What vimrc settings to speed up scrolling? - vim

I use gvim pretty heavily at work, typically logged into a server farm. This works great while I'm directly on the corporate LAN, but when I VPN in from home and resume my sessions, gvim scrolls almost intolerably slow.
Every time I page up or down, the scrolling does a lot of unnecessary screen refreshes before it gets to the final spot.
I remember browsing other people's vimrc's and seeing a setting to help with this, but I don't remember what it is. I have ttyfast already set. Is there anything else?
I know this is mostly due to the VPN, but with a little tweaking, hopefully it can get better.

If you're not doing this already, you should at least be using CTRL+U and CTRL+D to scroll around, and I believe you can use the 'scroll' option to make CTRL+U and CTRL+D scroll a custom distance.

You might want to try the different tips given in :help slow-terminal.
For instance, the scrolljump setting can help reduce the number of screen refresh when scrolling. I have also found set nowrapto be useful, even on fast terminal when handling files with very long lines.

If possible, I would consider using console vim. Easier to pull over multiple hops.

Another non-vimrc technique to consider is Windows Control Panel:


vi not recognizing scrolling, scrolls terminal instead

I have an instance of vi on a remote server that is not behaving like it used to, and I'm not sure what made this happen.
On my local shell, (and the remote server before this started happening), if I scroll with my mouse/touchpad, it would navigate the cursor within vim. I have checked my .vimrc and there's nothing in it relating to the mouse, and I did not make any changes to it before this issue started.
The only thing I can think of is that a few weeks ago, I was trying to figure out how I could split two files in the same vi instance so I could yank from one file to another, and I tried some : commands that I didn't really understand (didn't get any productive results). And also, I ran tmux once, but I don't think there are any . files that are applying unwanted settings (not sure).
I can't find anything to check the vi settings being applied, but I know that my .vimrc is working, and it's not anything in there (if I comment everything out it still behaves this way).
I just want my vi to respond the same way.
Describing the problem more exactly:
If I scroll, the cursor doesn't move, instead it scrolls on the terminal window, and it shows the previous bash commands instead of scrolling the file being edited. If I navigate using vim keys, it still works.
Randomly, I discovered that it actually had to do with the a specific terminal instance that was causing the issue. Closed it, opened a new one, no issue now. If anyone has any insight on why this could've been, I'd love to know.
.vimrc applies to vim not vi, doesn't it ?
the problem of scrolling might come from your terminal emulator as well.
I usually use embedded terminal in VS code which is not ideal (since it's not made for administration ...) but it's practical with keybinds to jump from one window to another, copy paste ...
I know some colleagues who use, mobaXterm or mremoteNG on windows.
I know I should give a go to Terminator, but it's on linux only and I don't want to run a local vm just for that.

Vim - universal window for all tabs

is it possible to have one universal window for all tabs in vim?
For example if I have a preview window open, that this window is the same for all the tabs, including its position and so on?
Short answer: not really.
Long answer: NERDTree fights against this and is far more complex for trying to do so.
From a comment:
The purpose of each tab is to allow for a different window layout.
In other words, I’ve seen people try to bolt this onto vim, and it’s kludgy, only half works, and frankly goes so against the grain of what vim tries to be that it becomes a sacrifice of productivity.
If you absolutely must, see if you can figure out how NERDTree makes it work. I’ll see about digging up the QA on vi.stackexchange.com.

Creating a floating menu that pops like normal menu but appears at mouse position

Some context
I've recently switched to ubuntu budgie (from unity), and I am really tired of the Plank/panel menu combo. I cannot find a setting that suits me, because depending on my screen setup, there's always something in the wrong place.
I am literally unable to show the menu on certain edges if I activate auto-hide, and if I don't activate it, it's not nice at all, to the point that I have removed the plank thing altogether. (Am I having strange bugs on this OS, or is it really messy?)
My idea
With great frustrations come new ideas. I thought again about one I had in the past. I would like to have a circle menu that pops around my mouse cursor when I press a given key combination (very much the kind of thing you would find in some games).
The main use case is to get "pined" application shortcuts easily when I need them, but perhaps other things would fit well with them (commands ...).
So my questions are:
Does such a thing already exist?
If it doesn't, is it difficult to realize? (How much time, complexity, ...)
What tools/libraries are needed for such a project? I know I'll find plenty of explanations on the gnome developer website but I could really use some more help.
Since you mention a buggy behaviour on Plank, depending on the screen configuration, I suspect you are suffering from this bug. In short: Plank's returned values for the space it needs are not always correct in multi monitor setup.
A neat option to replace at least part of the functionality is Ulauncher, by default called from a shortcut, but you could trigger it from anything that is capable of running its command.
Since Ulauncher's window simply identifies in the window list, you can easily write a script to move it to the current mouse position.
In case you'd need any help in that, just leave a comment.
Not sure if you are also referring to quick access of the window list, but for that you could use the Window Previews applet, or even the Workspace Overview applet, so life without Plank is possible.

Change Keyboard Mapping

Hello and thank you in advance,
I am wondering if there is a way to change the layout of my keyboard (software-wise).
The problem is that, on my laptop's keyboard, the Page Up and Page Down keys are combined with the Home and End keys respectively (i.e. to use Home, I have to use the command fn+PgUp/Home).
Is there a way for me to switch what my keyboard receives in Windows 8? If I press the PgUp/Home key I would like the Home command to be entered, and if I entered fn+PgUp/Home I would like the PgUp command to be entered.
I have tried googling for this using several different keywords, but haven't been able to find anything.
Any help is appreciated,
This is a duplicate question.
You can find an answer here:
Keep in mind this does require registry edits which can be dangerous and can lead to critical failures if not done correctly. Always create a restore point before making any registry edits.

Focus follow mouse in vim

I am aware that the mousefocus option is only supposed to work in gVim. But I was wondering, if it's possible to have the console Vim switch to different windows in response to mouse clicks, would it be not possible to easily add following mouse movement to it, too?
I'm an xmonad user, I love the focus following the pointer feature, I do a lot of pdf viewing and browsing while writing in Vim, and I'd be so much happier if I didn't have to keep mentally switching back and forth between two different types of focus changing.
If that's completely not possible, I guess opening new Vim windows (as with :split) in new instances of the terminal is no easier to do?
It would not be at all simple to add this. Using the mouse within the terminal works by vim sending control codes to the terminal requesting that mouse actions be sent as part of the input stream. Terminals only report clicks not changes in the pointer position, so vim has no way of knowing where the mouse is.
With major changes it would likely be possible for a vim with X support to get pointer activity directly from the X server, but that would likely be reported by pixel rather than by character so further work would need to be done before it could determine which vim window is currently under the pointer.
set mouse=a
should do the trick but it will probably depend on your terminal emulator. See :help 'mouse'.
This works for Windows 7/Cygwin 32bit mintty/vim 7.3: (I DO NOT use gvim!)
Having installed this: http://ehiti.de/katmouse/, I can scroll the window under my cursor without having to have clicked to select a window, click-selecting of single vim-windows works, too. It does not pull the vim window to the foreground, if another window overlaps it, if that is what you desire. Still it can be scrolled without click-selecting it first.
Check if there exists a software paket for your distribution, that implements your desired mouse behavior on the OS level. When this works for my self-compiled vim in cygwin, it might very well work with console vim on linux, too.
This post here serves as evidence, that it is possible at all, that is the reason this was not made a comment. When I am on linux again I will investigate this further and update this post, but that might take a while.
On set mouse=a: The vim help states you a need a terminal capable of handling mouse inputs, further information can be found here. :help ttymouse might also be helpful, i.e. if you have a xterm-compliant console, but :help term is set to something else.
UPDATE: (Freshly installed Fedora 19 with packages, no self-compiled stuff.)
Fedora 19 + se mouse=a = scrolling in single console vim window with several buffers opened next to each other independently works, too. Window manager used is LXDE.
