Clear all currently defined vim macros - vim

I have a vim macro that I keep mistyping, usually when I'm trying to save something so I do it quickly and I can't work out what keys I pressed. It is annoying as it pastes some irrelevant bash code into my file so I have to undo the erroneous pasting which also undos the last thing I typed that I do want.
I was looking for a way to either list the currently defined macros (so I can redefine the offending one), or a way to clear out them completely. I only use macros in the very short term so I don't mind losing them all.

What is mostly called a macro in vim is initiated with # and a letter. It executes the contents of a register with the said letter as its name.
List the register contents
You can clear the register a with
:let #a = ''
Sometimes mappings or abbreviations are confused for macros, therefore here is some information about them.
List mappings
all mappings
all mappings that start with \
:map \
normal mode
insert mode
visual mode
command mode
List abbreviations
all abbreviations
all abbreviations starting with email
:abbr email
insert mode
command mode
You can use :verbose before the previous commands to get more info about where the mapping/abbreviation was last set, as in :verbose nmap. These commands also show all the mappings that have been set by plugins and other configuration files.
Removing a mapping/abbreviation
(only a couple of modes listed here, you should be able to remove one just for a certain mode just like with the listing commands above.)
insert mode, remove a mapping that is defined as \:
:iunmap \\
normal mode:
:nunmap \\
remove an abbreviation defined as email:
:unabbr email
insert mode:
:iunabbr email
Clear mappings/abbreviations
I wouldn't recommend clearing all mappings/abbreviations since you would lose everything your plugins have mapped/abbreviated. However, you can clear mappings by putting the letter c after the above listing command, as in :imapc to clear insert mode mappings. Abbreviations can be cleared with :abclear, or just for insert mode :iabclear and just for command mode :cabclear.

To clear a single macro - record over it - with nothing.
For your situation in normal mode you'd just type "qwq".
q to begin to record a macro
w to set the buffer space to w
q again to save the (now empty) macro
Verify with :reg[ister] w
This is only slightly quicker than :let #w = '' but for myself is easier to remember.


Insert mode default keys in vim

The following items are useful to me in editing text, and I was wondering if vim had something for this built out of the box (though I didn't see it on the page), or I had to create mappings for it:
Forward-delete a character. This is X in normal mode.
Forward-delete all text to the right of the cursor on the line. This is the inverse of ctrl-u.
Are either of these mappings available? And if not, are there 'standard' mappings for this that are common (for example, how it might be done in another unix program).
Note that this is the keyboard I have -- there is only one delete key (which acts like a normal backspace key) and there is no backspace key:
Note: for forward-delete, I am currently mapping ctrl-d as:
"Ctrl-d to forward-delete when in insert or command mode
noremap! <C-d> <Delete>
However, this interferes with the tab in insert mode (which I don't use) and the help-options in command mode (which I do use!) so I may have to modify this later, or hopefully someone suggests a better solution.
though I didn't see it on the page
If you can't find it in the documentation, then it doesn't exist.
You can use fn+delete for "Forward-delete a character".
"Forward-delete all text to the right of the cursor on the line" is ctrl+k in MacOS, but Vim has its own use for that combo, :help i_ctrl-k so it is up to you to create a mapping for it.
Something like:
inoremap <key> <C-o>ld$

Doing an insert remapping for commenter

I am trying to do a remapping when I'm in insert mode to insert a comment but am having a tough time figuring out what all the keys map to. What I am trying to do is:
:inoremap leadercspace ==> escleadercspacei
Basically, if I'm in insert mode I want to get out of insert mode to insert the comment (leader+c+space) and then go back into insert mode.
What would the correct :inoremap mapping for this be? What I have right now is:
:inoremap <leader>c<space> <Esc><Leader>c<space>i
But this doesn't seem to work (at least the latter half of it -- it does seem to be executing the mapping command). Note: the plugin I'm trying to remap is:
[count]<leader>c<space> |NERDCommenterToggle|
Toggles the comment state of the selected line(s). If the topmost selected line is commented, all selected lines are uncommented and vice versa.
From vim doc (:help nore):
Disallow mapping of {rhs}, to avoid nested and recursive mappings
In other words, the nore part forbids mapping to be applied to the rhs (right hand side).
So in your case, the <Esc><Leader>c<space>i doesn't trigger the VimCommenter mapping for that reason.
To allow recursion, you can take off the nore:
:imap <leader>c<space> <Esc><Leader>c<space>i
My recommendation is that, instead of creating an insert-mode mapping for this purpose, just use the native Ctrl+O mapping to run a single Normal mode command from Insert mode.
Assuming your leader key is set to the default \, you can use:
Ctrl+O, \, c, Space
You'll be left in Insert mode at the end of this sequence.
The advantages of this approach over an insert mode mapping are:
You don't need any extra configuration, since Ctrl+O is a native Vim command.
This works for any Normal mode command, so you don't need to add extra mappings for other commands you might want to be able to access from Insert mode.
Adding a multi-character mapping in Insert mode starting with <Leader> means Vim will always pause and hold if you insert the leader character. In this case, it will also pause when you insert <Leader> and c. I find that avoiding this kind of mappings of otherwise printable characters is usually best.

How to edit an existing key mapping in vim?

How do I edit an existing mapping in vim? I set the mapping in my .vim file using one of the standard mapping commands:
map ^A o]]></code>^M<GRD minus="" summary="">^M^M<p></p>^M^M</GRD>^M^M<code><![CDATA[0kkkkkk5ehi
I want to edit this long command to use "matlab" instead of code, e.g.:
map ^A o]]></matlab>^M<GRD minus="" summary="">^M^M<p></p>^M^M</GRD>^M^M<matlab><![CDATA[0kkkkkk5ehi
However, I don't want to edit the .vim file -- I will use the original mapping again. I just want to change the mapping for my current session. I tried :map ^A, but this only displays the current mapping, and I cannot copy the displayed text.
P.S. Note that the ^M and ^A characters are inserted with Ctrl-Q Ctrl-M, etc.
Tweaking a mapping for a current session only is unusual; probably that's why it's supported poorly. I would guess that you're not actually concerned about a session, but rather a Matlab filetype. For that, there's excellent support. If the 'filetype' is detected as matlab, you can put a buffer-local mapping variant in ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/matlab.vim:
map <buffer> ^A ...
Direct editing
If you'd rather stick with your original plan, I would do it like that:
Open configuration: :split ~/.vimrc
Edit the mapping in-place
Yank the line: yy
Execute to activate for the current session: :#"
Abort the edit without saving: :bdelete!
For a more general solution, you could also capture the output of the original :map ^A command via :redir, then :put that into a :newscratch buffer, and finally :source that. It's more manual steps and typing, but could be automated by a custom command. Worthwhile if you need this often.
To set your map for the current session only, do
:map ^A o]]></matlab>^M<GRD minus="" summary="">^M^M<p></p>^M^M</GRD>^M^M<matlab><![CDATA[0kkkkkk5ehi

Duplicating line in Vim and appending few letters

I am editing a dictionary in a text file, containing Russian words - one word per line.
Some nouns are missing their derivatives, which are usually the same word appended by few more letters - in 6-7 variations as shown in this screenshot:
In Vim I would like to put the cursor in the first column and scroll down line by line. And when I recognize a noun, I'd like to press some (as few as possible!) keystrokes to take that word, copy it in separate lines and append the letters.
I can get rid of the duplicates by issuing %sort u later.
If I could run that command on the whole file it would be something like:
Do you please have an idea, how to create such a "macro" in Vim?
There are a couple of ways that you can handle this. You can create a macro or you can create a map. Either can be done while running VIM. Either can be placed in another file (your .vimrc, for example, or a file with bindings specific to this project) and sourced when needed.
I will also give you a bit more advice with regular expressions: if you are writing something particularly complex, you can greatly decrease the number of \s needed by starting the regular expression with \v (i.e., :s/\v([0-9a-f]+\s)/0x\1/g).
Creating a Macro in VIM
You can start a macro in VIM by pressing q in Normal mode, followed by the key that you wish to use for the macro. You can then invoke the macro by pressing # followed by the macro's letter. Press q again in Normal mode to stop recording.
You can therefore enter this macro as follows (using the q register):
Then, when you are on a line and you want to run this command, enter #q from Normal mode.
Storing a macro in a file and sourcing it
When you created a macro in the last step, what you were actually doing was setting the q register. You can check this by entering the registers in command mode. You can instead set this macro in your .vimrc file as follows and it will be available every time you start VIM.
Create the file you want to store this macro in (:new).
Add the following line to the file:
let #q=":s/\\(.\\+\\)$/\\1\\r\\1a\\r\\1b\\r\\1ам\\r\\1ами\\r\\1ах\\r\\1е\\r\\1ном\\r/^M"
(If you yank the line and paste it in VIM with Ctrl+R", there will be a proper ^M character at the end of the line. You'll need to do some manual editing to make sure that it's inside the quotes. Alternatively, you can enter Ctrl+VCtrl+M to enter the ^M character.)
Save the file (:w testmacro.vim).
Source it (:so % or :source %).
Test your macro by typing #q on one of the lines you'd like to do this to.
Later, you will be able to load this macro by running :so testmacro.vim.
Create a Mapping
You can instead create a mapping. The following mapping copies the last word in a given line, pastes it onto the following six lines, and then appends to each of the given lines.
nnoremap <c-j> yy6pAа<esc>jAам<esc>jAами<esc>jAах<esc>jAе<esc>jAном<esc>j
n at the beginning of "nnoremap" indicates that it only functions in Normal mode.
noremap means that this command won't engage in any recursive remapping (whereas with nmap, this could happen).
<c-j> maps to Ctrl+J
yy6p yanks the line and pastes it 6 times.
Aa<esc>j appends to the end of the current line, enters the text (in this case a), exits Insert mode, and moves down a line.
You can enter this command in VIM's command mode or you can store it in a file and load it with the :source command.
Combining Registers with Mappings
You can access a register in your mappings. This means that if you know that entering a given replacement regex will do what you want, you can save that in a register and then enter your command on the current line.
To do this, enter the following commands in a file and then source it:
nnoremap <c-i> :<c-r>f<cr>
let #f="s/\\(.\\+\\)$/\\1\\r\\1a\\r\\1b\\r\\1ам\\r\\1ами\\r\\1ах\\r\\1е\\r\\1ном\\r/^M"
Now you can enter Ctrl+I to run the replacement regex in register f on the current line.
Alternatively, dedicate a few registers to the purpose - let's say a-f.
nnoremap <c-l> yy6p$"apj"bpj"cpj"dpj"epj"fpj
let #a="a"
let #b="ам"
let #c="ами"
let #d="ax"
let #e="e"
let #f="ном
In this case, we're using the ability to press " and the name of a register before hitting a command that uses it, such as paste.
You can record macros by pressing q in the escape mode. For example,
position your cursor on the noun you want to edit.
press qa to start recording macro and store it in register a (other alphabet and digits may also be used for registers) .
do whatever general actions you want to do (copy line, paste, append letters, etc. as in you have tried to show in your search string).
once you are done with the changes, in escape mode press q again.
Your macro is now created in register a. Whenever, you want to repeat your key sequences, just press #a.
Note that you can do anything in recording mode, including any kinds of commands, insertions, cursor movements, and so on. For more information on macros and related options, check out Vim help :h complex-repeat.
Vim registers are shared as place holders for both macros and yanked test; this feature allows you to even save and edit your macros in a file. See this question for details.
Here is a map solution - which copies the line into a buffer and then pastes using p.
The A appends at the end of the line
map <F2> 0dwpo<esc>pAa<enter><esc>pAam<enter><esc>pAax ...etc
If your goal is, when your cursor on a special word, and press something, vim will append different "suffixes" (I hope I used the right word, but you knew what I mean). You could go macro (q). However since you have already written the :s command, you could create a mapping using that command do the same, and it would be shorter.
in command line, you can get the word under cursor by pressing <c-r><c-w>. so you could try:
nnoremap <leader>z :s/<c-r><c-w>/& & &..../<cr>
I didn't write the & & &... part, since I don't know (never tried, I don't have vim under windows. I don't even have windows) if the line break \n could be used here under windows. & means the whole matched part, which in this case is the word under your cursor.
So you just move your cursor to the word, type <leader>z, vim will do the job for you. (if the replacement part is correct :) ).

Saving vim macros

Does anyone know how to properly save/reuse macros recorded inside of a vim editor?
Use q followed by a letter (for example 'x') to record a macro, then press q to end the macro definition. The pattern surrounded by the starting and ending 'q' during this definition just goes into one of the copy/paste registers (in this case, register 'x') so you can paste it with the"xp or "xP commands in normal mode, where x is the register to paste. Typing "xp in normal mode inserts the contents in register x and exits back to normal mode.
To save it, you open up .vimrc and paste the contents while defining the macro using let #x, then the register will be around the next time you start vim.
The format is something like:
let #q = 'macro contents'
Be careful of quotes, though. They would have to be escaped properly.
So to save a macro 'x', you can do:
From normal mode: qx
enter whatever commands
From normal mode: q
open .vimrc
insert a line let #x = '...' (see the following)
For the above ... pattern, you can use "xp just at the place where the pattern should be placed. But this is not essential, you can just type in the macro definition.
For a more robust solution you can checkout Marvim.
It lets you save a macro in a specific namespace (or use the filetype as a default namespace) and you can later search for your saved macros and load them in a register ready for use.
If you reuse a lot of macros, this is pretty helpful.
Write your macros inside your ~/.vimrc, to define a macro launched by CTRL+O by example, add the following line to your ~/.vimrc :
when you record a macro by typing qa you can retrieve your macro text by typing "ap
You can do like this on your ~/.vimrc
:let #a="iHello World!\<CR>bye\<Esc>"
NOTE: You must use double quotes to be able to use special keys like in \<this silly example>.
The :mkexrc (or :mkvimrc) command can be used to save all the current :map and :set settings to a file. See :help mkexrc for details.
Vim 8.0 on MacOS Mojave (10.14.6) actually persists macros and named buffers automatically (by default, although I haven't looked for a way of turning this behavior off). Closing a Vim session will update the ~/.viminfo file with any named buffers / macros.
