Graphics/Vision Interesting Topics - graphics

I would like to do an interesting project for a computer graphics course. I know that there is a lot of literature out there (i.e. SIGGRAPH conference papers). I have a very large range of interest with regard to computer graphics (i.e. image processing, 3D modeling, rendering, animation). However, I've only taken computer vision/graphics for 2 semesters and thus don't have too much background experience, except for the class projects that I had to do.
I've been looking through SIGGRAPH papers trying to see if there is anything that will be of interest to me but the literature is extremely vast. I was wondering if anyone has any topic suggestions, anything interesting that you ran across that you could recommend. I would prefer to do something fun yet slightly challenging (not really interested in making a shooter game).
If this question does not belong here, I apologize and please let me know where I should move it.

Image Drawing animator. (the name is kind of misleading, but I didn't care much about it)
Anyway, the software does the following:
Takes an image say a JPEG or BMP as input.
Extract the lines from the image. (I used Matlab and Laplace transformations)
Convert the static lines to Vector paths.
Simulate drawing the image using the extracted paths.
In summary, you should give an image, for example a city scape, the program extract all lines and start drawing the buildings, streets and sunset lines, then finally add the colors one by one, until the full image is done.

Real time hand(s) detector.
You'll have plenty of interesting and fun applications with this.


Merging little triangles into bigger ones in Kinect scan

I'm not sure if this problem has solution but ill ask anyway ill be glad also for some literature for studying, and some keywords to search.
Lets say I have 3d scan made using kinect.
On the scan there is only a single wall with a door in it. Output from kinect is composed from hundreds of little triangles.
What i want to achieve is that I recognize where is the wall and where is the door and merge wall triangles into lets say few and the same thing with the door triangles.
You want to look at mesh simplification algorithms, but before you do you should probably familiarise yourself with the fundamental concepts of 3D graphics like vertices, matrices and meshes. GDAL and PCL are two libraries that can help you with achieving what you want.
There's also a software called MeshLab, which implements many of the mentioned algorithms and could be of some help to you.

Programming a 3d game without the use of a graphics API

As the title says, I'd like to program a 3d game (probably a BattleZone clone), but without the use of an API like OpenGL, DirectX, and the like. At the heart of the matter, I'd just like to learn how to draw basic 3d shapes to the screen and manipulate them. Don't care if it looks like crap. I've used OpenGL to achieve similar ends before, but really didn't learn about these topics.
The problem is, I have no idea where to start. I downloaded the Doom source code, but it's a bit over my head. Although I've programmed a bit, graphical matters are very much out of my depth.
I'd be very grateful if anyone could offer links or code (in any language) that would help me along in my purpose.
Sounds like an exciting project. I did something similar in the late 90's. Before OpenGL and DirectX became popular, there were a ton of great books on the subject.
Fundamentally you will have to learn how to
Represent 3D geometry
Transform that geometry (translate and rotate)
Project that geometry onto a 2D screen.
Each of those major topics has many sub-topics (for example, complex objects can be constructed from a number of polygons. You may want to limit polygons to being constructed of triangles only, or support other polygons. You may want to load common model formats e.g. .obj files so that you can create models with off the shelf tools).
The topics are way too broad for a detailed answer here. Whole books are written on the subject, including
Black Art of 3D Game Programming (Book, amazingly still available)
For a good introduction to the general topics, have a look at:
Doom, which you already looked at, used a special optimization called heightfield rendering and does not allow for rendering of arbitrary 3D shapes (e.g., you will not find a bridge in Doom that you can walk under).
I have the second edition of Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice in C and it uses SRGP (Simple Raster Graphics Programming) and SIGGRAPH which is a wrap-around SRGP, if you look up articles and papers on graphics research you'll see that both these libraries are used a lot, and they are way more direct and low level than the APIs you mentioned. I'm having a hard time locating them, so if you do, please give a link. Note that the third edition is in WPF, so I cannot guarantee much as to it's usefulness, and I don't know if the second edition is still in print, but I have found numerous references to the book, and it's got it's own page in Wikipedia.
Another solution would be the Win32 API which again does not provide much in terms of rendering, but it is trivial to draw dots and lines onto a window. I have written a few tutorials on it, but I didn't cover drawing pixels and lines, so they'll only be useful if you have trouble with the basics of setting up a window. Note that it is not intended for real-time rendering, so it may get slow.
Finally you can look at X11 programming, the foundation of most modern operating systems with a GUI. I haven't found the libraries for Windows, but again I didn't invest too much time on it. I know it is available for CIGWIN and for Linux in general though, and I believe it would be very interesting to look at the core of graphics since you're already looking under the hood of 3D graphics.

View Interpolation?

Given images from a certain viewpoints is there some software out there which can help me interpolate the views(i.e. Viewpoint interpolation software?).
View Interpolation is an illposed and very difficult problem, which in general has no optimal solution in real world scenarios.
This is because of several reasons, some of which include
Wide Baseline Matching
Disparity Estimation
Occlusion Handling (Folds and Holes)
The quality of the outcome highly depends on your video footage, especially on how close together the cameras are.
Nevertheless, research is ongoing. Dyer and Seitz for example achieved nice results on constrained examples:
Stich from TU Braunschweig showed some amazing results with their Virtual Camera system, which probably is the one thing, you are looking for:
And finally, for soccer enthusiasts:
As a starting point, look for Image Morphing and View Morphing.
If you want, I can provide some more papers on the topic.
Good luck! :)
EDIT: Also, if you're interested, here's my work on Spatial and Temporal Interpolation of Multi-View Image-Sequence.

Best resources to learn about graphics and imaging?

Having spent a bunch of time recently doing 2D work that involves pixel manipulation of bitmaps and blending/compositing, I've run up against the limits of my own understanding with respect to colorspaces, non-RGB color worlds, etc.
I'd like to go back to basics and learn how all this stuff actually works, so that I'm not shooting in the dark next time I need to think about how to set up a blend function, and I know how to play with color palettes, etc.
Any pointers for good places to start on the path? Online references good, actual books that are clearly written are better. (Not looking for something that's just piles of equations, but can follow mathy stuff if it's not too terse.)
I liked these tutorials:

How to implement old film effect?

I'd like to implement an old film effect on pictures. Does anyone know a library or even the rare maths involved? I'd like it to cope with red shift for over-exposition and the rest. Even if you don't know the maths or a library, a pointer to any technical doc will be appreciated.
Clarification: I need to write these routines for a project of my own. I'd like to know what kind of processing has to be done and how. Doesn't matter the environment and system, I just need some hint on how process RGB data
You mention Magic Bullet from Red Giant Software in your comments. There's an impressive amount of image processing know-how behind the development of Magic Bullet. You'd probably have an easier time implementing a host interface for After Effects or Final Cut Pro plug-ins and using Magic Bullet.
If you want to see some source code in action, examine the open source projects that do image processing like GIMP, CinePaint, FreeFrame, etc.
You could try with as3 bitmapdata noise function
If you can find a plugin for Paint.Net, I'm sure you could just use that dll in your program. Is this the sort of thing you're looking for?
Rare maths?
Create several different transparent PNGs with scratch and dust marks on it. Take a pic, adjust the hue, saturation and brightness (algorithms for this aren't that complex) to fade out the pic, then overlay one to many of the scratchy PNGs. The more scratch/dust PNGs you have, the more random the effect you can create.
Not much math here IMHO.
