Navigating sharepoint with a treeview - sharepoint

I'm trying to replace the navigation on our sharepoint site with a treeview. It's a large site with up to 4 subsite leves in places. All I need it to do is
show a consistent structure from page to page
show only sites and pages
The default sharepoint treeview seems to do neither of these things (doesn't display items from the parent site, includes document libraries but not pages).
Does anyone have any idea how to achieve this? We're using the publishing site template throughout if that makes a difference.
I've tried binding the tree to the datasource the quick launch uses but I guess from the error message they expect differently named properties.

You cannot do it using the default property of sharepoint.
But I had also almost the same requirement. I did this task by the following way
Store all the links in an XML file.
Create a webpart for reading XML file and create menu
Open the masterpage using sharepoint designer and comment the lines which render the top navigation and place the new webpart there
Inherit this masterpage in its subsite.
For multi level quick launch the below link will help you
If you want more help, pls ask me, I can help you


How to make document library in top level visible to subsites

I'd like to ask if you came up with a solution that will allow for subsites to access a centralized document library at the parent level. I'm still trying to no avail. I've tried doc library templates, views, Doc Center and the best method i have OOTB is a page view web part on the subsites page display a view from the parents library. (by the way to remove the ribbon, append ?IsDlg=1 to the url and the ribbons hidden) cool tip. Say will you give be a Y/N on a solution that will allow one to keep a set of documents in the doc center and surface them in the sub-site.
There are another option without such hard coding. You can open any view of your document library, as mentioned earlier AllItems.aspx for example with SharePoint Designer. Open it for editing in advanced mode (there are option when you click right mouse button on file in SP Designer). Then just point mouse cursor inside web part and chose in ribbon web parts, Add to Site gallery, see the picture. Fill in name of new web part. That is all, now you can add this web part on any page on any web site from webpart gallery through the user interface or through the SP Designer by clicking Insert, Web Part in the ribbon on any page.
You can do this by editing the AllItems.aspx (or other view page) and scraping off the WebPartPages:ListViewWebPart and pasting it into a page on the subsite.
This will give you an error "List does not exits The page you selected contains a list that does not exist."
Then you need to get the WebID for the root site (where you took the ListViewWebpart from and replace the part of the webpart that looks like this:
<WebId xmlns="">00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000</WebId>
with (for example)
<WebId xmlns="">7b04dee8-b120-4dee-abea-28b77316ec7d</WebId>

XsltListViewWebPart with CrossList

i'm new to SharePoint, and i'm working with sharepoint 2010.
I'm trying to create a webpart on SPdesigner that holds a XsltListViewWebPart
which is linked to a custom library i created in the Site Collection.
I want to list all the documents related to current user from the all sites
under the site collection.
to do so i set the DataSourceMode from "List" to "CrossList"
but then the webpart doesn't show any document as seen in the image below
(its like there is a line but the data is not showing..)
Does any one know what the reason for this?
How can I fix it to work so the webpart will list all docs from all sites in collection?
First, is there any reason why you don't use the out of the box Relevant Documents Web Part?
I don't think the xslt List View Web Part works in crosslist mode. What you'll need to do is use a Data View Web Part.

Load a web part before other

I am stuck with a problem. I am having tool part where I get all the Lists present in the Site.
I have other web part which should get the selected List in the tool part.
I see that the web part is loaded first then the tool part. so the web part is unable to the List selected in the tool part.
Please note that the text box is in a User Control.
Please help me.
I have looked at your code and found the following:
First things first. You need to move AWAY from using ToolParts and the SharePoint native webpart. they are deprecated and are a remnant from SPS2003. In MOSS / WSS 3.0 you can and should use the ASP.NET WebPart.
Secondly, I think you are mixing things up. The ToolPartGetLists is not a toolpart, it is a webpart, that in itself loads the CustomToolPart, which in turn allows you to select a list.
This toolpart is only shown when you edit the shared webpart in the UI. The list you select is then persisted to the SelectedList property of the webpart using the toolpart.
The connected webpart then tries to read the SelectedList property I guess.
Like I said, I could go and try to fix the code for you, but it is not the way to go, you really (REALLY) need to switch to ASP.NET WebPart based webparts. The native sharepoint one WILL be fased out in the (near) future.
Here you can find an example, with code! (scroll to bottom for download link). As a bonus, it uses the built in sharepoint listpicker
I don't know of any way you could control the load order of elements (web parts) on the same page.
Sounds more like you want to have your second web part (the display of the lists) have a "default" when the page loads--which could be empty. Then it would be changed to the selected list only when the user clicked a new selection in the other web part (the list of lists).

SharePoint error relating to page layout after creating site from template

Inside SharePoint I've previously created a site template by appending _layouts/savetmpl.aspx to the end of my site and new sites have been created correctly and work as expected.
I've now come to do the same thing again and yet this time the new site is throwing an error relating to the page layout.
The error is:
This page is not using a valid page layout. To correct the problem, edit page settings and select a valid page layout.
When I try to select a different one, there is only the one to select. This page layout is in use on other sites and they render fine.
Has anyone else seen this issue?
All the best
First, if you append the _layouts/savetmpl.aspx tho the url, i suppose you dont have it in the Site Settings options, so you are using a Publishing site. This is because Microsoft doesn´t support this option (save as template in publishing sites). And they dont support it because it has some bugs, for sure.
So, I would recommend not using this option in important sites, or if you plan to ask support to Microsoft in the future.
However that error indicates that the page layout or his associated content type (ou parent content types) are not correctly installed in the site collection. Are you using your own (custom) content types? Please confirm if the ID of the associated content type (something like 0x0100C6739B7D12DE419aA2F9A2F96CC26818) is exactly the same in the Page Layout on working sites and in the not working sites.
Hope it helps
Do the sites/site collection where the templates working have all the same features enabled as teh sites/site collection where the template isn't working?
Can you check the server logs? <12 hive>\LOGS
Did you add a custom page layout, use it, and then forget to check that "save content" checkbox when you saved your template?

Create SharePoint web page outside of document library

I'm reasonably new to SharePoint 2007 and trying to move from an ASP.NET to SharePoint way of thinking has been an interesting experience!
I would like to create a page at the same level as the default.aspx page in a subsite. The "SharePoint way" of doing things involves putting the page into a document library. I am reluctant to do this as the breadcrumb navigation of the page then includes the name of the libarary but I would like the library to be transparent to the user.
I can create a page in the right place in SharePoint designer but I can't find a way to use a SharePoint template. I have tried copying the default.aspx page, but the navigation linkes are not updated.
Am I missing something or can someone suggest a solution?
I see what you are saying. I would like to share my thoughts on how I will do it.
If the Breadcrumb is your only reason why you want to move to a different than lib, the I recommend you to override the ContentPlaceholder that has the BreadCrumb in your Page, so that BreadCrumb wont be there. But URL will be there for the User to Guess ./DocLib/default.aspx.
And if the reason to hide the document library is to make sure that you don't want to allow the user to get into the Lib and change something. I recommend you strip out the permission from the Document Lib and give all the user ReadOnly and add the user with more right who you thing will need to edit the pages.
And finally you wanted to it in a Place, you can try deploying them as a Feature that will provision the pages as Ghostable rather then GhostableInLibray.
While 1,3 cab be packaged in a WSP. 2 one needs bit of a Manual / custom Code if you are trying to automate the process.
Steps to create Ghostable pages you can refer to this
It doesn't seem to be possible. Subsites can be used to be categorise content by topic, but they can't be used very much.
