How do you remove a site from Sharepoint Designer? - sharepoint

I would like to use Sharepoint Designer 2007 as an html editor. I have a web site with a lot of files in a folder on my hard drive. I do not want Sharepoint Designer to make a web site out of this. I just want to use Sharepoint Designer to edit the html files, locally.
If I ever make a mistake and click on a tool for Sites, such as summary or report, Sharepoint Designer will decide that my folder is now a web site. From that point on, Sharepoint Designer is painfully slow whenever I open a file contained in the folder that Sharepoint decided is my web site, instead of being instantaneous like it was before.
I can resolve this situation by renaming the folder containing my web site -- everything gets fast again. I can also fix it by uninstalling and reinstalling Sharepoint Designer. Neither of these is a good solution. Is there a place in Sharepoint Designer, or in application data or the registry that I can kill off the Sharepoint Designer web site that's associated with a folder on my hard drive?

I'm not certain this will fix your issues (as I can't easily recreate the situation you describe). But I do know where SharePoint Designer tucks away metadata about the websites you open and edit.
The next time SPD converts your folder to a web, shut down SPD and delete the contents of the following folders:
XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\WebsiteCache
Vista/7: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WebsiteCache
There is one file in WebsiteCache you may wish to keep, which is Websites.xml. This contains the "shortcuts" you see when you go to File > Open Site...
Web Server Extensions:
XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Microsoft\Web Server Extensions\Cache
Vista/7: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Web Server Extensions\Cache
Whenever SPD gets wonky about reporting which files are checked out/in, really slow to open, or just generally weird, we clean out these folders and things return to "normal".
Hope this helps!


SharePoint content restored but websites missing

I have restored a content database to SharePoint 2010 (which we completely broke after upgrading TFS to 2013).
When I open the content site, all the sub-sites are listed, but clicking one of these "sub-sites" goes to page not found. (The sub sites were created from TFS 2012 when new team projects were created).
How do I get the team project sites to work again?
You likley do not have a managed path configured for your SharePoint sites. If you look at the URL of the sites that you can't see you should be able to figure out the managed paths to add.
You are kinda defining mount points for site collections here. Without that mount point SharePoint will not render your sites.

SharePoint designer workflow not changing after publish

I'm working on SharePoint workflow (SharePoint 2010) in SharePoint designer 2010. I was published it many times without problems. But after many publishes (I thing 30) SharePoint stop to changing workflow (I published it without any error and I can find new workflow release in SharePoint web interface).
I published new version (with new commands) but workflow still use old one. But when I modified one of commands which was in workflow previously the modification will appear in next run. I need to add to workflow new commands. My only option is to rewrite whole workflow to new one. But this is much complicated workflow and rewriting takes me long time. Is this behavior normal? Is it some bug? is there any patch or workaround?
This happens most of the time due to the caching mechanism in SharePoint/SharePoint Designer. What you need to do is the following:
Close your SharePoint Designer
Navigate to the following directory: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WebsiteCache
Delete everything in this directory
Navigate to the following directory:
%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Web Server Extensions\Cache
Delete everything in this directory
Open SharePoint Designer and try to publish your workflow again.
Everything should now work.
For SharePoint Designer 2013 you need to do the following steps:
Go to File > Options > General > Application Options
In the General tab, under the General header, check if the "Cache site data across SharePoint Designer sessions” is ticked. If it is, unchecked it.
Open your SharePoint Designer again and try to publish your workflows.
There is an easy workaround: You need to enable major versioning for the Workflows list. By default, that list is not visible but you still can get to the admin page:
Open SP Designer
Goto All Files
Right-Click Workflows list -> Properties
On the ribbon click Administration Web Page
On the admin page go to Versioning Settings
Enable major versioning
Save your workflow

Sharepoint 2010 web parts not displaying on one website, but are on the other

I'm working on remolding my companies current exsisting Sharepoint site. I installed the SP ZAP Slideshow webpart and went to the sharepoint site to insert it, and absolutely no webparts were listed. I went into the provided Sharepoint 2010 central administration and realized that everything seems to be listed as
When the website were hosting, and it should be listing is
I went to the /sitepages website and all the webparts exsisted and worked, however i need to get them working on the /sites page. Is there some way to switch it so it will not default all the webparts and content i'm uploading to the wrong page? I feel as though the wrong default page is listed? sorry new to all this!
Web Parts, which you see listed and are able to insert on a page when you edit it, come from the Web Part Gallery in the site collection. They are usually installed to the gallery when you activate their site collection-scope feature. Check what features you didn't activate in the new site collection - I suspect that one of them is responsible for the installation of Web Parts you are looking for. (The scope of the feature can be site collection or site - check both.)

Sharepoint 2007: Move a document library to other site

How can I move a document library from one site to another on the same server.
Both source and destination sites are under the same root site.
The Sharepoint Content Deployment Wizard is awesome for this sort of thing. Highly recommended and open source.
I've had success simply opening up explorer view on both sites and dragging and dropping. I guess it depends on how complex your migration is.

Sharepoint Designer - Layout folder?

I have been told to edit this file in Sharepoint Designer:
I found it in the Windows File Explorer at:
I can't seem to find it in Sharepoint Designer?
The _layouts folder is protected by SharePoint Designer because changing the OOTB files in that directory puts SharePoint into an unsupported state. For more information, see here and here.
For custom or third party files under _layouts, if you try to open them directly with a URL (http://myserver/_layouts/KWizCom_Wikiplus/CreateNew.aspx), you will receive an error: Files in the _layouts folder are not available for editing. You can open them in SharePoint Designer with an UNC path rather than a URL (\\myserver\c$\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\KWizCom_Wikiplus\CreateNew.aspx), but at this point SharePoint Designer is not any different than Visual Studio or Notepad as you will probably only have Code View available since ~/ and virtual directory URLs will not be resolved.
I have not used Wiki Plus, but note that not only will this change affect all web applications and site collections on the server, but any changes you make will be wiped out if an updated version of Wiki Plus is deployed to the server.
This file is effectively present in every site at http::/{site url}/_layouts/KWizCom_WikiPlus/CreateNew.aspx. To change it across all of them you would edit the file from the file system.
There are many reasons why editing the file on the file system may be a very bad idea. At minimum you might save a copy of the original and the updated file. Better still, you could put any file you're editing this way under version control.
