groovy variable function - groovy

I'm not even sure about how to title this qn. But, hope there is an easy way to do it in dynamic language like groovy.
say I have a class Service, where I delegate the business logic. the methods in it are
funA(), funB()... funX().
Now I have a controller class, where I call the service closure, which can be invoked like service.funA() . Now based on a variable (which can have values A, B ... X), I need to cal the correct service closure. Basically to avoid writing lot of if conditional statements. Something like service."fun+var"() would do. I'm not sure whether it is possible to substitute variable in closure (function)name. or any way by passing function (name) as a parameter...not sure
I think PHP has a similar feature
thanks for any pointer..

Yes, this is possible. This should do what you want:
The correct title is dynamic method invocation.


SOAPUI context variables - How does Groovy make this possible?

Sorry to all you Groovy dudes if this is a bit of a noob question.
In SOAPUI, i can create a Groovy script where i can define an arbitrary variable to the run context to retrieve at a later time.
context.previouslyUndefinedVariable = 3
def num = context.previouslyUndefinedVariable
What feature of Groovy allows previously undefined variables to be added to an object like this? I would like to learn more about it.
Many thanks in advance!
Groovy has the ability to dynamically add methods to a class through metaprogramming.
To learn more, see:
What is Groovy's MetaClass used for?
Groovy Goodness: Add Methods Dynamically to Classes with ExpandoMetaClass
Runtime and compile-time metaprogramming
The accepted answer is a bit of a poor explanation for how SoapUI is doing it.
In this case, context is always an instance of some SoapUI library java class (such as WsdlTestRunContext), and these are all implementations of Map. You can check context.getClass() and assert context in Map.
When you look up a property on a Map, Groovy uses the getAt and putAt methods. There are various syntaxes you can use. All of these are equivalent:
context.someUndef = 3
context.'someUndef' = 3
context[someUndef] = 3
context['someUndef'] = 3
context.putAt('someUndef', 3)
I like to use any of the above that include quote marks, so that Groovy-Eclipse doesn't flag it as a missing property.
It's also interesting that Groovy looks for a getAt() method before it checks for a get method being referred to as a property.
For example, consider evaluating "foo".class. The String instance doesn't have a property called class and it also doesn't have a method getAt(String), so the next thing it tries is to look for a "get" method with that name, i.e. getClass(), which it finds, and we get our result: String.
But with a map, ['class':'bar'].class refers to the method call getAt('class') first, which will be 'bar'. If we want to know what type of Map it is, we have to be more specific and write in full: ['class':'bar'].getClass() which will be LinkedHashMap.
We still have to specify getClass() even if that Map doesn't have a matching key, because ['foo':'bar'].class will still mean ['foo':'bar'].getAt('class'), which will be null.

Overriding a function still calls parent class before child method

I am new to Haxe and only plans to deploy for the web.
So I have a class A which has a method name doThis(). On class B, I inherited class A. I override doThis() on class B. When I check on the debugger, class A doThis() is being called and then class B doThis() is called as well.
My intuition is, I have overridden the methods explicitly and the only way I can call the parent is via a super.doThis() but it seems it does this automatically. I only want the version of doThis() to be B. Not A's.
Any thought on why it behaves like this? I think I a missing something here.
Without any further information, I'd bet good money that you have your debugger breakpoints on the definition of doThis, when you meant to put them in the invocation of doThis (inside the function body).
Other possible (but less likely) reasons:
A macro function is inserting a super.doThis() call
A modified Haxe compiler or JS generator is emitting a super.doThis() call.
Unless the function you are overriding is the constructor function new, calling the parent (super) function is optional. Furthermore, you can stipulate when the parent function is called by adjusting when you call super.doThis().
To illustrate, here is code that only runs the child classes function on try.haxe. It sounds like you may have already tried a similar approach, so ensure that you aren't missing some code that you may not be aware is calling the super function.
I think you're doing the right thing.
perhaps add some println to the parent function and the child function to make sure what you describe is what actually happens.
In other words, the debugger is not just playing with you.

Groovy - Type Check Closure Code Before Execution

I have a Groovy script that lets the user define some dynamic properties and methods and later executes a user-defined closure. A script would look like this:
// init properties and methods dynamically at runtime
context.prop1 = "Some test value"
context.method1 = { String input ->
"exec " + input.toUpperCase()
// "this" is set to the context variable from above
run {
println method1( prop1 )
So in the beginning of the script, a context is initialized with user-defined properties (e.g. prop1) and methods (e.g. method1). The context is then used as this pointer in the run closure. I have achieved this by dynamically extending the meta class of the context and setting the context as delegate of the run closure (with DELEGATE_FIRST as resolves strategy).
Currently I am struggling at type checking. Before executing the run closure, I would like to check if method1 really expects prop1. I have looked into the DelegatesTo annotation, but that doesn't seem to work for dynamically extended objects. I have also played with the AST, but since my knowledge on that topic is limited, I haven't come up with a solution. If what I want to achieve is possible, any pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
You want to add a method to a context at runtime and then type check this before execution of that method.
Type checking is done at compile time. That is before anything of your program is executed. There is normally no chance this can ever check anything that will only happen at runtime, unless you have a way to statically declare it and give the compiler the power to do the check. But this means normally, you will have to do static compilation.
One way would be to use type checking extensions, but I think in your case that might be overkill. A more simple way would be to use extension modules. And the most simple way would be to use custom script base class.
But for any of these solution you will need static compilation to really have type checking, same for DelegatesTo (which is more used in combination with extension modules). For a type checked DSL a mix of type checking extensions and extension modules can work very well. But you will of course loose more dynamic features of the language and some simplicity.

Metaprogramming: adding equals(Object o) and hashCode() to a library class

I have a library of domain objects which need to be used in the project, however we've found a couple of the classes haven't got an equals or hashCode method implemented.
I'm looking for the simplest (and Grooviest) way to add those methods. Obviously I could create a subclass which only adds the methods, but this would be confusing for developers used to the library and would mean we'd have to refactor existing code.
It is not possible to get the source changed (currently).
If I could edit the class I would just use the #EqualsAndHashCode annotation to carry out an AST transformation (at compile time?), but I can't find a way to instruct the compiler to carry out the transformation on a class which I can't directly annotate.
I'm currently trying to work up an example using the ExpandoMetaClass, so I'd do something like:
MySuperClass.metaClass.hashCode = { ->
// Add dynamic hashCode calculation bits here
MySuperClass.metaClass.equals = { ->
// Add dynamic hashCode calculation bits here
I don't really want to hand-code the hashCode/equals methods for each class, so I'm looking for something dyamic (like #EqualsAndHashCode) which will work with this.
Am I on the right track? Is there a groovier way?
AST Transforms are only applied at compile time, so you'll get no help from the likes of #EqualsAndHashCode. MetaClass hacks are going to be your only option. That said, there are more-elegant ways to impose MetaClass behavior.
Shameless Self Plug I did a talk about this kind of stuff last year at SpringOne 2GX:
In short, you might find benefit in creating extensions (unless you're in Grails) -, or by explicitly adding mixins - ... But in general, these are just cleaner ways to do the exact same thing you're already doing.

Kohana helper attribute

I have a question that keeps bothering me. Currently, I have started using Kohana 3.2 Framework. I've written a helper to handle some functionality - I have a number of methods, which are (as it should be) declared STATIC. But, all of these methods are somehow working with the database, so I need to load a model. Currently, every method has a non-static variable like this:
$comment = new Model_Comments;
OK, it seems to be working, but then I wanted to get rid of this redundancy by using class attribute to hold the instance of the model (with is class as well).
Something like this:
private static $comment; // Declaring attribute
self::$comment = new Model_Comment; // This is done within helper __constuct method
self::$comment->addComment("abc"); // And call it within the method.
But, I got failed with: Call to a member function addComment() on a non-object
Question is: is it possible to do it ? Maybe there are some other approaches ?
Sorry for a long story and, thanks in advice! :P
A static method cannot call a non-static method without operating on an instance of the class. So, what you're proposing won't work. There may be a way do accomplish something similar, but what about trying the following:
You could implement the singleton or factory pattern for your "helper" class. Then, you could create the model (as an attribute) as you instantiate/return the instance. With an actual instance of your "helper" class, you won't have to worry about the static scope issues.
In other words, you can create a helper-like class as a "normal" class in your application that, upon creation, always has the necessary model available.
I'd be happy to help further if this approach makes sense.
