How to get a product key token from a library file programatically? - sharepoint

I am creating a SharePoint solution project that will install the Telerik dll files into the GAC and write the appropriate lines into the webconfig upon feature activation. My question is, is there a way to get the product key token, version, and culture info of a dll programatically. I have used the System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() before to get the embedded resources, such as a javascript file, and add it to the appropriate folder. Would this be the same way to get the dll file, and if so what would I do to get the assembly info of an embedded assembly? Thanks for any direction.

See this related question.
Out of curiosity, where in your web.config are you adding references to Telerik DLLs? I recently did a project that uses the Telerik Silverlight controls. While I had to configure the web.config to support the .Net 3.5 framework, I did not have to add anything specifically for the Telerik DLLs as their controls were all wrapped within my custom Web Parts.


How to Call Custom .dll in SharePoint?

I am trying add new function inside my SharePoint and I created HTML code and it will call .dll file where I download it. However, when I run project standalone outside SharePoint it works. However, inside SharePoint code (HTML) when I add assembly to my .dll , it shows not found.
I tried adding it in SafeControl in web.config bug still same issue.
I place .dll in all places where other SharePoint .dll are there but still the same problem.
I am not sure if I understood what you trying to accomplish but I suspect you are using some SharePoint on-prem and you deploy some kind of solution (webpart or other) to a site were you want to use an external dll. If that is the case you need to create some kind of empty sharepoint farm project (or use one of the existing farm solutions) and add an external dll to it so it will be deployed to GAC. When an dll is in Global Assembly Cache then we may use it in all places in SharePoint.
Here I found some blog post how to add a external dll to GAC
I hope this will be of any help
When the project is running inside the SP server, it's different from when it's starting outside the farm. You need to ensure the dll has been copied to gac, or the server cannot find it.
If you're developing a custom WCF in SP on-premise, you may take a reference of below demo:
Custom WCF
More reference:

Create Form Template from existing ones

Is there any way that I can create a template within forms to utilize for every user in the company?
For instance; let's say I have the Sales Order Screen (SO301000) and the Document Detail grid configured in certain way, that display different amount of columns than the default (either more or less columns).
For each user I want to use this template (and all the ones created) that I will apply when I add the new user.
I'l appreciate any guidance and help.
I provided answer for Form element ASP template below. Although reading your question again I think what you're trying to do would be more along the lines of automating grid column configuration. We call this feature Default Table Layout.
There's a feature request for it here:
The feature has been shipped in version 2017R2 and is documented here:
Image copy of documentation page:
For ASP Form templates
There are two ways to work with customizations in Acumatica:
As a Customization Project, everything is done directly in Acumatica
instance through the web browser using the Customization Project Editor.
As an extension library (DLL file) compiled in Visual Studio which is then included in the FILES section of a Customization Project.
For method 1, I believe creating custom templates would be a bit of a hack and would not be officially supported, if someone knows otherwise please chime in.
For method 2, we ship the Visual Studio templates with the Acumatica Configuration Wizard (Acumatica ERP Installer).
Those templates are in the following folder:
My Documents\Visual Studio 20XX\Templates\ItemTemplates\Visual C#
The templates will be available for ASP.NET solution only. You can open Acumatica Instance Website as a solution if the website is already deployed:
When you open Add New Item dialog:
The Acumatica Templates will be available:
Those are standard Visual Studio templates so you can copy and re-use them to create your own. Microsoft documentation for creating user template applies and you can follow their guidelines. Note that working with Visual Studio and creating your own template is somewhat less user friendly than using Acumatica Customization Project Editor.
Acumatica T100 covers using Visual Studio to create customizations and would be a good starting point to learn the techniques involved:

WIX Burn custom install page

I'd like to insert a "page" between the Burn's main page, and the installation process.
Is it possible to do without modifying the WixStandardBootstrapperApplication.cpp?
If not, how should I link the WixStandardBootstrapperApplication.cpp to my burn project in VS2012?
As per my understanding it is not possible to insert additional page without modifying WixStandardBootstrapperApplication (available in WiX sources). You need to add reference to the customized WixStandardBootstrapperApplication dll in your Visual Studio project and add the namespace reference xmlns:bal="" in WiX Burn project.
you may refer for example.
Or you may write custom .net UI as per your requirement or if only a theme change is required, you can customize the Theme.

Converted Web Site Project to Web Application Project - Can not access UI Controls

I have converted a large project, currently in VS 2012 from a Web Site project to a Web Application project.
I have added the namespace to all of my .cs files.
I have ran the "Convert to web application" on the project and it has generated all of the needed files. (So I do have the designer files created as part of this upgrade)
When I compile, it errors off on all of the references in my C# code behind file for all of the UI Controls. The error indicates that the control does not exist. The controls are there, and they are present in the designer files.
I have cleaned my solution and no matter what I do I get this error.
Any ideas / suggestions of things to try? Have I missed something in the conversion to a Web Application?
Fixed My Issue.. It was the inherits statement in the ASPX. I had to include the namespace along with that... Problem solved... so, the syntax is inherits="namespace.formname"

Deploying custom dll's in SharePoint 2010

I'm new to SharePoint and trying to get my head around this. I have a simple Web Part project. I also have a custom Data layer project that uses the Microsoft Enterprise Library for data access. In the Web Part project, I am adding a reference to the Data layer project's assembly. I specified in the Package of the Web Part project that I want my Data layer's assembly to be deployed. I can verify this works by using standard ADO.NET classes and not the custom MS library. If I deploy to the SharePoint server (which I have 100% access to) using the Enterprise Library, I get the error message:
"Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data"
What steps do I need to take to ensure this project and all future projects on the server can easily gain access to the Enterprise Library for data access?
You did everything correct until a certain point: Deployment.
When deploying external DLLs, which shall also be put into the GAC or somewhere else, you need to package them with the WSP aswell. This has become very easy with Visual Studio 2010:
Open your Package
Click on "Advanced" (on the bottom)
Add your external DLL and maybe even SafeControls for the web.config
