Sharepoint Site Administration - sharepoint

I've got a SharePoint website running on my machine (which it shows me inside the Application Pool in the Inet Manager).
Now this website has a different user credentials specified under the Identity section (properties). Also when I view the w3wp.exe in the task manager it shows that the site is running as a different user.
The problem is that if I change the username and password of the existing user with mine, the site stops working.
How do I run it under my account credentials.
Please help. Thanks

If you want to change the account that runs the SharePoint application pool, you must make sure that the new account has the same permissions as the current one. That includes the correct database permissions. Otherwise the SharePoint Web Application stops working.
The behavior you are describing is normal. Whatever account you use to login to your SharePoint site, the application pool will still be using the account assigned to it.


Weird login issue with Sharepoint 2010 site

I am facing a weird authentication issue for an intranet sharepoint 2010 site.
When a user from site owner group tries to access the site by this URL,
http://machine name:1111/ a windows credential pops up, even if user provides correct login details, he is not able to log in. But when user tries to access this URL, http://machine name:1111/SitePages/Home.aspx he is able to login successfully.
The site uses classic authentication mode.
Please let me know, what could be the reason for such strange behaviour.
Got it resolved now.
The physical directory should have 'Read' rights for Everyone. In my case, the folder 1111 has this rights removed. I have given the said rights and its working fine now.

How to get users to login twice in SharePoint 2010?

I have somewhat of an odd question (for me, at least).
We have some private information a department would like to place on our SharePoint farm. The problem is, this is very sensitive information, and law demands that we have a 'two-stage' login process to secure the data.
Currently, it is housed using a system that:
A) you have to login to our network (windows logon screen)
B) you have to login to the application.
Our SharePoint farm has integrated authentication enabled. Meaning, once you login to your computer in the morning, you never have to login to sharepoint as it already knows your credentials.
This is a problem for us. Can we enable some sort of custom Sharepoint login?
Will this require a new web app for the site? A new site collection only perhaps?
What you are looking for is called forms based authentication. Sharepoint 2010 uses claims based authentication and one of the providers you can configure is forms based. Meaning they provide a user name and password.
Here is a tutorial with the steps to do, it is a relatively straight forward process. just follow all the steps.
If you move you site out of Intranet zone, then IE will automatically ask for credential everytime.
See this:

SSRS and UAC problem

I have using SSRS 2008r2 on Windows2003 server and added Domain Users group as a System Administrator via report manager. However, when I mimic an ordinary user in report manager web interface on my computer(member of the domain) I get;
User 'usera' does not have required permissions. Verify that sufficient permissions have been granted and Windows User Account Control (UAC) restrictions have been addressed.
if I try with user a on the server by using FQDN, it it shows same error above.
If I type localhost instead, it does work. while using localhost, it I navigate to a folder and while I am in a folder and change the localhost to FQDN, it still works.
There are lots of solutions on the web, like the one on, but it did not work..
Does anyone have any idea?
Many Thanks
Have you tried right-clicking on IE and select Run as Administrator?
I have to do that from time to time on my development machine so it is sort of first solution that came to mind. Hope it helps.
Additional answer:
So the Domain Users group has System Admin role. You can try adding that group as Browser role or Content Manager role at the root folder.

sharepoint search is not working

I have an issue with SharePoint search.
The situation
The server is installed with
SharePoint on a farm with 2 servers.
A new app pool is created and that app pool is using a domain account called moss_service.
moss_service is set to be in the administrator group in both server.
moss_service is also set to be the db_creator in the content database.
When I checked it initially, the search's default content access account is using another different account, I changed that to be using moss_service account.
I didn't do IIS reset because this is a production server, they dont want frequent iis reset.
Strangely, checking the services.msc under "office sharepoint server search" the account is still using an old one. (and apparently it's only running on 1 server, the other server is not running) I then change that to the following:
domain\moss_service with the password.
and then I rerun the crawl.
How do I diagnose the issue
Basically everytime I change something I restart the crawl and then check the event viewer. Multiple things come out but the following is the major ones:
The start address cannot be
crawled. The password for the content
access account cannot be decrypted
because it was stored with different
credentials. Re-type the password for
the account used to crawl this
content. (0x80042406)
Performance monitoring cannot be
initialized for the gatherer object,
because the counters are not loaded or
the shared memory object cannot be
opened. This only affects availability
of the perfmon counters. Restart the
Access is denied. Check that the
Default Content Access Account has
access to this content, or add a crawl
rule to crawl this content.
Crawl Logs Result
The crawl log is showing this:
The password for the content access account cannot be decrypted because it was stored with different credentials. Re-type the password for the account used to crawl this content.
I tried changing it again at service.mstsc and the rerun the full crawl again but then it doesn't work. I have tried entering it using the following way:
My Questions are:
How do I fix this?
Is this the right way to setup the
Does the search account has to be
using a different domain account?
Seemed like one fix complicates the
other, how do I set this right?
Is it worth it to upgrade to sp2?
Google this you will get answer " Access is denied. Check that the Default Content Access Account has access to this content, or add a crawl rule to crawl this content. "
Alex, I think you need to completely reconfigure the search services. Keep in mind that the search crawler should be an account with least privileges (not your application service account!). Also, the indexer only runs on one server and whether the search crawler runs on one or more machines is another configuration issue. Also, some settings changes (like changing the crawled File Types) even require the search engine to be restarted.
The start address cannot be crawled. The password for the content
access account cannot be decrypted because it was stored with
different credentials. Re-type the password for the account used to
crawl this content.
For this error,
Open the Sharepoint administration
Click on "Application Management"
Click on "Manage service applications"
Click on "Search Service Application"
Click on the current value for "Default content access account" and re-enter the user's password, or update to another admin user.

Modifying SharePoint app Web.config file with Forms Based Authentication

We have a SharePoint application where we want the user to be able to modify the web.config by activating a feature. The application is extended, so we have an AD based web application and another that uses Forms Based authentication (FBA), with the FBA application being the "main" user application.
We use the SPWebConfigModification class ( to write to the web.config for settings we need for the activated feature.
This works great on the AD based side of things. However, when we try and run this on the FBA based web app, we get an error because the site collection administrator for the FBA site, does not have any access to modify the web.config on the server. Given that they are a FBA user, we can not give them rights on the server either.
Has anyone run into this? Does anyone have any work arounds. I assume I could try and have the application to update the web.conifg run via the command line, but I would really like it be done by the user when they activate the feature. I could also try and loosen security rights on the web.config, but that is a bad path to start down.
An alternative would be to write a component which does it.
This could be trigged by activating a feature, or updating a webpart.
This would mean you don't need to loosen security, or do it via the command line.
