CodeIgniter not working on PHP 4 server without .htaccess availability - .htaccess

Basically i developed my app on a localhost wamp server with PHP 5. ON uploading to the actual host i notice that
The server is running php 4.4.9
Everytime i upload my .htaccess file, the server removes it completely.. seems to not be allowed
When i test out the set all i get is a 404 page not found
Any help on how to make it work on this PHP 4 server?
I did a test with CI 1.7.2, default installation.. works on my local server but when uploaded does not work, does this mean that the server does not support it?

I'm sure this isn't what you want to here, but get a new server. Here are the reasons why:
PHP 4 is no longer well supported. It's insecure.
If the server is removing .htaccess files, they are also unsupported on that server, giving you one more reason to move.
Code Igniter runs best with PHP 5 and with an .htaccess file.
The gist of this is you are going to have to hack your code back into the dark ages to get this to work, and then you will still have pretty URL issues and overall system instability. If you can make the switch, do.

If you cannot use .htaccess files with CodeIgniter, in system/application/config/config.php there is a configuration key called index_page. You need to set that to whatever page you have bootstrapping CodeIgniter (usually /index.php)
Then, make sure all your links that get routed through CI either target index.php/controller/action/params... or utilize the URL helper (with site_url or anchor) to automatically put in the index.php
Joe Mills is exactly right in his answer, though. CI works best with PHP 5 and .htaccess.
See CI URLs and CI URL Helper for documentation.

Well i found out how to fix several things
The issue with .htaccess would be to just not use modrewrite as such i put "query_string" option in my path variavable and this works.
The other issue, which was the major issue was that i was using Datamapper library which is a php 5 only library.


Ignore last part of URL with .htaccess

We have a FAQ page /faq (tab style) where every question should have its own 'ghost' url/page. So users could visit eg.
The problem is question-1, question-2, question-3 are not actual pages but just sections on /faq. For SEO, aesthetics and usability reasons we do not want to work with ?q= or #
I've searched and tried every .htaccess thread I came across but without result.
Is there a way we can show the page/faq when visiting /faq/question-1 and keep the url /faq/question-1 with mod_rewrite? (we cannot hardcode it because we do not know all future question slugs) So basically something that tells the browser: if the first url part is /faq/, just ignore everything that comes behind but keep the url.
This is a trivial rewriting task and it is unclear why this should not work for you:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/?faq/.+ /faq [END]
Since you claim that you "tried every .htaccess thread you came across" and this clearly works the question is: why not in your setup? But since you did not tell us anything about your setup we cannot really offer more help...
These are some general hints though which you should go through:
Where did you implement the rules you tried? In the http server's host configuration or in a distributed configuration file?
If you are using a distributed configuration file (".htaccess") then how did you make sure such files are interpreted by your http server and how did you test that?
Did you check your http server's error log file for hints?
Did you make sure that you are not actually looking at cached responses? So did you really test with a fresh anonymous browser window using a "deep reload"?
Since the CMS you are using requires own rewriting rules, where did you add those rules you tried? Remember: the order is important!

Dealing with Laravel routing without htaccess mod_rewrite capability

So, currently, I do not have the ability to utilize .htaccess, I have no control over the server config at the moment, so I have to live with /index.php/ in my URL. That's not a problem, but there is one issue.
If I go to everything works fine. But, if I go to (without index.php) the site loads but all the links are broken (relative to /site/ instead of /site/index.php/).
I've tried various ways to build the links with url() and route() but I can't get anything to work short of hard-coding the full url for every link.
Any ideas?

Routing YII and CI

I have 2 (working well) applications providing APIs, old one is based on CodeIgniter 2.1 and new one on Yes It Is framework. I need to redirect some actions from old API to a new one. Routing should also provide filtering request methods such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE etc.
Folder structure looks like this:
At first I wanted to redirect all traffic to router/index.php where depending on URI an appropriate app was loaded and started. It worked well with YII, but CI couldn't find it's controllers/models/actions.
Second idea was to use .htaccess, but I couldn't make CI, YII work neither. It's starting, but both of them cannot find it's controllers/models/actions. No errors are printed/logged into apache logs.
When those 2 apps are fired "normally" everything works properly.
I've been changing configuration paths (to absolute ones) and still nothing. I don't want to change those applications a lot, small fixes would be much better.
Also there should be no option to fire an app without checking URI with "routes".
Finally I stayed with PHP router as described in question post. It turn out that CodeIgniter couldn't find it's methods because predefined variable $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] contained a wrong path, since script was fired from another directory. I had it overridden in router file and everything seems to work properly now.

How to password protect nodejs application using alternative to htaccess

I have a site hosted in aws with with 2 sub domains and I am using MEAN for development, now what i want is to password protected my sub domains and but in a similar fashion as we do in php using htaccess.
Now i personally like this htaccess approach because in this approach your code for the application will be same, authentication will be added by htaccess. Any idea how to do that in nodejs without altering application code, so that i can remove that in future if i want.
P.S. : Only hints are welcomed.
.htaccess does not alter the code because it's used by the Apache webserver.
Consider that Node.js IS your webserver, so that's where the magic happens (technically, it takes less code to add basicAuth to node than to add htaccess to apache + write the .htacess file).
Something, somewhere has to know that authentication is to be done :).
Here's the link to an easy way to do that in node :
Basic HTTP authentication with Node and Express 4

Alternative To .htaccess

I am trying to build mu first web application with yii
From what I understood a .htaccess file must be in the project folder
in the localhost every things work fine, but when I upload the whole project my remote server doesn't accept .htaccess files and I get 404 not found (server error not yii error)
there is an alternative to this problem ?
many thanks in advance
There is no alternative when using a Front Controller pattern. Only on the http server you can redirect all wanted requests to a single central point. It is weird though that you cannot use .htaccess.
One more question: are you using apache or something else as a web server? Because .htaccess is apache specific to the best of my knowledge, for other servers you need differend configuration in differend other places.
