How to perform join using LINQ for NHibernate - linq-to-nhibernate

Can i join two tables using LINQ for NHibernate like I can do in LINQ To SQL?

ok, i got some weird tag for having this question un-answered! so im gonna post an answer myself :) . the thing is LINQ to Nhibernate is not mature enough to handle this. Hopefully it will be available in a next release.

This question was from several years ago.
I just wanted to note for anyone running across it that you can do joins with linq and it works. Also if you set up the relationships in the models you often don't even need to specify the join, nHibernate works it out from the fields you are projecting into the resultset.


Best way to convert query results to domain entities

I am using Knex.js to build SQL queries. It works well but I need to convert my query results into domain entities (a type representing an object from the domain) for my graphql resolvers. I used Knex to avoid using an ORM because a number of people online made it seem like an ORM will make queries more difficult. My current best idea is to follow the Repository pattern and have the ugly code for converting results to classes in the repo class. Better ideas are welcome :)
As I understood you want to just make a db-call based on GraphQL query (which is mean you already have db and want to use simple ORM instead of EF for example).
I don't know which platform do you have, but if you have .net, you can take a look NReco.GraphQL. It allows to set db-connection and define graphql schema in the json file (graphql schmea to db-table including relation between schemas), definately, it's worth take a look.

Using Cassandra as a "schemaless NoSQL database"

I'm looking at using Cassandra for an enterprise web-site I'm working on, which could be used by up to 250 million users. Cassandra seems like an obvious choice because of the way it scales, although I was a little sad not to be able to use a schema-less database like Couch (for political reasons I won't go in to).
I've read that you can still use Cassandra like a schema-less database, using either a super-column or simply serializing objects in to normal columns. At the moment I'm using .NET for my front-end.
Are there any libraries out there already that help with using Cassandra in this way?
Has anyone done anything like this already using .NET? Any tips?
Any advice gratefully received!
Datomic is schemaless. Attributes are modeled and generic objects can be created, saved, queried with any combination of attributes.

Update my mongodb schema

Currently, my schema for my mongodb app is very straightforward. However, I'd like to simplify and clean it up further. What's the best way of updating my schema design? Should I just write a remapper in my language of choice using a library (fairly trivial), or is there a simpler way?
I don't mind doing the above, I just would like to know if there's a really obvious way of doing it reliably.
You dont have to migrate your schema, mongodb like any NoSQl system is an answer to schema problems of RDBMS.
That said, you will have to migrate your data by making a migration script.
You might find this answer useful.

Doctrine2: Limiting with Left Joins / Pagination - Best Practice

i have a big query (in my query builder) and a lot of left joins. So i get Articles with their comments and tags and so on.
Let's say i have the following dql:
$dql = 'SELECT blogpost, comment, tags
FROM BlogPost blogpost
LEFT JOIN blogpost.comments comments
LEFT JOIN blogpost.tags tags';
Now let's say my database has more than 100 blogposts but i only want the first 10, but with all the comments of those 10 and all their tags, if they exist.
If i use setMaxResults it limits the Rows. So i might get the first two Posts, but the last one of those is missing some of it's comments or tags. So the followin doesn't work.
$result = $em->createQuery($dql)->setMaxResults(15)->getResult();
Using the barely documented Pagination Solution that ships with doctrine2.2 doesn't really work for me either since it is so slow, i could as well load all the data.
I tried the Solutions in the Stackoverflow Article, but even that Article is still missing a Best Practise and the presented Solution is deadly slow.
Isn't there a best practise on how to do this?
Is nobody using Doctrine2.2 in Production mode?
Getting the proper results with a query like this is problematic. There is a tutorial on the Doctrine website explaining this problem.
The tutorial is more about pagination rather than getting the top 5 results, but the overall idea is that you need to do a "SELECT DISTINCT FROM articles a ... LIMIT 5" instead of a normal SELECT. It's a little more complicated than this, but the last 2 points in that tutorial should put you on the right track.
The problem here is not Doctrine, or any other ORM. The problem lies squarely on the database being able to return the results you're asking for. This is just how joins work.
If you do an EXPLAIN on the query, it will give you a more in depth answer of what is happening. It would be a good idea to add the results of that to your initial question.
Building on what is discussed in the Pagination article, it would appear that you need at least 2 queries to get your desired results. Adding DISTINCT to a query has the potential to dramatically slow down your query, but its only really needed if you have joins in it. You could write another query that just retrieves the first 10 posts ordered by created date, without the joins. Once you have the IDs of those 10 posts, do another query with your joins, and a WHERE IN (...) ORDER BY blogpost.created. This method should be much more efficient.
Blogpost bp
bp.created DESC
Since all you care about in the first query are the IDs, you could set Doctrine to use Scalar Hydration.
Blogpost bp
bp.comments c
bp.tags t
WHERE IN (...)
bp.created DESC
You could also probably do it in one query using a correlated subquery. The myth that subqueries are always bad is NOT true. Sometimes they are faster than joins. You will need to experiment to find out what the best solution is for you.
Edit in light of the clarified question:
You can do what you want in native MySQL using a subquery in the FROM clause as such:
(SELECT * FROM articles ORDER BY date LIMIT 5) AS limited_articles,
As far as I know, DQL does not support subqueries like this, so you can use the NativeQuery class.

Subsonic 3.0 LINQ Templates with Multiple Databases

I'm evaluating SubSonic 3.0 for use in our business as a replacement for our POCO objects. I'm new to SubSonic, literally installing it yesterday. I've gotten to the point where I can connect to one database using the 3.0 LINQ T4 Templates, and have been wooed by the promise of being able to connect to multiple databases in one application using SubSonic.
My issue is I can't find any documentation on how to use the T4 Templates with multiple databases (e.g. adding another connection string, setting up the Settings.ttinclude etc).
I've searched Google and Stackoverflow for an answer to see how this would be done or if its even possible. Any help would be appreciated.
So I seemed to be able to make it work by adding another connectionString to the web.config, and then adding a 2nd set of templates for that connectionString, it works, but it doesn't seem 'clean' or even really that DRY to me.
It also seems that I could do almost the same thing with the .NET Built in LINQ by adding multiple .dbml files.
Can anyone give me some reasoning at this point why we shouldn't just use the built in LINQ support over a 3rd party ORM like SubSonic?
Cross posting from the subsonic mailing list:
Oh yeah I do this all the time, the trick is two copies of the templates(easy) or editing the templates to iterate over two sets of tables(harder). In the second change the name of the connection string to reflect the other database. You might also want to change the namespace so that you don't have conflicts where table names are the same. It seems hacky but I don't think it is because it allows you to make changes to the templates for each database independently.
If you really want only one set of templates the easiest way to go about it is to edit (or your choice of database) and override how LoadTables works such that it will accept a list of connections rather than a single one. I have to say this is a pain and it is going to be much harder than having 2 copies of the files.
(In reply to your answer of your question)
Can anyone give me some reasoning at this point why I shouldn't just use the built in LINQ over a 3rd party ORM like SubSonic?
On immediate thought: SubSonic supports more than just Microsoft Sql Server.
