My program is getting a false positive from AVG - vnc

My program is getting a false positive from AVG. Its just our companies branded version of Ultra VNC. Its only this one company that's identifying it as a virus and we've been using the same copy of that program for almost a year. I know its possible to tell this Anti Virus program the VNC client is safe, but I can't do that for all of our clients. I've tried to find a way to contact this company to see if they can do something to prevent this from happening, but I'm not getting anywhere. Has anyone who's experienced this issue with their software, found a solution?

AVG How To Handle Suspicious False Positive Detection

I had a similar problem. I used old well-known virus approach of using WinAPI through GetProcAddress with function name obfuscation. Another approach is using (preferably non-standard) packers, cryptors and advanced copy-protection systems. If that doesn't help you will have to read more advanced virus manuals.


Is it possible to make a excel-window run in the background?

I'm starting a project at work where the workers are supposed to get a scanner to scan barcodes on the vares that they use. Optimaly we would have a system supporting this, but we don't.
My thought is to be able to have excel running in the background on the computer they use to several other things, like reading newspapers and looking up todays weather etc. My understading of scanners is that they work just like a keyboard when connected to a computer, problems may then arise if someone is scanning barcodes, and another one is reading the newspaper in internet explorer, maybe the barcodes pops-up as a number in the URL(?), when it really should go to a specific cell in excel.
My question: Is it possible to make a scanner always return its values(scanned barcodes) to excel, EVENTHOUGH the computer may be used to something else at the same time?
Thanks for every thought and comment!
Have a nice weekend!
I do not think Excel would be the best solution to achieve this. It may be possible to achieve by linking to the scanner API and leveraging external libraries to listen for the scanner port etc. However, these kind of applications best be installed as system services e.g. Windows Service or as any other background application in .NET, Java, Python whatever. Excel is not the first choice technology to do these sort of things. Excel, however, can well be used for outputing this data.
What is more, honestly, the solution and feasibility will depend on the scanner API or driver.

Importing from Excel to Visma Contracting

My company is using this program called Visma Contracting. This program is used to type inn a product number (example: 10 240 75) and how many of this item was used (example: 4). So these numbers we (me and my co-workers) put into an excel sheet and deliver to the guy in charge of the systematizing these (A column being product number, an B column being the used amount). From there it is retyped from excel to Visma. This is madness! There must be a way for the two programs to talk to each other? I have talked to the Visma support and they are giving me nothing else then a no. I wish i could give more info about this Visma stuff, but i fear that it is a locked program. I have also been searching around for a 3rd party software that can eliminate this massive annoying problem, with no luck. Does anyone have anything that might ease my itch?
Thanks in advance!
Sounds impossible but...
If you want to try blind keystrokes check out Mouse and Keystroke Recorder I have some experience automating stuff with this program. It works sometimes with varying degrees of reliability.
Be forewarned that nobody recommends this as it could cause problems. It simply plays back keystrokes without being aware of what it is doing. When used with care it can work but it could be dangerous.
Or use SendKeys from Excel VBA; that might work better as the data is already in Excel. But the same warnings apply. Use at your own risk.

Programming gnome power management

I'm a Linux and gnome user, and I'm currently depending mainly on a notebook, and not surprisingly, I am not satisfied with the power quandary, so i recurred to power-management tools available for my system (currently Linux Mint 11), which is a really simple gui (gnome-power-preferences) with really few really basic features, which I'd love to expand.
I do not intend to work at low level features of power management, the states the are currently available are enough (suspend, hibernate, shutdown, do-nothing, monitor-brightness, downspin-hd, etc...), what I really need is a better way to create conditions in setting those states, which is, in the standard native tool, time and lid-closing, that's extremely limited.
So the question, I want to know what are my options to create scripts in any language(I'm willing to learn if i don't already know) that allow me to take a wider control of power-management conditions, i was think of(my possible settings):
down-spin disks immediately after lid closing and cut connection after n seconds.
don't cut connection after n seconds of lid-closing if bandwidth use is bigger than x bps
provide more statistical tools based on programs using, programs in background... services, etc.
create, save and load profiles that would automatically set monitor brightness, sound volume, wireless power, resource limits, etc... ex: 'college_ba.pp', 'default_ac.pp'...
brightness adjusting based on webcam shot illumination.
suspend or hibernate based on webcam shots without face for n seconds
It may sound impossible and hard, I do not intend to have these stuff ready-to-use, as I said, i intend to use as much manual effort as needed, I just want to avoid low-level with existing libraries and tools, as much as possible, and i wish everyone to share information about any library, tool or project that comes to mind and deal with any subset of these things I've cited in this question.
This is a thing that i want from a long time, and just now i realize that this community could help me wide my options. My English is horrible I know, i learned online. I'm familiar with C++, C, Python and lately bash scripts. Thanks.
Your next step is to learn D-Bus, since most of the tools, both user and system, communicate using it.

How can I read the VESA/VideoBIOS "Mode Removal Table"?

Many sites and articles on getting widescreen monitors to work on notebooks in their native resolution mention something called the "Mode Removal Table" in the Video BIOS which specifically prevents certain video modes:;topic=3363.0
Does such a thing really exist? The fix worked for me but I wanted to find out if I can read, modify, or work around this table. However I can't find any mention of it in the various VESA standards. Perhaps it actually goes by some other more cryptic name?
“Many sites and articles”? The first couple of dozen results are from you, and most of the rest are from that Intel article you mentioned or other people linking to that article.
You could always try asking someone who talks as though they know how to do it. There's another thread that discusses it—though it too has no information on the table, only a quick mention of it.
There does not seem to be any currently known way to read the GMA video BIOS. You would have to dump the BIOS and reverse-engineer it to figure out where the table is and how to interpret it. Unfortunately, even extracting it is difficult since nobody seems to have had enough interest in creating a tool to automate it. Looks, like you’ve got even more reversing to do. (Techincally, because the GMA is an integrated graphics-adapter, you'll need to extract the video BIOS from the system BIOS, then extract the table.)

Site accessibility: what screen readers, etc to test against, and how?

The web site that we're writing needs to be "Accessible". The trouble is, while we understand the general conepts (semantic latout, alt text on images, light on Javascript, etc etc), we don't really have much knowledge of what screen reader products or other accessible browser are actually on the market and/or in general use, nor how to test against them.
So the questions are:
What products do we need to know about?
Would it be sensible (or even useful) to get hold of them to test against?
Are there any QA processes we should be looking at to assist us (we do a lot of automated browser testing [Selenium] to ensure we don't break anything for regular users; can we/should we do the same for screen readers?)
Thanks in advance for any tips.
See this question
As the question implies if you want good screen reading testing you either need to hire someone to do the testing for you that has a lot of screen reader experience or invest the time in having developers and or QA learn a screen reader well. To my knolidge there is nothing like Selenium that can simulate how a screen reader handles a website. FOr general info on accessibility see
This appears to have a lot of good information and covers all kinds of accessibility, not just blindness.
For a list of tools to check html accessibility see
Although these tools will help they are not a substitute for screen reading testing. For a discussion of some of the problems with relying only on automated tools see
In addition to Jared's answer: For the non screen reader visual accessibility testing, I've found that a simple and easily available test tool is a gray scale printer. This will let you know (roughly) if you have enough contrast for those who have a form of color blindness or other issues with contrast, etc and whether you've snuck any images in that are relying too much on color for information. It's not the be all and end all, but it's an easy first test.
Since you're already using Selenium to test your site, you can easily integrate something like Continuum, which can scan a page for accessibility concerns that would be noticeable by someone using assistive technologies, into your existing test framework. There's API documentation if you'd like to roll your own solution, or free Java and JavaScript sample projects on you can use for inspiration.
As others have noted, automated accessibility testing isn't going to catch everything as nothing compares to manual testing done by experts, but it's a good idea to do some kind of automated testing just to cover your bases, and there are a wealth of technologies out there these days that can help you do that very easily.
