CKEditor and Font Color saved but not working - colors

I've just installed CKEditor and call it with JS tag.
When I save the text, all the font attributes (indentation, space, size, decoration,etc.) are correctly saved .
The problem is that when I want to edit the data, with CKEditor, all these attributes are well loaded but the COLOR even if, in the example below, it's set to "BLUE"!
Which is very bizarre because when I can see the color style property in my database:
<h3 style=\"\\"color:blue\\"\">
<strong>aulne </strong>kjhqsdf <span style=\"\\"color:#008000;\\"\"><u>kjhkjsdfh </u></span>j'<span style=\"\\"\\\\"\\\\"\\"\"><em>espère </em></span><span style=\"\\"\\\\"\\\\"\\"\">bien<sup>2</sup></span></h3>
I found this old bug post
where no solution is found.
Thank very much,

I found the problem:
on the php side, before inserting, I was using the "addslash" function I forgot to remove.
Thanks again.

It stopped working when I commented out the stripslashes from the php code. So I was doing the opposite and not stripping the slashes. Once I read the other answer I thought dah, I commented the following out yesterday. Now works fine! Certain PHP modes like safe mode will generate extra slashes to lessen hack attempts so moving code from servers with different modes can cause issues. So this answer is the same but opposite reason. My server is in safe mode so it automatically adds the slashes and I must remove them.
$a10 = stripslashes($a10);


HTMLBeautify & Sublime - Ignore Empty Lines

Taking over some code created by a previous developer and have a massive HTML formatting clean up task to tackle.
I am using Sublime 3 with HTML Beautify extension to auto format this mess.
When the extension is triggered, the HTML is properly indented, however, all the intended empty lines are removed.
Can anyone provide a setting to ignore intended empty lines when using the HTML Beautify Extension?
Thanks in Advance
From a quick perusal of the settings in the README for the package, this setting looks like it might do what you want:
remove_extraline : Set true to remove empty line.
The setting defaults to true, so that would seem to indicate that it's trimming empty lines by default, but changing the setting might stop it from doing that.

What is this "&" highlight error for PHP documents in Sublime Text?

Editor : Sublime Text 3
Does anyone knows what is that red highlight in the image above?
PHP error? editor(Sublime) error? or something else?
I'm working on a PHP project.
This is a known bug in the way Sublime Text currently highlights & characters that are part of a URL. See for a discussion about it.
Basically, the problem is that, in HTML, & characters can't normally be used on their own, they are supposed to begin a reference to an "entity"/character. In HTML & is represented by & which stands for "ampersand", the name of this character. However, as per the above discussion, it seems to be valid in some circumstances inside URLs.
There are a couple of ways to "fix" the problem yourself.
One would be to modify your color scheme to not highlight scope invalid.illegal.bad-ampersand.html, but this would affect legitimate invalid uses.
Another would be to override the HTML syntax definition that ST uses to not mark the ampersand as invalid when inside a href etc. (this is the offending line.)
Probably the easiest solution is just to use & in place of & in your hrefs for now.

Strings inside of comments

I noticed that when I place quotations around something in a comment line, the words in quotations change color to indicate that the interpreter sees them as a string. I found this confusing because I thought that the interpreter was supposed to ignore comments. I am curious to know if I did something wrong. The code is below.
# The output of the concatenation above would be:
# 'spameggs'
'spameggs' changes color even though it is part of a comment line.
Its showing me as comment ,No change of color of the text you are mentioning,which editor are you using .Seems like some editor problem.Try to open it in IDLE.IT will be all red color.
It is a bug in Qpython3 for android. In Liclipse this worked fine, and remained as a comment.

Why doesn't the kitten example in the Chrome extension development tutorial load any images?

In the Getting Started page, we're promised kittenish goodness from Flickr. Putting the extension together according to the instructions, no kittenish goodness materializes. Instead, the popup window shows a small blank rectangular bar, devoid of anything fuzzy or cute.
(I'm asking this question with the intent to answer it, because I couldn't find any other way to report the mistake.)
As on 18-Jun-2014, the fix mentioned by Emerson seems to be taken care of in the sample downloads.
If you are still not able to see the images in the popup, you should consider applying for a Flickr API Key
And replace the existing key with the key that you generated in line number 25 of poupup.js file.
There's a bug in the popup.js file on line 40. The reference to kittensOnFlickr_ should be searchOnFlickr_ instead. Fix and reload, and tada, kitteh.
8/1/2014 - The code on line has indeed been fixed, but this tutorial still wouldn't work for me until I pasted my own API key.
Make sure you don't remove the trailing ampersand (the &) at the end of the pasted api key. The ampersand needs to be there or your code still won't work!

TYPO3: indexed_search and title tag

Is there a way to get a title tag in the search results of indexed_search?
Instead of
there should be
Not a real solution but best I could do:
I think this won't be possible without changing the extension's PHP code. If you do so, copy the extension folder from the systext folder to your typo3conf/ext folder, otherwise you will get in trouble when updating Typo3.
indexed_search seems to have only hardcoded -Tags. You can check this by looking first at the actual HTML output (your search results). Then compare this with the HTML template used. If you have shell access to your server, a grep command might help to locate the correct template. Then try to find the marker. I suppose in your case it's ###TITLE###. Then you have to figure out how the marker is filled. Again a grep command for '###TITLE###' in the folder's extension might help you. Then you will see if the tag is hardcoded or not and how you can change it.
Often the faster solution is to use the template object browser and to try to find a piece of TypoScript below plugin.indexed_search which could be responsible what you want to change.
Unfortunately in your case both didn't help. For some strange reason, '###TITLE###' isn't contained anywhere in the the indexed_search extension.
A very ugly workaround would be to use javascript or jquery to insert the attribute.
