Subsonic 3 - Sequence contains no matching element - subsonic

I need help creating a LINQ SQL with subsonic. First the basics, this works fine:
var query = (from o in bd.concelhos
orderby o.descricao
select o);
var results = query.ToList<concelhos>();
However, I want to filter out some columns and I have created the following code:
var query = (from o in bd.concelhos
orderby o.descricao
select new FilteredConcelhos { id = o.idDistrito + "/" + o.idConcelho, descricao = o.descricao });
var results = query.ToList<FilteredConcelhos>();
which errors out in the ToList method with the description "Sequence contains no matching element"
Any help would be great with this...
Turns out I was missing get set attributes in the newly declared class...
Like so
public class FilteredConcelhos
public string id { get; set; }
public string descricao { get; set; }
This clears the exception, but the resulting List is still all wrong ( contains nothing and FilteredConcelhos.descricao contains numbers)

Can you try to first execute the ToList and the select afterwards - then the select is performed via linq 2 objects!

Have you tried to work with an anonymous type?
var query = (from o in bd.concelhos
orderby o.descricao
select new { id = o.idDistrito + "/" + o.idConcelho,
descricao = o.descricao });
var results = query.ToList();

Unfortunately, this happened to me a lot. I'm not sure about the details of how Linq 2 Object works, but if you'll call ToList on the original object, like this:
from o in bd.concelhos.ToList()
It should do the trick.


FlexibleSearch using enum in WHERE clause

I am working with Hybris and trying to query all the products that have an approval status of APPROVED within Java code. It should look like below, but I cannot get it to work in either HAC, or in Java code.
What is the correct way to do it?
SELECT {p:pk} FROM {Product as p join EnumerationValue as enum on = p.approvalStatus } WHERE {enum:code[en]} = 'APPROVED'
Thank you everyone, here is the final answer that works, see comments in other replies for some more questions I have and hopefully some wonderfully wise replies:
final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
stringBuilder.append("SELECT {p:").append(ProductModel.PK).append("} ");
stringBuilder.append("FROM {").append(ProductModel._TYPECODE).append(" as p join ")
.append(ArticleApprovalStatus._TYPECODE).append(" as enum on {} = {p.").append(ProductModel.APPROVALSTATUS).append("} join ")
.append(CatalogVersionModel._TYPECODE).append(" as cv on {} = {p.").append(ProductModel.CATALOGVERSION).append("} } ");
stringBuilder.append("WHERE ( {enum:code} = ?approvalStatus1 or {enum:code} = ?approvalStatus2} and {cv:")
.append("} = ?version");
final String unapprovedString = ArticleApprovalStatus.UNAPPROVED.toString().toLowerCase();
params.put("approvalStatus1", unapprovedString);
params.put("approvalStatus2", ArticleApprovalStatus.UNAPPROVED.toString().toLowerCase());
You need to use the type of the enum. Also, the enum code is case-sensitive; it depends on what is defined in the items.xml.
SELECT * FROM {Product
JOIN ArticleApprovalStatus ON {Product.approvalStatus} = {}}
WHERE {ArticleApprovalStatus.code} = 'approved'
Try to wrap the attributes with {} like this:
SELECT {p:pk} FROM {Product as p join EnumerationValue as enum on {} = {p.approvalStatus} } WHERE {enum:code[en]} = 'APPROVED'

Getting Active View Object Parameters?

I am new to the API and I'm trying to get values from the active view. I am using the following code as a mock up to what I'm trying to do:
public void GetViewProperties()
String viewname;
String typename;
String levelname;
String Output;
ViewFamilyType VfamType;
Level lev;
//Get document and current view
Document doc = this.ActiveUIDocument.Document;
View currentView = this.ActiveUIDocument.ActiveView;
//Find the view family type that matches the active view
VfamType = new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(typeof(ViewFamilyType))
.Where(q => q.Name == "1-0-Model").First() as ViewFamilyType;
//Find the level that matches the active view
lev = new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(typeof(Level))
.Where(q => q.Name == "00").First() as Level;
//Get the view's current name
viewname = currentView.Name.ToString();
//Get the name of the view family type
typename = VfamType.Name;
//Get the name of the level
levelname = lev.Name.ToString();
//Combine results for task dialog
Output = "View: " + viewname + "\n" + typename + "-" + levelname;
//Show results
TaskDialog.Show("View Properties Test",Output);
I'm cheating at the moment by grabbing the view type and level by name. I really want them to be found by looking at the properties of the active view. I can't figure out how I am meant to access the view type and level name properties. I need to make lambda use a variable e.g. (q => q.Name ==, (q => q.Name ==
Thanks in advance!
Here is your code corrected:
public void GetViewProperties()
//Get document and current view
Document doc = this.ActiveUIDocument.Document;
View currentView = this.ActiveUIDocument.ActiveView;
//Find the view family type that matches the active view
var VfamType = (ViewFamilyType)doc.GetElement(currentView.GetTypeId());
//Find the level that matches the active view
Level lev = currentView.GenLevel;
//Get the view's current name
string viewname = currentView.Name;
//Get the name of the view family type
string typename = VfamType.Name;
//Get the name of the level
string levelname = lev.Name;
//Combine results for task dialog
string Output = "View: " + viewname + "\n" + typename + "-" + levelname;
//Show results
TaskDialog.Show("View Properties Test", Output);
You don't need to use a FilteredElementCollector to get these informations. And if you need elsewhere, you don't need a Where: just put your lambda in the First:
new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(typeof(ViewFamilyType))
.First(q => q.Name == "1-0-Model")
If you need to access in your lambda a property specific to a class, not defined on Element, you can use Cast:
new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(typeof(ViewFamilyType))
.Cast<ViewFamilyType>().First(vft => vft.IsValidDefaultTemplate)
And please do not declare all your variable at the start of your methods. You're not writing Pascal. Declare variables as close to the first spot that you use them as possible. It makes your code much more readable. The closer a variable is declared to where it is used, the less scrolling/searching you have to do when reading the code later and it also naturally narrow their scope.
You're probably looking for View.GenLevel property. This will work for views related to levels, such as Plan Views. Note that if this View is not generated by a level, this property is null.

JPA string comparison

I've written a simple login system using a JPQL query, which always returns no result:
public boolean check(String name, String password) {
final String qstring="SELECT e FROM Muser e WHERE = '"+name+"'";
Muser user;
user = em.createQuery(qstring, Muser.class).getSingleResult();
catch(NoResultException e){
return false;
return password.equals(user.getPassword());
When I changed it to a native query:
user = (Muser) em.createNativeQuery(qstring, Muser.class).getSingleResult();
or an int expression:
final String qstring="SELECT e FROM Muser e WHERE = "+id;
It goes all right. What's the problem? Thanks a million!
It might be a problem with string comparison in your JPA provider. Do you test it on the case-sensitive data?
You could also try (and it's the preferred way) using parameters instead of crafting your statement by hand. It's not only safer (prevents SQL injection) but also faster: not only for Java (you don't concatenate Strings) but also for the DB (the query can be prepared once for all executions). It might be something like this:
final String qstring = "SELECT e FROM Muser e WHERE = :name";
TypedQuery<Muser> query = em.createQuery(qstring, Muser.class);
query.setParameter("name", name);
user = query.getSingleResult();
I think problem is because of String comparison.My solution to this problem is:
using lowercase for comparison.
final String qstring = "SELECT e FROM Muser e WHERE LOWER( = :name";
TypedQuery<Muser> query = em.createQuery(qstring, Muser.class);
query.setParameter("name", name.toLowerCase());
user = query.getSingleResult();

SubSonic How to Execute a SQL Statement?

My site is using Subsonic 2.2 on my site.
I have 1 weird situation where I need to run some ad-hoc SQL statements.
public IList<string> GetDistincList(string TableName, string FieldName)
string sqlToRun = string.Format("SELECT DISTINCT {0} FROM {1} ORDER BY {0}", FieldName, TableName);
Query query = new Query(TableName);
Can anyone help me here? As it appears, I just want to return a generic list of strings.
Subsonic has a great method called ExecuteTypedList() so you can do somethink like this.
List<int> result = DB.Select(Table.Columns.Id)
or even with pocos:
public class UserResult
public int Id {get;set;}
public string Name {get;set;}
List<UserResult> users = DB.Select(
User.Columns.UserId + " as Id", // the as ... is only needed if your
User.Columns.UserName + " as Name" // column name differs from the
).From<User>() // property name of your class
Unfortunately this method doesn't work for string since it requires
a) a valuetype
b) a class with a parameterless constructor since the method uses reflection to map the columns from the result to the properties of the class
However I wrote an extension method a while ago that works for string:
Use the Subsonic.Select() ExecuteTypedList Method with String
Look at my own answer in the link.
If you add the extensionmethod to your code you can do:
List<String> result = DB.Select(User.Columns.UserName)
Use the CodingHorror class.
Here's the SubSonic 3 way of doing it:
The SubSonic 2 way is similar:
Dim ch As SubSonic.CodingHorror
ch.Execute("delete from #tablename", table)

How to get all possible values for SPFieldLookup

I have a lookup field in sharepoint which just references another list. I wonder how do I programatically enumerate all possible values for this field?
For example, my lookup field "Actual City" refers list "Cities" and column "Title", I have 3 cities there. In code I would like to get list of all possible values for field "Actual City", smth like (metacode, sorry):
SPFieldLookup f = myList["Actual City"];
Collection availableValues = f.GetAllPossibleValues();
//this should return collection with all cities a user might select for the field
I wrote some code to handle this for my project just the other day. Perhaps it will help.
public static List<SPFieldLookupValue> GetLookupFieldValues(SPList list, string fieldName)
var results = new List<SPFieldLookupValue>();
var field = list.Fields.GetField(fieldName);
if (field.Type != SPFieldType.Lookup) throw new SPException(String.Format("The field {0} is not a lookup field.", fieldName));
var lookupField = field as SPFieldLookup;
var lookupList = list.ParentWeb.Lists[Guid.Parse(lookupField.LookupList)];
var query = new SPQuery();
query.Query = String.Format("<OrderBy><FieldRef Name='{0}'/></OrderBy>", lookupField.LookupField);
foreach (SPListItem item in lookupList.GetItems(query))
results.Add(new SPFieldLookupValue(item.ID, item[lookupField.LookupField].ToString()));
return results;
Then to use it, your code would look something like this:
var list = SPContext.Current.Web.Lists["My List"];
var results = GetLookupFieldValues(list, "Actual City");
foreach (SPFieldLookupValue result in results)
var value = result.LookupValue;
var id = result.LookupId;
I think there is no explicit method returning what you want. But the SPFieldLookup class stores all the info you need to request this information manually: LookupField and LookupList
So you could retrieve the information by getting it form the list you lookup field uses. To make it reusable you could implement it as a Extension Method. So the next time you could really call f.GetAllPossibleValues();.
As I understand you want to query all values that are in use?
If so, you would have to query items where Actual City is not null, query would look something like:
<Where><IsNotNull><FieldRef Name='Actual City'/></IsNotNull></Where>
Then, for each queried item you would
List<SPFieldLookupValue> result = new List<SPFieldLookupValue>(returnedItemCount * 5);
foreach (SPListItem item in queriedItems) {
object lookup = item["Actual City"];
SPFieldLookupValueCollection lookupValues = new SPFIeldLookupValueCollection(
(lookup != null) ? lookup.ToString() : ""
foreach (SPFieldLookupValue lookupValue in lookupValues) {
if (!result.Contains(lookupValue)) {
Or you could use HashTable where LookupId would be string and LookupValue would be int id and then check if HashTable.ContainsKey(lookupId)... must be faster to find an integer in hashtable rather than string in list, but the resource intensive part is to probably query all items where that field contains some value and then loop...
If you want to enumerate all possible values, that means you basically want to get all the Title field values from all the items in the Cities list. I don't think there is a method like GetAllPossibleValues() in SharePoint, but you can either just list all the items in Cities and get their titles, if there's just a few, or use a CAML query if there's plenty.
