How can I determine file encodings on Windows / IIS? - iis

From the answers to this question it appears there's a file somewhere on our server that's been saved with the wrong encoding.
I've seen this happen before - most often when pasting from Word into Visual Studio, when "smart quotes" can interfere with Visual Studio's encoding settings when saving the file.
Thing is - the problem I'm having involves 20-30 different script files, include files and so on (hey, that was how we kept it modular back in the day...) and I really don't want to open every one of them in Visual Studio and check the file encodings individually.
Is there any way I can analyze a folder tree full of files and spit out a list of each filename along with the text encoding used to save the file? (Or - if encodings aren't clearly specified - work out what encoding Microsoft IIS thinks was used to save the file?)

A textfile's encoding is just how it was intended to be interpreted, so you cannot detect this in a reliable way. You can probably detect UTF-8 and 16-bit unicode, but there's no way distinguishing between ISO-8859-1/2/3/4 etc... (Windows-1250/1251/1252 etc.).
If your document contains "weird" quotes, other than "" or '', you can simply find these, and replace them manually.


Preset encoding for Search-in-Files Feature

I have a huge Filedump to handle (7000+ Files) which are all encoded in OEM-US (and i need them to remain OEM-US or return to OEM-US when I'm done)
The search in files feature from Notepad++ would actually solve all my Problems. (It's a single use job - I don't want to bore you with the details but its about sanatizing old code which has partially been written in foreign languages like german or french including their notorious characters like äöüèéàç)
The thing is: Most of the time, Notepad++ detects the wrong encodings and different encodings for different files. Usually, it detects ANSI or UTF-8 but sometimes it get exotic and all of a sudden my files are supposed to be encoded in Shift-JIS or Big5 Which messes up my search terms as they sometimes turn different special chars into the same set of replacement chars.
So I'm looking for a way to either
a) Tell notepad++ which encoding to select for the "search in files" job i want to run.
b) convert all Files to UTF-8, run the search-replace job there and restore the encoding to OEM-US
c) Find a different Software to handle this issue for me
Can someone help me?

How to disable encoding in a text-editor?

This is such a basic question I am surprised I could not easily find an answer to it:
I use Notepad++ to write my scripts in. Someone sent me some code for a shell script (.sh) that I could modify to suit my needs. I simply changed a small bit of text using Notepad++ (on Windows) and used FileZilla (SFTP) to upload it to my server (Debian Linux).
There were a few problems with this that it took my server admin an hour to find, namely:
FileZilla, for whatever reason, defaults to ASCII rather than binary! (changed it to binary and removed the .sh association with ASCII)
The permissions were wrong, chmod took care of this
Problem is it STILL did not work. To fix it my server admin simply copied the text right on the server (using vim or nano) into a new shell script file and saved that. Before he kept saying the problem was Windows (which he loves to hate on) but it seems it is the encoding that text-editors are using that is corrupting the files.
He said my text-editor encoding needs to be said to "None". However, that is not an option - only ANSI, UTF and UTS variants are options!
How can I create a shell script on Windows with no encoding whatsoever so that it doesn't get corrupted?
I need to be able to simply transfer the file to the server, I can't mess around with modifying it once on the server which is wholly impractical.
To fix it EndOfLine and encoding on Notepad++ :
On the bottom right of Notepad++ you can right click on the left of the encoding "UTF-8" and click on Convert UNIX(LF) format. Be sure to change encoding to UTF-8 if it is not the case.
In Filezilla :
Transfert mode : auto

Possible to force CMake/MSVC to use UTF-8 encoding for source files without a BOM? C4819

All our source code is valid UTF-8, however some users on Windows cannot build them because their system is configured for a different encoding.
Without adding a BOM to source files, is it possible to tell MSVC to treat all source as UTF-8, irrespective of the users system encoding?
See MSDN's link regarding this topic (requires adding BOM header).
You can try:
By default, Visual Studio detects a byte-order mark to determine if the source file is in an encoded Unicode format, for example, UTF-16 or UTF-8. If no byte-order mark is found, it assumes the source file is encoded using the current user code page, unless you have specified a code page by using /utf-8 or the /source-charset option.
Docs - Visual C++ - ‎Documentation - IDE and Tools - Building - Build Reference: /utf-8 (Set Source and Executable character sets to UTF-8)
If you happen to create cross-platform code solving the problem using a command-line switch means that
or adding something like /utf-8 or /source-charset to the CFLAGs might mean you'll have to do a similar thing for other platforms, as well.
If possible it therefore might be better to avoid the problem, instead of solving it, by using an \uxxxx instead of an unicode character in strings: This way the source specifies which unicode characters to use, but doesn't actually contain them.

delete special characters preceding shebang (M-oM-;M-?#!/bin/bash) [duplicate]

I have a CSV file with special accents and save it in Notepad by selecting UTF-8 encoding. When I read the file using Java, it reads the BOM characters too.
So I want to save this file in UTF-8 format without appending a BOM initially in Notepad.
Otherwise, is there a built-in class in Java that eliminates the BOM characters that present at beginning, when reading the contents in a file?
Use Notepad++ - it is free and much better than Notepad. It will help to save text without a BOM using Encoding → Encode in UTF-8 without BOM: Notepad++ v6 and olders:
Notepad++ v7+:
When I encountered this problem in Java, I didn't find any library to parse these first three bytes (BOM). So my advice:
Use PushbackInputStream(in, 3).
Read the first three bytes
If it's not BOM (EF BB BF), push them back
Process the stream as UTF-8
I just learned from this Stack Overflow post, as #martin-geisler points out, that you can save files without the BOM in Windows Notepad, by selecting ANSI as the encoding.
I'm assuming that for more advanced uses this won't work because the resulting file is probably not the end encoding wished, but actually ANSI; but I tested and confirmed this works to save a very small .php script without BOM using only Notepad.
I learned the long, hard way that Windows' Notepad is not a true editor, although I'd like to point out for others that, despite this, it is misleadingly called up when you type "editor" on newer Windows machines, at least on one of mine.
I am currently using Emacs and other editors to solve this problem.
Use Notepad++ instead. See my personal blog post on it. From within Notepad++, choose the "Encoding" menu, then "Encode in UTF-8 without BOM".
Notepad on Windows 10 version 1903 (May 2019 update) and later versions supports saving to UTF-8 without a BOM. In fact, UTF-8 is the default file format now.
Reference: Windows 10 Notepad is Getting Better UTF-8 Encoding Support
The answer is: Not at all. Notepad can't do that.
In Java you can just skip the first byte in your InputStream and be done.
You might want to try out Notepad2 or Notepad++. Those Notepad replacements have the option for you to choose whether to output BOM.
As for a Java solution, as far as I know, Java does not understand the standard UTF-8. I googled and found Java's UTF-8 and Unicode writing is broken - Use this fix that might be the solution.
We're using the utility to strip the BOM from our input if present.

How to determine file encoding type with Excel VBA

I have built an Excel/VBA tool to validate csv files to ensure the data they contain is valid. They csv can come originate from anywhere (from a full blown unix system or a desktop user saving data out from Excel). The Excel tool is sent out to businesses so they can validate their csv files in their own environment and without taking the risk of their data leaving thier systems. Thus, the solution needs to be in native VBA and not link into external libraries.
So using VBA, I need to be able to automatically detect UTF-8 (with or without BOM) or ANSI file encodings and warn the user if these are not the file encodings used for the csv.
I think this would perhaps involve reading in a few bytes from the start of the file and determining the encoding based on the existance of the byte order mark.
Could you help me get me started on the right track?
Assuming you have the freedom to ask user to choose the correct file type, making them responsible for what they choose as a file ;)
That means, you can create a form where users can choose the filename and the encoding type like how we do on file open wizard.
I suggest you to use the FileSystemObject. It returns a TextStream which can be utilized to determine the encoding. I doubt VBA supports other types of encoding and please correct me if it does :) and happy to hear. :)
how to detect encoding type
msdn object library model
Here is a link for further considerations:-
change encode type
