How do I print out the content of a register in Hex - nasm

I'm currently getting started with NASM and wanted to know, how to output the contents of a register with NASM in Hexadecimal.
I can output the content of eax with
section .bss
reg_buf: resb 4
mov [reg_buf], eax
mov eax, SYS_WRITE
mov ebx, SYS_OUT
mov ecx, reg_buf
mov edx, 4
int 80h
Let's say eax contains 0x44444444 then the output would be "DDDD". Apparently each pair of "44" is interpreted as 'D'. My ASCII table approves this.
But how do I get my program to output the actual register content (0x44444444)?

This is how i was taught to do it..
numbers: db "0123456789ABCDEF" ;; have initialized string of all the digits in base 16
;;binary to hex
mov al , byte [someBuffer+someOffset] ;; some buffer( or whatever ) with your data in
mov ebx, eax ;; dealing with nybbles so make copy for obtaining second nybble
and al,0Fh ;; mask out bits for first nybble
mov al, byte [numbers+eax] ;; offset into numbers is the hex equiv in numbers string
mov byte [someAddress+someOffset+2], al
;;store al into a buffer or string or whatever it's the first hex number
shr bl, 4 ;; get next nybble
mov bl, byte [numbers+ebx] ;; get the hex equiv from numbers string
mov byte [someAddress+someOffset+1], bl
;;place into position next to where al was stored, this completes the process,
;;you now have your hexadecimal equivalent output it or whatever you need with it

You need to format your register as a text string first. The simplest to use API would likely be itoa, followed by your write call. You will need a string buffer allocated for this to work.
If you don't want to do it in assembly, you can make a quick C/Python/Perl/etc program to read from your program and make all output text.


Why is this register value in x86 assembly from user input different than expected?

Whenever the user inputs s, the expected value in the rax register that the buffer is moved to would be 73, but instead it is a73. Why is this? I need these two values to be equal in order to perform the jumps I need for the user input menu.
On any user input, the information in the register is always preceded by an a, while the register that I use to check for the value is not. This makes it impossible to compare them for a jump.
Any suggestions?
section .data
prompt: db 'Enter a command: '
section .bss
buffer: resb 100; "reserve" 32 bytes
section .text ; code
global _start
mov rax, 4 ; write
mov rbx, 1 ; stdout
mov rcx, prompt ; where characters start
mov rdx, 0x10 ; 16 characters
int 0x80
mov rax, 3 ; read
mov rbx, 0 ; from stdin
mov rcx, buffer ; start of storage
mov rdx, 0x10; no more than 64 (?) chars
int 0x80
mov rax, [buffer]
mov rbx, "s"
cmp rax, rbx
je _s
; return to Linux
mov rax, 1
mov rbx, 0
int 0x80
add r8, [buffer]
; dump buffer that was read
mov rdx, rax ; # chars read
mov rax, 4 ; write
mov rbx, 1 ; to stdout
mov rcx, buffer; starting point
int 0x80
jmp _start
If the user types s, followed by <enter>, the memory starting at the address of buffer will contain bytes ['s', '\n', '\0', '\0', ...] (where the newline byte '\n' is from pressing <enter> and the null bytes '\0' are from the .bss section being initialized to 0). As integers, represented in hex, the corresponding values in memory are [0x73, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00, ...].
The mov rax, [buffer] instruction will copy 8 bytes of memory starting at the address of buffer to the rax register. The byte ordering is little endian on x86, so the 8 bytes will be loaded from memory in reversed order, resulting in rax having 0x0000000000000A73.
This workaround is based on Peter Cordes's comment below. The idea is to compare 1) the first byte starting at the address of buffer with 2) the byte 's'. This would replace the three lines in your question that 1) move [buffer] to rax, 2) move 's' to rbx, and 3) cmp rax, rbx.
cmp byte [buffer], 's'
je _s
This would check that the first character entered is 's', even if followed by other characters. If your intent is to check that only a single character 's' is entered (optionally followed by '\n' in the case that <enter> was pressed to end the input, as opposed to <ctrl-d>), a more thorough approach could utilize the value returned by the read system call, which indicates how many bytes were read.
Without checking how many characters are read, you might want to clear the buffer on each iteration. As is, a user could enter 's' on one iteration, followed by <ctrl-d> on the next iteration, and the buffer would still start with an 's'.
Band-aid Workarounds
(I had originally proposed the following two ideas as workarounds, but they have their own problems that Peter Cordes's identifies in the comments below)
To work around the issue, one option could be to add the newline to your target for comparison.
mov rax, [buffer]
mov rbx, `s\n` ; the second operand was formerly "s"
cmp rax, rbx
je _s
Alternatively, specifying that the read system call only consume 1 byte could be another approach to address the issue.
mov rax, 3 ; read
mov rbx, 0 ; from stdin
mov rcx, buffer ; start of storage
mov rdx, 0x01 ; the second operand was formerly 0x10
int 0x80

x86 Assembly String Buffer Number to ASCII

I was writing an x86 assembly program to output a number in hexadecimal. The program was assembled using nasm and the image file ran by qemu. The behavior of the program confused me a lot. As the working program below suggests, I wouldn't have to add 0x30 to a digit to get it to print the character of that digit.
; Boot sector code offset: 0x7c00
[org 0x7c00]
mov dx, 0x1fb6 ; The hexadecimal to be printed
call print_hex ; call the function
jmp $ ; jump infinitely
%include "print_string.asm" ; Include the print_string function
pusha ; push all registers to stack
mov ax, 0x4 ; rotate through the number four times
cmp ax, 0x0 ; compare the counter with 0
jle print_hex_end ; if it is zero then jump to the end
mov cx, dx ; move dx to cx
and cx, 0x000F ; take the lower four binary digits of cx
cmp cx, 0xa ;compare the digits with 0xa
jge print_hex_letter ; if it is larger than a, jump to printing character
add cx, 0x0 ; otherwise print the ascii of a number
jmp print_hex_modify_string ; jump to routine for modifing the template
add cx, 0x7 ; print the ascii of a letter
mov bx, HEX_OUT ; bring the address of HEX_OUT into dx
add bx, 0x1 ; skip the 0x
add bx, ax ; add the bias
add byte [bx], cl ; move the character into its position
shr dx, 4 ; shift right 4 bits
sub ax, 0x1 ; subtract 1 from the counter
jmp print_hex_loop ; jump back to the start of the function
mov bx, HEX_OUT ; move the address of HEX_OUT to bx
call print_string ; call the function print_string
popa ; pop all registers from stack
ret ; return to calling function
db '0x0000',0 ; The template string for printing
times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; fill zeros
dw 0xaa55 ; MAGIC_FLAG for boot
mov ah, 0x0e
mov al, [bx]
cmp al, 0x0
je print_string_end
int 0x10
add bx, 0x1
mov al, [bx]
jmp print_string_loop
The output of this program is what I expected, but when I tried to add 0x30 on the numerals to get the ASCII code of the digits, the output was gibberish. Is there some trick to it or am I missing some key points here?
The answer to your original question:
Because you do add byte [bx], cl to write digit into buffer, and the buffer already contains '0', so the first time it will work correctly. Calling print_hex second time will produce gibberish again, as the HEX_OUT content is already modified (trivia: which hex number printed as first would allow also some second value to be printed correctly?).
Now just for fun I'm adding how I would probably do print_hex for myself. Maybe it will give you additional ideas for your x86 ASM programming, I tried to comment it a lot to explain why I'm doing things in a way I'm doing them:
First I would separate formatting function, so I could eventually reuse it elsewhere, so input is both number and target buffer pointer. I'm using LUT (look up table) for ASCII conversion, as the code is simpler. If you care about size, it's possible to do it in code with branching in less bytes and use the slower pusha/popa to save registers.
; dx = number, di = 4B output buffer for "%04X" format of number.
push bx ; used as temporary to calculate digits ASCII
push si ; used as pointer to buffer for writing chars
push dx
lea si,[di+4] ; buffer.end() pointer
mov bx,dx ; bx = temporary to extract single digit
dec si ; si = where to write next digit
and bx,0x000F ; separate last digit (needs whole bx for LUT indexing)
shr dx,4 ; shift original number one hex-digit (4 bits) to right
mov bl,[format_hex_ascii_lut+bx] ; convert digit 0-15 value to ASCII
mov [si],bl ; write it into buffer
cmp di,si ; compare buffer.begin() with pointer-to-write
jb format_hex_loop ; loop till first digit was written
pop dx ; restore original values of all modified regs
pop si
pop bx
format_hex_ascii_lut: ; LUT for 0-15 to ASCII conversion
db '0123456789ABCDEF'
Then for convenience a print_hex function may be added too, providing its own buffer for formatting with "0x" and nul terminator:
; dx = number to print
push di
push bx
; format the number
mov di,HEX_OUT+2
call format_hex
; print the result to screen
lea bx,[di-2] ; bx = HEX_OUT
; HEX_OUT was already set with "0x" and nul-terminator, otherwise I would do:
; mov word [bx],'0x'
; mov byte [bx+6],0
call print_string
pop bx
pop di
db '0x1234',0 ; The template string for printing
And finally example usage from the boot code:
mov dx,0x1fb6 ; The hexadecimal to be printed
call print_hex
mov dx,ax ; works also when called second time
call print_hex ; (but would be nicer to print some space between them)
jmp $ ; loop infinitely
(I did verify this code to some extend (that it will compile and run), although only by separate parts of it and in 32b environment (patching few lines to make it 32b), so some bug may have slipped in. I don't have 16b environment to verify it as complete boot code.)

How to split / truncate a string variable value in Assembly?

I am currently working on a project and for storage's sake I would like to cut off a variable in assembly, and (optionally) make that the value of a register, such as eax.
I will need code that works with NASM using Intel syntax.
For example, if the variable "msg" is set to "29ak49", I want to take a part of that, like "9ak4", and put it in a register, or something similar.
As Peter Cordes mentioned in the comments, you can always add a null terminator (0) into the existing string's buffer to right truncate; if you don't mind modifying the original string data.
The example below will retrieve a substring without modifying the original string.
If you have the address of a variable, and you know where you want to truncate it, you can take the address of the starting position of the data, and add an offset to left truncate. To right truncate you can just read as many characters as you need from the new offset.
For example in x86:
msg db '29ak49' ; create a string (1 byte per char)
;; left truncate
mov esi, msg ; get the address of the start of the string
add esi, OFFSET_INTO_DATA ; offset into the string (1 byte per char)
;; right truncate
mov edi, NUM_CHARS ; number of characters to take
movzx eax, byte [esi] ; get the value of the next character
;; do something with the character in eax
inc esi
dec edi
jnz .loop
;; end loop
The following is a runable test implementation as a 32-bit Linux application that prints out the substring selected based on OFFSET_INTO_DATA and NUM_CHARS (note: the algorithm is the same, but the registers have changed):
section .text
global _start
;; left truncate
mov esi, msg ; get the address of the start of the string
add esi, OFFSET_INTO_DATA ; offset into the string (1 byte per char)
;; right truncate
mov edi, NUM_CHARS ; number of characters to take
mov ecx, esi ; get the address of the next character
call print_char_32
inc esi
dec edi
jnz .loop
jmp halt
;;; input: ecx -> character to display
mov edx, 1 ; PRINT
mov ebx, 1 ;
mov eax, 4 ;
int 0x80 ;
mov eax, 1 ; EXIT
int 0x80 ;
jmp halt
section .data
msg db '29ak49' ; create a string (1 byte per char)
Compiled with:
nasm -f elf substring.asm ; ld -m elf_i386 -s -o substring substring.o

Copy string from BSS variable to BSS variable in Assembly

Let's suppose I have to string stored in variables created in the .BSS section.
var1 resw 5 ; this is "abcde" (UNICODE)
var2 resw 5 ; here I will copy the first one
How would I do this with NASM?
I tried something like this:
mov ebx, var2 ; Here we will copy the string
mov dx, 5 ; Length of the string
mov esi, dword var1 ; The variable to be copied
mov [ebx], word ax ; Copy the character into the address from EBX
inc ebx ; Increment the EBX register for the next character to copy
dec dx ; Decrement DX
cmp dx, 0 ; If DX is 0 we reached the end
jg .Copy ; Otherwise copy the next one
So, first problem is that the string is not copied as UNICODE but as ASCII and I don't know why. Secondly, I know there might be some not recommended use of some registers. And lastly, I wonder if there is some quicker way of doing this (maybe there are instructions specially created for this kind of operations with strings). I'm talking about 8086 processors.
inc ebx ; Increment the EBX register for the next character to copy
A word is 2 bytes, but you're only stepping ebx 1 byte ahead. Replace inc ebx with add ebx,2.
Michael already answered about the obvious problem of the demonstrated code.
But there is also another layer of understanding. It is not important how you will copy the string from one buffer to another - by bytes, words or double words. It will always create exact copy of the string.
So, how to copy the string is a matter of optimization. Using rep movsd is the fastest known way.
Here is one example:
; ecx contains the length of the string in bytes
; esi - the address of the source, aligned on dword
; edi - the address of the destination aligned on dword
push ecx
shr ecx, 2
rep movsd
pop ecx
and ecx, 3
rep movsb

linux nasm print multiple characters

I am trying to write a program that will allow me to print multiple characters (strings of characters or integers). The problem that I am having is that my code only prints one of the characters, and then newlines and stays in an infinite loop. Here is my code:
len EQU 32
num resb len
output resb len
GLOBAL _start
mov eax, 3
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, num
mov edx, len
int 80h
mov ecx, num
mov al, [ecx]
inc ecx
mov [output], al
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, output
mov edx, len
int 80h
cmp al, 0
jz Exit
mov eax, 0
mov [output], eax
jmp Print
mov eax, 1
mov ebx, 0
int 80h
Could someone point out what I am doing wrong?
In the first time you enter the Print section, ecx is pointing to the start of the string and you use it to copy a single character to the start of the output string. But a few more instructions down, you overwrite ecx with the pointer to the output string, and never restore it, therefore you never manage to copy and print the rest of the string.
Also, why are you calling write() with a single character string with the aim to loop over it to print the entire string? Why not just pass num directly in instead of copying a single character to output and passing that?
In your last question, you showed message as a zero-terminated string, so cmp al, 0 would indicate the end of the string. sys_read does NOT create a zero-terminated string! (we can stuff a zero in there if we need it - e.g. as a filename for sys_open) sys_read will read a maximum of edx characters. sys_read from stdin returns when, and only when, the "enter" key is hit. If fewer than edx characters were entered, the string is terminated with a linefeed character (10 decimal or 0xA or 0Ah hex) - you could look for that... But, if the pesky user types more than edx characters, only edx characters go into your buffer, the "excess" remains in the OS's buffer (and can cause trouble later!). In this case your string is NOT terminated with a linefeed, so looking for it will fail. sys_read returns the number of characters actually read - up to edx - including the linefeed - in eax. If you don't want to include the linefeed in the length, you can decrement eax.
As an experiment, do a sys_read with some small number (say 4) in edx, then exit the program. Type "abcdls"(enter) and watch the "ls" be executed. If some joker typed "abcdrm -rf ."... well, don't!!!
Safest thing is to flush the OS's input buffer.
mov ecx, num
mov edx, len
mov ebx, 1
mov eax, 3
int 80h
cmp byte [ecx + eax - 1], 10 ; got linefeed?
push eax ; save read length - doesn't alter flags
je good
mov ecx, dummy_buf
mov edx, 1
mov ebx, 1
mov eax, 3
int 80h
cmp byte [ecx], 10
jne flush
pop eax ; restore length from first sys_read
Instead of defining dummy_buf in .bss (or .data), we could put it on the stack - trying to keep it simple here. This is imperfect - we don't know if our string is linefeed-terminated or not, and we don't check for error (unlikely reading from stdin). You'll find you're writing much more code dealing with errors and "idiot user" input than "doing the work". Inevitable! (it's a low-level language - we've gotta tell the CPU Every Single Thing!)
sys_write doesn't know about zero-terminated strings, either! It'll print edx characters, regardless of how much garbage that might be. You want to figure out how many characters you actually want to print, and put that in edx (that's why I saved/restored the original length above).
You mention "integers" and use num as a variable name. Neither of these functions know about "numbers" except as ascii codes. You're reading and writing characters. Converting a single-digit number to and from a character is easy - add or subtract '0' (48 decimal or 30h). Multiple digits are more complicated - look around for an example, if that's what you need.
