url rewriting asp .htaccess file - iis

I just moved my website (asp.net) to the live environment. I realized they are running IIS 6 so all my nice and clean url rewriting doesn't work anymore. I was trying to implement URL rewriting using the .htaccess file.
I want to rewrite:
www.amicobio.co.uk/Menu.aspx to www.amicobio.co.uk/Food-Menu
So in .htaccess I set:
CaseInsensitive On
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^Food-Menu$ Menu.aspx
But it doesn't work it says:
The requested URL
was not found on this server.
Obviously the path is wrong but what is /a/m/ and how do I fix it? All the files in amicobio.co.uk/public/

I found the solution
it was
RewriteRule ^Food-Menu /Menu.aspx
in stead of
RewriteRule ^Food-Menu$ Menu.aspx


How to change the project name in CakePhp 3.x

I have this project called 'site01'.
It is published as: 'www.example.com/site01'. The pages are like this 'www.example.com/site01/page/1'.
I'm able to route the url to 'www.example.com/site01/1', but can I change the url to 'www.example.com/s/1' through the routes configuration?
Initially I think that you have to use .htaccess way, because the issue is related to the outside of the CakePHP folder.
You can create a new file named .htaccess in the upper folder and write the instruction witch redirect /site01/ to /s/.
sample code for rewrite url:
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^site01.*$ /s/ [R=301,L]

htaccess rewrite working offline on WAMP but not online on linux host

I'm just going to explain my problem here :
should be rewritten to
my htaccess file :
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^movie/([0-9]+)$ movie.php?id=$1
On my localhost WAMP installation this works fine, but when I put it online on my linux host it doesn't completely work. It does go to the movie.php page, but it seems it gives no GET parameter id.
Edit :
if I use
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^movie([0-9]+)$ movie.php?id=$1
Goes to the correct page, but I would like /movie/20000 and not just /movie20000
It also seems that my host automatically rewrites a visit to mysite.com/movie to mysite.com/movie.php
After searching for a long time, and pulling some of my lovely hair out I found the solution.
I just added
Options -MultiViews
to my htaccess file and that fixed it.
Why? Because .php was being added to urls without an extension, which I really did not need.
This should work.
RewriteRule ^movie/([0-9]+)$ http://mysite.com/movie.php?id=$1 [NC,L]
Don't forget the [NC, L] it means Case insensitive, last rule... If you don't, it will continue to process through your htaccess rules, maybe triggering other ones.
Still, the stuff below is good advice.... :)
Check to see if the Rewrite module is loading with apache. Look for this line in the httpd.conf file:
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
Check to see if your apache config allows for .htaccess files for your system or in the virtual host definition.
Also, test with a simpler rewrite catch all and test that alone to see if it's working at all like this (get rid of everything else in your htaccess file to limit the test):
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.google.com [L,R=301]
Any request to your site should go to google if the configuration for apache is correctly set.

trying to redirect a link in joomla or .htaccess

we moved our joomla site and rebuilt. in the process a link got moved that we need to be as it was before.
now it lives here:
it would seem that it would be easy to go into com_redirect and do this. however, it only works for the following
mysite.org/kindergym without the www
with the www attached writing the old url returns a 404 error page, not a redirect.
i tried to make a separate redirect with the www too and it wouldnt let me. i tried a separate module with no success and have played around with the .htaccess file (although i am not very knowledgeable about htaccess).
could someone explain the reason why this would be an issue? the difference between the two. i tried calling my host and they were less than helpful and actually told me what i wanted to do couldnt be done LOL.
I take it the solution you have would work if you redirect the entire mysite.org to www.mysite.org?
If so, create a .htaccess file in the website root. Put the following inside it:
########## Begin - Redirecting non-www request to www
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^mysite.org [NC]
RewriteRule (.*) http://www.mysite.org/$1 [L,R=301]
########## End - Redirecting non-www request to www
You also need to make sure mod_rewrite is enabled on the apache-server, but I think most providers support that.
I suggest you post your full .htaccess here. However I think all you need is this rule:
RewriteRule ^(?!education/).*)$ education/$1 [L,NC]
The other two answers are good! but better implement 301 redirect in httpd.conf since it's compiled once on server restart. The same code in .htccess is interpreted for each and every HTTP request!

URL Masking!With Htaccess

I'm quite new here so i have a problem about masking and tried other solutions using .htaccess as well but no luck, that's why im here. Thanks.
Ok here's it is:
I want my http://www.domain.com/article-tip to show in http://www.subdomain.domain.com
It means the page content is from: domain.com/article-tip
But the url above the address is: subdomain.domain.com
How would i do that using .htaccess?
It means i also tried the iframe and frames and php, but i want the .htaccess
Thanks in advance.!
you can use mod_rewrite in that case the URL will be subdomain.domain.com/article-tip but in php URL will be www.domain.com/article-tip.
I don't think you can send dynamic output to browser like what you want with .htaccess
This should work for what you need to get all files in article-tip to point to the subdomain. The subdomain should also point to the subdirectory. This is for the .htaccess of the subdirectory.
RewriteRule ^article-tip(.*)$ http://subdomain.domain.com [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^article-tip/(.*)$ http://subdomain.domain.com/$1 [R=301,L]

.htaccess not working on my server

I'm working on my project and now I want to transfer it from my localhost to server. Everything seems to work fine, but .htaccess doesn't work.
The server should be suporting mod_rewrite and print_r(apache_get_modules()); shows mod_rewrite running.
But still, when I type myaddress.com/contact, it shows error 404.
Here is the .htaccess file, but it should be fine, since it runs on my localhost:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^adminator/?$ adminator/login.php [L]
RewriteRule ^([^/\.]+)/([^/\.]+)/?$ index.php?page=$1&detail=$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^([^/\.]+)/?$ index.php?page=$1 [L]
Do you have any idea?
Thanks, Mike.
Does the server allow .htaccess? It doesn't really have to.
Try other directives, ask your hosting provider, or check the configuration yourself if possible.
I tried testing your rules they should be fine on urls such as: http://myhost.com/test1 and http://myhost.com/test1/test2 result in requesting url: index.php?page=test1 and index.php?page=test1&detail=test2
So the problem is not your rules, it is your server setup somewhere. As Mewp said check your Apache config file, look for AllowOverride which should be enabled for .htaccess files to overriding default settings.
Ok, fixed it .. deep in the hostings settings, there was an option to activate it .. but I found it after 4 hours of looking around .. :P
