Access with Silverlight to a postgres database running under Linux? - linux

I know we cannot access directly to a database with Silverlight. Linq 2 SQL doesn't exist for Silverlight but can I use other things ? I heard too about RIA Services and but I don't think they are implemented for a Linux Server.
Thanks for your future answers.

If you can create a REST or SOAP web service that exposes data from the database, then Silverlight can access that service with its networking stack.

You will need to put a few things together.
First if you want to create a Model then you will be looking for an ORM that works itn Postgresql there a probably a few, I stubbled on Storm but there are probably others.
You will then need to expose the model using SOAP again there are a few implementations of SOAP you could use. (In fact at this point I'm going to tweak your tags to target this question better, this not a Linq-To-SQL, c#, or question).


How to send documents from my mongodb database to android application?

I want to connect mongodb server to android application so that i can send data( which is stored online on mongodb ,not locally) to android user. I want to do it through REST api using node.js but couldn't find a way to do it.
Please help.
First of all it's a bad idea to connect to the Database directly. It is possible, but it'a a bad idea.
It's a much better practice to create a web service backend that your app can connect to. This will allow you to implement the business logic on the server. And additionally, you will be able to use not only Android, but iOS, AngularJS and others as clients too.
Generally the most common rest backend architecture looks something like this:
I find this way of development to be modular and very well organized.
In short, the API layer only takes HTTP GET and POST methods, and calls the appropriate functions in the Service layer. The service layer holds all of your business logic and calls the DAO layer, and Dao call anb works with the DB.
There's tons of examples for how to build web services, and it's highly dependent on your language of choice for your web tier. There are also tons of examples for consuming web services on Android. You should look it up.
But whatever language you choose the API -> Service -> Dao -> Database scheme should work fine.
If you don't know where to start take a look at Python Flask or Java Spring as good candidates for developing web services. (I use Spring because there is a ton of great documentation on whatever you may need.)
Hope this helps a bit. Good luck!

ActionHero.js Framework with Oracle database persistence

I am quite new working with nodejs, I need to make a REST API that can work with websocket. I was searching for a framework that I could work with, I found actionhero.js, I think that can fit my needs.
But I see a little problem with this framework, that I can't find information about how can I make it work with oracle database, I will be really grateful if any of you can give me a light on how can I make it work this framework with a Oracle Database, or suggest me a framework based on REST API that can fit my needs.
Thank you.
Actionhero is, as you point out, a REST API framework. It doesn't include any database drivers (other than for redis, which it uses for cluster communication). You can easily ad support for any database you like in an initializer.
There are also plugins which add database support. For example, the ah-sequelize-plugin adds support for the Sequelize ORM, probably the most popular node.js ORM. Sequelize doesn't support the Oracle DB out of the box (very few things do), but there exist drivers you can use:

Nhibernate for interops based database access

We have Oracle 11 as database for our third party server application. The interactions for db is only allowed through the interops DLLs provided by vendor. No direct access to database is allowed. We need to connect to the database using those DLLs for creating or deleting objects inside the database. I am wondering if I can use Nhibernate by writing some wrappers about those DLLs. No SQL queries are also allowed. Can this be done?
Who is vendor? Not Oracle I guess, but your "third party" providing the "application server" software.
In such case this looks like they want to forbid direct SQL access to their application DB. So there is no point trying to use an ORM such as NHibernate, it would be from their point of view almost like directly querying the DB.
Your "best" option is to ask them if they can provide their own NHibernate database driver, but their answer will very probably be "No".

Is this a good web application architecture?

I'm trying to build a website myself but I also want to build a native mobile application that will access the same DB in the future.
What I'm thinking now is using Node.js to build Web Services wrapper for the DB and every DB operation will be executed via web service API. And for the website framework, I'm going to use Rails.
Please let me know whether this is a good architecture or not. I'm not sure whether encapsulate data with Web Services is a good idea. Will there be any performance issue? And if it's feasible, which DB should I use? And can rails communicate with DB via web services?
Thanks a lot!
Why do people down vote this question??
I think you have more technology than needed in your architecture right now.
Personally I would create a REST api on top of the DB (using either node or Rails - both are super easy to do this with and both can use pretty well any db)
Then you can write any number of "apps" for the front end process, whether they are web apps, ios apps, android apps, etc... They will all get their data from your REST api on the backend.
You might even consider writing the front end as a single page app using Angular, Knockout or Backbone, something like that. If you do that with node, your entire stack will essentially be written in javascript. It can get confusing for a newb, but it's super powerful.

SharePoint List like Data Access Interface

I am impressed by the way we programmatically access lists in SharePoint. I percieve it as a Data Access Layer, while modeling the database is as simple as defining the columns in the List.
I am looking for a tool OR an application that would give me similar interface to a database. Basically, for some reason I cannot use SharePoint and I don't wish to take up the responsibility of modeling, deploying and maintaining the database. I find the SharePoint way of persistence management acceptable and exciting.
Can anyone suggest me something even close to this.
BTW, my application is on ASP.Net and my preferred RDBMS is MS SQL Server.
If you don't want the overhead and expense of a Sharepoint installation, 90% of the time all you really need is WSS 3.0 (free with a windows server license).
For auto generated entity classes you can use Linq To Sharepoint (SPMetal)
For hand written POCO entities you can try using SharepointCommon ORM
Use NOSQL database like MongoDb or CouchDB which are schema less, allowing you to freely add fields to JSON documents without having to first define schema.
