract modelling, but the way standards are written that is not obvious.
Another problem with UML (and big design up front in general) is that it's sometimes hard to anticipate all the nitty gritty implementation problems that you'll run into that may affect your design until you actually start implementing something. Granted, I'm a bioinformatics research programmer that works on small one-man projects, but I don't even believe in any design up front, at least for small projects. I believe in the following:
Make it work. (Just get a prototype up and running that has all the basic functionality, no matter how much it sucks. This forces you to see all the little nitty gritty details that might not come through in a formal analysis. Having an actual implementation of your idea makes it easier to see whether the idea was even really worth doing in the first place or whether it should be scrapped altogether.)
Make it right. (Only now, when you have a working prototype and you know that all the nitty gritty implementation problems are at least in principle solvable do you worry about good design. Refactor the heck out of it to follow good programming practices, reduce coupling, do proper error handling, yada yada yada.)
Make it fast. If it's application code, you'd better have proof that you've found the slow part. If it's generic library code, you'd better have good reason to believe that the piece of code could reasonably be the slow part in some use case for the library, i.e. don't optimize a function that noone would ever call in a loop.
For Class Diagrams in UML it only makes sense to use them if there is automated way to generate code directly from diagram. I have implemented such UML editor tool based on 4-tiers meta levels recommended by OMG (Object Management Group) and we had great success using UML in team of 5 devs over 2 years doing around 20-30 architectural iterations. The diagram was the root artifact of automated build chain making impact on hundreds of derived artifacts, APIs, generated Docs, DDLs, projects, tests etc.
So by itself UML in Class Diagrams part is great "programming" language if you actually do programming in it.
For Class Diagrams in UML if it is not translatable in automated way, then its fail.

Do you use UML diagrams to aid your development process?

So what are the UML diagrams (if any) Stackoverflow has been using for documentation and/or for communication with developers?
From what I see, Stackoverflow is something original that also provides rich user experience.
Just wondering what does it take (what helps) to realize a great thought into real life? I`m just a student graduating seeking for advice/experience/suggestions/examples from senieors.
How much these diagrams help in real life and in what volume (the diagrams), I wonder...
UML is a "standard" defined way to communicate something. Being well defined it removes ambiguities that may exist when using other methods.
Having said that I don't use them with my team. I find that the overhead in doing proper UML is too high.
Since I work in a small team (about 5 people) that works in the same location, we'll often sit down and sketch diagrams in discussions. If we need to reference these diagrams, we'll scan them and post them to a repository for later reference.
UML is probably more beneficial in teams that don't communicate well, and may not be co-located.
I really expect all my co-workers to be able to read a UML diagram properly; it's become a kind of universal language for speaking about OO designs.
Back in the days of big design we made tons of models that we put in big binders. Especially sequence diagrams were really nice for detailed designs. These binders would look really impressive on some shelf, but it turned out most of the value in these models are in the process of making them
So now we mostly just draw boxes with lines between them on whiteboards. But whenever we resort to explicit notations to be precise, it's always UML. Usually we photograph them with our phone if they seem like they're worth keeping. Sometimes we just leave them on the whiteboard because they kind-of burn into the whiteboard if they stay there for some days ;) [And you have to be especially daring to use the smelly strong cleaner]
I read an article in Inc Magazine about this site, which is how I found out about it. Apparently very little formal process was followed. Basically, the guys who did it were just really good. My money is also on no UML. I wonder if they use OO?

Sample Problems for Multithreading Practice

I'm about to tackle what I see as a hard problem, I think. I need to multi-thread a pipeline of producers and consumers.
So I want to start small. What are some practice problems, in varying levels of difficulty, that would be good for multi-threading practice? (And not contrived, impractical examples you see in books not dedicated to concurrency).
What books or references would you recommend that focus on concurrency and give in-depth problems and cases?
(I'd rather not focus on the problem I want to solve. I just want to ask for good references and sample problems. This would be more useful to other users. I'm not stuck on the problem.)
The little book of semaphores is a good free book. The author takes a unique approach of first asking a problem and then presenting hints before answering. The problems increase in difficulty level gradually, and the book isn't written for any language in particular but covers general multithreading concepts.
If you have enough time to invest I would recommend the book "Concurrency: State Models & Java Programs, 2nd Edition" by Jeff Magee and Jeff Kramer, John Wiley&Sons 2006
You can ignore the Java part if you are using some other language
There's a language used to model processes and concurrent processes called FSP. It needs some time and energy to be invested in order to be proficient in the language. There's a tool (LTSA, both are free and supported by an Eclipse plugin or stand alone app) which verifies your models and make you pretty shure that your model is correct from the standpoint of concurrent execution.
Translating this models to your language constructs is then just a question of programming technique and few design patterns.
Most text book problems, like readers-writers, producers-consumers or dinning philosophers are all illustrations of the mutex. I would prefer to model a prototype which is a simplistic approximation the bigger problem and go ahead.
I have some times seen situations where dead-lock avoidance is what is needed and dead-lock prevention measures are being used. It is always a good idea to analyse if Banker's algorithm would suit the case or not.
Completely ignoring your request, I'll suggest that you should look at SEDA (staged event driven architecture) as a way to think about setting up a multi-threaded pipeline of producers and consumers.
I'm not sure what you are looking for. But in real world enterprise situation, we usually use some kind of messaging framework when doing producers consumers stuff. Tipically in Java, that's JMS. And you can use the excellent Spring Framework to help you along.
If you're working with Java at all (and possibly even if you're not), you should definitely read Java Concurrency In Practice.
To be honest, many real-world multithreading programs are not doing much more than reading/writing some value (whether string or int) -- circular buffers (as a network connection might need), readers/writers of log files, etc.
In fact, I'd say that if you implement (or find) a solid (and generic) circular buffer, and then run all thread-to-thread communication through those buffers as the only contact point, that'll cover a very large portion of any multithread syncing you might need to do. (Unless you're working in a buzzword-compliant environment, and need to tack "enterprise", "messaging", or whatever onto the buzzword list... or you're writing a database or operating system.)
(Note that "circular buffer" is a fairly C-centric term, being rooted in the relatively direct manipulation of a block of memory. Python's Queue class implements the same basic principle in a list-centric way, and I'm sure that numerous other languages have conceptually similar constructs under slightly different names...)

Is UML practical? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 11 years ago.
In college I've had numerous design and UML oriented courses, and I recognize that UML can be used to benefit a software project, especially use-case mapping, but is it really practical? I've done a few co-op work terms, and it appears that UML is not used heavily in the industry. Is it worth the time during a project to create UML diagrams? Also, I find that class diagrams are generally not useful, because it's just faster to look at the header file for a class. Specifically which diagrams are the most useful?
Edit: My experience is limited to small, under 10 developer projects.
Edit: Many good answers, and though not the most verbose, I belive the one selected is the most balanced.
Using UML is like looking at your feet as you walk. It's making conscious and explicit something that you can usually do unconsciously. Beginners need to think carefully about what they're doing, but a professional programmer already knows what they're doing. Most of the time, writing the code itself is quicker and more effective than writing about the code, because their programming intuition is tuned to the task.
It's not just about what you're doing though. What about the new hire who comes in six months from now and needs to come up to speed on the code? What about five years from now when everyone currently working on the project is gone?
It's incredibly helpful to have some basic up to date documentation available for anyone who joins the project later. I don't advocate full blown UML diagrams with method names and parameters (WAY too difficult to maintain), but I do think that a basic diagram of the components in the system with their relationships and basic behavior is invaluable. Unless the design of the system changes drastically, this information shouldn't change a lot even as the implementation is tweaked.
I've found that the key to documentation is moderation. No one is going to read 50 pages of full blown UML diagrams with design documentation without falling asleep a few pages in. On the other hand, most people would love to get 5-10 pages of simple class diagrams with some basic descriptions of how the system is put together.
The other case where I've found UML to be useful is for when a senior developer is responsible for designing a component but then hands the design to a junior developer to implement.
In a sufficiently complex system there are some places where some UML is considered useful.
The useful diagrams for a system, vary by applicability.
But the most widely used ones are:
Class Diagrams
State Diagrams
Activity Diagrams
Sequence Diagrams
There are many enterprises who swear by them and many who outright reject them as an utter waste of time and effort.
It's best not to go overboard and think what's best for the project you are on and pick the stuff that is applicable and makes sense.
Using UML is like looking at your feet as you walk. It's making conscious and explicit something that you can usually do unconsciously. Beginners need to think carefully about what they're doing, but a professional programmer already knows what they're doing. Most of the time, writing the code itself is quicker and more effective than writing about the code, because their programming intuition is tuned to the task.
The exception is why you find yourself in the woods at night without a torch and it's started to rain - then you need to look at your feet to avoid falling down. There are times when the task you've taken on is more complicated than your intuition can handle, and you need to slow down and state the structure of your program explicitly. Then UML is one of many tools you can use. Others include pseudocode, high-level architecture diagrams and strange metaphors.
Generic work-flow and DFDs can be very useful for complex processes. All other diagramming (ESPECIALLY UML) has, in my experience, without exception been a painful waste of time and effort.
I'd have to disagree, UML is used all over the place - anywhere a IT project is being designed UML will usually be there.
Now whether it is being used well is another matter.
As Stu said, I find both Use Cases (along with the use case descriptions) and activity diagrams to be the most helpful from a developer point of view.
Class diagram can be very useful when trying to show relationships, as well as object attributes, such as persistence. When it comes to adding ever single attribute or property they are usually overkill, especially as they often become out of date quickly once code is written.
One of the biggest problems with UML is the amount of work required to keep it up to date once code is being generated, as there are few tools that can re-engineer UML from code, and few still that do it well.
I will qualify my answer by mentioning that I don't have experience in large (IBM-like) corporate development environments.
The way I view UML and the Rational Unified Process is that it's more TALKING about what you're going to do than actually DOING what you're going to do.
(In other words it's largely a waste of time)
Throw away only in my opinion. UML is a great tool for communicating ideas, the only issue is when you store and maintain it because you are essentially creating two copies of the same information and this is where it usually blows.
After the initial round of implementation most of the UML should be generated from the source code else it will go out of date very quickly or require a lot of time (with manual errors) to keep up to date.
I co-taught a senior-level development project course my last two semesters in school. The project was intended to be used in a production environment with local non-profits as paying clients. We had to be certain that code did what we expected it to and that the students were capturing all the data necessary to meet the clients' needs.
Class time was limited, as was my time outside of the classroom. As such, we had to perform code reviews at every class meeting, but with 25 students enrolled individual review time was very short. The tool we found most valuable in these review sessions were ERD's, class diagrams and sequence diagrams. ERD's and class diagrams were done only in Visual Studio, so the time required to create them was trivial for the students.
The diagrams communicated a great deal of information very quickly. By having a quick overview of the students' designs, we could quickly isolate problem areas in their code and perform a more detailed review on the spot.
Without using diagrams, we would have had to take the time to go one by one through the students' code files looking for problems.
I am coming to this topic a little late and will just try an clarify a couple minor points. Asking if UML is useful as far too broad. Most people seemed to answer the question from the typical/popular UML as a drawing/communication tool perspective. Note: Martin Fowler and other UML book authors feel UML is best used for communication only. However, there are many other uses for UML. Above all, UML is a modeling language that has notation and diagrams mapped to the logical concepts. Here are some uses for UML:
Standardized Design/Solution documentation
DSL (Domain Specific Language) Definition
Model Definition (UML Profiles)
Pattern/Asset Usage
Code Generation
Model to Model transformations
Given the uses list above the posting by Pascal is not sufficient as it only speaks to diagram creation. A project could benefit from UML if any of the above are critical success factors or are problem areas that need a standardized solution.
The discussion should expanded out from how UML can be over kill or applied to small projects to discuss when UML makes sense or will actually improve the product/solution as that is when UML should be used. There are situations where UML for one developer could sense as well, such as Pattern Application or Code Generation.
UML has worked for me for years. When I started out I read Fowler's UML Distilled where he says "do enough modelling/architecture/etc.". Just use what you need!
From a QA Engineer's perspective, UML diagrams point out potential flaws in logic and thought. Makes my job easier :)
Though this discussion has long been inactive, I have a couple of -to my mind important- points to add.
Buggy code is one thing. Left to drift downstream, design mistakes can get very bloated and ugly indeed. UML, however, is self-validating. By that I mean that in allowing you to explore your models in multiple, mathematically closed and mutually-checking dimensions, it engenders robust design.
UML has another important aspect: it "talks" directly to our strongest capability, that of visualisation. Had, for example, ITIL V3 (at heart simple enough) been communicated in the form of UML diagrams, it could have been published on a few dozen A3 foldouts. Instead, it came out in several tomes of truly biblical proportions, spawning an entire industry, breathtaking costs and widespread catatonic shock.
I believe there may be a way to utilize Cockburn style UML fish,kite, and sea-level use cases as described by Fowler in his book "UML Distilled." My idea was to employ Cockburn use cases as an aid for code readability.
So I did an experiment and there is a post here about it with the Tag "UML" or "FOWLER." It was a simple idea for c#. Find a way to embed Cockburn use cases into the namespaces of programming constructs (such as the class and inner class namespaces or by making use of the namespaces for enumerations). I believe this could be a viable and simple technique but still have questions and need others to check it out. It could be good for simple programs that need a kind of pseudo-Domain Specific Language which can exist right in the midst of the c# code without any language extensions.
Please check out the post if you are interested. Go here.
I think the UML is useful thought I think the 2.0 spec has made what was once a clear specification somewhat bloated and cumbersome. I do agree with the edition of timing diagrams etc since they filled a void...
Learning to use the UML effectively takes a bit of practice. The most important point is to communicate clearly, model when needed and model as a team. Whiteboards are the best tool that I've found. I have not seen any "digital whiteboard software" that has managed to capture the utility of an actual whiteboard.
That being said I do like the following UML tools:
Violet - If it were any more simple it would be a piece of paper
Altova UModel - Good tool for Java and C# Modeling
MagicDraw - My favorite commercial tool for Modeling
Poseidon - Decent tool with good bang for the buck
StarUML - Best open source modeling tool
UML diagrams are useful for capturing and communicating requirements and ensuring that the system meets those requirements. They can be used iteratively and during various stages of planning, design, development, and testing.
From the topic: Using Models within the Development Process at
A model can help you visualize the world in which your system works, clarify users' needs, define the
architecture of your system, analyze the code, and ensure that your code meets the requirements.
You might also want to read my response to the following post:
How to learn “good software design/architecture”? at
I see sequence diagrams and activity diagrams used fairly often. I do a lot of work with "real-time" and embedded systems that interact with other systems, and sequence diagrams are very helpful in visualizing all the interactions.
I like to do use-case diagrams, but I haven't met too many people who think they are valuable.
I've often wondered whether Rational Rose is a good example of the kinds of applications you get from UML-model-based design. It's bloated, buggy, slow, ugly, ...
I found UML not really useful for very small projects, but really suitable for larger ones.
Essentially, it does not really matter what you use, you just have to keep two things in mind:
You want some sort of architecture planning
You want to be sure that everyone in the team is actually using the same technology for project planning
So UML is just that: A standard on how you plan your projects. If you hire new people, there are more likely to know any existing standard - be it UML, Flowchard, Nassi-Schneiderman, whatever - rather than your exising in-house stuff.
Using UML for a single developer and/or a simple software project seems overkill to me, but when working in a larger team, I would definitely want some standard for planning software.
UML is useful, yes indeed! The main uses I've made of it were:
Brainstorming about the ways a piece of software should work. It makes easy to communicate what you are thinking.
Documenting the architecture of a system, it's patterns and the main relationships of its classes. It helps when someone enters your team, when you're leaving and want to make sure your successor will understand it, and when you eventually forget what the hell that little class was meant for.
Documenting any architectural pattern you use on all your systems, for the same reasons of the dot above
I only disagree with Michael when he says that using UML for a single developer and/or a simple software project seems overkill to him. I've used it on my small personal projects, and having them documented using UML saved me a lot of time when I came back to them seven months later and had completely forgotten how I had built and put together all those classes.
One of the problems I have with UML is the understandability of the specification. When I try to really understand the semantics of a particular diagram I quickly get lost in the maze of meta-models and meta-meta-models. One of the selling points of UML is that it is less ambiguous than natural language. However, if two, or more, engineers interpret a diagram differently, it fails at the goal.
Also, I've tried asking specific questions about the super-structure document on several UML forums, and to members of the OMG itself, with little or no results. I don't think the UML community is mature enough yet to support itself.
Coming from a student, I find that UML has very little use. I find it ironic that PROGAMERS have yet to develop a program that will automatically generate the things that you have said are necessary. It would be extremely simple to design a feature into Visual Studio that could pull pieces of the data, seek for definitions, and product answers sufficent so that anyone could look at it, great or small, and understand the program. This would also keep it up to date because it would take the information directly from the code to produce the information.
UML is used as soon as you represent a class with its fields and methods though it's just a kind of UML diagram.
The problem with UML is that the founders book is too vague.
UML is just a language, it's not really a method.
As for me, I really find annoying the lack of UML schema for Opensource Projects. Take something like Wordpress, you just have a database schema, nothing else. You have to wander around the codex api to try to get the big picture.
UML has its place. It becomes increasingly important as the size of the project grows. If you have a long running project, then it is best to document everything in UML.
UML seems to good for large projects with large teams of people. However I've worked in small teams where communication is better.
Using UML-esque diagrams is good though, especially in the planning stage. I tend to think in code, so I find writing large specs hard. I prefer to write down the inputs' and outputs' and leave the developers to design the bit in the middle.
I believe UML is useful just for the fact that it gets people to think about the relationships between their classes. It is a good starting point to start thinking about such relationships, but it is definitely not a solution for everybody.
My belief is that the use of UML is subjective to the situation in which the development team is working.
In my experience:
The ability to create and communicate meaningful code diagrams is a necessary skill for any software engineer who is developing new code, or attempting to understand existing code.
Knowing the specifics of UML - when to use a dashed line, or a circle endpoint - is not quite as necessary, but is still good to have.
UML is useful in two ways:
Technical side: a lot of people (manager and some functional analyst) think that UML is a luxury feature because The code is the documentation: you start coding, after you debug and fix. The sync of UML diagrams with code and analisys force you to understand well the requests of the customer;
Management side: the UMl diagrams are a mirror of the requires of the customer who is inaccurate: if you code without UML, maybe you can find a bug in requires after a lot of hours of work. The diagrams UML allow you to find the possible controversal points and to resolve before the coding =>help your planning.
Generally, all the projects without UML diagrams have a superficial analysis or they have short size.
if you're in linkedin group SYSTEMS ENGINEERS, see my old discussion.
UML is definitely helpful just as junit is essential. It all depends how you sell the idea. Your program will work without UML just as it would work without unit tests. Having said that, you should create do UML as along it is connected to your code, i.e when you update UML diagrams it updates your code, or when you update your code it auto generates the UML. Don't do just for the sake of doing it.
UML definetly has its place in the industry. Imagine you are building software for Boing aircraft or some other complex system. UML and RUP would be great help here.
In the end UML only exist because of RUP. Do we need UML or any of its related stuff to use Java/.Net ? The practical answer is they have their own documenation (javadoc etc) which is sufficient and lets us get our job done!
UML no thanx.
UML is just one of methods for communication within people.
Whiteboard is better.
