Scripts like and - linux

Are there any auto compiling scripts like the ones used at and available?
(preferably open source, and which execute the code in a safe environment.)

I don't think that they have special "autocompiling scripts". They could just be using normal compilers under a virtual machine for safety.
Or they could have developed something custom (Like Google app engine)
Apparently they are using normal compiler packages by Gentoo.

Why not to use Ideone API?


Can you embed GraalVM application in a browser?

GraalVM has so many surprising capabilities. But one thing I haven't seen, but would like to, is to be able to run a GraalVM application in a browser. Sources like this (Top 10 Things To Do With GraalVM) shows interop with Node.js, but not running a compiled application in the browser.
Is this possible? If so, is there documentation on this? Thanks!
Well, it looks like this may be possible using Webassembly. From the Graal VM lead Thomas Wuerthinger:
Webassembly is useful for statically typed languages (as LLVM
backend). I am not aware of any Ruby, R, or Python implementation
successfully targeting Webassembly. Graal VM will be able to run via
Webassembly in the browser. It also has a "native" mode with
standalone binaries.
So if you're coding in something like Clojure or Python and planning on compiling to Webassembly via Graal VM, you would likely run up against the same restrictions that Webassembly has, such as the browser sandbox and only being able to access web APIs. It will be interesting to see if those boundaries can be communicated through error messages or other compile-time checks.
It would be very interesting to see a browser that embeds GraalVM and can run its engine for languages, even if only for JavaScript initially.
Currently, there's no such browsers, as far as I know. Maybe an interesting first step would be to take Electronjs, and try replacing the version of node they use with the version of node.js from GraalVM. It's not trivial, since they introduce some changes to the stock node.js and GraalVM introduces some changes when replaces the JavaScript engine with its own implementation.
However, it definitely should be possible to achieve.

Automated test tools for Linux/ncurses

I've picked up a legacy application developed in C/C++ on Linux, using ncurses for UI. What automated testing tools are there for this environment?
Edit: I've used AutomatedQA TestComplete in the past, and this is the type of tool I'm looking for - except running on Linux, and with the ability to test Text UI apps.
I wrote something like that before. Not much docs, but you can try the code. It's written in Python and runs on Linux.
You would basically need the ANSIterm filter, and the expect module. Then you compose them into a filter. You'll likely have to start the process with the proctools module. They are all designed to work together or separately (modular).
I have considered using Rational Function Tester and TestComplete.
RFT has explicit support for testing this type of application (text-mode linux) via built-in terminal emulation.
TestComplete does not support testing Linux apps directly, but can be made to work by "testing" a COM-enabled terminal emulation program (Attachmate Reflection at this stage), and using COM from the test scripts to do screen scraping.
Have also considered using Reflection as the terminal emulator and rolling my own test framework in C# and NUnit.
Edit: "Final" solution is using Terminator (a Java terminal emulator), extending it with an RMI interface and using TestNG...
The expect tool sounds like what you need:
Have a look at the free version of TETware from the Open Group. It is a full test harness based on TCL.

Best way to manage code snippets in Linux?

How you manage/organize your collection of code snippets on Linux? Is there a specialized tool to do that (both in GUI and CLI environment)? Is there any convention about code snippet management in Linux? Also, I often do some work via ssh so it would be really helpful if I can access my snippet easily from command line. I just moved to Linux for several months and still got to learn a lot about software development in Linux.
Any suggestion is appreciated.
I think this is what you are looking for: Snippely and jCodeCollector
I use Snippely on my mac, it awesome.
Update: Moved to Dash for mac:
You could use Code Barrel to do that. For GUI based you could use the webapp but for CLI you could write scripts using the API. There is a plugin for Eclipse based IDEs as well.

How do I do webtesting in Perl for pages that require JavaScript?

I have found these two modules that purport to be able to puppet string browsers, but I have no experience with them, but my current test suite uses WWW::Mechanize. Does anybody have any information about these modules, or other methods of testing pages from Perl that require JavaScript?
To clarify, I am running my tests under Linux (Ubuntu 7.10).
Try WWW::Selenium, which uses your browser (through Perl) to handle JavaScript.
You might be able to make use of JavaScript::SpiderMonkey.

GUI/TUI linux library

Is there any UI library that can be to build both a text user interface (ncurses) and graphical user interface (GTK? QT?) from the same source?
I know that debconf can be used with various frontends, I would like to build something similar but programmable.
The library that powers YaST independence to do ncurses, gtk and qt with one codebase provides what you are looking for, and it is not tied to YaST itself.
Actually libyui only requires the standard C++ library and phtreads (IIRC). The UI plugins require of course the respective libraries (Qt, ncurses). YaST uses libyui via a set of YCP bindings that export a YCP like API on top of libyui.
The library is a bit lowlevel (one layer below an event loop), my colleage Klaus Kämpf wrote about using it some time ago in his blog, including binding to scripting languages it using swig.
The only part that is SUSE specific is the packaging, so you would need to package it yourself. Stackoverflow did not allow me to link more than once. The code of the library is linked from Klaus blog. Replace libyui for "qt" and "ncurses" for the plugin's code.
Also google for "YaST Independence From YCP" to find a blog entry from Andreas Jäger on the subject.
you could write your program to uses ncurses, and then use PDCurses to convert it to an X11 application - as the readme advertise.
I know it because I've used it as portable curses, though I've never tested its X11 capabilities
Not exactly a library but you could consider writing a web app that degrades well to Lynx
The GoboLinux guys have created their own toolkit for python called AbsTK, they use it for their installer, which actually works really good. I have never used the toolkit myself, but the apps built with it seems solid.
There's Cursed GTK, but it seems a bit dated. I found some references to a port of Qt to ncurses called Qt Console, but it seems to have disappeared.
By using a library that targets both the text-mode and GUI environments, you have a big risk of getting stuck with the worst of both worlds.
You will be better off structuring your code using the MVC pattern, and providing separate views and controllers for each platform you target. Pushing all the logic down to the model classes has several other benefits:
The code will be easier to test because you are forced to keep the user interface out of the actual domain logic.
Your program can have user interfaces that have very little in common, e.g. a web UI, or an UI driven by speech.
You can run the program easily with no UI at all (i.e. script it) by accessing the model classes directly in the same way that the controller classes do.
I think what's used for configuring the linux kernel when compiling is dialog/cdialog/xdialog. But it's been a while since I've compiled a kernel, so my memory may be off. The most promising link I can find is this one for Xdialog.
Maybe tcl/tk would provide what you want
Here's the page on interfacing with curses. There is a claim there of integration with ncurses.
