Tab key, arrow keys and page up/down keys donot work on Firefox on Ubuntu 1.04 LTS - ubuntu-10.04

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 and Firfox 3.6.3. The tab key, arrow keys and page up / down keys have suddenly stopped working when on Firefox. They work fine on any other application (like Google chrome). I am not sure what is happening and how they got disabled, only for firefox.

tools|Options|Advanced|General tab - uncheck the first option for cursor key

The problem was resolved by removing Delicious Firefox plugin. It was not compatible with the firefox version I was using.


Google map interactive features no longer work on desktop

Can no longer get any feature of Google Maps to work on my desktop in Chrome and Firefox (works in Edge). Happened once and returned to normal when I re-installed Chrome. What am I doing wrong?

Launching pgAdmin v4 on a browser that is not the default one

I have pgAdmin v4 installed, my default browser is Firefox, but I would like to open pgAdmin as a standalone app on Chrome. I fixed that problem following the procedure described in various Stackoverflow answers such as Launch pgAdmin 4 as a standalone app using chrome browser commands and pgAdmin 4 v3.1 How can I use another browser? (Win 7), i.e. configuring the "Browser command" option of pgAdmin to use Chrome.
That worked till sometime ago, but with the latest versions (at least 4.24 an 4.25) there is a problem: when I launch pgAdmin it still opens the default browser and not Chrome, as I configured. However, if I right click on the icon of the system tray and select "New pgAdmin 4 window..." it correctly opens Chrome.
I thought it was just me, but I found that there is at least another user with the same problem.
As pointed out by a developer of EnterpriseDB (the company behind pgAdmin) in this answer, that is a bug in the QT library that happens on Windows platform; it has already been reported and developers are working on that.

x2go resolution from windows client

I'm happily using x2go to connect to a remote Ubuntu Server 16.04 with XFCE installed from my local pc with a local resolution of 1920x1080 on a HiDPI screen (13''). If I run the x2go client from a virtualized Linux (Linux Mint 18.03 with XFCE), everything works well and I can see a really sharp image of the remote desktop. Problem is, when I try to connect directly from Windows 10 the image is blurred and the resolution is wrong. I tried to play around with the x2go client settings but no way, the image is always terrible. I also tried to use PyHoca and different X-servers but the result is the same.
Is it a well-known problem? Any suggestion on how to fix it?
Thanks in advance.
I had a very similar problem: A Dell laptop with an Nvidia graphics card, having a resolution of the built-in flat panel of 1280x800. I connected this to an external screen with HDMI with a resolution of 1920x1080. However, X2Go seemed to pick up the resolution of the built-in screen instead of the actual screen, making everything seem blurry (interpolating 1280x800 to 1920x1080).
This is what fixed it for me: Navigate to the C:\Program Files (x86)\X2GoClient\VcXSrv\ directory in Explorer. Select the vcxsrv.exe file and right-click it, choosing Properties from the popup menu. Go to the Compatibility tab, and in the Settings section there, select the option "Override high DPI scaling behavior. Scaling performed by:" and then select "Application" in the combo-box below.
Restart the X2Go Client to have its X server start with this new setting.
This fix also solved X2Go Windows Client crashes in my setup.
I have basically the same scenario: connecting from a high DPI Windows laptop to KDE on Debian, in my case for Desktop Sharing. The client would connect okay, but display only a portion of the remote host's screen.
Keyboard shortcuts would not scroll the client window.
Any attempt to show more (maximize, go full screen, click-and-drag client window border) would seem to work for a second, then crash.
The Compatibility scaling change fixed the instability - no more crashes, yay! - but did lead to slow repaints as noted by Algeboy.
Upgrading to a newer version of VcXsrv also did not resolve the crashes - Compatibility change still required, but screen repaints are quicker.
To upgrade, download and install the latest VcXsrv in its own directory. Using Explorer or whathaveyou, apply the HiDPI setting to vcxsrv,exe.
Start x2go client but don't start a session. Click Options, Settings, then X.Org Server settings tab. Select "use custom x server". Point to the newly installed vcxsrv.exe and click okay. Restart the x2go client.
This apparently takes the version from supplied by x2go to (2022-04).
Screen refreshes are quicker if I minimize all applications on the host, allowing it to repaint the desktop, then restore whatever I want to work on.

Windows hijacked WebStorm's the Ctrl+Shift+N shortcut

Until a day or two ago I've been able to navigate to files in WebStorm using Ctrl+Shift+N. Suddenly today, Windows has hijacked that shortcut and launches a new Edge window.
Any idea how I can override the Windows and use Ctrl+Shift+N in WebStorm again?
It ends up the clipboard-history application ClipX has a hotkey of "Navigate" set to ctrl + shift + N. Setting it to None resolved it. I've had this application for a long time, I'm still not sure why it's Navigate hotkey suddenly got set, or why it would launch Edge instead of my default browser (Chrome).

How do I get Gnome-do or Ubuntu Dash to open an existing application?

I just upgraded to Ubuntu 12.04 and have also installed GNOME Do as a task launcher. If I already have a Firefox browser window open, and I use my hot key to open Gnome-do and type in Firefox + enter, it opens a whole new window instead of focusing on the window I already have open.
I'm used to Mac OS X's Quicksilver where it focuses you back to the opened application if it exists already. Is that possible to replicate using GNOME Do or Ubuntu Dash?
This may be different for a mac keyboard, but on a windows keyboard the key combination is win+numkey, with num being the order of your application in the launcher.
You can hold down the win key and get an overlay of applications, and the corresponding number to open them.
Hope that helps!
