NInject and thread-safety - multithreading

I am having problems with the following class in a multi-threaded environment:
public class Foo
public IBar InjectedBar { get; set; }
public bool NonInjectedProp { get; set; }
public void DoSomething()
/* The following line is causing a null-reference exception */
public Foo(bool nonInjectedProp)
/* This line should inject the InjectedBar property */
NonInjectedProp = nonInjectedProp;
This is a legacy class which is why I am using property rather than constructor injection.
Sometime when the DoSomething() is called the InjectedBar property is null. In a single-threaded application, everything runs fine.
How can this be occuring and how can I prevent it?
I am using NInject 2.0 without any extensions, although I have copied the KernelContainer from the NInject.Web project.
I have noticed a similar problem occurring in my web services. This problem is extremely intermittent and difficult to replicate.

First of all, let me say that this is wrong on so many levels; the KernelContainer was an infrastructure class kept specifically to work around certain limitations in the ASP.NET WebForms page lifecycle. It was never meant to be used in application code. Using the Ninject kernel (or any DI container) as a service locator is an anti-pattern.
That being said, Ninject itself is definitely thread-safe because it's used to service parallel requests in ASP.NET all the time. Wherever this NullReferenceException is coming from, it's got little if anything to do with Ninject.
I can think of two possibilities:
You have to initialize KernelContainer.Kernel somewhere, and that code might have a race condition. If something tries to use the KernelContainer before the kernel is fully initialized (possible if you use the IKernel.Bind methods instead of loading modules as per the guidance), you'll get errors like this. Or:
It's your IBar implementation itself that has problems, and the NullReferenceException is happening somewhere inside the DoSomething method. You don't actually specify that InjectedBar is null when you get the exception, so that's a legitimate possibility here.
Just to narrow the field of possibilities, I'd eliminate the KernelContainer first. If you absolutely must use Ninject as a service locator due to a poorly-designed legacy architecture, then at least allow it to create the dependencies instead of relying on Inject(this). That is to say, whichever class or classes need to create your Foo, have that class call kernel.Get<Foo>(), and set up your kernel to Bind<Foo>().ToSelf().


Jhipster override entity (keep existant + add behaviour)

I like the jhipster entity generator.
I often get to change my model and regen all entities.
I wish to keep the generated stuff and override for my needs.
On angular side, it is quite easy to create a new service extending the default entity service to do my stuff.
On java side, it is more complicated.
For example, I override src/main/java/xxx/web/rest/ with src/main/java/xxx/web/rest/
I have to comment #RestController in I tried to give it a different bundle name from the overrided class but it is not sufficient : #RestController("xxxResource")
In, I have to change all #xxxMapping() to different paths
In, I have to change all method names
This allow me to keep the CRUD UI and API, and overload it using another MappingPath.
Some code to make it more visual. Here is the generated
* REST controller for managing WorldCommand.
// Commented to prevent bean dupplicated error.
// #RestController
public class WorldCommandResource {
private final WorldCommandService worldCommandService;
public WorldCommandResource(WorldCommandService worldCommandService) {
this.worldCommandService = worldCommandService;
public ResponseEntity<WorldCommand> updateWorldCommand(#Valid #RequestBody WorldCommand worldCommand)
throws URISyntaxException {
log.debug("REST request to update WorldCommand : {}", worldCommand);
Here is my overloaded version :
* REST controller for managing WorldCommand.
public class WorldCommandOverrideResource extends WorldCommandResource {
private final WorldCommandOverrideService worldCommandService;
public WorldCommandOverrideResource(WorldCommandOverrideService worldCommandService) {
log.warn("USING WorldCommandOResource");
this.worldCommandService = worldCommandService;
public ResponseEntity<WorldCommand> updateWorldCommandOverride(#Valid #RequestBody WorldCommand worldCommand)
throws URISyntaxException {
throw new RuntimeException("WorldCommand updating not allowed");
With the xxxResource overrided, it is easy to override the xxxService and xxxRepository by constructor injection.
I feel like I am over thinking it. As it is not an external component but code from a generator, maybe the aim is to use the tool to write less code and then do the changes you need.
Also, I fear this overriding architecture will prevent me from creating abstract controller if needed.
Do you think keeping the original generated code is a good pratice or I should just make my changes in the generated class and be carefull when regenerating an entity ?
Do you know a better way to override a Spring controller ?
Your approach looks like the side-by-side approach described here:
I often found that the generated REST API is only useful for managing data in a backoffice and I usually write a complete separate API with different endpoints, authorizations and DTOs that is consumed by mobile or end-users. So I don't see much value in overriding REST controllers, after all they are supposed to be quite thin with as little business logic as possible.
You must also consider how long you want to keep this compatibility with generated code. As your app grows in complexity you might want to refactor your code and organize it around feature packages rather than by technical packages (repository, rest controllers, services, ...). For many reasons, sooner or later the way the generated code is setup will get in your way, so I would not put too much effort into this compatibility goal that has no real business value especially when you know that the yearly released major version may break it because of changes in the generator itself or more likely because of changes in underlying frameworks.

Decorating Repositories with AutoFac

Hi I have a maybe a common problem that I think not entirely can be solved by Autofac or any IoC container. It can be a design problem that I need some fresh input on.
I have the classic MVC web solution with EF 6. Its been implemented in a true DDD style with Anti-corruption layer, three bounded contexts, cross-cutting concerns movers out to infrastructure projects. It has been a real pleasure to see all pieces fall in to place in good way. We also added Commands to CUD operations into Domain.
Now here is the problem. Customer want a change log that tracks every entities property and when updates are done we need to save into change log values before and after update. We have implemented that successful in a ILoggerService that wraps a Microsoft test utility that we uses to detect changes. But I, my role is Software Architect, took the decision to Decorate our generic repositories with a ChangeTrackerRepository that have a dependency on ILoggerService. This works fine. The Decorator track methods Add(…) and Modify(…) in our IRepository<TEntity>.
The problem is that we have Repositories that have custom repositories that have custom queries like this:
public class CounterPartRepository : Repository<CounterPart>, ICounterPartRepository
public CounterPartRepository(ManagementDbContext unitOfWork)
: base(unitOfWork)
public CounterPart GetAggregate(Guid id)
return GetSet().CompleteAggregate().SingleOrDefault(s => s.Id == id);
public void DeleteCounterPartAddress(CounterPartAddress address)
public void DeleteCounterPartContact(CounterPartContact contact)
We have simple repositories that just closes the generic repository and get proper EF Bounded context injected into it (Unit Of Work pattern):
public class AccrualPeriodTypeRepository : Repository<AccrualPeriodType>, IAccrualPeriodTypeRepository
public AccrualPeriodTypeRepository(ManagementDbContext unitOfWork)
: base(unitOfWork)
The problem is that when decorating AccrualPeriodTypeRepository with AutoFac through generic Decorator we can easily inject that repo into CommandHandler actor like this
public AddAccrualPeriodCommandHandler(IRepository<AccrualPeriod> accrualRepository)
This works fine.
But How do we also decorate CounterPartRepository???
I have gone through several solutions in my head and they all end up with a dead-end.
1) Manually decorate every custom repository generate to many custom decorators that it will be near unmaintainable.
2) Decorate the closed Repository Repository with extended custom queries. This smells bad. Should be part of that repository?
3) If we consider 2… maybe Skip our Services and only rely on IRepository for operating on our Aggregate Roots and IQueryHandler (see article
I need some fresh input to a common problem I think, when it comes to decorating your repositories when you have custom closed repositories and simple repositories also closed but both inherit from same Repository
Have you consider decorating command handlers instead of decorating repositories?
Repos are too low level, and it is not their responsibility to know what should be logged and how.
What about the following:
1) You have your command handlers in a way:
public class DeleteCounterPartAddressHandler : IHandle<DeleteCounterPartAddressCommand>
//this might be set by a DI container, or passed to a constructor
public ICounterPartRepository Repository { get; set; }
public void Handle(DeleteCounterPartAddressCommand command)
var counterpart = repository.GetPropertyById(command.CounterPartId);
// in DDD you always want to read and aggregate
// and save an aggregate as a whole
2) Now you can simply use Chain Of Responsibility pattern to "decorate" your handlers with logging, transactions, whatever:
public class LoggingHandler<T> : IHandler<T> {
private readonly IHandler<T> _innerHandler;
public LoggingHandler(IHandler<T> innerHandler) {
_innerHandler = innerHandler;
public void Handle(T command)
//Obviously you do it properly, but you get the idea
Now you have just one piece of code responsible for logging and you can compose it with any command handler, so if you ever want to log a particular command then you just "wrap" it with the logging handler, and it is still your IHandle<T> so the rest of the system is not impacted.
And you can do it with other concerns too (threading, queueing, transactions, multiplexing, routing, etc.) without messing around and plumbing this stuff here and there.
Concerns are very well separated this way.
It is also much better (to me) because you log on a real operation (business) level, rather than on low-level repository.
Hope it helps.
P.S. In DDD you really want your repositories to only expose aggregate-level methods because Aggregates suppose to take care of their invariants (and nothing else, no services, no repositories), and because Aggregate represents transaction boundary.
Really, it is up to the Repository how to get the Aggregate from persisted storage and how to persist it back, outside it should look like you ask someone for an object and it gives you an object you can call behaviors on.
So normally you would only get an aggregate from the repository, call its behavior(s) and then save it back. Which really means that your repositories would mostly have GetById and Save methods, not some internals like "UpdateThatPartOfAnAggregate".

Are AppSetting values read from memory or from the web.config file?

If I get a value like so:
string value = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Key"];
I'm expecting that .Net (in my case MVC4) has parsed the App Settings when the App Domain was started and I'm actually reading from memory.
If that's not the case and this hits the file every time are there any guarantees of thread safety when getting AppSettings?
A quick attempt at exercising my Google-Fu has failed me.
I tend to use this mechanism to populate an instance field in the constructor so:
public class MyThing
private readonly string thingValue;
public MyThing()
thingValue = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Key"];
We've recently had a scenario where an external dependency failed because they had a race condition and 'could not read config settings'.
This makes me wonder:
is AppSettings threadsafe?
does the readonly string pattern provide enough protection?
And, as is so often the case, almost as soon as I asked this question my google-fu kicked in :/
MSDN lists the AppSettings method as
public static NameValueCollection AppSettings { get; }
but doesn't actually mention thread safety.
However, the page for the ConfigurationManager class has a section on Thread Safety which says:
Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are
thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread
So it appears that the mechanism I listed is threadsafe. I would still be interested in seeing alternative approaches though!

How do I define a dependancy for use within an attribute using autofac

I have an mvc application and I am developing a custom attribute to secure some wcf end points inheriting from a CodeAccessSecurityAttribute.
I'm having difficulty finding out how I would use autofac to inject a service dependancy that I can use within this attribute.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = true)]
public class SecuredResourceAttribute : CodeAccessSecurityAttribute
public ISecurityService SecurityService { get; set; }
public SecuredResourceAttribute(SecurityAction action) : base(action)
public override IPermission CreatePermission()
// I need access to the SecurityService here
// SecurityService == null :(
I have tried from the application start to register for property auto wiring, but this is not working. What's the best way to inject a dependancy into an attribute?
The way you are approaching this is not going to pan out for a couple reasons:
Registering an attribute in autofac will do nothing as you're not using autofac to instantiate the attribute.
Attributes are applied before code execution, and thus rely on constant inputs.
You're going to have to use a service location pattern inside your CreatePermission() method to locate the SecurityService, as I am assuming the CreatePermission() call comes after the container is setup (and the constructor does not!)
Keep in mind ServiceLocation will hinder your class testability, as you will have to configure/set-up the service locator for each test.
Please use with caution
You should start your journey into ServiceLocation here but honestly this should make you question your design. Is an attribute best suited for the role you've tasked it? Perhaps you should look into Aspect-Oriented Programming like PostSharp

Supporting multiple versions without separate builds in JavaME

I want to be able to support multiple versions of Java ME without having to have multiple builds. I already know how to detect the profile/configuration/supported JSRs. My problem is that knowing whether the JSR is supported at run time doesn't allow me to use all the features as Java-ME does not provide support for reflection.
For if I call a function added in a later version anywhere in the code - even a location that will never be run, then this could cause an error during resolution on some JVMs. Is there any way round this?
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Handling optional APIs in J2ME
If you only need to access the class C through an interface which you know you will have access to, then it is simple enough:
MyInterface provider=null;
Class myClass= Class.forName("sysPackage.C");
provider = (MyInterface)(myClass.newInstance());
}catch(Exception ex){
//Use provider
If C does not have an interface that can be used, then we can instead create a wrapper class S that will be a member of the interface instead.
class S implements MyInterface{
static {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
public static void forceExceptionIfUnavailable() {}
//TODO: Methods that use C. Class C will only be used within this class
S has a static block so that an exception is thrown during class resolution if C is unavailable. Immediately after loading the class, we call forceExceptionIfUnavailable to make sure that the static block is run immediately. If it doesn't crash, then we can use the methods in S to indirectly use class C.
Alternatively, we can use the method here:
Basically, you create a new package P, with a public abstract class A and a concrete subclass S private to the package. A has a static method getS that returns an instance of S or null if an exception is thrown during instantiation. Each instance of S has an instance of C so it will fail to instantiate when C is unavailable - otherwise it will succeed. This method seems to be a bit safer as S (and hence all the C APIs) are package private.
