TurboPower Abbrevia in C++Builder2009 - zip

I want install TurboPower Abbrevia 3.05 from http://sourceforge.net/projects/tpabbrevia/ but its not working. :(
docu says:
_4. Open & compile the runtime package specific to the IDE being
used (e.g. B305vr2007.dpk for Delphi2007)
Start C++Builder2009 -> "Open Project..", select "B305vr2009.dpk" and click "open", but nothing happen. What is my mistake?

It's nice to see that someone is finally working on Abbrevia again, but looking at the Abbrevia web site I see that it still doesn't support modern versions of C++Builder. A few years ago I need to create Zips in an application and I found out that Abbrevia wouldn't work for me anymore. So, I compiled and linked in the Zip library from Info-ZIP, which worked very well. I didn't have much trouble adapting it to C++Builder as I recall, and it's still working fine today.
Info-ZIP's library only works with Zip files (no 7zip, etc.) but that's all we need here.

If you don't have RAD Studio, and only have C++Builder, you'll have to build it via the command line:
dcc32 -JL B305vr2009.dpk
You can then import the .bpl file generated from the Component->Import Component menu.

Abbrevia 3.05 didn't have C++Builder packages. The current release (5.0) supports C++Builder 2009-XE2 and has native .cbproj packages for it.


Boost thread library version mismatch

I've created a managed C++ log parser application using C++ vectors and Winforms. I want to add multithreading and Boost seemed like a better option than Winforms BackgroundWorker because I want to be able to execute my existing C++ function with each thread. I installed Boost multiple times following multiple different tutorials (lastly this one: https://levelup.gitconnected.com/the-definite-guide-on-compiling-and-linking-boost-c-libraries-for-visual-studio-projects-c79464d7282d) and I still have the same issue when I try to #include <boost/thread.hpp>
Error LNK1104 cannot open file 'libboost_thread-vc143-mt-x64-1_78.lib'
I don't know why it's looking for this library when I have Boost 1_79 installed not 1_78. My .lib file also has "mt-gd-x64" not just "mt-x64". I've already specified the correct file path to the library in Project->Properties->Linker->General->Additional Library Directories. I've also tried installing Boost via Visual Studio 2022 NuGet Package Manager. The lib file in that folder is also slightly off. "vc120" instead of "vc143". I've even tried changing the .lib file name to match the file name in the linker error exactly but when I do that I get more errors like LNK1104 cannot open file 'libboost_chrono-vc143-mt-x64-1_78.lib'
Do I just need to delete all my Boost files and download version 1_78 and try again? Why is Visual Studio looking for the wrong file name when it compiles? Is my #include statement wrong?
I ended up solving this problem by downloading boost 1_78, building it, and specifying that folder instead or the 1_79 folder. If anyone might know why the program was looking for 1_78 instead of 1_79 feel free to respond Also big thanks to George Gkasdrogkas who wrote the tutorial that worked best for me on how to install Boost. Tutorial is linked in the question :)

How do I cross-compile a QT application for imx6?

How do I cross-compile a QT application for a Freescale Hummingboard(imx6(arm))?
There are some guides around, but I've not been able to complete one with success.
The following (and more) guides give me a compile error on ./configure
When I run the ./configure command (With recommended commands, I've tried this with a lot of possibilities for commands but got none working). I got a compile error for all the external libraries QT uses (zlib, libjpeg, libpng, etc.). So it's a dead end from there.
I've tried a lot more stuff, I don't even remember all the stuff I've tried, but I got nothing working.
I'm trying to use mini-distribution for the Hummingboard. It's a system without window manager that is able to run QT applications (QT5). The build tool I'm trying to use is gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabi, I'm using QT Creator. I've got QT working on the Hummingboard, I just can't compile anything for it.
I managed building an application for the IMX6 finally. Here is how I did it for other's. It's not an optimal solution but it is an solution.
I use Buildgear to build mini-distirbution as OS (Google it, not enough links with my reputation). I append my own application to this mini-distribution to also build it. This is done by placing creating a folder in the buildfiles/cross/cross-hummingboard folder and adding a buildfile (mine look like this http://pastebin.com/bZkJUiry). In this folder I also place a .tar of the project files (including the .pro). To get it to build I add "qt-gui" as a dependency to the fs (buildfiles/cross/cross-hummingboard/fs) by adding it to the list of depends.
I then run buildgear build fs, which will create an (Tarred) image including my (working) qt-application! I then extract the ./qt-gui executable and ssh it to the Hummingboard.
Of course this is all a bit cumbersome so I made a script that automates this all: http://pastebin.com/jFM6rZyY
It copies and Tars sources, compiles it together with the fs, extracts the executable, ssh's the file to the hummingboard and runs it. Takes about 3 minutes building but it works which is what counts for me at this point.

How to make gnuhawk component AudioSink load to redhawk?

Running CentOS 6.5 and RedHawk 1.9.0, and I have audio-components installed in $SDRROOT, and AudioSink shows up in palette, all good. However when I double click to launch it I get the error:
Launching component AudioSink_1 has encountered a problem
Failed to launch: AudioSink_1.
When I click on details I get:
Failed to launch: AudioSink_1
Not very informative. Components AudioSource and AudioTestSource also do not launch.
I was having a very similar issue to what you described when I was trying to use Axios-Engineering's RTLTcpSource component. What the issue was for me was I was installing the component incorrectly. So for me this is how I installed a component in REDHAWK.
Download the original source code. (unzip if necessary)
Open the REDHAWK IDE(eclipse)
File->Import...->Existing Projects into Workspace->next->select the source code folder->Finish
Project->Build Project
Drag project folder to "Target SDR" in the SCA Explorer
I hope this helps you or anyone else. I know there aren't really many places that tell you how to actually add an external component to REDHAWK and it took me a while to figure out to just treat it like a normal custom component.
I had a similar problem when using audiosink. The answer above by JD will work but make sure you re-gen the component since the code was made in 1.84 and there is a new codegen for 1.9.
It may also throw a message saying there are errors when exporting to the target SDR but that can mostly be ignored from my experience.
Similarly if you want more of an output, you can run the component/device through the terminal sandbox after building it and set "-Debug 4" to get more information.
Good luck!
edit: seems like a bug with audiosink was addressed: AudioSink unknown error
you might want to just pull down the updated version and try that!

CVTRES.exe is discarding my DLL exported functions

I'm working on a project that creates a DLL in C for Windows CE 5.0 using STANDARDSDK_500. The project is relatively simple with just one C source file. What I've noticed is that when I clean and build the project using Visual Studio 2005, it fails to create my Import lib. When I tell Visual Studio to rebuild it, it correctly creates the import lib.
Turning on verbose linking, I discover that in the failure case (clean and build) CVTRES.exe is discarding my functions, like so:
Invoking CVTRES.exe:
".\standardsdk_500 (armv4i)\release\WLTBApi.res"
Microsoft (R) Windows Resource To Object Converter Version 8.00.50727.42
adding resource. type:VERSION, name:1, language:0x0409, flags:0x30, size:892
Discarded '.idata$4' from coredll.lib(COREDLL.dll)
Discarded WLRegisterStartupApp from WLTBApi.obj // my functions! Oh noes!
This discards all of my functions, which causes the linker to not create an import lib because there are no exported functions.
I figured that the input was the .res file mentioned in the commandline - WLTBApi.res. This file is identical in the intermediate directory after trying to compile both the working way (rebuild) and the non-working way (clean. build).
So, my first question is: what are the other inputs to the CVTRES.exe program so that I can find discrepencies between the two builds?
Second: what other troubleshooting techniques would you recommend?
Additional Info - I thought perhaps the .obj files were additional inputs - they differ between the builds. I now believe that they are outputs of CVTRES.exe. If anyone knows whether or not I'm correct in this, let me know.
Okay, so I found a solution, but I'm terribly dissatisfied with it. I discovered that the project I was building had a Dependency, but one that wasn't actually a dependency. In other words, the project, WLTBApi was building a DLL, and had a dependency configured, WLTBApiLib, but it wasn't actually using any of the output of that project. By removing the dependency, the problem went away.
I'd still love to know more about how to find an actual answer to what was going on, but maybe this answer will help someone else in the future.

Problems linking static libraries in Xcode 4

All was right in the world until I upgraded to Xcode 4 a few days ago. Since then I've had endless problems getting things to work as they should. And I have a crucial update I need to release. I've tried every permutation of settings I can think of, restarted, reinstalled Xcode, reverted to old versions of my files, everything.
My project links to three static libraries, contained in three other projects. I have used the standard processes to link libraries (drag the project files into mine, add their products as target dependencies, add the lib---.a files to the Link Binary With Libraries phase). And actually, I have no problem compiling with the Debug Build Configuration, either for the simulator or my test device.
Where everything goes sideways is when I compile with the Release Build Configuration, or when I try to Archive. I've gotten many different errors depending on my settings, but most are variations on this:
ld: warning: ignoring file
file was built for archive which is
not the architecture being linked
(armv6) Undefined symbols for
architecture armv6:
referenced from:
objc-class-ref in ExportViewController.o
I can't understand why it's even looking at Products in the Debug-iphonesimulator directory (I swear, everything I'm linking to reveals itself in the Finder to be in the proper Release-iphoneos directory).
I have put a ridiculous number of hours into fixing this, really need help! Thank you!
Please check this question and answer. I encountered same problem and fixed it.
Xcode4 Linking Problem. File was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked (arm6)
I solved this problem by copying the .a lib files from the Release-iphoneos directory to the Debug-iphonesimulator directory so that the correct files would be found even though Xcode was looking in the wrong directory.
However, then I encountered the problem raised here of a multi-application bundle -- and the solution given didn't work for me. Finally gave up and reinstalled Xcode 3. Compiled, archived, and uploaded to the App Store in 20 minutes. Will be some time, and several dot-releases, before I give Xcode 4 another shot.
You may have -DGDATA_REQUIRE_SERVICE_INCLUDES=1 enabled in your other C flags for the GDataTouchStaticLib target. If so, add the service you need, in this case, spreadsheets, by adding -DGDATA_INCLUDE_SPREADSHEET_SERVICE=1 to your Other C Flags. Or if you don't want GData to require service includes (which will build everything into the static lib, not just what you need), just remove the DGDATA_REQUIRE_SERVICE_INCLUDES flag.
