Read values into a shell variable from a pipe - linux

I am trying to get bash to process data from stdin that gets piped into, but no luck. What I mean is none of the following work:
echo "hello world" | test=($(< /dev/stdin)); echo test=$test
echo "hello world" | read test; echo test=$test
echo "hello world" | test=`cat`; echo test=$test
where I want the output to be test=hello world. I've tried putting "" quotes around "$test" that doesn't work either.

IFS= read var << EOF
You can trick read into accepting from a pipe like this:
echo "hello world" | { read test; echo test=$test; }
or even write a function like this:
read_from_pipe() { read "$#" <&0; }
But there's no point - your variable assignments may not last! A pipeline may spawn a subshell, where the environment is inherited by value, not by reference. This is why read doesn't bother with input from a pipe - it's undefined.
FYI, is a nifty collection of the cruft necessary to fight the oddities and incompatibilities of bourne shells, sh.

if you want to read in lots of data and work on each line separately you could use something like this:
cat myFile | while read x ; do echo $x ; done
if you want to split the lines up into multiple words you can use multiple variables in place of x like this:
cat myFile | while read x y ; do echo $y $x ; done
while read x y ; do echo $y $x ; done < myFile
But as soon as you start to want to do anything really clever with this sort of thing you're better going for some scripting language like perl where you could try something like this:
perl -ane 'print "$F[0]\n"' < myFile
There's a fairly steep learning curve with perl (or I guess any of these languages) but you'll find it a lot easier in the long run if you want to do anything but the simplest of scripts. I'd recommend the Perl Cookbook and, of course, The Perl Programming Language by Larry Wall et al.

This is another option
$ read test < <(echo hello world)
$ echo $test
hello world

read won't read from a pipe (or possibly the result is lost because the pipe creates a subshell). You can, however, use a here string in Bash:
$ read a b c <<< $(echo 1 2 3)
$ echo $a $b $c
1 2 3
But see #chepner's answer for information about lastpipe.

I'm no expert in Bash, but I wonder why this hasn't been proposed:
echo "$stdin"
One-liner proof that it works for me:
$ fortune | eval 'stdin=$(cat); echo "$stdin"'

bash 4.2 introduces the lastpipe option, which allows your code to work as written, by executing the last command in a pipeline in the current shell, rather than a subshell.
shopt -s lastpipe
echo "hello world" | read test; echo test=$test

A smart script that can both read data from PIPE and command line arguments:
if [[ -p /dev/stdin ]]
PIPE=$(cat -)
echo "PIPE=$PIPE"
echo "ARGS=$#"
$ bash test arg1 arg2
ARGS=arg1 arg2
$ echo pipe_data1 | bash test arg1 arg2
ARGS=arg1 arg2
Explanation: When a script receives any data via pipe, then the /dev/stdin (or /proc/self/fd/0) will be a symlink to a pipe.
/proc/self/fd/0 -> pipe:[155938]
If not, it will point to the current terminal:
/proc/self/fd/0 -> /dev/pts/5
The bash [[ -p option can check it it is a pipe or not.
cat - reads the from stdin.
If we use cat - when there is no stdin, it will wait forever, that is why we put it inside the if condition.

The syntax for an implicit pipe from a shell command into a bash variable is
In your examples, you are piping data to an assignment statement, which does not expect any input.

In my eyes the best way to read from stdin in bash is the following one, which also lets you work on the lines before the input ends:
while read LINE; do
echo $LINE
done < /dev/stdin

The first attempt was pretty close. This variation should work:
echo "hello world" | { test=$(< /dev/stdin); echo "test=$test"; };
and the output is:
test=hello world
You need braces after the pipe to enclose the assignment to test and the echo.
Without the braces, the assignment to test (after the pipe) is in one shell, and the echo "test=$test" is in a separate shell which doesn't know about that assignment. That's why you were getting "test=" in the output instead of "test=hello world".

Because I fall for it, I would like to drop a note.
I found this thread, because I have to rewrite an old sh script
to be POSIX compatible.
This basically means to circumvent the pipe/subshell problem introduced by POSIX by rewriting code like this:
some_command | read a b c
read a b c << EOF
And code like this:
some_command |
while read a b c; do
# something
while read a b c; do
# something
done << EOF
But the latter does not behave the same on empty input.
With the old notation the while loop is not entered on empty input,
but in POSIX notation it is!
I think it's due to the newline before EOF,
which cannot be ommitted.
The POSIX code which behaves more like the old notation
looks like this:
while read a b c; do
case $a in ("") break; esac
# something
done << EOF
In most cases this should be good enough.
But unfortunately this still behaves not exactly like the old notation
if some_command prints an empty line.
In the old notation the while body is executed
and in POSIX notation we break in front of the body.
An approach to fix this might look like this:
while read a b c; do
case $a in ("something_guaranteed_not_to_be_printed_by_some_command") break; esac
# something
done << EOF
echo "something_guaranteed_not_to_be_printed_by_some_command"

Piping something into an expression involving an assignment doesn't behave like that.
Instead, try:
test=$(echo "hello world"); echo test=$test

The following code:
echo "hello world" | ( test=($(< /dev/stdin)); echo test=$test )
will work too, but it will open another new sub-shell after the pipe, where
echo "hello world" | { test=($(< /dev/stdin)); echo test=$test; }
I had to disable job control to make use of chepnars' method (I was running this command from terminal):
set +m;shopt -s lastpipe
echo "hello world" | read test; echo test=$test
echo "hello world" | test="$(</dev/stdin)"; echo test=$test
Bash Manual says:
If set, and job control is not active, the shell runs the last command
of a pipeline not executed in the background in the current shell
Note: job control is turned off by default in a non-interactive shell and thus you don't need the set +m inside a script.

I think you were trying to write a shell script which could take input from stdin.
but while you are trying it to do it inline, you got lost trying to create that test= variable.
I think it does not make much sense to do it inline, and that's why it does not work the way you expect.
I was trying to reduce
$( ... | head -n $X | tail -n 1 )
to get a specific line from various input.
so I could type...
cat program_file.c | line 34
so I need a small shell program able to read from stdin. like you do.
22:14 ~ $ cat ~/bin/line
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo enter a line number to display; exit; fi
cat | head -n $1 | tail -n 1
22:16 ~ $
there you go.

The questions is how to catch output from a command to save in variable(s) for use later in a script. I might repeat some earlier answers but I try to line up all the answers I can think up to compare and comment, so bear with me.
The intuitive construct
echo test | read x
echo x=$x
is valid in Korn shell because ksh have implemented that the last command in a piped series is part of the current shell ie. the previous pipe commands are subshells. In contrast other shells define all piped commands as subshells including the last.
This is the exact reason I prefer ksh.
But having to copy with other shells, bash f.ex., another construct must be used.
To catch 1 value this construct is viable:
x=$(echo test)
echo x=$x
But that only caters for 1 value to be collected for later use.
To catch more values this construct is useful and works in bash and ksh:
read x y <<< $(echo test again)
echo x=$x y=$y
There is a variant which I have noticed work in bash but not in ksh:
read x y < <(echo test again)
echo x=$x y=$y
The <<< $(...) is a here-document variant which gives all the meta handling of a standard command line. < <(...) is an input redirection of a file-substitution operator.
I use "<<< $(" in all my scripts now because it seems the most portable construct between shell variants. I have a tools set I carry around on jobs in any Unix flavor.
Of course there is the universally viable but crude solution:
command-1 | {command-2; echo "x=test; y=again" > file.tmp; chmod 700 file.tmp}
. ./file.tmp
rm file.tmp
echo x=$x y=$y

I wanted something similar - a function that parses a string that can be passed as a parameter or piped.
I came up with a solution as below (works as #!/bin/sh and as #!/bin/bash)
set -eu
my_func() {
local content=""
# if the first param is an empty string or is not set
if [ -z ${1+x} ]; then
# read content from a pipe if passed or from a user input if not passed
while read line; do content="${content}$line"; done < /dev/stdin
# first param was set (it may be an empty string)
echo "Content: '$content'";
printf "0. $(my_func "")\n"
printf "1. $(my_func "one")\n"
printf "2. $(echo "two" | my_func)\n"
printf "3. $(my_func)\n"
printf "End\n"
0. Content: ''
1. Content: 'one'
2. Content: 'two'
typed text
3. Content: 'typed text'
For the last case (3.) you need to type, hit enter and CTRL+D to end the input.

How about this:
echo "hello world" | echo test=$(cat)


Bash: New line in echo string fails when output is piped to crontab [duplicate]

How do I print a newline? This merely prints \n:
$ echo -e "Hello,\nWorld!"
Use printf instead:
printf "hello\nworld\n"
printf behaves more consistently across different environments than echo.
Make sure you are in Bash.
$ echo $0
All these four ways work for me:
echo -e "Hello\nworld"
echo -e 'Hello\nworld'
echo Hello$'\n'world
echo Hello ; echo world
echo $'hello\nworld'
$'' strings use ANSI C Quoting:
Words of the form $'string' are treated specially. The word expands to string, with backslash-escaped characters replaced as specified by the ANSI C standard.
You could always do echo "".
For example,
echo "Hello,"
echo ""
echo "World!"
On the off chance that someone finds themselves beating their head against the wall trying to figure out why a coworker's script won't print newlines, look out for this:
function GET_RECORDS()
echo -e "starting\n the process";
echo $(GET_RECORDS);
As in the above, the actual running of the method may itself be wrapped in an echo which supersedes any echos that may be in the method itself. Obviously, I watered this down for brevity. It was not so easy to spot!
You can then inform your comrades that a better way to execute functions would be like so:
function GET_RECORDS()
echo -e "starting\n the process";
Simply type
to get a new line
POSIX 7 on echo
-e is not defined and backslashes are implementation defined:
If the first operand is -n, or if any of the operands contain a <backslash> character, the results are implementation-defined.
unless you have an optional XSI extension.
So I recommend that you should use printf instead, which is well specified:
format operand shall be used as the format string described in XBD File Format Notation [...]
the File Format Notation:
\n <newline> Move the printing position to the start of the next line.
Also keep in mind that Ubuntu 15.10 and most distros implement echo both as:
a Bash built-in: help echo
a standalone executable: which echo
which can lead to some confusion.
$ echo | sed "i$str"
You can also do:
echo "hello
This works both inside a script and from the command line.
On the command line, press Shift+Enter to do the line break inside the string.
This works for me on my macOS and my Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) system.
For only the question asked (not special characters etc) changing only double quotes to single quotes.
echo -e 'Hello,\nWorld!'
Results in:
There is a new parameter expansion added in Bash 4.4 that interprets escape sequences:
${parameter#operator} - E operator
The expansion is a string that is the value of parameter with
backslash escape sequences expanded as with the $'…' quoting
$ foo='hello\nworld'
$ echo "${foo#E}"
I just use echo without any arguments:
echo "Hello"
echo "World"
To print a new line with echo, use:
echo -e '\n'
This could better be done as
echo -ne $x
-e option will interpret backslahes for the escape sequence
-n option will remove the trailing newline in the output
PS: the command echo has an effect of always including a trailing newline in the output so -n is required to turn that thing off (and make it less confusing)
My script:
echo "WARNINGS: $warningsFound WARNINGS FOUND:\n$warningStrings
WARNING : 2 WARNINGS FOUND:\nWarning, found the following local orphaned signature file:
On my Bash script I was getting mad as you until I've just tried:
echo "WARNING : $warningsFound WARNINGS FOUND:
Just hit Enter where you want to insert that jump. The output now is:
Warning, found the following local orphaned signature file:
If you're writing scripts and will be echoing newlines as part of other messages several times, a nice cross-platform solution is to put a literal newline in a variable like so:
echo "first line${newline}second line"
echo "Error: example error message n${newline}${usage}" >&2 #requires usage to be defined
If the previous answers don't work, and there is a need to get a return value from their function:
function foo()
local v="Dimi";
local s="";
s+="Some message here $v $1\n"
echo $s
r=$(foo "my message");
echo -e $r;
Only this trick worked on a Linux system I was working on with this Bash version:
GNU bash, version 2.2.25(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu)
You could also use echo with braces,
$ (echo hello; echo world)
This got me there....
printf $outstuff
Sometimes you can pass multiple strings separated by a space and it will be interpreted as \n.
For example when using a shell script for multi-line notifcations:
notify-send 'notification success' 'another line' 'time now '`date +"%s"`
With jq:
$ jq -nr '"Hello,\nWorld"'
Additional solution:
In cases, you have to echo a multiline of the long contents (such as code/ configurations)
For example:
A Bash script to generate codes/ configurations
echo -e,
printf might have some limitation
You can use some special char as a placeholder as a line break (such as ~) and replace it after the file was created using tr:
echo ${content} | tr '~' '\n' > $targetFile
It needs to invoke another program (tr) which should be fine, IMO.

Bash subshell consumes stdin of the parent process

Let's say I have a script that will be calling via a subshell.
#! /bin/bash
set -euo pipefail
(if [ -t 0 ]; then
echo "one little two little three little buses"
cat -
fi) | awk '{ $1 = "111"; print $0 }'
#! /bin/bash
set -euo pipefail
main() {
echo "one_result) $(./"
echo "one_piped) $(echo "the quick brown fox" | ./"
Now, each of them works as expected:
$ ./
111 little two little three little buses
$ ./
one_result) 111 little two little three little buses
one_piped) 111 quick brown fox
But, when I pipe something to, I was not expecting (or, rather, I don't want) to know about the piped content, because I thought was in its own subshell in one_result):
$ echo "HELLO WORLD MAIN" | ./
one_result) 111 WORLD MAIN
one_piped) 111 quick brown fox
Is it the case my if condition in is not what I want? I would like to not create any side-effects of consuming my's stdin - since now it has consumed it, my is now effectively stdin-less, as stdin can only be read once unless I store it away.
Thoughts? TIA.
In general, subshells (and other processes that a shell spawns) inherit stdin from the parent shell. If that's the terminal, your test will work as you expect; if it's a pipe then it will detect that it's a pipe and go ahead and consume it. There's no way for the subshell to tell whether it got that pipe by having it explicitly assigned (as in echo "the quick brown fox" | ./ or via inheritance.
As far as I can see, the only way to avoid this problem is to explicitly redirect's input to something other than a pipe to avoid it inheriting the parent shell's stdin (which might be a pipe). Something like:
echo "one_nonpipe) $(./ </dev/null)"
echo "one_piped) $(echo "the quick brown fox" | ./"
... but what'd be even better would be to add a flag to tell whether to read from stdin or not, rather than trying to figure it out from the type of file attached to stdin:
#! /bin/bash
# Usage: [-i]
# -i Read from stdin
set -euo pipefail
if [ "$1" = "-i" ]; then
cat -
echo "one little two little three little buses"
fi | awk '{ $1 = "111"; print $0 }'
echo "one_result) $(./"
echo "one_piped) $(echo "the quick brown fox" | ./ -i)"
(Note that I also removed the unnecessary parentheses around the if block -- they created another level of subshell for no good reason.)
By default, every process inherits its standard input (and output and error) from its parent. Input redirection and pipes are two ways to change standard input to a different file descriptor when starting the child process.
It is the responsibility of, if needs to read from its standard input, to know that also reads from standard input, and it will need to prevent from consuming it.

Why would someone use echo to assign values to variables in bash or ksh?

Recently I came across an unusual use of echo to assign variables in a client's ksh scripts.
For example, there are many instances such as the following
c=`echo "${a} ${b}"`
I have been unable to come up with any reason why someone may have done this.
Could there be some legacy reason for this?
(I've been doing shell for 30+ years, and never before have I seen this)
Or is it just ignorance?
There is no compelling reason whatsoever for this, either in current bash, or its POSIX sh or Bourne predecessors.
c="$a $b" a complete replacement for the code given, and runs far faster (try putting it in a loop; command substitutions, as created by backticks, fork off a new shell as a subprocess and read its stdout -- a high-overhead operation).
What you saw is an example of bad use of echo because c could be declared as:
c="$a $b"
A common use of echo is when you need comands to filter output, for example
$ line="100090 $100,00 Mary"
$ name=`echo "$line" | grep -Eo "[a-zA-Z]+$"`
echo $name
But it would be more efficient if you don't use echo at all. The same thing above can be done with "read", without creating a new process:
$ line="100090 $100,00 Paul"
$ read -r _ _ name _ <<<"$line"
echo $name

Why am I getting command not found error on numeric comparison?

I am trying to parse each line of a file and look for a particular string. The script seems to be doing its intended job, however, in parallel it tries to execute the if command on line 6:
for line in $(cat $1)
echo $line | grep -e "Oct/2015"
if($?==0); then
echo "current line is: $line"
and I get the following (my script is
./ line 6: 0==0: command not found
First: As Mr. Llama says, you need more spaces. Right now your script tries to look for a file named something like /usr/bin/0==0 to run. Instead:
[ "$?" -eq 0 ] # POSIX-compliant numeric comparison
[ "$?" = 0 ] # POSIX-compliant string comparison
(( $? == 0 )) # bash-extended numeric comparison
Second: Don't test $? at all in this case. In fact, you don't even have good cause to use grep; the following is both more efficient (because it uses only functionality built into bash and requires no invocation of external commands) and more readable:
if [[ $line = *"Oct/2015"* ]]; then
echo "Current line is: $line"
If you really do need to use grep, write it like so:
if echo "$line" | grep -q "Oct/2015"; then
echo "Current line is: $line"
That way if operates directly on the pipeline's exit status, rather than running a second command testing $? and operating on that command's exit status.
#Charles Duffy has a good answer which I have up-voted as correct (and it is), but here's a detailed, line by line breakdown of your script and the correct thing to do for each part of it.
for line in $(cat $1)
As I noted in my comment elsewhere this should be done as a while read construct instead of a for cat construct.
This construct will wordsplit each line making spaces in the file separate "lines" in the output.
All empty lines will be skipped.
In addition when you cat $1 the variable should be quoted. If it is not quoted spaces and other less-usual characters appearing in the file name will cause the cat to fail and the loop will not process the file.
The complete line would read:
while IFS= read -r line
An illustrative example of the tradeoffs can be found here. The linked test script follows. I tried to include an indication of why IFS= and -r are important.
mkdir -p /tmp/testcase
pushd /tmp/testcase >/dev/null
printf '%s\n' '' two 'three three' '' ' five with leading spaces' 'c:\some\dos\path' '' > testfile
printf '\nwc -l testfile:\n'
wc -l testfile
printf '\n\nfor line in $(cat) ... \n\n'
let n=1
for line in $(cat testfile) ; do
echo line $n: "$line"
let n++
printf '\n\nfor line in "$(cat)" ... \n\n'
let n=1
for line in "$(cat testfile)" ; do
echo line $n: "$line"
let n++
let n=1
printf '\n\nwhile read ... \n\n'
while read line ; do
echo line $n: "$line"
let n++
done < testfile
printf '\n\nwhile IFS= read ... \n\n'
let n=1
while IFS= read line ; do
echo line $n: "$line"
let n++
done < testfile
printf '\n\nwhile IFS= read -r ... \n\n'
let n=1
while IFS= read -r line ; do
echo line $n: "$line"
let n++
done < testfile
rm -- testfile
popd >/dev/null
rmdir /tmp/testcase
Note that this is a bash-heavy example. Other shells do not tend to support -r for read, for example, nor is let portable. On to the next line of your script.
As a matter of style I prefer do on the same line as the for or while declaration, but there's no convention on this.
echo $line | grep -e "Oct/2015"
The variable $line should be quoted here. In general, meaning always unless you specifically know better, you should double-quote all expansion--and that means subshells as well as variables. This insulates you from most unexpected shell weirdness.
You decclared your shell as bash which means you will have there "Here string" operator <<< available to you. When available it can be used to avoid the pipe; each element of a pipeline executes in a subshell, which incurs extra overhead and can lead to unexpected behavior if you try to modify variables. This would be written as
grep -e "Oct/2015" <<<"$line"
Note that I have quoted the line expansion.
You have called grep with -e, which is not incorrect but is needless since your pattern does not begin with -. In addition you have full-quoted a string in shell but you don't attempt to expand a variable or use other shell interpolation inside of it. When you don't expect and don't want the contents of a quoted string to be treated as special by the shell you should single quote them. Furthermore, your use of grep is inefficient: because your pattern is a fixed string and not a regular expression you could have used fgrep or grep -F, which does string contains rather than regular expression matching (and is far faster because of this). So this could be
grep -F 'Oct/2015' <<<"$line"
Without altering the behavior.
if($?==0); then
This is the source of your original problem. In shell scripts commands are separated by whitespace; when you say if($?==0) the $? expands, probably to 0, and bash will try to execute a command called if(0==0) which is a legal command name. What you wanted to do was invoke the if command and give it some parameters, which requires more whitespace. I believe others have covered this sufficiently.
You should never need to test the value of $? in a shell script. The if command exists for branching behavior based on the return code of whatever command you pass to it, so you can inline your grep call and have if check its return code directly, thus:
if grep -F 'Oct/2015` <<<"$line" ; then
Note the generous whitespace around the ; delimiter. I do this because in shell whitespace is usually required and can only sometiems be omitted. Rather than try to remember when you can do which I recommend an extra one space padding around everything. It's never wrong and can make other mistakes easier to notice.
As others have noted this grep will print matched lines to stdout, which is probably not something you want. If you are using GNU grep, which is standard on Linux, you will have the -q switch available to you. This will suppress the output from grep
if grep -q -F 'Oct/2015' <<<"$line" ; then
If you are trying to be strictly standards compliant or are in any environment with a grep that doesn't know -q the standard way to achieve this effect is to redirect stdout to /dev/null/
if printf "$line" | grep -F 'Oct/2015' >/dev/null ; then
In this example I also removed the here string bashism just to show a portable version of this line.
echo "current line is: $line"
There is nothing wrong with this line of your script, except that although echo is standard implementations vary to such an extent that it's not possible to absolutely rely on its behavior. You can use printf anywhere you would use echo and you can be fairly confident of what it will print. Even printf has some caveats: Some uncommon escape sequences are not evenly supported. See mascheck for details.
printf 'current line is: %s\n' "$line"
Note the explicit newline at the end; printf doesn't add one automatically.
No comment on this line.
In the case where you did as I recommended and replaced the for line with a while read construct this line would change to:
done < "$1"
This directs the contents of the file in the $1 variable to the stdin of the while loop, which in turn passes the data to read.
In the interests of clarity I recommend copying the value from $1 into another variable first. That way when you read this line the purpose is more clear.
I hope no one takes great offense at the stylistic choices made above, which I have attempted to note; there are many ways to do this (but not a great many correct) ways.
Be sure to always run interesting snippets through the excellent shellcheck and explain shell when you run into difficulties like this in the future.
And finally, here's everything put together:
while IFS= read -r line ; do
if grep -q -F 'Oct/2015' <<<"$line" ; then
printf 'current line is %s\n' "$line"
done < "$input_file"
If you like one-liners, you may use AND operator (&&), for example:
echo "$line" | grep -e "Oct/2015" && echo "current line is: $line"
grep -qe "Oct/2015" <<<"$line" && echo "current line is: $line"
Spacing is important in shell scripting.
Also, double-parens is for numerical comparison, not single-parens.
if (( $? == 0 )); then

Print output of cat statement in bash script loop

I'm trying to execute a command for each line coming from a cat command. I'm basing this on sample code I got from a vendor.
Here's the script:
for tbl in 'cat /tmp/tables'
echo $tbl
So I was expecting the output to be each line in the file. Instead I'm getting this:
That's obviously not what I wanted.
I'm going to replace the echo with an actual command that interfaces with a database.
Any help in straightening this out would be greatly appreciated.
You are using the wrong type of quotes.
You need to use the back-quotes rather than the single quote to make the argument being a program running and piping out the content to the forloop.
for tbl in `cat /tmp/tables`
echo "$tbl"
Also for better readability (if you are using bash), you can write it as
for tbl in $(cat /tmp/tables)
echo "$tbl"
If your expectations are to get each line (The for-loops above will give you each word), then you may be better off using xargs, like this
cat /tmp/tables | xargs -L1 echo
or as a loop
cat /tmp/tables | while read line; do echo "$line"; done
The single quotes should be backticks:
for tbl in `cat /etc/tables`
Although, this will not get you output/input by line, but by word. To process line by line, you should try something like:
cat /etc/tables | while read line
echo $line
With while loop:
while read line
echo "$line"
done < "file"
while IFS= read -r tbl; do echo "$tbl" ; done < /etc/tables
read this.
You can do a lot of parsing in bash by redefining the IFS (Input Field Seperator), for example
IFS="\t\n" # You must use double quotes for escape sequences.
for tbl in `cat /tmp/tables`
echo "$tbl"
