can i emulate windows ce 6 in pc without visual studio 2005 - windows-ce

I've already built windows ce 6.0 and run it in windows ce emulator.
but I want to run this without visual studio 2005.
I found emulator for windows ce 5.0, but I couldn't find emulator for windows ce 6.0.
somebody help me, thanks.

So you're saying you have created a CE image that does boot up in the Device Emulator? If that's the case, then you probably just need to install the stand-alone Device Emulator v3 bits (and your image) on the target PC.


Windows Mobile 6.5 Development with Visual Studio 2012

I have some handheld computers that are running Windows Mobile 6.5. I tried to open an old application that was created using Visual Studio 2012 but it wouldn't let me edit anything. I have looked all over and it appears I have to get an old version of Visual Studio to make changes to the app for Windows Mobile 6.5?
Yes, Visual Studio 2008 is the latest version with support for Windows Mobile 6.5.x
You have to install it and the Windows Mobile 6.5 SDK from Microsoft as well.

Windows Phone SDK for Windows 7x64 and Visual Studio 2012

I am trying install Windows Phone SDK for PhoneGap, but when I was installing Windows Phone SDK 7.1, but doesn't work, because it si for VS2010. And Windows Phone SDK 8.0 etc. is maybe only for OS Windows 8. Do you have any ideas for solve this?
I have Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate.
You need windows 8 or 8.1 x64 to install the windows phone sdk 8.0. You will need the pro version if you want to use the emulators. Of course your processor must support slat for the emulator also.

Debugging Surface RT 8.1 from Visual Studio 2012

It seems only the VS 2013 Remote tools for ARM works on Windows 8.1.
Does this mean that Visual Studio 2012 is obsolete now for WinRT development?
Update on 25 Nov 2013:
Just saw Moche's answer and was about to post the update. Yes VSE2012 on Win8.0 can now remote debug on Surface2 / Win8.1 using VS2012 Update 4 which was released over the weekend.
Also it is required to download the Remote Tools for Arm that are part of the Update 4:
Click the 'details drill down' to get the 'Remote Tools' Download
To get remote debugging running, you need to right-click on the project file in Solution Explorer and select debugging under the Configuration tab - then you will notice a field with 'machine name'... complete the machine name of the Surface 2 and select Authentication 'Yes' - Ensure both the Visual Studio Computer and Surface 2 are on the Same Workgroup in Control Panel, System, Advanced System Settings, Computer Name Tab. These brief instruction assume you will be using Windows Private lan authentication. If you want to use your live account for authentication simply google how to Remote Debug Visual Studio 2012 with Windows Live Authentication..
When you run the remote tools installation for the first time on the Surface 2 tablet, you will be prompted by a wizard which sets up the necessary exceptions for the Windows firewall on the tablet.
Actually I succeeded to do the debugging on 8.1 using VS2012. I've installed the latest update 4 of the Debugging Tools. Then I went in Windows Explorer to Program Files->MS Visual Studio 11->Common 7->IDE->Remote Debugger>arm and ran msvsmon from there. That's it - I was able to connect to it from my Windows 8 machine running VS 2012.
Yes, it's indeed obsolete.
For windows 8.1 RT development, set up a separate 8.1 machine with VS 2013.
As of Visual Studio 2012 Update 4, remote debugging to 8.1 seems to be available.
The Answer above that 'Its obsolete' pertaining to VS 2012 and debugging on Win 8.1 is (entirely) not correct - the correct phrase would be that Debugging on Win 8.1 client from a Visual Studio 2012 machine is not supported at time of Win 8.1 preview - Hopefully VS 2012 update will soon allow it to connect to Visual Studio 2013 remote debugger tools to allow Windows 8 development to continue between Windows 8 and Windows 8.1..
As Per:
Visual Studio 2012 (running on either Windows 8 or Windows 8.1) continues to support creating and working with Windows Store apps for Windows 8. It does not support creating or working with Windows Store apps for Windows 8.1. Apps targeting Windows 8 continue to work on Windows 8.1, they just can’t take advantage of all of the new Windows 8.1 functionality and performance improvements.
When I read the Answer above I got my knickers in a real twist and then I thankfully found this (and now have hope my shiny Surface 2 isn't a desk weight for developing) -->
quoting off:
For debugging applications on Windows 8.1 Preview RT devices you need to use VS2013 Professional, Premium, or Ultimate Preview with the Remote Tools for VS2013 Preview.
We are aware that VS2012 is not compatible with Windows 8.1 Preview, and we are working to address this with the next update to VS2012.
Dave Lubash
Visual Studio Team
#Carl L - After further digging.. It seems both our answers are sort of right.. To support Win 8.1 currently, you need Win 8.1 and Visual Studio 2013 installed - I tried Installing Visual Studio 2013 Express on my Windows 8 PC and NO DICE..
I guess the only clarification I am adding is that developers can continue using Windows 8 with Visual Studio 2012 to create apps that run on Windows 8 (only) and will also be available in the Apps Store and run compatibly on Windows 8.1 (but not use all the latest 8.1 optimized features). I am only taking this based on MS forum posts.. The information from Microsoft doesn't properly address this point in its documentation at:
Its also worth pointing out that Visual Studio 2013 Express (free version) is not able to produce Windows 8 Apps - ONLY Windows 8.1 apps (so that part of your answer is correct currently). So in a sense it is unsafe to say Visual Studio 2012 is obsolete as it is currently required to support creation of Windows 8.0 apps.. Unless you don't mind ditching App updates for your existing user-base who may not have yet made the jump to 8.1 (not a sound development model and I am very surprised MS is making fragmentation on its own new platforms for developers currently).
At the moment I am a bit miffed that I am forced to upgrade to Windows 8.1 and VS 2013 in order to debug on my Surface 2 (RT) tablet and in that case would not be able to debug Windows 8.0 apps on my Surface 2 (RT) using VS 2012 until MS hopefully updates VS 2012 and/or the VS 2012 remote debugger tools.
Hope that clarifies a bit - seems you were mostly right which is a real shame if Microsoft is serious about attracting developers to its newest OS and having its free development tools rival that of Android OS and iOS..

How to use windows sdk 8.1 with visual studio 2012 update 3

Currently I have windows 8 with visual studio 2012 update 3 installed . I want to use some APIs of windows 8.1 preview which are not supported on windows 8.
Can I use them by insatlling windows sdk 8.1 ?
If yes , how to switch to sdk 8.1 with visual studio 2012 update 3. ?
Look at the msdn social discussion Somebody asked the same question: Use Windows 8.1 SDK with VS 2012 Update 3
Hello Shubhan
You will need VS2013 preview on Windows 8.1 Preview to develop apps for 8.1.
Since you have Windows 8 Pro, if you don't want to install the Preview at this time, one option would be to enable the Hyper-V feature on Windows 8 and install Windows 8.1 Preview to a virtual machine, along with VS2013 preview.

Can you design Windows RT apps in Visual Studio 2012 on Windows 7

Does anyone know how I can design Windows RT apps on a Windows 7 PC?
I have Visual Studio 2012 installed and I have installed the Windows SDK kit but I still don't have any Windows store/mobile project types in Visual Studio.
Anybody got any ideas?
Thanks in advance
Windows RT apps will only work on Windows 8/Windows 8 RT based Operating Systems. This also applies to Windows RT development.
No, unfortunately you can not develop any WinRT app on Windows 7
I believe you can only create Windows Store apps on a Windows 8 PC.
