Getting "task is currently locked" error for SharePoint Workflow created with SharePoint Designer - sharepoint

I am creating a simple workflow using SharePoint Designer that triggers when a user uploads a new Document to a library. This workflow assigns a task to multiple users and then waits until those tasks are complete. Once they are complete it then assigns another task to different users and then waits until those tasks are complete. It repeats this multiple times.
This works great, the problem is that there is no Due Date on the tasks created and they would like a reminder email. Following the Microsoft Documentation I create a secondary workflow on the Task library and set a Due Date on the tasks based off of the Title and send out the reminder.
When I attempt to complete the assigned tasks, it lets me complete the task for one of the users, but after that I receive a "This task is currently locked by a running workflow and cannot be edited" message.
The sharepoint site is part of the Microsoft hosted services, so I have no controll over patches or hotfixes. I believe that it is only a WSS site, not MOSS.
I am new to SharePoint, so any fixes, workarounds, advice, etc. would be appreciated.

This blog by Wouter might clarify things for you...
Also, if you are using SP 2007 make sure you have at least installed SP2.


SharePoint workflows cannot automatically start

I'm trying to make a SharePoint workflow start automatically for any new document that is uploaded to a specific doc library. I've configured the workflow in SharePoint Designer to auto start for new documents or changed documents. However, the workflow never starts automatically! I can run it manually, but it won't execute itself.
I've searched around and have found the core issue, which is reflected in my log:
"Declarative workflows cannot automatically start if the triggering action was performed by System Account. Canceling workflow auto-start."
However, all the fixes I've seen have not worked for me. A common solution is to not run or create the workflow as the SharePoint System Account. Well, my SharePoint service accounts are not the ones I'm logging in as to upload my documents nor was it the one I used to create the workflow. I've tried editing & re-publishing my workflow as a totally new account and it still won't auto-start.
Just focus on two things:
Workflow will never start automatically with system account.
Check the options Start workflow automatically when an item is created or changed from Workflow Start Options.
While publishing the workflow, u need to select the checkbox Start workflow automatically when an item is created or changed for the workflow to start automatically or else whatsoever the WF will not start automatically.
Instead of using Sharepoint system user account, u could use an account having contribute permission on site level and full control over the library
Run the command at the server in powershell
stsadm.exe –o setproperty –propertyname declarativeworkflowautostartonemailenabled –propertyvalue yes
After I did that, the workflow runs perfectly although it shows the created by as being "system account".

Archiving existing task list in Sharepoint 2010 without using Sharepoint Designer

I have an internal team SharePoint site where the team posts tasks in a task list. Once the task is completed, it is marked COMPLETED. I want to create a workflow so that when I change the status of a task to COMPLETED, the task is removed from the list of team tasks and moved to a new folder/list where all the completed tasks are going to be tracked.
Now, I know I can do this easily using SharePoint Designer by creating a workflow for the team tasks and then applying an equal condition on the status. However, our organization currently doesn't have the ability to use SharePoint designer and the feature is disabled.
How do I achieve the same functionality just by using the on-site features and settings. Any suggestions? I was able to add workflow but I can seem to find the equal condition.
The most straightforward way to solve the problem of separating completed and uncompleted tasks is simply to use views based on the task status.
If you MUST move the item to a different location, you can research if Records Management features get you part way, but chances are you'll need to use a tool or write code.

Can custom Sharepoint 2007 workflows handle time-sensitive events?

I need to create a custom workflow for use in Sharepoint 2007. The crux of it is that a workflow task will be created in SP when the workflow is started and if that task isn't complete in X minutes, an email should be sent reminding the user to complete the task.
Is there a mechanic in WF that can handle this? From what I'm reading (totally new to WF) it doesn't appear there is and I really need some external process that checks all task items regularly and notifies accordingly. It doesn't appear I can handle this solely in a WF.
Is that right?
If you're using SharePoint designer to create your workflow, then there is no easy solution to this.
But if you're make a "real" workflow using Visual Studio then the solution is something like this:
Create Task
Code (Calculate when to send e-mail)
While (Task not completed/deleted)
Listen (With 3 branches)
Task Modified
Code (Check if completed)
What else you might want
Task Deleted
What should happen in this case
Send E-mail
Code (Calculate new time to escalate)

SharePoint workflow user

I have created a SharePoint workflow in visual studio , I have extended this workflow from the default SharePoint approval workflow as discribed here
The workflow is running properly. Is there a way I can get the workflow to run in the context of the user instead of th system account?
There are a couple of reasons this is not as desirable as it might seem. Firstly, the wrorkflow has to do things that the user does not have permissions to do directly. Secondly, workflows are background tasks, and as such there may not be a logged in user when the code is running.
If you just need a specific task to run as a user, take a look at

Workflow initiated by difference in Modified and Current dates - SharePoint

Good Morning,
I'm using SharePoint Designer 2007 to create a workflow for a MOSS site I have created.
What I'm looking to do is have the workflow send out an email if a document in the library hasn't been modified for the past 30 days (and it's Status field is not set as "Closed"), but I'm stumped as to how I can do this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
You could try using the "Pause for duration" action (under "Core Actions" when you are adding an action to your SPD workflow).
However, I've worked on something that had a similar requirement and we decided that workflow was not the best option. We have a console application that is scheduled to run everyday and queries the list for "old" items. If it finds any old items, then it sends out an email to the user.
