Define an alias in fish shell - linux

I would like to define some aliases in fish. Apparently it should be possible to define them in
but they don't get auto loaded when I restart the shell. Any ideas?

Just use alias. Here's a basic example:
# Define alias in shell
alias rmi "rm -i"
# Define alias in config file ( `~/.config/fish/` )
alias rmi="rm -i"
# This is equivalent to entering the following function:
function rmi
rm -i $argv
# Then, to save it across terminal sessions:
funcsave rmi
This last command creates the file ~/.config/fish/functions/
Interested people might like to find out more about fish aliases in the official manual.

This is how I define a new function foo, run it, and save it persistently.
sthorne#pearl~> function foo
echo 'foo was here'
sthorne#pearl~> foo
foo was here
sthorne#pearl~> funcsave foo

For posterity, fish aliases are just functions:
$ alias foo="echo bar"
$ type foo
foo is a function with definition
function foo
echo bar $argv;
To remove it
$ unalias foo
/usr/bin/unalias: line 2: unalias: foo: not found
$ functions -e foo
$ type foo
type: Could not find “foo”

If you add an abbr instead of an alias you'll get better auto-complete. In fish abbr more closely matches the behavior of a bash alias.
abbr -a gco "git checkout"
Will -add a new abbreviation gco that expands to git checkout.
Here's a video demo of the resulting auto-complete features

fish starts by executing commands in ~/.config/fish/
You can create it if it does not exist:
vim ~/.config/fish/
and save it with :wq
step1. make configuration file (like .bashrc)
step2. just write your alias like this;
alias rm="rm -i"

Save your files as ~/.config/fish/functions/{some_function_name}.fish and they should get autoloaded when you start fish.

if there is not in ~/.config/fish/, make it.
there you can write your function .function name; command; end

I know there are 11 answers already at this point, and they all work, but most are also suboptimal in 2022 (and for the past few years).
Short, updated, current answer for all releases since 3.0b1:
The quickest and best way to do what is requested in this question is:
alias -s <aliasname> "command(s)" # Or --save
Important: Simply do this one time per alias at the command-line. Do not add it to your startup config.
To list existing aliases which have been defined this way (since fish 2.5b1):
To edit an alias created this way:
funced -s <aliasname> # or --save
To remove an alias defined this way (since fish 3.4.0):
functions -e <aliasname> # or --erase
funcsave <aliasname>
Note that since 3.4.0 was only released a few weeks ago, I'll include the commands that work in previous versions as well:
functions -e <aliasname> # or --erase
rm ~/.config/fish/functions/<aliasname>.fish
Ironically, you may even want to alias this into unalias. You'll need to first alias -s unalias the functions -e ... part, then funced -s unalias again to add the rm ....
Note that #nemanja's answer does include the alias -s command, but doesn't go into much detail. Regardless, since it predates mine, I wouldn't mind at all if it was the accepted answer. However, the currently accepted answer is a bit outdated. While it could, in theory, be edited, the necessary changes, IMHO, would create a different answer, which we aren't supposed to do.
While #nemanja's answer is the best solution for current fish releases, I'm writing this as a separate answer to:
Go into more detail on why ('alias -s`) is the best solution.
Go into more detail on why the other answers are suboptimal with current fish releases.
Provide the additional information on editing and removing aliases which are defined this way.
Much more detail on why the above is preferred over the other answers
First, it is important to understand that, as Glenn Jackman (a former fish shell contributor) mentioned in this answer, the alias command in fish is just syntactic sugar for creating a function.
However, when you define an alias this way, it is defined only in memory. It is not persisted. That ability was added shortly after that answer was written.
Outdated method #1
With that in mind, the currently accepted answer from 2010 has a few issues nowadays.
First, you really shouldn't define your aliases in your config. That may have been correct in 2010, but even then I think fish supported lazy-loading of functions/aliases, which is a better option. Defining functions/aliases in your startup config is the "bash/zsh way". Fish is better than that ...
One of the (many) features that sets fish apart from bash and zsh is lazy-loading. Lazy is good in this case. You want lazy-loading. You need lazy-loading (ok, well maybe not need), but anyway ...
As the original question mentioned, it is possible to define your functions in ~/.config/fish/functions/, although it is a directory rather than a file. Note that this will be $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fish/functions if that variable is defined.
Functions in this directory are lazy-loaded.
Lazy loading means:
Fish does not load any part of your alias/function when it starts. This can speed up launch times significantly, especially if you have many aliases and/or complex functions, or perhaps are running on a slower system/VM/shared CPU host.
No part of the function other than the name (for lookup purposes) is loaded into memory until it is used.
The first time you call a function with functionname, then and only then will fish lazy-load the function from ~/.config/fish/functions/<>.
How much of a difference this will make will depend on a lot of factors, but personally, I keep a lookout for simple ways to optimize my configuration. One of the main factors that drove me from Zsh to fish was the increasingly slow startup of my Zsh config as I added features, functions, etc. We've made the switch to a better shell (in our opinion, I assume) -- Why not take advantage of its improved features?
This lazy-loading might sound complicated, but it's almost exactly what the alias -s command does for us without any additional effort.
In addition, the alias command, goes several steps further and automatically adds a --wraps <original_command> argument to your function so that you get the added benefit of completions. It also adds a --description, which is used to describe the function as an "alias". As a result, running just:
... by itself will give you a list of all functions/aliases defined this way.
Other answers
Three separate answers also all mention using ~/, either with function declarations or alias commands.
As with the original answer, this is the suboptimal, bash/zsh way of doing things. This means that your aliases/functions will be processed and loaded every time you start a new shell.
I recommend that you take advantage of lazy-loading instead.
mkalias function
This answer by #Mike defines a mkalias function that creates and saves the alias. A very good solution at the time (and IMHO should have had more upvotes), but it predated fish release 3.0 which added alias --save/-s, which now does the same thing.
abbr command
#TobiasMühl's answer recommends using the abbr command, which is a reasonable alternative. However, note that alias does handle completions, and in pretty much the same manner as the abbr example given in that answer.
alias -s gco "git checkout"
And completions will be based on git checkout, just as if it were an expanded abbreviation.
There may be some cases where the completions will be more accurate because abbreviations are expanded as soon as the Space is pressed after typing the abbreviation name.
That's one of the fundamental differences between abbreviations and aliases in fish. Abbreviations are expanded at the prompt; aliases are not.
Another difference is that abbreviations are stored in variables, which are processed/loaded at shell startup (whether universal or global/config). As mentioned above, aliases are lazy-loaded.
And yet another difference is that aliases, since they are functions, can be much more complex. For instance, I have my ls set to be exa with the output piped to bat. It's just not possible define that in an abbreviation.
That said, again, abbreviations are a feature to consider using in fish. I do plan to shift a few of my aliases to abbreviations, since I have some where I want to change the arguments after expansion; something that's not possible with the unexpanded aliases.

To properly load functions from ~/.config/fish/functions
You may set only ONE function inside file and name file the same as function name + add .fish extension.
This way changing file contents reload functions in opened terminals (note some delay may occur ~1-5s)
That way if you edit either by commandline
function name; function_content; end
funcsave name
you have user defined functions in console and custom made in the same order.

#bozhidar-batsov gave an absolutely complete answer that helps one understand the inner workings of the alias/function in fish. Reading fish documentation for an alias, there is also a -s flag that is really convenient to use, but I didn't see anyone mention it.
-s or --save Automatically save the function created by the alias into your fish configuration directory using funcsave.
One-line solution for defining and saving an alias (for example):
alias cl 'clear' -s. Instantly works across all sessions and is persisted.
Navigate to the ~/.config/fish/functions/ and you'll see file.
# Defined via `source`
function cl --wraps=clear --description 'alias cl clear'
clear $argv;

make a function in ~/.config/fish/functions called and put this in
function mkalias --argument key value
echo alias $key=$value
alias $key=$value
funcsave $key
and this will create aliases automatically.

I found the prior answers and comments to be needlessly incomplete and/or confusing. The minimum that I needed to do was:
Create ~/.config/fish/ This file can optionally be a softlink.
Add to it the line alias myalias echo foo bar.
Restart fish. To confirm the definition, try type myalias. Try the alias.


How to add a custom command/alias like hello in fish shell? [duplicate]

I would like to define some aliases in fish. Apparently it should be possible to define them in
but they don't get auto loaded when I restart the shell. Any ideas?
Just use alias. Here's a basic example:
# Define alias in shell
alias rmi "rm -i"
# Define alias in config file ( `~/.config/fish/` )
alias rmi="rm -i"
# This is equivalent to entering the following function:
function rmi
rm -i $argv
# Then, to save it across terminal sessions:
funcsave rmi
This last command creates the file ~/.config/fish/functions/
Interested people might like to find out more about fish aliases in the official manual.
This is how I define a new function foo, run it, and save it persistently.
sthorne#pearl~> function foo
echo 'foo was here'
sthorne#pearl~> foo
foo was here
sthorne#pearl~> funcsave foo
For posterity, fish aliases are just functions:
$ alias foo="echo bar"
$ type foo
foo is a function with definition
function foo
echo bar $argv;
To remove it
$ unalias foo
/usr/bin/unalias: line 2: unalias: foo: not found
$ functions -e foo
$ type foo
type: Could not find “foo”
If you add an abbr instead of an alias you'll get better auto-complete. In fish abbr more closely matches the behavior of a bash alias.
abbr -a gco "git checkout"
Will -add a new abbreviation gco that expands to git checkout.
Here's a video demo of the resulting auto-complete features
fish starts by executing commands in ~/.config/fish/
You can create it if it does not exist:
vim ~/.config/fish/
and save it with :wq
step1. make configuration file (like .bashrc)
step2. just write your alias like this;
alias rm="rm -i"
Save your files as ~/.config/fish/functions/{some_function_name}.fish and they should get autoloaded when you start fish.
if there is not in ~/.config/fish/, make it.
there you can write your function .function name; command; end
I know there are 11 answers already at this point, and they all work, but most are also suboptimal in 2022 (and for the past few years).
Short, updated, current answer for all releases since 3.0b1:
The quickest and best way to do what is requested in this question is:
alias -s <aliasname> "command(s)" # Or --save
Important: Simply do this one time per alias at the command-line. Do not add it to your startup config.
To list existing aliases which have been defined this way (since fish 2.5b1):
To edit an alias created this way:
funced -s <aliasname> # or --save
To remove an alias defined this way (since fish 3.4.0):
functions -e <aliasname> # or --erase
funcsave <aliasname>
Note that since 3.4.0 was only released a few weeks ago, I'll include the commands that work in previous versions as well:
functions -e <aliasname> # or --erase
rm ~/.config/fish/functions/<aliasname>.fish
Ironically, you may even want to alias this into unalias. You'll need to first alias -s unalias the functions -e ... part, then funced -s unalias again to add the rm ....
Note that #nemanja's answer does include the alias -s command, but doesn't go into much detail. Regardless, since it predates mine, I wouldn't mind at all if it was the accepted answer. However, the currently accepted answer is a bit outdated. While it could, in theory, be edited, the necessary changes, IMHO, would create a different answer, which we aren't supposed to do.
While #nemanja's answer is the best solution for current fish releases, I'm writing this as a separate answer to:
Go into more detail on why ('alias -s`) is the best solution.
Go into more detail on why the other answers are suboptimal with current fish releases.
Provide the additional information on editing and removing aliases which are defined this way.
Much more detail on why the above is preferred over the other answers
First, it is important to understand that, as Glenn Jackman (a former fish shell contributor) mentioned in this answer, the alias command in fish is just syntactic sugar for creating a function.
However, when you define an alias this way, it is defined only in memory. It is not persisted. That ability was added shortly after that answer was written.
Outdated method #1
With that in mind, the currently accepted answer from 2010 has a few issues nowadays.
First, you really shouldn't define your aliases in your config. That may have been correct in 2010, but even then I think fish supported lazy-loading of functions/aliases, which is a better option. Defining functions/aliases in your startup config is the "bash/zsh way". Fish is better than that ...
One of the (many) features that sets fish apart from bash and zsh is lazy-loading. Lazy is good in this case. You want lazy-loading. You need lazy-loading (ok, well maybe not need), but anyway ...
As the original question mentioned, it is possible to define your functions in ~/.config/fish/functions/, although it is a directory rather than a file. Note that this will be $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fish/functions if that variable is defined.
Functions in this directory are lazy-loaded.
Lazy loading means:
Fish does not load any part of your alias/function when it starts. This can speed up launch times significantly, especially if you have many aliases and/or complex functions, or perhaps are running on a slower system/VM/shared CPU host.
No part of the function other than the name (for lookup purposes) is loaded into memory until it is used.
The first time you call a function with functionname, then and only then will fish lazy-load the function from ~/.config/fish/functions/<>.
How much of a difference this will make will depend on a lot of factors, but personally, I keep a lookout for simple ways to optimize my configuration. One of the main factors that drove me from Zsh to fish was the increasingly slow startup of my Zsh config as I added features, functions, etc. We've made the switch to a better shell (in our opinion, I assume) -- Why not take advantage of its improved features?
This lazy-loading might sound complicated, but it's almost exactly what the alias -s command does for us without any additional effort.
In addition, the alias command, goes several steps further and automatically adds a --wraps <original_command> argument to your function so that you get the added benefit of completions. It also adds a --description, which is used to describe the function as an "alias". As a result, running just:
... by itself will give you a list of all functions/aliases defined this way.
Other answers
Three separate answers also all mention using ~/, either with function declarations or alias commands.
As with the original answer, this is the suboptimal, bash/zsh way of doing things. This means that your aliases/functions will be processed and loaded every time you start a new shell.
I recommend that you take advantage of lazy-loading instead.
mkalias function
This answer by #Mike defines a mkalias function that creates and saves the alias. A very good solution at the time (and IMHO should have had more upvotes), but it predated fish release 3.0 which added alias --save/-s, which now does the same thing.
abbr command
#TobiasMühl's answer recommends using the abbr command, which is a reasonable alternative. However, note that alias does handle completions, and in pretty much the same manner as the abbr example given in that answer.
alias -s gco "git checkout"
And completions will be based on git checkout, just as if it were an expanded abbreviation.
There may be some cases where the completions will be more accurate because abbreviations are expanded as soon as the Space is pressed after typing the abbreviation name.
That's one of the fundamental differences between abbreviations and aliases in fish. Abbreviations are expanded at the prompt; aliases are not.
Another difference is that abbreviations are stored in variables, which are processed/loaded at shell startup (whether universal or global/config). As mentioned above, aliases are lazy-loaded.
And yet another difference is that aliases, since they are functions, can be much more complex. For instance, I have my ls set to be exa with the output piped to bat. It's just not possible define that in an abbreviation.
That said, again, abbreviations are a feature to consider using in fish. I do plan to shift a few of my aliases to abbreviations, since I have some where I want to change the arguments after expansion; something that's not possible with the unexpanded aliases.
To properly load functions from ~/.config/fish/functions
You may set only ONE function inside file and name file the same as function name + add .fish extension.
This way changing file contents reload functions in opened terminals (note some delay may occur ~1-5s)
That way if you edit either by commandline
function name; function_content; end
funcsave name
you have user defined functions in console and custom made in the same order.
#bozhidar-batsov gave an absolutely complete answer that helps one understand the inner workings of the alias/function in fish. Reading fish documentation for an alias, there is also a -s flag that is really convenient to use, but I didn't see anyone mention it.
-s or --save Automatically save the function created by the alias into your fish configuration directory using funcsave.
One-line solution for defining and saving an alias (for example):
alias cl 'clear' -s. Instantly works across all sessions and is persisted.
Navigate to the ~/.config/fish/functions/ and you'll see file.
# Defined via `source`
function cl --wraps=clear --description 'alias cl clear'
clear $argv;
make a function in ~/.config/fish/functions called and put this in
function mkalias --argument key value
echo alias $key=$value
alias $key=$value
funcsave $key
and this will create aliases automatically.
I found the prior answers and comments to be needlessly incomplete and/or confusing. The minimum that I needed to do was:
Create ~/.config/fish/ This file can optionally be a softlink.
Add to it the line alias myalias echo foo bar.
Restart fish. To confirm the definition, try type myalias. Try the alias.

What is the .bashrc equivalent of $MYVIMRC?

I can get the path of .vimrc file by echo $MYVIMRC, then is their a $MYBASHRC-like approach for .bashrc?
I have tried $MYBASHRC, $BASHRC and $BASH, but all failed.
If there is one, what is it? If not, how can I define one myself?
Look in the Bash manual under startup files.
BASH_ENV seems to be closest to what you're looking for, but read the description very carefully — and compare and contrast with the other subsections under 'startup files'.

How to accept the 'Did you mean?' terminal/git suggestion

This is a simple question.
Sometimes on a Terminal when you make a small mistake the console asks ¿Did you mean ...? - ¿Is there a way to quicky accept the suggestion?.
For example:
$ git add . -all
error: did you mean `--all` (with two dashes ?)
Is there a command that repeats the last line, but with the two dashes?
If you forget to write sudo, you can just do sudo !! and it will solve your problem. I want to know if there is something similar but for the error: did you mean case.
In the case of...
$ git add . -all
error: did you mean `--all` (with two dashes ?)
...the message is written by git directly to the terminal. This means that bash has no way of knowing what message was written; it would be literally impossible to implement anything in the shell that could automate putting that correction in place without making programs run under the shell considerably less efficient (by routing their output through the shell rather than directly to the terminal) and changing their behavior (if they ever call isatty() on their stdout or stderr).
That said, you can certainly run
...if you haven't turned history expansion off, as with set +H (if off, it can be reenabled with set -H). I typically do turn this functionality off, myself; it's often more trouble than it's worth (making commands which would work perfectly well in scripts break in interactive shells when they use characters that history expansion is sensitive to, particularly !).

How to bookmark most using linux command line

How i can bookmark my custom command line in linux (centos 6.2)?
I'm using history | grep keyword and then !command number now.
But is there any faster solution?
just use alias:
alias lala="ls -lrt|grep a"
Yes. You can define an alias, a function, or write a script in your bin folder.
Most shell's provides more complex history expansion. For example you can use
in zsh, bash etc. to execute the most recent command that contains str.
Another possibility to save keystrokes would be to use the incremental search of the history if you want a broader control over what you want to select.
To search the history backwards this feature is usually bound to <ctrl>-r, for forward search it's <ctrl>-s (at least in bash and zsh).
Just put a comment tag on it and you can search for the tag latter.
$ my-command # tag-bookmark-1
Then later you can grep or search history for tag-bookmark-1.
Use something shorter if you would like.
(I can't say about !, because I always use export histchars="")

linux command for store frequently used commands

Does linux have commands allow me to push my regularly used commands into a stack or something so that I can easily fetch them from it and jump among the most frequently used commands as much as I want.
I know we can create alias for commands, but that's not what I am looking for here. My case is more like I have a few horrible long directories, I need to be able to switch between them quickly and frequently. eg.
cd /pathA/pathB/pathC/pathD/
cd /pathE/pathF/pathG/pathH/
vim /pathA/pathB/pathC/pathD/test.txt
I don't really want to create alias for each command here because the paths vary quite often as well, I don't want to constantly update my alias.
Regarding directories, you can push the paths on stack
pushd path_you_want_to_store
Well, there's the history feature of your shell that would allow you to recall previous commands.
A quick command for going back and forth between the last 2 directories is
cd -
As far as more directories are concerned, I use this set of aliases in my .tcshrc to keep track of them. If I am in a directory I want to remember I just say
and then later I can get back there by simply typing
cd $k
cd $k2
If I want to see the directories I have "saved" I type
I can also use these variable for other operations such as cp/mv (and quite frequently this is what I do to save on typing long path names).
You didn't specify your shell, so this is using the tcsh but could be easily adapted to any other shell as long as you know how to set up equivalent aliases. This allows me to save up to 6 different directories, you can decide how many you set up.
This is my own "homegrown" solution that has served me well for the last 10+ years, there might be others, perhaps "built-in". At this point I use these automatically and so regularly that I don't even think of them as aliases.
alias keep 'set k=`pwd`'
alias keep2 'set k2=`pwd`'
alias keep3 'set k3=`pwd`'
alias keep4 'set k4=`pwd`'
alias keep5 'set k5=`pwd`'
alias keep6 'set k6=`pwd`'
alias ks 'echo $k; echo $k2; echo $k3; echo $k4; echo $k5; echo $k6'
Write your 'long path' once and fetch it next time by pressing "Ctrl + r".
You need to press "Ctrl + r" first. Then start typing your 'long path' it will start showing you the path you have already typed.
To find existence of more old records (of the same text you have typed) keep pressing "Ctrl + r" and it will show you the old records.
Also check out the CDPATH variable, that can hold a list of common directories that you want to jump into - eg :
export CDPATH=/pathA/pathB/pathC
cd pathD
# now you're at /pathA/pathB/pathC/pathD
If you feel the command will be used frequently you could add a tag
command #useful
[ctrl+r] #useful
