Strange pattern matching with functions instancing Show - haskell

So I'm writing a program which returns a procedure for some given arithmetic problem, so I wanted to instance a couple of functions to Show so that I can print the same expression I evaluate when I test. The trouble is that the given code matches (-) to the first line when it should fall to the second.
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XFlexibleInstances #-}
instance Show (t -> t-> t) where
show (+) = "plus"
show (-) = "minus"
main = print [(+),(-)]
Am I just committing a mortal sin printing functions in the first place or is there some way I can get it to match properly?
edit:I realise I am getting the following warning:
Warning: Pattern match(es) are overlapped
In the definition of `show': show - = ...
I still don't know why it overlaps, or how to stop it.

As sepp2k and MtnViewMark said, you can't pattern match on the value of identifiers, only on constructors and, in some cases, implicit equality checks. So, your instance is binding any argument to the identifier, in the process shadowing the external definition of (+). Unfortunately, this means that what you're trying to do won't and can't ever work.
A typical solution to what you want to accomplish is to define an "arithmetic expression" algebraic data type, with an appropriate show instance. Note that you can make your expression type itself an instance of Num, with numeric literals wrapped in a "Literal" constructor, and operations like (+) returning their arguments combined with a constructor for the operation. Here's a quick, incomplete example:
data Expression a = Literal a
| Sum (Expression a) (Expression a)
| Product (Expression a) (Expression a)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance (Num a) => Num (Expression a) where
x + y = Sum x y
x * y = Product x y
fromInteger x = Literal (fromInteger x)
evaluate (Literal x) = x
evaluate (Sum x y) = evaluate x + evaluate y
evaluate (Product x y) = evaluate x * evaluate y
integer :: Integer
integer = (1 + 2) * 3 + 4
expr :: Expression Integer
expr = (1 + 2) * 3 + 4
Trying it out in GHCi:
> integer
> evaluate expr
> expr
Sum (Product (Sum (Literal 1) (Literal 2)) (Literal 3)) (Literal 4)

Here's a way to think about this. Consider:
answer = 42
magic = 3
specialName :: Int -> String
specialName answer = "the answer to the ultimate question"
specialName magic = "the magic number"
specialName x = "just plain ol' " ++ show x
Can you see why this won't work? answer in the pattern match is a variable, distinct from answer at the outer scope. So instead, you'd have to write this like:
answer = 42
magic = 3
specialName :: Int -> String
specialName x | x == answer = "the answer to the ultimate question"
specialName x | x == magic = "the magic number"
specialName x = "just plain ol' " ++ show x
In fact, this is just what is going on when you write constants in a pattern. That is:
digitName :: Bool -> String
digitName 0 = "zero"
digitName 1 = "one"
digitName _ = "math is hard"
gets converted by the compiler to something equivalent to:
digitName :: Bool -> String
digitName x | x == 0 = "zero"
digitName x | x == 1 = "one"
digitName _ = "math is hard"
Since you want to match against the function bound to (+) rather than just bind anything to the symbol (+), you'd need to write your code as:
instance Show (t -> t-> t) where
show f | f == (+) = "plus"
show f | f == (-) = "minus"
But, this would require that functions were comparable for equality. And that is an undecidable problem in general.
You might counter that you are just asking the run-time system to compare function pointers, but at the language level, the Haskell programmer doesn't have access to pointers. In other words, you can't manipulate references to values in Haskell(*), only values themselves. This is the purity of Haskell, and gains referential transparency.
(*) MVars and other such objects in the IO monad are another matter, but their existence doesn't invalidate the point.

It overlaps because it treats (+) simply as a variable, meaning on the RHS the identifier + will be bound to the function you called show on.
There is no way to pattern match on functions the way you want.

Solved it myself with a mega hack.
instance (Num t) => Show (t -> t-> t) where
show op =
case (op 6 2) of
8 -> "plus"
4 -> "minus"
12 -> "times"
3 -> "divided"


Define algebra over GF4

How to define the algebraic operations over finite field power 4 (GF4) in Haskell?
I have numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3
And the operators could look like this:
(+) x y = (x + y) `mod` 4
(*) 0 y = 0
(*) 1 y = y
(*) x 0 = 0
(*) x 1 = x
(*) 2 2 = 3
(*) 3 3 = 2
(*) 2 3 = 1
(*) 3 2 = 1
Note: (*) is not multiple mod 4!
I want to get something like this:
3 * 2 :: GF4 == 1 :: GF4
I write:
class GF4 x where
(+), (*) :: x -> x -> x
instance GF4 where
0 + 0 = 0
2 * 3 = 1
But unsuccessfully! How to write an implement of this operators by type class or type?
Like this:
data GF4 = GF4_0 | GF4_1 | GF4_2 | GF4_3
deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, {- Ord, maybe? -} Read, Show)
instance Num GF4 where
-- A small trick to avoid having to write all the cases by hand:
-- reuse the `Num Int` instance and use the `Enum GF4` instance to
-- convert back and forth.
-- BUT note that, though this was the original question's spec for
-- (+), this is not how addition in GF4 is usually defined. Thanks
-- to chi for pointing it out. Presumably the definition for x - y
-- below also needs to be updated; perhaps defining negate instead
-- would involve less repetition.
x + y = toEnum ((fromEnum x + fromEnum y) `mod` 4)
GF4_0 * y = 0
GF4_1 * y = y
GF4_2 * GF4_2 = GF4_3
-- etc.
-- and a couple other bookkeeping functions; see :info Num or the haddocks
x - y = toEnum ((fromEnum x - fromEnum y) `mod` 4)
fromInteger n = toEnum (fromInteger (n `mod` 4))
abs = id
signum = toEnum . signum . fromEnum
Now you can try it out in ghci:
> (3 * 2 :: GF4) == (1 :: GF4)
Another option that makes the Num instance less tedious is to explicitly represent it as a polynomial with mod-2 coefficients. I'll pull a silly trick I've pulled a few times before to treat Bool as mod-2 numbers (with False representing 0 and True representing 1):
instance Num Bool where
(+) = (/=)
(*) = (&&)
negate = not
abs = id
signum = id
fromInteger = odd
(An aside for the Haskell experts: if the orphan instance makes you queasy, feel free to define data Bit = O | I and write out the Num instance a bit more explicitly.)
Now we define GF4 to have two fields ("fields" in the programming sense, not the number theory sense):
data GF4 = Bool :×+ Bool deriving (Eq, {- Ord, maybe? -} Read, Show)
The ×+ is supposed to be a bit of a visual pun: we'll represent ax + b as a:×+b. Now the (corrected) Num instance looks quite a bit more ordered:
instance Num GF4 where
(a:×+b) + (a':×+b') = (a + a'):×+(b + b')
(a:×+b) * (a':×+b') = (a*a' + a*b' + b*a'):×+(a*a' + b*b')
negate = id
abs = id
signum (a:×+b) = 0:×+(a*b)
fromInteger n = 0:×+fromInteger n
x :: GF4
x = 1:×+0
Unlike the previous instance, not all inhabitants of this GF4 are available as literal numbers -- only the constant polynomials. So we define an extra value, x, to give access to the non-constant polynomials. (Or you can use the constructor directly.) Now we can try out your example in ghci; what you call 2 I call x, and what you call 3 I call x+1.
> (x+1) * x == 1
As #WillemVanOnsem says in the comments, GF4 should be a data type, rather than a typeclass. Despite the name, they are totally different things! A typeclass is a collection of functions which are general enough that they can have similar implementations for multiple different types; a data type is nearly the reverse, in that it defines a totally new type which the users may use as they wish.
So how do you define GF4 as a data type? The ‘simplest’ way (for one definition of ‘simplest’) is to simply define it as a wrapper around Int:
newtype GF4 = GF4 Int
(Quick note: in case you haven’t run into them before, newtypes are a special kind of data type; they are used when you want to give a new name to another type by wrapping it. See e.g. LYAH for the difference between newtypes and datas.)
Now, note that (+) and (*) are members of the Num typeclass — this makes sense, since you can implement those functions for a wide range of types — so now you can write a Num instance:
instance Num GF4 where
(+) (GF4 x) (GF4 y) = GF4 ((x + y) `mod` 4)
(*) (GF4 0) (GF4 y) = GF4 0
(*) (GF4 1) (GF4 y) = GF4 y
-- and so on and so forth
-- but Num also has some other functions; let’s implement those too
negate (GF 0) = GF 0
negate (GF 1) = (GF 3)
negate (GF 2) = GF 2
-- note that a ‘negate’ implementation automatically gives you (-) as well
abs x = x
signum x = x
-- this is an unsafe function — usually you’d avoid them, but it’s the
-- only way to implement this one
fromInteger x = if 0 <= x && x < 4 then GF (fromInteger x) else error "value out of bounds!"
Then, you can export the name of the type GF4, but not the constructor GF4 :: Int -> GF4; thus outside people can use your type, but cannot construct invalid values like GF4 30.
Yet there is a better way. Note that GF4 only has four values — so it’s totally feasible to define this as an enumeration:
data GF4 = GF0 | GF1 | GF2 | GF3
This way, you can export everything, and still have it impossible by design to construct invalid values. This is considered good practice in Haskell; for this reason alone, I would use this definition rather than the newtype one. The implementation of Num is very similar to that given above; for this reason I won’t write the whole thing out again, but you should be able to easily figure it out.
You need to specify a type in our instance declaration. E.g.
instance GF4 Int where
0 + 0 = 0
2 * 3 = 1
To use it you still need to hide (+) and (*) from Prelude:
import Prelude hiding ((*), (+))
Now you can start using your GF4 instance:
one :: Int
one = 2 * 3

Define Function with Constraint on List's Elements?

How can I define a function with the following signature,
f :: [Int???] -> [Int]
f xs = _ -- what I do with xs doesn't matter for the question
where a is a List of Int's
such that the first argument's inputs, i.e. list elements, must be >= 0, but <= 5 at compile-time?
In other words,
f [6] would fail to compile.
How about:
f :: [Int] -> [Int]
f = filter (\x -> x >= 0 && x <= 5)
Or do you want to enforce the bounds on the type (dependent types)?
If you want to restrict the range of the Int that is allowed you are probably better of using a smart constructor. Have a look here. The idea is that you create your own datatype and your own custom constructor:
newtype Range0_5 = Range0_5 { unRange :: Int }
makeRange0_5 :: Int -> Maybe Range0_5
makeRange0_5 x
| x >= 0 && x <= 5 = Just $ Range0_5 x
| otherwise = Nothing
If you make a smart constructor, it is important to not expose it to the user of the module. This can be done by simply not exporting the Range0_5 constructor.
However this is not a compile time check. Other languages than Haskell might be more appropriate if you really need such a feature.
Since the range is fairly small, you could also make a sum type to represent it:
data Range0_5 = Int0 | Int1 | Int2 | Int3 | Int4 | Int5
If the signature is
f :: [Int] -> [Int]
(which was the original form of the question), then it is impossible to enforce your constraint at compile time. This follows from the standard diagonalization argument of the Halting problem.
Suppose the compiler could detect that
f[g x]
should not compile. By incorporating the source code of the compiler into g, it could choose the opposite of the compiler's decision.
Following your comment on Liquid Haskell (which seems like a very interesting project), note the following:
{-# type Even = {v:Int | v mod 2 = 0} #-}
{-# foo :: n:Even -> {v:Bool | (v <=> (n mod 2 == 0))} #-}
foo :: Int -> Bool
foo n = if n^2 - 1 == (n + 1) * (n - 1) then True else foo (n - 1)
LiquidHaskell claims this function is unsafe, because, potentially foo n calls foo (n - 1). Note, however, that this will never happen: it will only be called if the relationship n2 - 1 ≠ (n + 1) (n - 1), which can never happen.
Again, this is not a criticism of the quality of LiquidHaskell, but rather just pointing out that it, too, cannot solve Halting Problem like issues.

Haskell: Why I can load this file in ghci but when I try to do the same in hugs I get a syntax error?

This is the file I am trying to load:
import Data.List (foldl')
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Data.Char (ord)
--data IntParsedStr = Int | ParsingError
--data ParsingError = ParsingError String
asInt :: String -> Either String Integer
asInt "" = Left "Empty string"
asInt xs#(x:xt) | x == '-' = either Left (Right . ((-1) *)) (asInt' xt)
| otherwise = either Left Right (asInt' xs)
where asInt' :: String -> Either String Integer
asInt' "" = Left "No digits"
asInt' xs = foldl' step (Right 0) xs
where step :: Either String Integer -> Char -> Either String Integer
step (Left e) _ = Left e
step (Right ac) c = either Left (Right . (10 * ac + ) . fromIntegral) (charAsInt c)
charAsInt :: Char -> Either String Int
charAsInt c | between (ord '0') (ord c) (ord '9') = Right $ ord c - ord '0'
| otherwise = Left $ printf "'%c' is not a digit" c
checkPrecision str = either error ((str == ). show) (asInt str)
between :: Ord t => t -> t -> t -> Bool
between a b c = a <= b && b <= c
It loads without any problem in ghci but in hugs I get this error:
ERROR "folds.hs":17 - Syntax error in expression (unexpected `)')
Line 17 is the last in the definition of asInt function
I recently founded that this is in fact a known hugs issue as said in this question
where there is a link to the Hugs 98 Users Guide where says that
Legal expressions like (a+b+) and (a*b+) are rejected.
I believe this is a bug in Hugs, not a liberality of GHC. The Haskell 98 report (appropriate in the context of Hugs usage) says
Syntactic precedence rules apply to sections as follows. (op e) is legal if and only if (x op e) parses in the same way as (x op (e)); and similarly for (e op). For example, (*a+b) is syntactically invalid, but (+a*b) and (*(a+b)) are valid. Because (+) is left associative, (a+b+) is syntactically correct, but (+a+b) is not; the latter may legally be written as (+(a+b)).
I interpret that as allowing (10 * ac + ) since both (*) and (+) are left associative, and indeed (*) has higher precedence.
As pointed out in the comments, ((10 * ac) + ) is accepted by both, so is a workaround.
Interestingly, this isn't listed in the Hugs vs Haskell 98 page, so maybe Mark P. Jones reads this section of the report differently to me. Certainly I can forgive him for this; Gofer implemented constructor classes long before Haskell allowed them, and Hugs is still faster than GHCi at compilation, and still gives better error messages.

Haskell calculator - order of operations

I am very new to Haskell and I need to make a working calculator what will give answers to expressions like: 2+3*(5+12)
I have something that manages to calculate more or less but I have a problem with order of operations. I have no idea how to do it. Here is my code:
import Text.Regex.Posix
import Data.Maybe
oblicz :: String -> Double
oblicz str = eval (Nothing, None) $ map convertToExpression $ ( tokenize str )
eval :: (Maybe Double,Expression)->[Expression]->Double
eval (Nothing, _) ((Variable v):reszta) = eval (Just v, None) reszta
eval (Just aktualnyWynik, None) ((Operator o):reszta) = eval ((Just aktualnyWynik), (Operator o)) reszta
eval (Just aktualnyWynik, (Operator o)) ((Variable v):reszta) = eval (Just $ o aktualnyWynik v , None) reszta
eval (aktualnyWynik, operator) (LeftParenthesis:reszta)
= eval (aktualnyWynik, operator) ((Variable (eval (Nothing, None) reszta)):(getPartAfterParentheses reszta))
eval (Just aktualnyWynik, _) [] = aktualnyWynik
eval (Just aktualnyWynik, _) (RightParenthesis:_) = aktualnyWynik
data Expression = Operator (Double->Double->Double)
| Variable Double
| LeftParenthesis
| RightParenthesis
| None
tokenize :: String -> [String]
tokenize expression = getAllTextMatches(expression =~ "([0-9]+|\\(|\\)|\\+|-|%|/|\\*)" :: AllTextMatches [] String)
convertToExpression :: String -> Expression
convertToExpression "-" = Operator (-)
convertToExpression "+" = Operator (+)
convertToExpression "*" = Operator (*)
convertToExpression "/" = Operator (/)
convertToExpression "(" = LeftParenthesis
convertToExpression ")" = RightParenthesis
convertToExpression variable = Variable (read variable)
getPartAfterParentheses :: [Expression] -> [Expression]
getPartAfterParentheses [] = []
getPartAfterParentheses (RightParenthesis:expressionsList) = expressionsList
getPartAfterParentheses (LeftParenthesis:expressionsList) = getPartAfterParentheses (getPartAfterParentheses expressionsList)
getPartAfterParentheses (expression:expressionsList) = getPartAfterParentheses expressionsList
I thought maybe I could create two stacks - one with numbers and one with operators. While reading the expression, I could push numbers on one stack and operators on another. When it is an operator I would check if there is something already on the stack and if there is check if I should pop it from the stack and do the math or not - just like in onp notation.
Unfortunately, as I said, I am VERY new to haskell and have no clue how to go about writing this.
Any hints or help would be nice :)
Pushing things on different stacks sure feels very much a prcedural thing to do, and that's generally not nice in Haskell. (Stacks can be realised as lists, which works quite nice in a purely functional fashion. Even real mutable state can be fine if only as an optimisation, but if more than one object needs to be modified at a time then this isn't exactly enjoyable.)
The preferrable way would be to build up a tree representing the expression.
type DInfix = Double -> Double -> Double -- for readability's sake
data ExprTree = Op DInfix ExprTree ExprTree
| Value Double
Evaluating this tree is basically evalTree (Op c t1 t2) = c (evalTree t1) (evalTree t2), i.e. ExprTree->Double right away.
To build the tree up, the crucial point: get the operator fixities right. Different operators have different fixity. I'd put that information in the Operator field:
type Fixity = Int
data Expression = Operator (Double->Double->Double) Fixity
| ...
which then requires e.g.
convertToExpression "+" = Operator (+) 6
convertToExpression "*" = Operator (*) 7
(Those are the fixities that Haskell itself has for the operators. You can :i + in GHCi to see them.)
Then you'd build the tree.
toExprTree :: [Expression] -> ExprTree
Obvious base case:
toExprTree [Variable v] = Value v
You might continue with
toExprTree (Variable v : Operator c _ : exprs) = Op c (Value v) (toExprTree exprs)
But that's actually not right: for e.g. 4 * 3 + 2 it would give 4 * (3 + 2). We actually need to bring the 4 * down the remaining expressions tree, as deep as the fixities are lower. So the tree needs to know about that as well
data ExprTree = Op DInfix Fixity ExprTree ExprTree
| Value Double
mergeOpL :: Double -> DInfix -> Fixity -> ExprTree -> ExprTree
mergeOpL v c f t#(Op c' f' t' t'')
| c > c' = Op c' f' (mergeOpL v c f t') t''
mergeOpL v c f t = Op c f (Value v) t
What remains to be done is handling parentheses. You'd need to take a whole matching-brackets expression and assign it a tree-fixity of, say tight = 100 :: Fixity.
As a note: such a tokenisation - manual parsing workflow is pretty cumbersome, regardless how nicely functional you do it. Haskell has powerful parser-combinator libraries like parsec, which take most of the work and bookkeeping off you.
What you need to solve this problem is the Shunting-yard Algorithm of Edsger Dijstra as described at You can see my implementation at the bottom of this file.
If you are limiting your self to just +,-,*,/ you can also solve the problem using the usual trick in most intro to compiler examples simply parsing into two different non-terminals, ofter called term and product to build the correct tree. This get unwieldy if you have to deal with a lot of operators or they are user defined.

Show basic arithmetic functions as string

for a homework assignment, a subtask is to make the arithmetic functions (+), (-), (*) and div showable.
We're solved the rest of the assignment, but we're stuck here. Right now we're using the solution to this question here to distinguish between the operations:
showOp op = case op 3 3 of
6 -> "plus"
0 -> "minus"
9 -> "times"
1 -> "divide"
_ -> "undefined"
However, this strikes me as kind of ugly as things like showOp (\a b -> a * 3 - y) yield "plus".
Is there any way to better distinguish between the operators?
We are using winhugs atm with the appropriate switches -98 +o in order to be able to use the needed extensions.
As requested, the actual assignment has to do with Arrays (specifically Array Int (Int -> Int -> Int)). It has to do with generating arrays of operators that fulfill certain conditions.
The assignment states:
Make the data type Array Int (Int->Int-Int) an Instance of Show. The arithmetic operations from the previous exercises should be represented as "plus", "minus", "times" and "div".
thx for any help in advance
Use induction :)
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
instance Eq (Int-> Int -> Int) where
f == g = induce f g where
base = 1
n = 2
induce f g = and [f 1 n' == g 1 n' | n' <- [base, n, n+1]]
instance Show (Int-> Int -> Int) where
show a = showOp a where
showOp op = case lookup op ops of
Just a -> a
otherwise -> "undefined"
ops = [((+),"plus")
*Main> (\a b -> a * 3 - b) :: (Int->Int->Int)
