does WSS 3.0 search index document libraries? - search

I have a document library with a few files in it and I've noticed that doing a search for files in the document library (even the exact file name) does not seem to give any search results. The search does seem to provide results of terms within lists (such as Project Tasks) thought.
Does Sharepoint Services 3.0 index files within document libraries? I've gone into Advanced Settings of the document library -> Search and made sure the radio button is set to 'Yes' (it was 'Yes' by default).

The short answer is Yes.
The long answer will require some further reading as I can't remember how or where to set it up and of course there is always the chance you have it configured but it just isn't working.

OK, after doing a little digging around it turned out the Service Account and Content Access Account in SharePoint Central Administration > Operations > Services on Server > Windows SharePoint Services Search Service Settings were both set to the in-built user "Local System" which didn't have the permissions to fully index the site. What was odd was that it was indexing the lists but not the documents - I presume a different type of indexing operation is done on the two.
I created a new user on the server with the relevant permissions and assigned that to the Service and Content Access Account and within minutes I could see the Document Libraries within the search results.


SharePoint site not getting indexed

Due to a requirement I have set the option "Allow this site to appear in search results?" to No. Later I have changed that options to Yes, but none of the site content are not retrieved by search. I have re-indexed the site and a list as well and still those are not indexed. Now 24 hours gone after making it to yes.
Appreciate if anyone can suggest a solution.
Could you check if your search account and content access that you use has FULL read access to your web applications. Also, make sure your read access to User profile service Applications as well as People search working.
And i see you've already have set "Allow this site to appear in search results?" to Yes.
Could you check if you set " Allow items from this document library to appear in search results?" to yes as well ?
Here are the steps on how to set up document library to appear in search results:
As an admin, locate the library that's missing from search results.
Click the gear icon () in the upper-right corner.
Select Library Settings.
Select Advanced Settings.
Make sure that Allow items from this document library to appear in
search results? is set to Yes.
After the setting is set to Yes, the library should be indexed during the next scheduled crawl.
For more detailed info please review here

MOSS 2007 scopes in a custom-built advanced search page

I'm attempting (futilely) to create a custom advanced search page for my department's SharePoint site. I've been using this article as a guide,
I've had some success copying the code of the advanced search web part and modifying it to my needs. However, I'm having some struggles with scopes.
Some background...
We are currently running MOSS 2007
Our company houses all its intranet sites under one GIGANTIC site collection
I am a site owner, but not the site collection administrator (that is controlled by IT corporate). Therefore I don't have access to central administration which houses most of the search settings.
IT has not set up any custom scopes (and just trust me when I say asking them to do so would be completely impractical).
I need to scope the advanced search web part's queries to just our site or its libraries. In a perfect world, I would just create custom scopes for this purpose, but as I mentioned that's not an option here.
I've tried using the URL property to restrict the results. Problem is the search has to be executed on EVERY RECORD in the database (which I'm sure is unfathomably huge). I did a test query which took over 5 minutes to result! Definitely not a practical solution.
So that's where I'm stuck. I need to scope the queries but can't figure out how else to do it. Any advice is welcome. Thanks as always!

Sharepoint 2010 - Questions regarding basic concepts

I am beginning sharepoint development and have some quick questions concerning basic terms.
How do i find out whether a particular site is a site collection, or a site JUST BY THE URL? Is their a powershell command to do this?
I was creating some sites in sharepoint. Some sites were appended with /sites/sitename whereas others were just under the base url of sharepoint. What is the difference between the 2? AND, how do i recreate the ones under the sites node? For some reason, I cant find the option to create under the sites node again. Please explain this concept as all msdn tutorial are very confusion for beginners like me. Those are good once you get the hang of basics.
Please provide an analogy how to understand web app, site collection, site, web site, etc.
Is there a way to use NEWFORM.aspx for a document library instead of UPLOAD.aspx?
The Site collection is at the root level of your Web application.
So => Site collection
Using Powershell, open the Sharepoint Powershell prompt and run Get-SPSite to get all Site-Collections
the /sites/ is called as a managed path
It can be defined in the Central Administration for every web application.
The option to select the /sites will be available only when you create the second site collection under the Web Application (The first one take the / by default.)
Have a look at Technet Article
document library is for uploading file, not for storing user submitted data, for that you need to create a list
1) Document Set is used in cases where multiple documents have the same properties, its like putting all these documents in a folder and then providing attributes to that folder which are in turn applied for each document in that folder.
In your case, if all the files have the same values for the 8 fields then the document set is the correct way to go.
2)If there is additional metadata associated with the files then these can be added either to the content type (eg. document or document set content type) or to the columns in the library itself, you dont need to create a separate list for holding that data. Adding data to the content type ensures consistency across all the document libraries within that site collection, adding columns to the library affects only that library.

Sharepoint 2010: people search is not working

I followed the directions in this *link and the while the "all sites" search is working, the "people" search is not working. Do I need to configure a content source (nothing seems to make sense: sharepoint sites, web sites, file shares, exchange public folders, line of business data, custom repository)? Under the search central admin > service application > View Scopes, the "people" section items column indicate 0 but the "all sites" items column indicate 243.
Is getting people search really this hard out of the box? I didn't configure the installation, maybe there is a piece missing?
Check your content source. The default content source typically includes all SharePoint sites and people. If you created your search app before your user profile app, then you may not have that in the content source. You should see an address starting with sps3://.
Make sure you have users to crawl in your profile db.
Try doing a full crawl on the source that contains people.
Make sure you user profile service import is running fine, check the MSDN doc: Configure profile synchronization (SharePoint Server 2010) for step to step guidance.

SharePoint 2010 Search not working

I have installed and configured SharePoint 2010 to run on the same box as the SQL Server its running from in Windows Server 2008 R2. Everything is working fine except the search. I have uploaded several documents and tagged several items (documents, tasks, announcements etc), however whenever I search the site using the defaul search, i get nothing returned no matter what i search on, I simply get "We did not find any results for [search term]". I know there is setup needed if you wish to use "FAST search", but do I have to do anything to get the standard default search to work?
Found the answer on SharePoint.SE:
After installing the system you need to configure your indexing job.
Navigate to CA > Service Applications > Search.
You will see a link to your Content Sources. If you edit that it will give you the opportunity to setup a schedule for both Full and Incremental indexing.
You can kick off a full crawl, once completed you will have results if everything is configured correctly.
It does work for people search too . if you edit this content source you will see sps protocol which is for user profiles .
To make people search to work, in Central Administration > Manage Service Applications, make sure to provide a valid domain\user account as administrator in User Profile Service Application.
To add on to Chensformers answers, the account has to have "Retrieve People Data for Search Crawlers" enabled. They have to have it in the Administrators button, even if the Permissions is set to Full Control! Quite misleading.
