DynamicMethod code unverifiable in .Net 4.0 (found ref 'this' pointer... expected ref '<>f__AnonymousType1`) - c#-4.0

Was using this solution to convert anonymous types to dictionaries using reflection.emit. Was working fine until I changed to .Net 4.0 from 3.5.
Now, I'm getting the "System.Security.VerificationException: Operation could destabilize the runtime." error.
Converted the anonymously loaded dynamic method to one hosted in a dynamic assembly, saved it, then ran peverify.exe on it to find out what was wrong.
Got: [IL]: Error: [DynamicAssemblyExample.dll : MyDynamicType::MyMethod][offs
et 0x0000000D][found ref ('this' ptr) 'MyDynamicType'][expected ref '<>f__AnonymousType1`3[System.String,System.Int32,System.Byte]'] Unexpected type on the stac
[IL]: Error: [DynamicAssemblyExample.dll : MyDynamicType::MyMethod][offs
et 0x0000000D] Method is not visible.
2 Error(s) Verifying DynamicAssemblyExample.dll
The code:
foreach (PropertyInfo property in itemType.GetProperties(attributes).Where(info => info.CanRead))
// load Dictionary (prepare for call later)
// load key, i.e. name of the property
methIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, property.Name);
// load value of property to stack
methIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, property.GetGetMethod(), null);
// perform boxing if necessary
if (property.PropertyType.IsValueType)
methIL.Emit(OpCodes.Box, property.PropertyType);
// stack at this point
// 1. string or null (value)
// 2. string (key)
// 3. dictionary
// ready to call dict.Add(key, value)
methIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, addMethod, null);
Is there a way to derefence the pointer to the actual property? Or do I have to cast it somehow? Any pointers?

Sorry guys, made a mistake, since the actual dynamic method creates a delegate type that acts on the instance of the anonymous (or non-anonymous) type, the Ldarg_0 code is looking for a something that is not there in this debug implementation.
So I, changed it to OpCodes.Ldnull.
var attributes = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy;
foreach (PropertyInfo property in itemType.GetProperties(attributes).Where(info => info.CanRead))
// load Dictionary (prepare for call later)
// load key, i.e. name of the property
methIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, property.Name);
// load value of property to stack
//methIL.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, itemType);
methIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, property.GetGetMethod(), null);
// perform boxing if necessary
if (property.PropertyType.IsValueType)
methIL.Emit(OpCodes.Box, property.PropertyType);
// stack at this point
// 1. string or null (value)
// 2. string (key)
// 3. dictionary
// ready to call dict.Add(key, value)
methIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, addMethod, null);
But I still get a method not visible error after peverifying it. Is it that get methods for properties of anonymous types are not visible via reflection?

Just a suggestion, have you tried to rewrite the code that emits IL to actually write to the dictionary - i.e. no Reflection.Emit ? My bet is that the generated IL is not proper in some way, not the code that accesses the anonymous type.


Can CQL be used to find methods that return `null`?

I want to find all methods that can explicitly return null.
Is this possible in NDepend using CQL?
Not for now, CQL so far doesn't know about value of variables, fields and values returned.
However this default rule below is proposed. The idea is that if a method returns a reference it should never be null, and a contract should be added to assert this. If you wish such a method to return null, instead use the Try... pattern, like in TryParse(string s, out T val):bool.
// <Name>Public methods returning a reference needs a contract to ensure that a non-null reference is returned</Name>
warnif count > 0
let ensureMethods = Application.Methods.WithFullName(
from ensureMethod in ensureMethods
from m in ensureMethod.ParentAssembly.ChildMethods where
m.IsPubliclyVisible &&
!m.IsAbstract &&
m.ReturnType != null &&
// Identify that the return type is a reference type
(m.ReturnType.IsClass || m.ReturnType.IsInterface) &&
!m.IsUsing(ensureMethod) &&
// Don't match method not implemented yet!
select new {
ReturnTypeReference = m.ReturnType
// **Code Contracts** are useful to decrease ambiguity between callers and callees.
// Not ensuring that a reference returned by a method is *non-null* leaves ambiguity
// for the caller. This rule matches methods returning an instance of a reference type
// (class or interface) that don't use a **Contract.Ensure()** method.
// *Contract.Ensure()* is defined in the **Microsoft Code Contracts for .NET**
// library, and is typically used to write a code contract on returned reference:
// *Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<ReturnType>() != null, "returned reference is not null");*
// https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/1ec7db13-3363-46c9-851f-1ce455f66970
// Use *Microsoft Code Contracts for .NET* on the public surface of your API,
// to remove most ambiguity presented to your client. Most of such ambiguities
// are about *null* or *not null* references.
// Don't use *null* reference if you need to express that a method might not
// return a result. Use instead the **TryXXX()** pattern exposed for example
// in the *System.Int32.TryParse()* method.

Acumatica - An object Reference is Required or the non-static field, method, or property

hi does anyone encountered this error? everytime I use PXSelect on a foreach loop in which on the other source code does but on my code does not, could anyone identify the cause? the code below is also the the original source code from Acumatica but I only changed the Datamember from PaymentCharges to OtherCharges
public void VoidCheckProc(ARPayment doc)
foreach (PXResult<ARPaymentChargeTran> paycharge in PXSelect<ARPaymentChargeTran, Where<ARPaymentChargeTran.docType, Equal<Required<ARPayment.docType>>, And<ARPaymentChargeTran.refNbr, Equal<Required<ARPayment.refNbr>>>>>.
Select(this, doc.DocType, doc.RefNbr))
ARPaymentChargeTran charge = PXCache<ARPaymentChargeTran>.CreateCopy((ARPaymentChargeTran)paycharge);
charge.DocType = Document.Current.DocType;
charge.CuryTranAmt = -1 * charge.CuryTranAmt;
charge.Released = false;
charge.CuryInfoID = Document.Current.CuryInfoID;
charge.CashTranID = null;
I believe, you are writing this method in an extension for the base BLC
So instead of using 'this', use 'this.Base'
The Select method is non-static, as the error message says, but you call it on the PXSelect<...>-type. You need to have an instance of that type.
Based on Hybridzz answer, I assume you used the wrong overload of the Select-method. Probably your arguments do not have the correct type, so the compiler selects the best fitting overload of the method. In this case, it selects the one accepting only the argument params object[] o, which is non-static. A bit misleasing design of the API you use.

Strange Out of Memory exception in C# with List or Strings or ado.net?

I have a big doubt. The problem is Out of Memory Exception in my class. But it seems something strange here. I have class in a dll.
public class MyClass : IDisposible
List<ClassA> a_classLists = new .....// new instance.
List<ClassB> b_classLists = new .....// new instance.
public string Method1(int IDValue)
// do here some web service call and get some XML data from it.
// parse the xml.
// Iterate through a for loop and add each node value to a_classLists
// Usually contains 10 or 15 items
Method2(); // from here calling another method
FinalSaveToDB(); // finally save the data to DB
return "";
private void Method2()
// do here some web service call and get some XML data from it.
// Iterate through a forloop.
// parse the xml. [large xml data. ie, image in binary format]
// For each loop add image binary data and other xml to b_classLists
// Usually it contains 50 or 60 such large lists.
private void FinalSaveToDB()
// using sqlbulkcopy, i am saving the data in the 2 lists to 2 different
// tables in the DB.
// Tab lock is mentioned in sqlbulk class.
// Actually 2 sqlbulkcopy class for 2 lists.
// Only 1 sql connection opens, then do the sqlbulkcopy. [there is no dataset or datareader]
// sqlconnection closes. I am using "using" clause for sqlconnection, bulkcopy etc
// these all are working fine.
private void Dispose()
// here nulling everything
// proxy null
// all the lists null....
This is the class I am instantiating 1000 times using reactive framework's Observable.Start
method as shown below...
private IObservable<string> SendEmpDetails(Employee emp)
using (MyClass p = new MyClass())
return Observable.Start(() => p.Method1(emp.ID), Scheduler.ThreadPool);
// here I hope it will call the Dispose and release all objects in the class.
// This EmployeeLists contains 1000 employee objects
EmployeeLists.ToObservable().Select(x => SendEmpDetails(x).Select(y => new { emp = x, retval = y }))
.Subscribe(x =>
SendStatus(x.retval.Item1, x.retval);
Even though, why i am getting out of memory exception ??? After starting the app, when it
process the 200th (or above) MyClass object, it throws error.
I forgot to mention 1 more thing, I am using VS 2010 and C# 4.0 (win7, 64 bit OS).
I need to log each activity. [ie, i need to understand the each and every process the app has gone through]. SO i declared a class [MyClass] level private string variable and assign each process details like "called this method", "got 5 records from this web service" etc.
logdata = Environment.Newline() + "This method has completed";
So the error is thrown here saying out of memory with some evalution failed.
So I turned off the string evaluation check box from Options in VS.
Again, there is no use.
So I changed the string to StringBuilder and tried to append the activity string each time.
Still no use. I dont understand what is the problem in it.
Is this because all the threads are working parallel, do they exchange the MyClass resources ??? Why the objects are not released ???
Please help me in this matter.

Specify RequiredCreationPolicy for non-Attributed Imports

I have an IoC wrapper that uses MEF as it's DI container, an applicable snippet of the wrapper is shown below.
public static bool TryGetComponent<T>(out T component)
CompositionContainer container = RetrieveContainer();
T retrievedComponent = container.GetExportedValueOrDefault<T>();
if (retrievedComponent.Equals(default(T)))
component = default(T);
return false;
component = retrievedComponent;
return true;
Most of the exported components in the CompositionContainer specify a CreationPolicy of "Any".
For types that I create I can easily use the following import attribute to get MEF to serve the exported types as NonShared instances.
[Import(RequiredCreationPolicy = CreationPolicy.NonShared)]
However, since my IoC wrapper must also be used by classes that do not use MEF or any of its Import attributes and must use my IoC API to obtain instances exported types. I need a way to specify the CreationPolicy when I programmatically use the CompositionContainer to GetExports and GetExportedValues. Is this even possible without using import attributes?
If you really want to query the container exactly like as if you had a ImportAttribute with RequiredCreationPolicy=NonShared then try creating your own custom ContractBasedImportDefinition. One of the parameters for to the contructor is a CreationPolicy that represents the required creation policy.
Something like:
container.GetExports(new ContractBasedImportDefinition(
Of course you can adjust the parameters as necessary but this will get you moving in the right direction and will cause the container to create NonShared versions of any part that is marked as Any (which is the default).
Well, CreationPolicy is passed as part of a component's metadata. This means, you should be able to query the metadata for the part, and see if it exists. The way CreationPolicy is specified in metadata is to use the full type name System.ComponentModel.Composition.CreationPolicy as the key, and the enum result as the value. So, knowing this we can build an extension method:
public static T GetExportedValueOrDefault<T>(this CompositionContainer container, CreationPolicy creationPolicy)
var metadataKey = typeof(CreationPolicy).FullName;
var lazy = container.GetExportedValueOrDefault<T, IDictionary<string, object>>();
if (lazy == null)
return default(T);
if (lazy.Metadata.ContainsKey(metadataKey))
// If the creation policy matches the required, return.
if (((CreationPolicy)lazy.Metadata[metadataKey]) == creationPolicy)
return lazy.Value;
// Return the value as we assume it satisfies the default CreationPolicy = Any
return lazy.Value;
return default(T);
Now, firstly we create our expected key, and then we grab a Lazy<T, TMetadata> instance which includes the type and any associated metadata as a Lazy<T, IDictionary<string, object>> instance. If the lazy comes back as null, we can fail early because there were no matching parts at all.
Next, we can check the metadata dictionary Lazy.Metadata to determine if the metadata exists. If it does, we need to cast and compare against our chosen metadata. If that succeeds, return our part instance.
If that doesn't succeed (e.g., if the part is using the implicit CreationPolicy of Any [i.e., the PartCreationPolicyAttribute is omitted from the export]), we'll assume that the part can be returned, as we can match on the default Any creation policy, so we can match both NonShared and Shared parts.
You should be able to use this in place of the normal GetExportedValueOrDefault<T> call:
T retrievedComponent = container.GetExportedValueOrDefault<T>(CreationPolicy.NonShared);

System.Linq.Dynamic .Select("new ...") does not appear to be thread safe

I grabbed System.Linq.Dynamic.DynamicQueryable from here:
The issue that I am running into is in code that looks like this:
var results = dataContext.GetTable<MyClass>.Select("new (MyClassID, Name, Description)").Take(5);
It appears that if that line of code is executed by multiple threads near simultaneously, Microsoft's dynamic Linq code crashes in their ClassFactory.GetDynamicClass() method, which looks like this:
public Type GetDynamicClass(IEnumerable<DynamicProperty> properties)
Signature signature = new Signature(properties);
Type type;
if (!classes.TryGetValue(signature, out type))
type = CreateDynamicClass(signature.properties);
classes.Add(signature, type); // <-- crashes over here!
return type;
The crash is a simple dictionary error: "An item with the same key has already been added."
In Ms code, The rwLock variable is a ReadWriterLock class, but it does nothing to block multiple threads from getting inside classes.TryGetValue() if statement, so clearly, the Add will fail.
I can replicate this error pretty easily in any code that creates a two or more threads that try to execute the Select("new") statement.
Anyways, I'm wondering if anyone else has run into this issue, and if there are fixes or workarounds I can implement.
I did the following (requires .NET 4 or later to use System.Collections.Concurrent):
changed the classes field to a ConcurrentDictionary<Signature, Type> ,
removed all the ReaderWriterLock rwLock field and all the code referring to it,
updated GetDynamicClass to:
public Type GetDynamicClass(IEnumerable<DynamicProperty> properties) {
var signature = new Signature(properties);
return classes.GetOrAdd(signature, sig => CreateDynamicClass(sig.properties));
removed the classCount field and updated CreateDynamicClass to use classes.Count instead:
Type CreateDynamicClass(DynamicProperty[] properties) {
string typeName = "DynamicClass" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
