Test Azure application in Dev Fabric - azure

I have a created a sample web role application using cloud service. Before hosting my application in cloud, i want to test the application in Dev Fabric. I am sure that when we run the application from VS, it creates an environment that simulates the cloud.
But, if I want to give my application for testing to QA, do I still need to give my source to them and run the application from VS under Dev Fabric or is there any other ways in running my deployed package under Dev Fabric.
In a line, my question is: How do i run my packaged Azure application under Dev Fabric before hosting in Cloud?
Can anyone having an idea, please share me some information?
Thanks for your quick response. CSRun command helped in accoomplishing my requirement. But i can see that it is taking an IP Address, by default.
Also i am trying to find it out that, is there a way we can change this to a proper name instead of using like an IP?
for ex: http://localhost/ or
with deployed machine name like http://applicationserver/webrole1/ - so that we can access this from any machine in the netwrok.
I went through the Dev Fabric UI, where we can see the curent instances running, but i didnt find any options for these.
Please share me some information on this.

When you run your application locally, a different kind of package gets created (actually a directory) with a .csx extension.
As long as you have that .csx directory and your configuration file (.cscfg), you can run the package by using the "csrun" command. (So no, you don't need Visual Studio.)

You can use this blog post to access azure services running in DevFabric (DF) from other boxes -


Dotnet-counters output from Azure App Services

I'm trying to find a way to get dotnet-counters output from Azure App Services to either the Azure Portal (good enough for some trouble shooting) or some other console tool.
Does anyone know of a way to get the data, even when the app service is running across multiple app service plans? I was picturing maybe there is an app service extension (but no luck so far).
Eventually I'll want to automate this so I can get the data onto our monitoring system, but first baby steps.... just need something I can manually eyeball to help debug issues.
Anyone have any thoughts on how to do this?
From offical doc, we can install dotnet-counters by cli command and download .exe directly.
As azure web app running in sandbox environment, so we can't add dotnet-counters to env, which means we can install it, but we can't use it.
So my solution is,
we can download .exe file directly.
After downloading finished, we can copy and paste it to wwwroot.
Then we can use it on scm site and azure portal.
On kudu site.
On azure portal.

Why can't I access my Azure website after successful deployment

I build a website with React and I deployed it on Azure. I build it and then deployed the build folder with vs code on Azure. The process is actually very easy using VS Code and the Azure extension. It is explained well here.
So far so good, everything worked fine. Now I needed to deploy the same app (the same build folder) but in another webApp. Basically, I needed to have separate versions of the app. So, I did the same things I did the first time (create webapp on Azure -> deploy with VS Code). However, I can't see my website when I go to the url. All I see is the default generated webapp, which is a dummy html page.
It looks something like this:
Hey, Node developers!
Your app service is up and running.
Time to take the next step and deploy your code.
I am seeking to understand this: I deployed the same build folder. I didn't change anything. I can't see my website (I thought it may take some time but I waited for nine hours now)
Things I've tried:
deploy again and again
restart the app on azure
stop and rerun the app on azure
go to the URL on incognito mode
I searched a lot and I've seen some answers that it can be about some path or file in the Azure configurations. However, I don't have anything in my configurations. Here are screenshots of my app configurations on Azure
here is my app configurations (when I go to configurations on Azure)
and these are the general configurations/settings
here is the deployment slots:
The message you are getting is the standard message when the app service is created but nothing is deployed.
Possible explainations are:
the app is being deployed to a different site
the app is being deployed to the same site but a different slot
the deployment is failing
your application is not listening on the port provided by the PORT environment variable
Recently I got into same issue,
Check you node version in package.json. I used this,
"engines": {
"node": "^12.16.3"
Azure web service was on Linux server. Startup commnand required in Azure General Settings -> Stack Settings
pm2 serve /home/site/wwwroot --no-daemon
You can also look at the log metrics after deploying or start the service. It will provide you info on the issue.

Azure App Service suddenly stopped with PhantomJS error

We have a Restify API running in Azure App Service on Linux for a while now. Suddenly this app (both test and prod, they run as seperate apps) stopped working. Based on the logs the error is related to a package we are using node-highcharts-exporting which is dependent on PhantomJS. App Service is using Node 8.1.
We tried re-deploying the code, upgrading node version to 8.12 (do not want to use latest version with out testing) but still no luck.
Deployment Logs: (This part is successful. This is just for reference)
Container logs: (Startup fails here)
Tried to replicate the same environment on-prem and everything works fine. Created a new App Service which is also running into same issue. Any help is much appreciated.
Update 1:
I think I figured out what is happening. This is related to font libraries on linux https://github.com/ariya/phantomjs/issues/10904
I need to install libfontconfig but this is not supported on Azure App Service.
Yes, it is due to sandbox restriction on a App Service. Just to highlight, the standard/native Azure Web Apps run in a secure environment called a sandbox. Each app runs inside its own sandbox, isolating its execution from other instances on the same machine as well as providing an additional degree of security and privacy which would otherwise not be available.
Not supported scenarios on standard App Service - PhantomJS (/Selenium): tries to connect to local address, and also uses GDI+.Known issue for all PDF generators based on wkhtmltopdf or phantomjs: custom fonts are not rendered (system-installed font is used instead) because of sandbox GDI API limitations.See App Service GitHub sandbox page.
Based on your requirement, however you could use a custom container in App Service (You can use a custom Docker image) that lets you make OS changes that your app needs.
Checkout these document for more details on this topic:
Run a custom Linux container in Azure App Service (You can use a custom Docker image): https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/app-service/containers/quickstart-docker
Run a custom Windows container in Azure (Preview):

Monitoring Azure via Jenkins

We currently have our source-code in Bitbucket. Which in his turn, deploys the development code to Azure.
We have a local Jenkins instance that we want to use to perform some tests against the Azure instance.
Is there a possibility to monitor Azure and start running tests when the deploy has finished?
If I just poll the SCM I have no guarantee that the app is deployed, I will only know that someone checked in some code.
Thanks in advance.
This article helped me fix the problem: https://microsoft.github.io/techcasestudies/azure%20app%20service/devops/2016/12/20/Arena.html
The key is to use their code example to create the PostDeploymentActions folder and copy any scripts to that folder after the deployment. They will get executed autonatically if you are using Kudu.

Azure: Deploying a Ruby on Rails app in the Cloud

I've just completed an automation script that:
downloads a project build to local storage (worker role)
installs ruby, apache, and other dependencies
configures apache and the RoR application to serve requests via port 81
This is all working locally. I'm working with visual studio; running the application successfully pulls the local machine from "blank slate" to "serving requests".
I'm now trying to push this up to Azure - no longer using the local machine, but an actual worker role.
I've packaged the project and uploaded it to a production environment via my Azure subscription portal, but navigating to the site URL doesn't give me anything (site not found).
I'm a bit new to Azure. What steps do I need to take to ensure that this application will work up in the cloud? I feel like I've forgotten to configure something, like the endpoint port (81). Any advice or recommended reading would be super helpful; thank you so much for your time!
If you need some real assistance to troubleshoot the problem, tt would be best to see the following 3 things:
Your automation script (Startup Task)
Your worker role OnStart() function
Your ServiceDefinition and ServieConfiguration
Are you using ProgramEntryPoint to luanch your RoR app or you are doing all of this in Startup task? Based on above info, it is easy to understand the application architecture and some suggestions can be made.
However, the best way to troubleshoot this problem is to enabled RDP access to your Azure Worker Role VM and then Log into your Azure VM to understand what is going on. RDP access to Azure VM will validate that your install script ran correctly and all the modules were started.
As your are new to Windows Azure there could be several things could be missing and if you provide more info you will get accurate help instead of some guess work.
