Visual C++ preprocessor definitions - visual-c++

Is there a way to transfer C++ preprocessor definitions into a custom pre-link step procedure call as a command-line parameter or export them into a file any other way?
Let's say, I have a c++ project, and in it's Debug configuration I put a preprocessor definition like MAKUMBA_OBA=0x13
Then I add custom pre-link step which executes some javascript like
sarahjessicaparker.js /to tomsrhinoplasty $(MAKUMBA_OBA)
It would be great, if it just worked, but I never get a third parameter in my js. So the question is: how to pass a preprocessor definition to s script?

There is no way to do such a thing. The only acceptable solution is to analyze the build profile name and act accordingly.


Haxe compiling to C++ and JS source

I am trying to write source code in one language and have it converted to both native c++ and JS source. Ideally the converted source should be human readable and resemble the original source as best it can. I was hoping haxe could solve this problem for me. So I code in haxescript and have it convert it to its corresponding C++ and JS source. However the examples I'm finding of haxe seems to create the final application for you. So with C++ it will use msbuild (or whatever compiler it finds) and creates the final exe for you from generated C++ code. Does haxe also create the c++ and JS source code for you to view or is it all done internally to haxe and not accessible? If it is accessible then is it possible to remove the building side of haxe so it simply creates the source code and stops?
When you generate CPP all the intermediate files are generated and kept wherever you decide to generate your output (the path given using -cpp pathToOutput). The fact that you get an executable is probably because you are using the -main switch. That implies an entry point to your application but that is not really required and you can just pass to the command line a bunch of types that you want to have built in your output.
For JS it is very similar, a single JS file is generated and it only has an entry point if you used -main.
Regarding the other topic, does your Haxe code resembles the generated code the answer is yes, but ... some of the types (like Enum and Abstract) only exist in Haxe so they will generate code that functionally works but it might look quite different. Also Haxe has an always-on optimizer/analyzer that might mungle your code in unexpected ways (the analyzer can be disabled). I still find that it is not that difficult to figure out the Haxe source from the generated code. JS has support for source mapping which is really useful for debugging. So in the end, Haxe doesn't do anything to obfuscate your generated code but also doesn't do much to try to preserve it too strictly.

Include once capability in Inno Setup Preprocessor?

I am creating a library of script methods and only want to include them when needed in my installers.
Some of the methods need to use other methods so I was putting the #include "filename.iss" for the needed methods in the file with the method that needs it.
However, if I include two files in an installer script file that also include a common file I get a "Duplicate identifier" error in the second file that includes it.
I've searched for something like #include-once but can't find any results for it.
To reproduce you can just include the same file twice:
#include "AddReplaceLinesInFile.iss"
#include "AddReplaceLinesInFile.iss"
The only way I can see to avoid this is to not put the includes in the files with the methods that need them and just add them in the main installer script.
I'm leaving the includes in the top of the method files that need them but commenting them out - for documentation purposes and to make it easy to copy and paste them into my main installer script. However I'd prefer to use something like an include-once capability.
Does Inno Setup have anything like include-once or a way to test for an already defined method so I could create something similar?
Use the same trick as is used in C/C++, the include guard:
In the C and C++ programming languages, an #include guard, sometimes called a macro guard, is a particular construct used to avoid the problem of double inclusion when dealing with the include directive.
Surround the code in the included file with #ifndef UniqueName, #define UniqueName ... #endif:
#ifndef IncludeIss
#define IncludeIss
procedure Test;
The UniqueName is typically the same as filename, with punctuation removed (to make it a valid identifier). I.e. for include.iss the name can be IncludeIss.
See Inno Setup Preprocessor: #ifdef, #ifndef, #ifexist, #ifnexist.
There is no such thing as include-once.
Inno Setup is Pascal based where functions (and procedures) are global! There are no private ones.
Preprocessor Symbols are scoped to the .iss file and to make them global use public keyword.
Variables have really unpleasant behavior: if you define global variable (in [Code] section) with the same name as local variable you never know into which variable the value is really assigned.
Compiler does not check this which is really bad.

How to prevent dead-code removal of utility libraries in Haxe?

I've been tasked with creating conformance tests of user input, the task if fairly tricky and we need very high levels of reliability. The server runs on PHP, the client runs on JS, and I thought Haxe might reduce duplicative work.
However, I'm having trouble with deadcode removal. Since I am just creating helper functions (utilObject.isMeaningOfLife(42)) I don't have a main program that calls each one. I tried adding #:keep: to a utility class, but it was cut out anyway.
I tried to specify that utility class through the -main switch, but I had to add a dummy main() method and this doesn't scale beyond that single class.
You can force the inclusion of all the files defined in a given package and its sub packages to be included in the build using a compiler argument.
haxe --macro include('my.package') ..etc
This is a shortcut to the macro.Compiler.include function.
As you can see the signature of this function allows you to do it recursive and also exclude packages.
static include (pack:String, rec:Bool = true, ?ignore:Array<String>, ?classPaths:Array<String>):Void
I think you don't have to use #:keep in that case for each library class.
I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for, I hope it helps.
Otherwise this could be helpful checks:
Is it bad that the code is cut away if you don't use it?
It could also be the case some code is inlined in the final output?
Compile your code using the compiler flag -dce std as mentioned in comments.
If you use the static analyzer, don't use it.
Add #:keep and reference the class+function somewhere.
Otherwise provide minimal setup if you can reproduce.

How can I append to a construction variable in a Program() call?

I have a custom environment set up for my tests:
test_env = env.Clone()
But for one of my tests, I want to link against an additional library:
Sadly this overrides the LIBS from the environment, when I'd like it to just add to it. Is there a better (i.e. more canonical) way to do this than LIBS=test_env['LIBS'] + ['extralib']?
Specifying a new value for an environment variable in a Builder call (like Program) is always interpreted as an "override". So there is no way around compiling the full replacement value, as you did in your example above.
The other option would be to Clone the environment "test_env" again, and then use Append to add the "extralib" to LIBS...
It's possible to do it like this:
LIBS=['$LIBS', 'extralib'],
SCons is clever enough to properly expand the variable into a list there.

Core Cucumber Step Definitions

I'm looking over various Ruby gems that are tested using Cucumber, and I see this kind of line in the feature files:
Given a file named "myfile.txt":
and I can see it successfully run, but I can't find the step definition, which makes me think it's a "core" step that's defined by Cucumber rather than my code, only I can't find the docs of code for those "core" steps.
Cucumber does not provide any step definition on its own. All step definitions has to written by us.
If you are using Eclipse, you can install this plugin
Jump to defintion: Click on the keyword (here it is "Given"), hit F3 to jump to the Java code defined for that rule
It's defined in the "Aruba" gem.
Given /^a file named "([^"]*)" with:$/ do |file_name, file_content|
write_file(file_name, file_content)
