ASP.NET MVC 2 JQuery POST not displaying the model state errors -

I have been using mvc for a bit (but I'm still a beginer). I want to have the ability to update two views as a result of a jquery postback.
Basically I have a list and a details view. The details view is presented using a jquery popup (using jquery-UI popup). I only want to update the list if the details save is successful (i.e. there are no validation errors on the details view). However, if there are any validation errros in the details view, I want to update the details view so that the user sees the validation errors.
so I thought in my controller, I return a JsonResult instead of a View.
public ActionResult SavePersonInfo(Person p) {
if(ModelState.Valid) {
return View("PersonList");
return Json({Error = true, View = PartialView("PersonDetails", p)});
As you can see if there are no errors I return the person list view, but if there are any validation errors, I have return the details view. The reason that I'm returning a JsonResult is I need to tell my view there is an error so that the view (jquery) knows which section to update (as in whether to update the person list 'div' or the popup dialog 'div').
So, in my view, the jquery is as follows (please assume that there is a form for entering in the person details and "SubmitPersonForm();" function is called upon clicking on the "Save" button):
<script type="text/javascript>
$('#btnSave').click(function (event) {
type: "POST",
url: "/Person/Save",
data: $('form').serialize(),
success: function (result) {
if(result.Error) {
else {
So the problem that I have now, is that when there is a validation error, I do see the correct, 'div' being updated, but I lose the mvc validation messages. I do not see any validation errors in red, as if ASP.NET MVC is completely ignored them. However, my ModelState does have those errros, just not displayed in the details view. I do have valication summary and Html.ValidationFor(m => ...) statements put in my details view.
Could someone tell me why I'm not seeing the validation errors? although I'm using a JSonResult, I do use the right property which is a valid view when I render the 'dvDetails'. Am I doing something that I'm not suppose to in mvc? Btw I'm using mvc2 RC with Visual Studio 2010 RC.
Thank you.

The Url does not match the Action name ... not sure if you maybe are calling the wrong Method on the controller ... just an idea. :-)

ASP.NET MVC code processes the response to display validation errors stored in the ModelState during a postback. Because you are using an Ajax Post, the postback code is not rebuilding the page and displaying the validation errors. If you want to display validation errors, you have to handle it yourself.
I've done it by passing the ModelState errors as an array in the response. I process my Ajax response to update the validation error placeholder elements in the form with corresponding error messages in the response.
A warning, though: the keys in the ModelState may have their case changed, so an element ID string in the form doesn't exactly match the string that's used for the key. ModelStateDictionary is case-insensitive, but DOM ID's are not.


Portlet.js Fail Query

When user tries to navigate away to another portal page before current page has finished loading, error message saying - There was unexpected error. Please refresh the current page comes up for the portlets which were loading before the redirection happened.
On debugging, it was found that it comes up from portlet.js and its failed() handler from Ajax call.
Can we restrict it for a specific portlet?
As per my observation, failure method has three arguments - event, id, obj.
In some other parts of this JS file (portlet.js), event.portletId is used to fetch portlet ID. Its worth to give a try if you can fetch your portlet ID inside failure method.
Then you can apply condition on portlet ID of your choice to display the message or not.
if (event.portletId == '<your-portlet-instance-id>') {
placeHolder.placeAfter('<div class="portlet-msg-error">' +
+ '</div>');

Portlet title editing functionality into portlet body

As the title mentions, I was wondering whether there's a relatively simple way to use the functionality to edit the portlet title inside a portlet.
That is, when clicking a span contained in a portlet, it would then become editable (through an input box) in order to, then, update a portler preference.
This can probably be done from scratch, but since the functionality is already present in Liferay, there might be a way to make use of it.
Yes, you can update a Portlet title with a simple ajax call.
PFB the examplejQuery code and mandatory parameters to be sent to update the Portlet title.
url: "/c/portlet_configuration/update_title",
method: "POST",
data: { p_auth:'vcYb1DvX',
title:'My Webcontent'
success: function(data){
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
Sounds like you want an "In Place Editor". For YUI (which is the underlying JS library for AlloyUI, bundled in Liferay), the first hit I get is this project, but with this search term you'll be able to find the component that suits your needs best.
I didnt clearly understand your question. Still, i am answering your question.
In my project, we provide custom title where we will update the custom portlet title for the portlet by getting the name entered in the text box in my preference page using below code:
// write this code in action method
PortletPreferences preferences = actionRequest.getPreferences();
String portletTitle= actionRequest.getParameter("portletTitle"); (title entered in text box)
preferences.setValue("portlet-setup-title-en_US",portletTitle); // update the portlet title of the portlet
preferences.setValue("portlet-setup-use-custom-title","true");// setting to receive custom title; //stores the preference
Hope this helps

Can MVC Custom Error pages retain Route Values?

The MVC project that I am currently working on uses Regions so that we can localise pages etc.
I have spotted a problem with our Error page. We have turned the custom error pages on in the web.config file. If we are on a page lets say : /IT/News/Index and we get an error, when it redirects it will go to /Error and there will be no routevalue attached to it.
Is there away to ensure that the langauge routevalue is retained by the Error page?
I have searched around and cannot find a solution at the moment and was wondering if anyone else could help or point me in the right direction?
Hope that this all makes sense. Any help is much appreciated.
If you're getting physically redirected to /Error then it's not because of the MVC HandleErrorAttribute. It's probably due to your Web.Config having system.web/customErrors defined for error handling. Using the HandleErrorAttribute causes it to inject a specific view instead of the view you would have normally returned but does not redirect you to a different action by default. The problem is when redirected because of customErrors, there is no inherant information available to tell you where they came from. But using HandleErrorAttribute DOES cause some info to be populated for you. Specifically it creates a HandleErrorInfo to use as a view model and passes that to the view you specify. For example, here's one that is reigstered in the /App_Start/FilterConfig.cs file.
public class FilterConfig
public static void RegisterFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters)
filters.Add(new HandleErrorAttribute {View = "Error"});
When you redirect to an error View using the HandleErrorAttribute, certain information is populated for you. The HandleErrorInfo view model will contain the ControllerName of the original controller requested, and the ActionName of the original action. Also, the ViewData and the TempData from the original request will be copied into the ViewData and Temp data for the request to the Error view. With that information it should have what you need. Be aware that not all errors happen inside of an Action however, and exceptions that don't happen in an action will not be caught by the HandleErrorAttribute. So you'll still need to use something like customErrors (or system.webServer/httpErrors if you're doing it inside of IIS7+) to handle exceptions that occur elsewhere in your app.
Here's a link to the HandleErrorAttribute file on CodePlex in case you're wondering what it does. HandleErrorAttribute.cs
I'm not sure if this solution meets you requirements. You can override in your base controller OnException and then redirect to a specific page.
protected override void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
string controller = filterContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString();
string action = filterContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();
//get other stuff from routing
//here you can do redirect or other stuff
//if handled exception
//filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true;
It depends how you're getting to the error pages, really. If you're using an ActionFilter-based method to catch exceptions, then you can get route values from the context that gets passed into the OnException method. If you're using a redirect from a catch block, then you can push the relevant information into TempData or pass it directly as a parameter, depending on how you're doing that redirect.
You can add a custom HandleErrorAttribute or use a base controller to be inherited by all your controllers. Either way, you need to get the RouteData object, like this
var routeData = filterContext.RouteData;
with that object, you can get all the route values accordingly to your needs. Check the object definition in MSDN site for more detail
Say you have the following route
"Language", // Route name
"{language}/{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { language = "en", controller = "Sites", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter default
Then routeData.Values.Keys will tell you the name of the parameter and routeData.Values.Values the value itself
Then, wherever you handle the exception, you can store the route data in a TempData variable, like this
And after that, it will be available on your error page
#model System.Web.Mvc.HandleErrorInfo
ViewBag.Title = "Error";
Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request.

Orchard Fields Validation

In Orchard 1.4.2, when fields like input field are marked as required, validation pop up appears. How is the validation happening without re-directing the user to another view?
To explain in details, If I have a form that I have attached to a page, the form field validation displays an error message ( may be it is through AJAX or javascript), but there is no re-direction to the 'form' view - it stays on that page view.
I need to add validation to another module without it re-directing to another view.
Any idea?
You can find this bit of code in the InputFieldDriver class...
if (settings.Required && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(field.Value)) {
updater.AddModelError(GetPrefix(field, part), T("The field {0} is mandatory.", T(field.DisplayName)));
Adding a model error will send the user right back to the same page.
FYI, the fields module is a sub repository located here:
The class I'm talking about is right here:

yui, form submission and data table

I'm a Java programmer, but not a JavaScript programmer. I have just discovered YUI, and am trying to get started using it. What I'd like to try and do is have the query form at the top of the page, the user press Submit and the results show up in a YUI DataTable below the query form.
Normally, of course, on a HTML form the user presses Submit, the request gets sent to the server, and I use Struts to process it and then forward the request to a JSP and HTML gets sent back to the browser. That's what I do on a daily basis. With Ajax, I understand it's different in that I should return XML instead. Not a problem. Easy to do.
The questions I have deal with the YUI side of things. When the Submit button is pressed, what happens? Not normal form submission, right? Do I implement an onSubmit() JavaScript function which then triggers some YUI DataSource to go fetch the data? How do the request params get passed? Hopefully I don't have to construct the request manually. I'm guessing that I use a YAHOO.util.XHRDataSource and that's the DataSource for the DataTable.
I've managed to get the YUI DataTable to work using an HTML table element. Now I just need to switch it over to real data. Curiously, the YUI documentation seems a bit weak here, unless I'm missing something. Maybe this is just basic Ajax that the YUI docs don't cover?
First of all, when working with Ajax you don't need to return XML from the server, you could return plain text, XML, JSON strings, literally any form of textual data that you want. One example of populating a Datatable with JSON data is provided here:
An example of how to send a post request using Ajax and YUI is provided here.
That should get you started, now just link both of them together.
To connect to the server you can use the Yahoo.util.Connect.asyncRequest method which takes in the following parameters:
static object asyncRequest ( method , uri , callback , postData );
See an example here, this one uses "GET" so you can use either "GET" or "POST" just make sure you pass in your parameters
Once your function returns on your "onSuccess" do the following to parse the response text to JSON
try {
jsonData = YAHOO.lang.JSON.parse(o.responseText);
catch (x) {
alert("JSON Parse failed!");
The "jsonData" object now contains your data, so now you can follow this example:
It shows you how to initialize a datatable with a local object holding the datasource. basically it would be something like this
var myColumnDefs = [
{key:"Column1Data", label:"Column1 Header" sortable:true, resizeable:true},
{key:"Column2Data", label:"Column2 Header" sortable:true, resizeable:true}
var myDataSource = new YAHOO.util.DataSource(jsonData);
myDataSource.responseType = YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSARRAY;
myDataSource.responseSchema = {
fields: ["Column1Data","Column2Data"]
var myDataTable = new YAHOO.widget.DataTable("basic",
myColumnDefs, myDataSource, {caption:"DataTable Caption"});
For this to work, you have to have a "div" container in the HTML code with an id of "basic" note this matches the first parameter on the DataTable
Hope this helps
