jsf seam and java cms - jsf

Is there any good java cms compatible with jsf seam ?

Nuxeo. I haven't used it, but it's been around for a while.


How to replace AbstractTagLibrary from Mojarra with standard Jakarta EE methods?

I'm trying to move our application from an old JSF 2.2 version to JSF 3.0 (part of the Jakarta EE 9 platform). In the transition we want to replace the Mojarra implementation of JSF and want to replace it with the standard jakarta.faces-api. In the past we used explicit implementaions of JSF, servlet and other technologies, part of the Java EE specification. Now we want to use the standard-api approach.
I have a problem with a class that don't exist in the standard api but in the Mojarra implementation of JSF, the AbstractTagLibrary.
We use a Websphere-Liberty in the newest version, so with activated JSF features the application useses MyFaces.
What i tried so far was to replace the AbractTagLibrary with an own implementation. Bot i got an error that AbractTagLibrary should be of type org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.tag.AbractTagLibrary.
The AbractTagLibrary is used to create custom EL functions. Like in this article.
My question is, how can i replace the AbstractTagLibrary with the standard jsf-api approach? Is there a good way to approach such a problem?
As BalusC said in his comment, the approach is JSF 1.x minded and can be solved by a JSF 2.0 approach explained here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/7080174.

How to add seam in existing JSF application?

I have existing JSF portlet application running in Liferay ,How to add Seam support? I am using JSF2. Also I am confused which seam version should I use? Seam2 or Seam3?
I've not added Seam support to an existing JSF application, so I can't comment on that part. If you are using JSF2, though, your only option at this point is Seam 3. Support for JSF2 is slated for Seam 2.3, but that is in Beta right now. Here's the latest info I've seen on Seam 2.3: https://community.jboss.org/blogs/marek-novotny/2012/04/02/seam-230beta1-is-out

Which jsf component library best suits Liferay portlet application

Could any one throw some light on the following jsf component libraries to be used in Liferay portlet development which supports Inter Portlet Communication (IPC), Ajax Push Support and JSF - Portlet bridge, community support etc., for Primefaces, Richfaces, Icefaces and Myfaces.
From my own experience I have to agree with what doc_180 says, among the frameworks you mention ICEFaces is definitely the best choice, but stick to new 2.0+ version as it has many improvements.
A lot can off course also be done by using the same stack as Liferay itself uses in the 6+ version: Struts/MVC-portlet + AlloyUI
ICEFaces works like a charm with liferay. Especially with ajax push support, its a very good choice.

How can we configure jsf in openbravo

How can I configure jsf in openbravo? Is it possible?
If possible, could you guide me, since I am new to openbravo.
jBoss Seam integrates with Openbravo. Seam itself was brought to make easier integration of JSF with another technologies.

A good extension to JSF that adheres to JSF2.0?

I have been looking for a JSF extension (Richfaces, IceFaces, and more) but all seem to be according to JSF1.x and ones for JSF2.0 are still alpha or in development and most of the documentation assumes you're using JSF1.2.
Is there any production well known extension available?
RichFaces 3.3.3 is compatible with JSF 2.0. It has however no full JSF 2.0 integration yet.
PrimeFaces 2.0 is already JSF 2.0 ready for months, it was the first to do so.
My opinion would be biased if I say PrimeFaces I guess :) So for real life experiences please see: http://www.primefaces.org/whyprimefaces.html
