Which of these is better practice? - maintainability

You have a sequence of functions to execute. Case A: They do not depend on each other. Which of these is better?
function main() {
function main() {
function a() {
function b() {
Case B: They do depend on successful completion of the previous.
function main() {
if (a())
if (b())
function main() {
if (!a()) return false;
if (!b()) return false;
function main() {
function a() {
... // maybe return false
function b() {
... // maybe return false
Better, of course, means more maintainable and easier to follow.

Case A: 1.
Reasoning: Since none of the functions depend on each other, calling them in order in main shows a logical sequence of events. Your alternative where they call the next one at the end of each function just looks like spaghetti code, and is hard for someone reading your program to follow.
Case B: None of the above.
function main() {
return a() && b() && c();
Reasoning: It seems you don't really care about the return value, you just want to break out early if one of the functions returns a certain value. You can return the "anded" result of all of these functions, and if any one of these returns false the code will break out early. So, if a returns false then b wont be executed. Placing all of them on one line is easy to read and concisely shows that they are dependent on each other.

Case A: first option
If you use the second option, you make it much more difficult to re-use a because you pull in b and c automatically.
Case b: depends - do a, b, and c return boolean values naturally, or some other value to check? I still wouldn't have a call b and b call c, because then you introduce an unnecessary dependency. If return values make sense, I lean towards option 2 - less nesting is a good thing.

First off, the best answer will depend on multiple aspects on the context the code is in - there's no one right answer other than 'it depends'.
However, taking at face value, Case A:
Option 1 shows a top level view of the algorithm.
Option 2 hides this, the calls to B & C are hidden. It could be quite a lot of work to discover the C was called. Also, it's harder to test A & B in isolation if they then call further methods. Main can always be tested if A,B and C can be mocked.
Case B:
It's common to have arguments over having 1 exit point vs multiple exit points in a method. Sometimes multiple exit points can make code simpler, which makes it more maintainable, other times it's not obvious what impact a return has, or that a return will occur, which makes it less maintainable.
Option 1 shows the algorithm explicitly, but multiple nested if's can quickly get out of hand.
In this sort of case, I'd definitely have option 2 or some clever boolean variant (yes, corey).
Option 3 looks simply obtuse to me.

Case A: first option
Case B: second option


What is the equivalent of 'pass' from Python?

I want to check if the result from a request is having any issue. I categorize it into two: i) server error, ii) something else that is not a success. The third category is, result actually being a success. However, in the third category, I don't want to do anything.
So, my desirable code is:
if res.status().is_server_error() {
panic!("server error!");
} else if !(res.status.is_success()){
panic!("Something else happened. Status: {:?}", res.status());
} else{
I am aware of other ways to achieve this result: using match, ifs instead of if else if. But I wanted to learn what is the corresponding keyword of pass, like we have in Python. My aim is: if result is successful, just move along, if not, there are two ways to handle that panic.
if predicate {
} else {
// pass
Or even better
if predicate {
} // pass
Or as I’ve recently taken to calling it the implicit + pass system
if predicate {
In all seriousness there is no pass and no need for a pass in rust. As for why it exists in python, check out this answer
Python needs pass because it uses indentation-based blocks, so it requires some syntax to "do nothing". For example, this would be a syntax error in a Python program:
# syntax error - function definition cannot be empty
def ignore(_doc):
# do nothing
count = process_docs(docs, ignore) # just count the docs
The ignore function has to contain a block, which in turn must contain at least one statement. We could insert a dummy statement like None, but Python provides pass which compiles to nothing and signals the intention (to do nothing) to the human reader.
This is not needed in Rust because Rust uses braces for blocks, so one can always create an empty block simply using {}:
// no error - empty blocks are fine
fn ignore(_doc: &Document) {
// do nothing
let count = process_docs(docs, ignore); // just count the docs
Of course, in both idiomatic Python and Rust, one would use a closure for something as simple as the above ignore function, but there are still situations where pass and empty blocks are genuinely useful.

Short-circuiting in functional Groovy?

"When you've found the treasure, stop digging!"
I'm wanting to use more functional programming in Groovy, and thought rewriting the following method would be good training. It's harder than it looks because Groovy doesn't appear to build short-circuiting into its more functional features.
Here's an imperative function to do the job:
fullyQualifiedNames = ['a/b/c/d/e', 'f/g/h/i/j', 'f/g/h/d/e']
String shortestUniqueName(String nameToShorten) {
def currentLevel = 1
String shortName = ''
def separator = '/'
while (fullyQualifiedNames.findAll { fqName ->
shortName = nameToShorten.tokenize(separator)[-currentLevel..-1].join(separator)
}.size() > 1) {
return shortName
println shortestUniqueName('a/b/c/d/e')
Result: c/d/e
It scans a list of fully-qualified filenames and returns the shortest unique form. There are potentially hundreds of fully-qualified names.
As soon as the method finds a short name with only one match, that short name is the right answer, and the iteration can stop. There's no need to scan the rest of the name or do any more expensive list searches.
But turning to a more functional flow in Groovy, neither return nor break can drop you out of the iteration:
return simply returns from the present iteration, not from the whole .each so it doesn't short-circuit.
break isn't allowed outside of a loop, and .each {} and .eachWithIndex {} are not considered loop constructs.
I can't use .find() instead of .findAll() because my program logic requires that I scan all elements of the list, nut just stop at the first.
There are plenty of reasons not to use try..catch blocks, but the best I've read is from here:
Exceptions are basically non-local goto statements with all the
consequences of the latter. Using exceptions for flow control
violates the principle of least astonishment, make programs hard to read
(remember that programs are written for programmers first).
Some of the usual ways around this problem are detailed here including a solution based on a new flavour of .each. This is the closest to a solution I've found so far, but I need to use .eachWithIndex() for my use case (in progress.)
Here's my own poor attempt at a short-circuiting functional solution:
fullyQualifiedNames = ['a/b/c/d/e', 'f/g/h/i/j', 'f/g/h/d/e']
def shortestUniqueName(String nameToShorten) {
def found = ''
def final separator = '/'
def nameComponents = nameToShorten.tokenize(separator).reverse()
nameComponents.eachWithIndex { String _, int i ->
if (!found) {
def candidate = nameComponents[0..i].reverse().join(separator)
def matches = fullyQualifiedNames.findAll { String fqName ->
fqName.endsWith candidate
if (matches.size() == 1) {
found = candidate
return found
println shortestUniqueName('a/b/c/d/e')
Result: c/d/e
Please shoot me down if there is a more idiomatic way to short-circuit in Groovy that I haven't thought of. Thank you!
There's probably a cleaner looking (and easier to read) solution, but you can do this sort of thing:
String shortestUniqueName(String nameToShorten) {
// Split the name to shorten, and make a list of all sequential combinations of elements
nameToShorten.split('/').reverse().inject([]) { agg, l ->
if(agg) agg + [agg[-1] + l] else agg << [l]
// Starting with the smallest element
.find { elements ->
fullyQualifiedNames.findAll { name ->
}.size() == 1
?: ''

Is good to call function in other function parameter?

I suppose this:
public static string abc()
return "abc";
Is better to call this function in this way:
string call = abc();
Than this?
is there any reason to prefer one to the other?
Both are valid. However, out of experience I have concluded that the first option is more suitable for readability and ease of maintenance. I can't count how many times I have changed from the "compact" style to the first one as a help for a debugging session.
For example, this style makes it easy to check the correctness intermediate of an intermediate result:
string call = abc();
assert(!call.empty()); // Just an example.
Also, it helps to make the code more robust later, adding a conditional check before the subsequent action that checks call's value, for example if the design does not guarantee that the condition of the previous assert holds but you still need to check it.
string call = abc();
if (!call.empty())
Note also that with this style you will be able to easily inspect the value of call in your debugger.
Given your exact example (one parameter, value not used elsewhere, no side effects), it's just a matter of style. However, it gets more interesting if there are multiple parameters and the methods have side effects. For example:
int counter;
int Inc() { counter += 1; return counter }
void Foo(int a, int b) { Console.WriteLine(a + " " + b); }
void Bar()
Foo(Inc(), Inc());
What would you expect Foo to print here? Depending on the language there might not even be a predictable result. In this situation, assigning the values to a variable first should cause the compiler (depending on language) to evaluate the calls in a predictable order.
Actually I don't see a difference if you don't have any error checking.
This would make a difference
string call = abc();
# if call is not empty
The above method could avoid empty string being written.

table of functions vs switch in golang

im am writing a simple emulator in go (should i? or should i go back to c?).
anyway, i am fetching the instruction and decoding it. at this point i have a byte like 0x81, and i have to execute the right function.
should i have something like this
func (sys *cpu) eval() {
switch opcode {
case 0x80:
case 0x81:
or something like this
var fnTable = []func(*cpu) {
0x80: func(sys *cpu) {
0x81: func(sys *cpu) {
func (sys *cpu) eval() {
return fnTable[opcode](sys)
1.which one is better?
2.which one is faster?
3.can i declare a function inline?
4.i have a cpu struct in which i have the registers etc. would it be faster if i have the registers and all as globals? (without the struct)
thank you very much.
I did some benchmarks and the table version is faster than the switch version once you have more than about 4 cases.
I was surprised to discover that the Go compiler (gc, anyway; not sure about gccgo) doesn't seem to be smart enough to turn a dense switch into a jump table.
Ken Thompson posted on the Go mailing list describing the difficulties of optimizing switch.
The first version looks better to me, YMMV.
Benchmark it. Depends how good is the compiler at optimizing. The "jump table" version might be faster if the compiler doesn't try hard enough to optimize.
Depends on your definition of what is "to declare function inline". Go can declare and define functions/methods at the top level only. But functions are first class citizens in Go, so one can have variables/parameters/return values and structured types of function type. In all this places a function literal can [also] be assigned to the variable/field/element...
Possibly. Still I would suggest to not keep the cpu state in a global variable. Once you possibly decide to go emulating multicore, it will be welcome ;-)
If you have the ast of some expression, and you want to eval it for a big amount of data rows, then you may only once compile it into the tree of lambdas, and do not calculate any switches on each iteration at all;
For example, given such ast: {* (a, {+ (b, c)})}
Compile function (in very rough pseudo language) will be something like this:
func (e *evaluator) compile(brunch ast) {
switch brunch.type {
case binaryOperator:
switch brunch.op {
case *: return func() {compile(brunch.arg0) * compile(brunch.arg1)}
case +: return func() {compile(brunch.arg0) + compile(brunch.arg1)}
case BasicLit: return func() {return brunch.arg0}
case Ident: return func(){return e.GetIdent(brunch.arg0)}
So eventually compile returns the func, that must be called on each row of your data and there will be no switches or other calculation stuff at all.
There remains the question about operations with data of different types, that is for your own research ;)
This is an interesting approach, in situations, when there is no jump-table mechanism available :) but sure, func call is more complex operation then jump.

is it possible to break out of closure in groovy

is there a way to 'break' out of a groovy closure.
maybe something like this:
[1, 2, 3].each {
if (it == 2)
I often forget that Groovy implements an "any" method.
[1, 2, 3].any
println it
return (it == 2)
12/05/2013 Heavily Edited.
Answering the question that was asked.
Is it possible to break out of a Closure?
You would "break" out of a closure by issuing the return keyword. However that isn't helpful in the example that is given. The reason for this is that the closure (think of it as a method) is called by the each method for every item in the collection.
If you run this example you will see it will print 1 then 3.
[1, 2, 3].each {
if (it == 2) return
Why break in the context of each doesn't make sense.
To understand why you cannot break out of the each method like you could break out of a for loop you need to understand a bit of what is actually happening. Here is a gross simplification what the each method on a collection does.
void myEach(List things) {
for (i in things) {
void myEachMethod(Object it) { // this is your Closure
if(it == 2) return
println it
As you can see the closure is basically a method that can be passed around. Just as in java you cannot break from within method call or closure.
What to do instead of breaking from each.
In Groovy you are supposed to express your code using high level abstractions as such primitive looping is not idiomatic. For the example that you gave I would consider making use of findAll. For example:
[1,2,3].findAll { it < 2 }.each { println it }
I hope this helps you understand what is going on.
Answering the implied question.
Can you break out of the Collection.each iterations against your supplied closure?
You cannot break out of the each method without throwing and catching an exception as John Wagenleitner has said. Although I would argue that throwing and catching an exception in the name of flow control is a code smell and a fellow programmer might slap your hands.
You can throw an exception:
try {
[1, 2, 3].each {
if (it == 2)
throw new Exception("return from closure")
} catch (Exception e) { }
Use could also use "findAll" or "grep" to filter out your list and then use "each".
[1, 2, 3].findAll{ it < 3 }.each{ println it }
Take a look at Best pattern for simulating continue in groovy closure for an extensive discussion.
Try to use any instead of each
def list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, -1, -2]
list.any { element ->
if (element > 3)
return true // break
println element
The result : 1, 2, 3
Just using special Closure
// declare and implement:
def eachWithBreak = { list, Closure c ->
boolean bBreak = false
list.each() { it ->
if (bBreak) return
bBreak = c(it)
def list = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
eachWithBreak list, { it ->
if (it > 3) return true // break 'eachWithBreak'
println it
return false // next it
There is an other solution. Although, that groovy stuff like each/find/any is quite cool: if it doesn't fit, don't use it. You can still use the plain old
for (def element : list)
Especially, if you want to leave the method, too. Now you are free to use continue/break/return as you like. The resulting code might not be cool, but it is easy and understandable.
This is in support of John Wagenleiter's answer. Tigerizzy's answer is plain wrong. It can easily be disproved practically by executing his first code sample, or theoretically by reading Groovy documentation. A return returns a value (or null without an argument) from the current iteration, but does not stop the iteration. In a closure it behaves rather like continue.
You won't be able to use inject without understanding this.
There is no way to 'break the loop' except by throwing an exception. Using exceptions for this purpose is considered smelly. So, just as Wagenleiter suggests, the best practice is to filter out the elements you want to iterate over before launching each or one of its cousins.
With rx-java you can transform an iterable in to an observable.
Then you can replace continue with a filter and break with takeWhile
Here is an example:
import rx.Observable
.filter { it % 2 != 1}
.takeWhile { it<10 }
.forEach {println it}
