Google Custom Search Engine not giving the expected search result - search

I have been trying to create a new google custom search engine, but when I try some query,the search engine it is not giving me the expected search
result.On some queries it is working fine, but on other queries, it says"no result".
I tried adding the URL of the website that I wanted to search for, but there are certain pages and keywords that are not coming up in the search result when I try to search for the keyword of that page.
I tired adding both the main page URL and the URL of the sub page that I want to search for, but nothing is working.
There are some sub pages to the main URL that are coming in the search result.

this happened to me too. It is because the url you specify to google has to match the server address where your site is stored. For example, I made a site with google custom search ( and when I tested it on my server, the google search returned no results. But when I did it on the specified url, it works fine.

Some webpages instruct search engines how to index their webpage in a file called robots.txt.
For example:
(If a site has one it should be under http://URL/robots.txt directly after the domain name)
If the robots.txt for the site you are trying to search excludes some parts of its site from being indexed, it could be the source of your problem.


Google Programmable Search Engine changes url to /

I'm using Google Programmable Search Engine on my site and the actual url is something like /search. That page has the Google code embedded into it. When that page is accessed with the querystring params for the search, Google's javascript changes the URL to / with the search parameters appended.
If anyone tries to share that URL, they get the home page, not the search page. Any ideas on how to prevent Google from changing the URL path?

Sharepoint search dynamic redirect url

I have run into an issue. I have created a custom search site where I want the user to be redirected to when searching.
I'm standing on one site and search using the search box in the suite bar.
I want to be able to see from which site I was on when I did the search. I'm hoping it's possible to send the site title in the URL, and read it from the search site.
EX. /sites/Search?q=testing&scope=Economy

site google tag does not show all results

If I go to this url
I get
User-Agent: *
Allow: /
That means that crawlers are allowed to fully access the website and index everything, then why on google search shows me only a few pages, where it contains lots of documents including pdf files.
There could be a lot of reasons for that.
You don't need a robots.txt for blanket allowing crawling. Everything is allowed by default. doesn't allow blank Disallow lines:
Also, you may not have blank lines in a record, as they are used to delimit multiple records.
Check google webmasters tools to see if some pages have been dissallowed for crawling.
Submit a sitemap to google.
Use "Fetch as google" to see if google can even see the site properly.
Try manually submitting a link through the fetch as google interface.
Looking closer at it.
Google doesn't know how to navigate some of the links on the site. Specifically the bottom navigation uses onclick javascript that gets dynamically loaded and it doesn't change the URL so google couldn't link to page 2 it even if it wanted to.
On the bidlist you can click into a bid list detailing the tender. These don't have public URLs. Google has no way of linking into them.
The PDFs I looked at were image scans in sanskrit put into PDF documents. While Google does OCR PDF documents ( it's possibly they can't do it with sanskrit. You'd be more likely to fidn them if they contained proper text as opposed to images.
My original points remain though. Google should be able to find which is on the page. If you have a question about why a specific page might be missing, I'll try to answer it.
But basically the website does some bizarre non-standard things, this is exactly what you need a sitemap for. Contrary to popular belief sitemaps are not for SEO, it's for when google can't locate your pages.

SEO-Setting website to search dynamic data

I want to set my website . It has many user profile which is kind of dynamic.
Whats steps I need to make so that its show all profiles on search engine dynamically.
1) I have an Google webmaster tool
2) Added a sitemap and robot.txt for the site.
After 1 months or so(Indexing is done , as I can on Webmaster tool account)
If I search the profile(say by name) I don't see the user profile in search.
I have added the url parameters as well e.g. here profile.
Am i Missing anything?
Can you get to a profile from the home page by basic links alone?
Search engines like to be able to find your pages on their own.
Do a more specific search first. e.g. add to your search so only your site is competing.
Check you have not blocked the pages in the robots.txt file or via the robots meta tag on the page.

Search google for my website

I have a weird problem with Google when I search for my web address. The problem is when I type in Google search ex., the results are from - not from my website, and Google give a link "Search instead for", and I need to click that link to give results for What can I do to fix this problem?
Here is what I mean:
If that's a new website and you don't have a google-webmaster account - you should open one. It's important to register your website (to let Google know you have a new website) so that it'll start index it ASAP.
If it's an "old" website that suddenly stopped appearing on google search results - you can read the answer I posted here.
If you want to search for results from one website you should search for:
