'C++ object destroyed' in QComboBox descendant editor in delegate - pyqt

I have modified combobox to hold colors, using QtColorCombo (http://qt.nokia.com/products/appdev/add-on-products/catalog/4/Widgets/qtcolorcombobox) as howto for the 'more...' button implementation details. It works fine in C++ and in PyQt on linux, but I get 'underlying C++ object was destroyed' when use this control in PyQt on Windows. It seels like the error happens when:
# in constructor:
def _emitActivatedColor(self, index):
if self._colorDialogEnabled and index == self.colorCount():
print '!!!!!!!!! QtGui.QColorDialog.getColor()'
c = QtGui.QColorDialog.getColor() # <----- :( delegate fires 'closeEditor'
print '!!!!!!!!! ' + c.name()
if c.isValid():
self._numUserColors += 1
#at the next line currentColor() tries to access C++ layer and fails
self.addColor(c, self.currentColor().name())
Maybe console output will help. I've overridden event() in editor and got:
!!!!!!!!! QtGui.QColorDialog.getColor()
!!!!!!!!! 'CloseEditor' fires!
!!!!!!!!! #6e6eff
Can someone explain, why there is such a different behaviour in the different environments, and maybe give a workaround to fix this.
Here is the minimal example:

The problem seems to be a fact, that QColorDialog.color() shows modal dialog, that takes focus from combo, which closes immediately after that, then delegate destroys it.. ooops.
So, the workaround to solve such problems is the event interruption:
In the delegate:
def eventFilter(self, editor, event):
if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.FocusOut and hasattr(editor, 'canFocusOut'):
if not editor.canFocusOut: return False
return QtGui.QItemDelegate.eventFilter(self, editor, event)
In editor we have to introduce the flag self.canFocusOut and set it to true when FocusOut is forbidden. I'm doing this when 'highlited' signal fires on the element, that shows QColorDialog.


PyQt5 Make QDialog wait for a process to finish before allowing user input

After searching for some time and finding many results for PyQt4 I was not able to convert myself, I need some help for a status window my application needs.
The window is opened when a process starts and should not allow any further input by the user in the main GUI, also users should not be able to close it until the process is finished and a close button is activated.
I tried this with a QDialog and omitting the frame (still need to catch 'ESC' key) thus far, but I am convinced there is a better solution. My code:
def resultWindow(self):
self.resultBox = QDialog(self)
self.resultBox.setWindowTitle("Please Wait")
self.OkButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.resultBox)
self.resultBox.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.CustomizeWindowHint | QtCore.Qt.FramelessWindowHint | QtCore.Qt.Tool)
def OkButton_clkd(self):
So, what is the smarter way to do it?
Instead of removing the frame altogether, which also prevents the user from moving or resizing the dialog, you could just remove the close button from the title bar by doing something like
self.resultBox.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.Window | QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint|
QtCore.Qt.CustomizeWindowHint | QtCore.Qt.WindowTitleHint)
To catch the escape key for the dialog you can install an eventfilter, e.g.
def resultWindow(self):
self.resultBox = QtWidgets.QDialog(self)
def eventFilter(self, object, event):
if (object == self.resultBox and
event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress and
event.key() == Qt.Key_Escape):
return True
return super().eventFilter(object, event)
or you could subclass QDialog and override keyPressEvent()

Python and GTK+3: widget for choosing a keyboard shortcut

I'm looking for a way to add a shortcut chooser widget on a dialog with Python and GTK+3.
I tried to search through all available widgets and don't seem to find any out-of-the-box solution. What would be my best call in that respect? Should I use a GtkEntry and intercept a key press?
Even though it seems like a pretty common use case, I failed to find any working example of that.
There is no out-of-the-box solution, but you can probably find an example to adapt in the Keyboard panel of GNOME Control Center.
I have implemented this myself using a separate dialog. There's a regular button displaying the current assignment, which, when clicked, opens a KeyboardShortcutDialog implemented as follows:
class KeyboardShortcutDialog(Gtk.Dialog):
"""Dialog that allows to grab a keyboard shortcut."""
def __init__(self, parent):
Gtk.Dialog.__init__(self, _("Keyboard shortcut"), parent, 0)
self.shortcut = None
# Add a label
label = Gtk.Label(xalign=0.5, yalign=0.5)
_('Press the desired key combination, <b>Backspace</b> to remove any shortcut, or <b>Esc</b> to cancel.'))
self.get_content_area().pack_start(label, True, True, 0)
self.connect('key-press-event', self.on_key_press)
def on_key_press(self, widget, event: Gdk.EventKey):
"""Signal handler: key pressed."""
keyval = event.get_keyval()[1]
name = Gdk.keyval_name(keyval)
# For some reason event.is_modifier == 0 here, even for modifier keys, so we need to resort to checking by name
if name not in [
'Shift_L', 'Shift_R', 'Control_L', 'Control_R', 'Meta_L', 'Meta_R', 'Alt_L', 'Alt_R', 'Super_L',
'Super_R', 'Hyper_L', 'Hyper_R']:
logging.debug('Key pressed: state=%s, keyval=%d', event.state, keyval)
self.shortcut = (
event.state &
(Gdk.ModifierType.META_MASK | Gdk.ModifierType.SUPER_MASK | Gdk.ModifierType.HYPER_MASK |
Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK | Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK | Gdk.ModifierType.MOD1_MASK))
return True
def run(self):
"""Show the dialog and block until it's closed.
:return: tuple (keyval, state) of the key captured or None if the dialog has been closed."""
return self.shortcut
The dialog's run() method returns a tuple specifying the pressed key combination.

PyQt QScrollArea doesn't display widgets

I am somewhat new to GUI programming and very new to PyQt, and I'm trying to build a GUI that displays a list of questions. I have created a QuestionBank class that subclasses QWidget and overrides the .show() method to display the list properly. I have tested this alone and it works correctly. However, the list of questions can be quite long, so I've been trying to make it scrollable. Rather than add a QScrollBar to the widget and then set up the event triggers by hand, I've been trying to my QuestionBank widget in a QScrollArea based on the syntax I've seen in examples online. While the scroll area shows up fine, it does not at all display the question bank but rather just shows a blank outline.
The QuestionBank class looks like this:
class QuestionBank(QWidget):
BUFFER = 10 # space between questions (can be modified)
def __init__(self, parent, questions):
# `parent` should be the QWidget that contains the QuestionBank, or None if
# QuestionBank is top level
# `questions` should be a list of MasterQuestion objects (not widgets)
QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
self.questions = [MasterQuestionWidget(self, q) for q in questions]
self.bottomEdge = 0
def show(self, y=BUFFER):
for q in self.questions:
# coordinates for each each question
q.move(QuestionBank.BUFFER, y)
# update y-coordinate so that questions don't overlap
y += q.frameGeometry().height() + QuestionBank.BUFFER
self.bottomEdge = y + 3 * QuestionBank.BUFFER
# ... other methods down here
My code for showing the scroll bar looks like this:
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
frame = QScrollArea()
qs = QuestionBank(None, QFileManager.importQuestions())
qs.resize(350, 700)
frame.setGeometry(0, 0, 350, 300)
I have tried many variants of this, including calling resize on frame instead of qs, getting rid of setGeometry, and setting the parent of qs to frame instead of None and I have no idea where I'm going wrong.
If it helps, I'm using PyQt5
Here is the question bank without the scroll area, to see what it is supposed to look like:
Here is the output of the code above with the scroll area:
This variation on the code is the only one that produces any output whatsoever, the rest just have blank windows. I'm convinced its something simple I'm missing, as the frame is obviously resizing correctly and it obviously knows what widget to display but its not showing the whole thing.
Any help is much appreciated, thank you in advance.

tkinter python maximize window

I want to initialize a window as maximized, but I can't find out how to do it. I'm using python 3.3 and Tkinter 8.6 on windows 7. I guess the answer is just here: http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl/TkCmd/wm.htm#m8
but I have no idea how to input it into my python script
Besides, I need to get the width and height of the window (both as maximised and if the user re-scale it afterwards), but I guess I can just find that out myself.
You can do it by calling
If you want to set the fullscreen attribute to True, it is as easy as:
root = Tk()
root.attributes('-fullscreen', True)
However, it doesn't show the title bar. If you want to keep it visible, you can resize the Tk element with the geometry() method:
root = Tk()
w, h = root.winfo_screenwidth(), root.winfo_screenheight()
root.geometry("%dx%d+0+0" % (w, h))
With winfo_width() and winfo_height() you can get the width and height or the window, and also you can bind an event handler to the <Configure> event:
def resize(event):
print("New size is: {}x{}".format(event.width, event.height))
root.bind("<Configure>", resize)
To show maximized window with title bar use the 'zoomed' attribute
root = Tk()
root.attributes('-zoomed', True)
I've found this on other website:
import Tkinter
MyRoot = Tkinter.Tk()
This solved my problem.
The first approach is to use the root.state('zoomed'), but is not supposed to be universally available. It works on Windows, and on my Ubuntu machine. However, under my Arch machine it doesn't.
The second is to first get the maxsize, and then set geometry manually, like:
m = root.maxsize()
This works on most machines, but not on all. For example, under my Arch the maxsize() returns (1425, 870), while the real geometry of maximized window should be (1440, 848). So, you also couldn't rely on it.
And the third, in my opinion the best approach is to use root.wm_attributes('-zoomed', 1). It is universally available and seems to be the safest. On some machines in could zoom only by width or by height, but comparing to previous method, this one would never give you a window partly ouside of the screen.
Finally, if you want a fullscreen, not just zoomed window, use root.wm_attributes('-fullscreen', 1). It provides a native link to window manager's behavior, thus working much better, than playing with overrideredirect and setting geometry by hand (which on some platforms could lead to unmanaged window, which could be closed only by its own interface or killing the process, won't show on the taskbar, etc...)
The most pythonic is" root.wm_state('zoomed'), as mentioned by #J.F.Sebastian
I recently ran into a similar issue where a library I was supporting needed to add Windows 10 as a development target also. Thanks to the information I found here, This is what we're doing now:
class INI_Link:
"""A connector class between a value stored in an ini file, and a value stored elsewhere that can be get and set with two helper functions."""
def __init__(self, getter, setter, varname, inigroup="Settings", inifile=''):
"""Remember that getter is called first to provide the default value.
Then the ini value is read if available, if not the default value is used."""
self._get = getter
self._set = setter
self._save = lambda value :inidb(inifile)[inigroup].__setitem__(varname, getter())
self._load = lambda :inidb(inifile)[inigroup].get(varname, getter())
#first load
self._lastvalue = self._load()
def trace(self, callback, mode='w'):
"""this only traces for .value.set() not for changes to the underlying value in either location.
if you never touch this again until .commit() at the end of your program, then it will never trigger until then.
call .probe() to force to check for changes without returning anything."""
def probe(self):
"""check for changes, if there have been any, allert all traces."""
def __get__(self):
value = self._get()
return value
def __set__(self, value):
def _monitor(value):
"helper to dispatch callbacks"
if value != self._lastvalue:
self._lastvalue = value
for cb in self._callbacks:
def commit(self):
"""Call this right before getter is no longer useful."""
And then in the main window class's __init__()
self._geometry = INI_Link(self.tkroot.geometry, self.tkroot.geometry, "window_geometry")
#umbuntu and others, not arch
self._zoomed = INI_Link(lambda:self.tkroot.wm_attributes('-zoomed'),
lambda z: self.tkroot.wm_attributes('-zoomed', z)
, "window_zoomed")
#windows and others, not umbuntu
self._zoomed = INI_Link(lambda: self.tkroot.state() == 'zoomed',
lambda z: self.tkroot.state(['normal','zoomed'][z])
, "window_zoomed")
and then when the window is being closed:
#save zoomed state.
if self.tkroot.wm_attributes('-zoomed'):
self.tkroot.wm_attributes('-zoomed', False)
if self.tkroot.state() != 'normal':
#save window size in normal state
With TkAgg as backend this is the only combination that maximized the window without fullscreen:
win_manager = plt.get_current_fig_manager()

Separate user interaction from programmical change: PyQt, QComboBox

I have several QComboBoxes in my PyQt4/Python3 GUI and they are filled with some entries from a database during the initialisation. Initial CurrentIndex is set to 0. There is also a tick box which changes the language of the items in my combo boxes. To preserve current user selection I backup index of the current item and setCurrentIndex to this number after I fill in ComboBox with translated items. All those actions emit currentIndexChanged signal.
Based on the items selected in QComboBoxes some plot is displayed. The idea is to redraw the plot online - as soon as the user changes any of ComboBox current item. And here I have a problem since if I redraw the plot every time signal currentIndexChanged is emited, I redraw it also several times during initialization and if the translation tick box selection was changed.
What is the best way to separate these cases? In principle I need to separate programmical current Index Change from the user, and update the plot only in the later case (during GUI initialisation I can programically call update plot function once). Should I write/rewrite any signal? If so, I never did that before and would welcome any hint or a good example. Use another signal? Or maybe there is a way to temporary block all signals?
There are a few different things you can try.
Firstly, you can make sure you do all your initialization before you connect up the signals.
Secondly, you could use the activated signal, which is only sent whenever the user selects an item. (But note that, unlike currentIndexChanged, this signal is sent even if the index hasn't changed).
Thirdly, you could use blockSignals to temporarily stop any signals being sent while the current index is being changed programmatically.
Here's a script that demonstrates these possibilities:
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
class Window(QtGui.QWidget):
def __init__(self):
layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self)
self.combo = QtGui.QComboBox()
self.combo.addItems('One Two Three Four Five'.split())
self.buttonOne = QtGui.QPushButton('Change (Default)', self)
self.buttonTwo = QtGui.QPushButton('Change (Blocked)', self)
def handleButtonOne(self):
def handleButtonTwo(self):
def changeIndex(self):
index = self.combo.currentIndex()
if index < self.combo.count() - 1:
self.combo.setCurrentIndex(index + 1)
def handleActivated(self, text):
print('handleActivated: %s' % text)
def handleChanged(self, text):
print('handleChanged: %s' % text)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
window = Window()
