Inkscape moveTo coords way off in Raphael - svg

I am trying to copy paths from inkscape into Raphael (individual countries), the problem is the moveTo is way off, how do I make it display on the relatively correct position on the canvas?

If you're trying to draw a path on a canvas in a relative position, you need to transform all of the absolute coordinates to relative coordinates. I had the same problem recently and resorted to a calculator and paper (it was a short path, and wasn't worth it to attack programatically). There are a few tools out there that claim to be able to do these transformations, but in my experience they were either incomplete or outdated links.
The problem is that Inkscape has already decided for you that you want your SVG files optimized for size, and will switch back and forth from relative to absolute whenever it would save a few bytes. Essentially, what you would need to do is iterate through the path, keeping track of your position, compare each absolute node to the previous node (or the origin, if it's the initial moveTo), and replace any absolute coordinates with the difference.
The Inkscape preferences have an option to force absolute coordinates, (uncheck Preferences->SVG Output->Allow relative coordinates) which may make the transformation a little easier.


SVG lengthAdjust only for shrinking but not for stretching

Is there a nice and easy way to to have the functionality of lengthAdjust (together with textLength) for shrinking text if necessary (if too wide) but never attempting to stretch it?
Two possible solutions for a SVG generated through JS come to my mind:
Count characters (or rather grapheme clusters) and based on that (together with some heuristics unless a fixed-width size font is used) determine whether to set textLength or not.
First do it without textLength set and then determine using getBBox() whether the text needs some shrinking in which case textLength will be set.
Both solutions are IMHO quite ugly (and possibly buggy from my recollections of past encounters with getBBox()). Is there maybe some nicer solution I missed?
Have a look at this:
Essentially, make a path which spans the exact coordinates where you want to spread your text on a path. Measure this path. Then, measure how many pixels your text requires, with a font-size of 1px (and other desired font-features). Now adjust the font-size to fill your desired percentage of the available path advance width. Adjust start-offset and text-anchor. Now finally calculate your author specified textLength and choose a lengthAdjust value to get exact alignment on low precision / non-conformant renderers.
Finally, if you need to support viewers without text on a path rendering support, you can use a conformant viewer with javascript support to create a backwards compatible/fallback version. Render the content and use the SVG DOM api to fetch the x, y and rotate values for each character/glyph, now create a new SVG DOM representation with those attributes specified. You might need javascript to calculate absolute width and height for the root svg element as well, and a correctly specified viewBox, and cascade/resolve/convert all css selectors/rules/properties to inline attributes. But this way you can get cross-platform, cross-browser/viewer rendering of text, with a single compilation step per immutable source file version.
I've also made a gist to ease the last step, of resolving the css and removing all classNames, while preserving the rendered end-result:
This is for the purpose of a single universal svg + javascript codebase, and web+ios+android software development (based on react + react-native + react-native-svg)

Detect collision between svg path and svg text

Suppose I have a svg path and a piece of text. I want to figure out where they intersect. I'm not really sure where to start, because the svg path's getBBox() function does not help.
Where should I start?
You have the text bounding box via getBBox(). Unfortunately, as you may have already discovered, that is not a tight bounding box of the glyphs. It includes the full descender and ascender heights of the font. However it should get you a reasonable approximation.
The next step is to determine where the path hits the bounding box. Getting a perfect mathematical solution is very hard, but there are iterative approaches that are much easier and give good results.
Path elements have a couple of DOM functions that can help: getTotalLength() and getPointAtLength(). You can step along the path from 0 to the path length, calling getPointAtLength(), until the point returned is inside the text bbox.
If you want to get more accurate and determine which character in the text touches the line, there are some DOM functions on SVG text elements that should be useful. For instance, `getExtentOfChar(n) returns the bounds of the nth character in the text.

javascript raphael - how to stroke individual paths?

I am trying to make a tool for my website which traces over Japanese characters, showing the stroke order etc.. something like this:
I have made a bunch of SVG files in inkscape, which are made up of just curves, one for each stroke of the character. I have then imported these into Raphael using the raphael-svg-import:
The SVGs are displaying perfectly, however I want to animate them.
My question is: Is there a way to take each path from the SVG in turn in Raphael, and then animate/stroke them? If
If you need any more info please say!
EDIT: Perhaps I should clarify, when I say stroke I mean progressively draw the line, starting from the first point and ending at the last. At the moment it draws all paths simultaneously and draws the whole of each path at once.
The technique people use in svg for doing this is outlined in this answer. It's probably possible to adapt that to Raphaël, though the Raphaël documentation doesn't list stroke-dashoffset.
Raphaël has a method Element.getSubpath(from, to) that can be used to get only part of a path, that should probably also be an option.

Read Path and draw circles

i am working on SVG, problem i am facing is that i want to read the path and after reading it i want to draw the circles through tag used in svg, on that path, kindly help me out any help will be awesome...Thanks in Advance :)
The information you have provided still does not make sense to me. Here's a guess at what you might be looking for.
If you have a <path> element and you want to place circles along the path, you can use the getPointAtLength() method to find the location at an arbitrary distance along the path.
Then you can create <circle> elements (or <use> elements that reference a circle) and place them at this location.
Here is a demo that uses this technique (and also happens to create a <polygon> of the result):

How to place the same path multiple times at different sizes/coordinates?

I have a path I've created in Illustrator and saved as an SVG.
Now I want to programmatically place it at different sizes and coordinates on a large canvas.
Say I've got this image:
How would I reproduce that same image in different places and sizes in one SVG file, like this:
for example, one version shrunk by 20% at coordinates x,y; another enlarged by 30% at coordinates a,b and so on.
Please assume I'm going to be OK with the programming part, I'm comfortable working with XML files. It's the SVG parts I don't understand.
You need the transform attribute. You can move your paths with translate and resize them with scale.
Better to use the <use> element (transformed) than to copy your path for each instance.
