As I use vim, it tries to be helpful by highlighting groups of four spaces in yellow, as shown.
My .vimrc file says, in its entirety, set tabstop=4.
How can I keep vim from highlighting the indentation in my files?
Is this a case of highlighting the last search? If so, try typing ":noh".
If bentsai's answer isn't correct, then there's probably a match pattern in effect. In that case, :call clearmatches() will remove the highlighting.
Also, :set list will cause the tabs to get NonText highlighting, which might be yellow background.
In that case, :set nolist will remove the coloring.
In vim, I want to:
highlight a single line (e.g. :hi CursorLine ctermbg=black)
maintain syntax highlighting
not set up any custom color themes or similar
(note: adding a few lines to .vimrc is fine)
I've tried setting via :hi CursorLine ctermbg=black, but this results in changing the cursor highlight color but not maintaining syntax coloring.
not highlighted, and has syntax coloring:
highlighted, but loses syntax coloring:
in above example, I would want the string word to stay purple, if word stay yellow, etc., even though line is highlighted.
I also tried toggling :syntax off :syntax on, and not surprisingly this had no effect.
This question (Syntax highlighting in vim) seems similar to what I'm asking, but it's not because 1) I don't want to change the background, 2) I don't want to change theme, 3) it seems like OP here was having trouble with existing syntax color scheme and just wanted to be able to see things.
This question (Custom syntax coloring vim) seems similar to what I'm asking, but it's not because 1) I don't want to change existing syntax coloring, I want to keep it, 2) I don't want to add arbitrary syntax highlighting, I just want CursorLine to be highlighted while also maintaining syntax coloring.
I got my desired behavior by running :hi CursorLine ctermbg=black term=none cterm=none.
And while out of scope of my original question, running :set cursorline is also needed for the line highlighting to be displayed.
This seemed to work for me ...
:hi CursorLine cterm=NONE guifg=NONE
I'm looking for a way to highlight ^M(CR) in vim.
Make sure fileformat is set=unix or mac mine is:
set fileformats=unix,mac
If it is DOS you will not see it
I have a mapping in my .vimrc that will remove them, but this response here explains it best.
You can view all terminal line endings and characters by enabling
:set list
one way you can highlight them is like this in your .vimrc:
syntax on
set list listchars=trail:_
set listchars=tab:·\ ,trail:·,extends:»,precedes:«
:highlight SpecialKey ctermfg=darkgrey ctermbg=yellow
Is there a way to just have Vim copy the indent from the line above, whether it be spaces or tabs, oblivious of the file types?
:set ai
See :help autoindent
I assume you are going to paste something and adjust the indent.
Try ]p
If you are at the beginning of the line and want to copy all the indenting characters above the line that you are currenly on now you can use Ctrl+y. It copies the character from the line above one at a time. Ctrl+e does the same thing but it copies from the line below.
It seems what I've wanted isn't actually possible as Vim automatically removes whitespaces, and uses configuration settings for its indention.
I've avoided this put slapping these in to my vimrc:
:inoremap <CR> x<BS><CR>x<BS>
:inoremap <up> x<BS><up>
:inoremap <down> x<BS><down>
:nnoremap o ox<BS>
:nnoremap O Ox<BS>
It simply puts a character in place and then removes it before I exit the editing mode, so Vim doesn't remove the empty line. If this is the case then it may be simply Vim checking if any editing was done to the line, auto indenting not counted. Maybe someday I'll check out the source and poke around.
I also wanted to use the previous line's indent (so I'd get different indents for different files and not have to tamper with settings each time), but I've managed to compromise and use the lovely Vim plugin.
I used textmate to work with ruby code for over one year. Recently I switched to using mvim. When I open some of the files in mvim I get empty blocks. Look at this picture to get a feel for it.
Any idea on how to get rid of them?
Others have explained that this could either be a search highlighting spaces or tabs or (more likely) it could be highlight designed to show up mixed indentation (particularly useful in python for what it's worth). I find this very useful personally.
Anyway, there are a number of options to sort out your highlighting depending on the cause:
To clean end of line spaces (as mentioned by chaos), use something like:
:%s/ \+//
Probably the most useful one: tidy up the tabbing:
If you're using spaces for indentation:
:set expandtab
If you're using tabs:
:set noexpandtab
If you're using tabs for indentation and spaces elsewhere:
:set expandtab
:set noexpandtab
:execute '%s#^\( \{'.&ts.'}\)\+#\=repeat("\t", len(submatch(0))/'.&ts.')#'
I have the last line mapped to a command called :RetabIndents. All of those assume that your tabstop setting is correct (it should be set with set ts=2 based on your picture). Personally, I'd also recommend keeping shiftwidth equal to tabstop, so set ts=2 sw=2.
You may also be able to get away with a simple gg=G (auto-indent the whole file). However, this won't work in some languages (in particular python as there's no way for any editor to know which lines should be indented to which level).
To switch off search-based highlighting temporarily:
Or permanently (put this in .vimrc):
:set nohlsearch
Or a quick shortcut for when you've used it and don't want it anymore:
:nnoremap <ESC> :noh<CR><ESC>
To switch off indent highlighting, you'll have to identify which highlighting group is used, which is a little complicated and is probably easiest to just read your .vimrc, but if you really want to search for it, move the cursor to one of the highlighted characters and enter (taken from here):
:echo "hi<" . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),1),"name") . '> trans<' . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),0),"name") . "> lo<" . synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line("."),col("."),1)),"name") . ">"<CR>
You can then clear the highlighting group by searching for the name that is reported on the command line in your .vim/.vimrc/_vimrc/vimfiles configuration and commenting out anything relevant.
For more information
:help :s
:help 'expandtab'
:help :retab
:help :execute
:help 'tabstop'
:help :noh
:help 'hlsearch'
It's looks like highlighting of redundant whitespace (see line 214 for example)
Is there anything in your .vimrc along the lines of..
highlight RedundantSpaces ctermbg=grey guibg=grey
match RedundantSpaces /\s\+$\| \+\ze\t/
..try commenting it out, and seeing if this fixes the problem
I guess the reason it's highlighting the indentation is vim is configured to expect tabs, no spaces (or vice versa) - again make sure your .vimrc is setup correctly (say, using soft-tabs)
It looks like you might have a search pattern stored that highlights spaces at the beginning of the line: /^ + and your highlight color is light gray.
To get rid of it, try searching for something else: /asdf<ENTER>.
If you want to get rid of hanging spaces on the ends of lines (they always annoy the hell out of me, honestly), this command will strip them from a given file:
:%s/ *$//
As Seth mentioned, these are spaces. Essentially, mvim is showing you the spaces that are placed in your file by coloring them grey instead of black.
Personally, I think this is a feature, you can use this highlighting scheme to identify where you may have trailing spaces, and can use it to make your code look neater.
You could probably get it to go away by adjusting the highlighting options.
I'd like to be able to highlight the wrap margin/text width in vim by changing the background color (or maybe just a line?). A lot of IDEs have this. I mocked up what I'm talking about:
Anyone know if this can be done in macvim or gvim?
Since Vim 7.3 it's possible to have columns highlighted like this:
To set it to the current textwidth:
:set cc=+1
Or you can set it to predefined value:
:set cc=80
You can change its color like this:
:hi ColorColumn ctermbg=lightgrey guibg=lightgrey
See help for more details:
:help colorcolumn
Try this:
:match ErrorMsg '\%>80v.\+'
It will highlight text beyond 80 characters, you can replace '80' with whatever wrap-width you have. However, it will only highlight the characters that exceed the width, and then only on lines that are actually longer than the width.
Check for more info, but they all pretty much accomplish the same thing.
autocmd FileType * execute "setlocal colorcolumn=" . join(range(&textwidth,250), ',')
highlight ColorColumn guibg=#303030 ctermbg=0
Big problem with this is that the colorcolumn highlighting has higher priority then hlsearch! So basically you wont be able to see highlighted search items beyond that margin...