VC++ - Asynchronous Thread - visual-c++

I am working on VC++ project, in that my application process a file from input path and generates 3 output "*.DAT" files in the destination path. I will FTP these DAT file to the destination server. After FTP, I need to delete only two output .DAT files the folder. I am able to delete those files, because there one Asynchronous thread running behind the process. Since the thread is running, while deleting it says, "Cannot delete, the file is used by another person".
I need to stop that thread and delete the files. Multiple files can also be taken from the input path to process.
Please help me in resolving this issue. Its very high priority issue for me. Please help me ASAP.

I don't think this is a threading issue. Instead I think your problem is that Windows won't let you delete a file that still has open handles referencing it. Make sure that you call CloseHandle on handles to the file that you want to delete first. Also ensure that whatever mechanism you are using to perform the FTP transfer doesn't have any handles open to the file you want to delete.

I don't think that forcing the background thread down will solve your problem. You can't delete the files because you're holding an open handle to those files. You must close the handle first. Create an event object and share it between your main thread and the background thread. When the background thread is done sending the files through FTP, it should set this event. Have your main thread wait on the event before deleting the files.
Background Thread:
ReleaseResources(); // (might be necessary, depending on your design)
SetEvent( hFilesSentEvent );
Main Thread:
WaitForSingleObject( hFilesSentEvent );


How to open or create a directory if doesn't exist atomically

Is there a way to open a directory and create it if doesn't exist atomically ?
My use case is simple, I use a directory to watch every public key that are allowed to connect to my server, but if the directory doesn't exist I want to create it, unfortunately for now I only see a two step solution, create the path with create_dir_all() and then open it with read_dir() but this create a possible situation where the directory is delete between the two calls (very unlucky in my docker container... but anyway !)
I didn't find any solution in linux to do that and I'm quite surprise cause that a very common operation for file.
I found a related question Create a directory and return a dirfd with `open` but it's focus on file descriptor and so is more specific. The answer seem to say this doesn't prevent race condition, I don't really understand the context, my only concern is to avoid to create the directory and than try to open it and it's fail. It's more for convenience and robustness of code.

Find out which process prevents to modify application data files

Sometimes it happens, that some files of my application are used by some processes. For example, user opens application log, or something like that, and forgets to close it. This causes some errors while installing/upgrading/uninstalling. In such cases, I'd like to find out, what process is using file, and show user a message, indicating, that files are used.
Is it possible in Inno Setup to find out, what process prevents script from modifying file? At least, when I'm trying to do this in Code section.
The Inno Setup can automatically check, if the installed files are locked by some processes, and offer a user to close (and restart later) the applications automatically (since 5.5.0).
Make sure the CloseApplications directive is set to its default value yes.
Though by default, only *.exe,*.dll,*.chm files are checked. If you want to check also other or all other files, modify the CloseApplicationsFilter directive:
; default
; check all files
If you are installing some files by a code, use the RegisterExtraCloseApplicationsResources event function:
procedure RegisterExtraCloseApplicationsResources;
False, ExpandConstant('{userappdata}\My Program.log'));

wxpython threading textctrl disappears until files are processed

Appropriate code provided below. I had this working once but have since messed up due to having to change some of the other code. Can't figure out what I've done. The encrypt function creates a thread and makes a call to function EncryptProc to process one or more files. Once each file is completed it should print the name to a textctrl. In the codes current state it waits until all threads/files are processed before printing. It then prints evrything in one go. During processing the textctrl also completely disappears. Any help would be much appreciated as its starting to drive me nuts, lol.
There should be no GUI access from within threads - in your case EncryptProc is writing to the text control directly - you need to either:
Use CallAfter in the thread to update the text control after the thread exits or
Raise custom event an event in the thread that carries the file name information
and have a hander in the main thread that updates the text control
on receiving the event.

How to implement a semaphore that will synchronize several different copies of the same program in Linux

I have a program that can be ran several times. The program uses a working directory where it saves/manipulates its runtime files and puts results. I want to make sure that if several copies of the program run simultaneously, they won't use the same folder. To do this I add a hidden file in the work directory when it's created, that means that the directory is being used, and delete it when the program exits. When a program wants to use a certain directory as its working directory, it'll check if that file exists, and if not it will use the directory, otherwise, it'll use a directory of the same name with its process id attached. The implementation is: (in Tcl)
upon starting:
if [file exists [db_work_area]/.folder_used] {
reg set work_area_override [db_work_area]_[pid]
exec touch ${db_wa}/.folder_used
when exiting:
if [file exists [db_work_area]/.folder_used] {
file delete [db_work_area]/.folder_used
This works when the copies of the program are opened one at a time, however I am afraid that if several copies of the program will be opened at the same time, there will be a problem with their synchronization. Meaning that two programs will check if the file exists, together, see that it doesn't both chose that directory, and only after that, they will add the file. How can I implement a semaphore that will be able to synchronize between the several different copies of the same program running?
You should not do a [file exists] and later the touch, it works better to use open to do it in a single step with the EXCL permission.
Try to use something like this to create the file and fail if it already exists in an atomic way.
if {[catch {open ${db_wa}/.folder_used {WRONLY EXCL CREAT}} fd]} {
# error happend, file exists
# pick a different area
} else {
# just close it again, like a touch to create the file
close $fd

CreateFile in separate thread returns INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE in MFC app

I have an MFC App which fires up a separate thread for downloading some files via cURL. At the start it downloads a text file with file sizes and last write times. Then it checks the files on disk and queues it for downloading if it has different values.. The problem is; the CreateFile call in the thread arbitrarily returns INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE. I always do CloseHandle() after a successful CreateFile(). The failing files are just random. Sometimes a file in the root dir, another time a file in a nested directory. The problem is not related to localization or directory/file names since sometimes all checks pass but sometimes don't. GetLastError() return 2 or 3 on occasion which are "File not found" / "Path not found" respectively.
When I put the function checking the file write times and size straight into the OnInitDialog() function, everything works. This smells like a multithreading issue but I double-checked everything from memory allocations to file handles.
The same code works in a console application also in a separate thread.
The platform is Win7 64bit.
Linking statically to the runtime and MFC.
in my case GetCurrentDirectory() returned the system32 path after some time so my code failed because of credentials. I fixed the issue by determining file paths manually (getting the exe path at the start and use it from there on...) . Make sure you are not trying to write to/read from a privileged location on disk. Check your paths.
