Can Drupal's search module search for a substring? (Partial Search) - search

Drupal's core search module, only searches for keywords, e.g. "sandwich". Can I make it search with a substring e.g. "sandw" and return my sandwich-results?
Maybe there is a plugin that does that?

The most direct module for it is probably Fuzzy Search. I have not tried it. If you have more advanced search needs on a small to medium sized site, Search Lucene API is a fine solution. For a larger site, or truly advanced needs, Solr is the premiere solution.

Recently I made a patch for Drupal's core search module to provide it with partial search (aka n-gram searches) ability. This is tested against Drupal 6.15 & 6.16 releases. You might want to read about patching.
On the other hand you can make use of Apache Solr Search Integration, Search Lucene API modules or other 3rd-party search solutions which takes more time to implement.
PorterStemmer module has its own different story in which you might be interested, too.

Yes. Fuzzy Search (module) does it.

Drupal Finder does it somehow, namely: it has an autosuggest feature, so if You start typich sand it should suggest You a node containing sandwich.


Implementing a docs search for multiple docs sites

We have many different documentation sites and I would like to search a keyword across all of these sites. How can I do that?
I already thought about implementing a simple web scraper, but this seems like a very ugly solution.
An alternative may be to use Elasticsearch and somehow point it to the different doc repos.
Are there better suggestions?
Algolia is the absolute best solution that I can think of. There's also Typesense and Meilisearch of course.
Algolia is meant specifically for situations like yours, so it even comes with a crawler.
Here's a fun page comparing them (probably a little biased in Typesense's favor)
Here are some example sites that use Algolia Search
If you personally are just trying to search for a keyword, as long as they're indexed by Google, you can always search with the format site:{domain} "keyword"
You can checkout Meilisearch for your use case. Meilisearch is a Rust based and open sourced search engine.
Meilisearch comes with a document scraper tool ( ) that can scrape content and then also index it.
While using it you need to define what exact content you are searching for in the configuration file for the scraper tool. And then you can run the tool using Docker.

How to use lucene query syntax on Orchard CMS

I would like to use the full Lucene query syntax on an Orchard CMS based Website.
Currently, after enabling the indexing and search on Orchard, I can search on the website according to the fields I selected on the Orchard search administration page,
but I cannot perform one search on a particular field only (without changing the behavior on the entire search)
I cannot use fuzzy search...
From the logs, I can see that Orchard take care of that part (providing Lucene a good query syntax), but I would like to do it on my own.
For example, when searching "wel" on the website, Orchard will send to Lucene this query : title:wel* body:wel* (if I have the title and body fields activated on the search).
I did see some blogs that talk about coding some features to customize search, but I would like to be sure I'm not missing something before switching to developer mode :)
There are so many scenarios that can be done with search that there is no way to provide such coverage out of the box, which is why the API is very simple to use if you need custom searching capabilities.
You should copy-paste the controller from the search module and use the Parse() method of the ISearchBuilder with the escape parameter to false. This will parse a pure lucene query. You can also use the WithField("body", "value") to do simpler field search.
I don't believe anyone has released any modules that provide additional search functionality, because if you need it, it is so simple to develop ^_^ So yes, you will have to go dev mode to do custom field search

Definitive method to exclude page sections from main search engines

I have quite a few constant parts of pages I'd like to exclude from displaying in search results to prevent obscuring of the unique content on each respective page.
I read that class="nocontent" will perform this action for Google. But what about the other main search engines like Yahoo and Bing? Is there a globally accepted solution for this, or is there an additional step to get them to do the same?
Thank you for any assistance.
Google doesn't offer such a feature for the general search. The class nocontent is only for Google Custom Search. The comments googleon/googleoff are only for Google Search Appliance.
Yahoo! introduced the class robots-nocontent in 2007. Google doesn't support it.
There is a microformats draft, but it has probably no support.
Despite that, there are some "hacks" that could accomplish what you need, but I wouldn't count on or use them. For example: inserting content with JS, or embedding content in iframe (and blocking the source URL in robots.txt).

Grails (On App Engine) - Basic Search Functionality

What I need is Search Scaffolding but in its absence I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of any really simple examples for adding search to a domain.
I can't use the searchable plugin as it conflicts with the AppEngine plugin (Unless someone has got this to work?). I just need to be able to filter the scaffold list to contain only the results which match the query. I don't need a pure text box solution, I imagine it too look exactly like the 'create' form except when you submit you get a list of matching objects.
I hope this makes sense, thanks in advance!
Google App Engine - Full Text Search

Drupal search - alternative ways of doing it?

3rd Drupal question in a day.. guess what I'm doing!
OK, I've got the default Drupal search block, but I really need to find a way of restricting it to just searching one particular content type which is called "recipes" (guess what that one contains!)
Does anyone have any ideas on how I can restrict the search and then go about controlling the output display?
You can use the Search config module. If this module does not your work you should also look at this page: Just type in "search" and you can find a few search plugins with descriptions.
I recommend the Finder module, which works well with CCK and filters and is straightforward to theme.
You could be interested in trying Faceted Search, which add a series of blocs to filter the results returned by the search module. There are many other modules which are related (see Projects related with Faceted Search).
