How to profile program on Linux platform without rebuilding? - linux

I've used two profiling tools (VTune on windows and dbx (within sunstudio) on Solaris) which can profile program without rebuild them, and during profiling, the program just run at the same speed as normal. Both of these 2 features saved me a lot of time.
Now I want to know if there is some free tools available on Linux platform can do the same thing. I think I need profiling tools based on sampling. VTune is good but expensive ... I've heard of gprof and valgrind. But seems gprof need instrument the program (so we have to rebuild the program) and valgrind will slow down the program execution quite a lot. (from valgrind's introduction, Cachegrind runs programs about 20--100x slower than normal, and Callgrind which I need to profiling is based on Cachegrind)
For profiling, I just need to figure out the execution time of function calls so I can find out where the performance degradation happens. Actually I don't need many low level profiling information as Cachegrind provided...

oprofile is pretty good, but it can be difficult to set up. It also doesn't require you to rebuild your program.

Agreeing with Paul, I think Zoom is probably the best Linux profiler you can pay for.
However, for real results, I rely on this simple method, that I've been using since before profilers were invented.

Performance Counters for Linux is a new tool usable on kernels 2.6.31 and later; it's less intrusive (to both the program and the system as a whole) than valgrind or OProfile.

A nicer option than oprofile is Zoom. It's similar to Shark on Mac OS X, if you have ever used that. It's commercial ($199) but you can get a free trial from


Is there a way to see what happens during program execution in detail on Linux?

I am trying to debug a performance of my program. What would be ideal is to have a way to see in detail when was the thread doing useful work, when was it blocked by page faults, when was it executing some memory writes and reads, etc...
I would simply like to have a detailed understanding of whats going on. Is it possible?
The linux kernel sources come with the perf tool that can measure a large number of performance counter, all of those you listed included, and can print statistics about it, annotate symbols, instructions and source lines with them (if debug symbols are available), and can track any process or also logical cpu cores.
Your Linux distribution will have the tool probably in a standalone package. Some hardening options of the kernel may limit what information root or non-root users can collect with it.
You can use perf and visualizing a perf output file graphically with hotspot

How to collect some readable stack traces with perf?

I want to profile C++ program on Linux using random sampling that is described in this answer:
However, if you're in a hurry and you can manually interrupt your
program under the debugger while it's being subjectively slow, there's
a simple way to find performance problems.
The problem is that I can't use gdb debugger because I want to profile on production under heavy load and debugger is too intrusive and considerably slows down the program. However I can use perf record and perf report for finding bottlenecks without affecting program performance. Is there a way to collect a number of readable (gdb like) stack traces with perf instead of gdb?
perf does offer callstack recording with three different techniques
By default is uses the frame pointer (fp). This is generally supported and performs well, but it doesn't work with certain optimizations. Compile your applications with -fno-omit-frame-pointer etc. to make sure it works well.
dwarf uses a dump of the sack for each sample for post-processing. That has a significant performance penalty
Modern systems can use hardware-supported last branch record, lbr.
The stack is accessible in perf analysis tools such as perf report or perf script.
For more details check out man perf-record.

Under Linux, how do I track down a memory leak in pre-built software?

I have a new Ubuntu Linux Server 64bit 10.04 LTS.
A default install of Mysql with replication turned on appears to be leaking memory.
However, we've tried going back to an earlier version and memory is still leaking but I can't tell where.
What tools/techniques can I use to pinpoint where memory is leaking so that I can rectify the problem?
Valgrind,, can be very useful in these situations. It runs on unmodified executables but it does help tremendously if you can install the debugging symbols. Be sure to use the --show-reachable=yes flag as the leaked memory may still be reachable in some way but just not the way you want it. Also --trace-children in case of a fork. You'll likely have to track down in the start-up script where the executable is called and then add something like the following:
valgrind --show-reachable=yes --trace-children=yes --log-file=/path/to/log SQL-cmdline sqlargs
The man page has lots of other potentially useful options.
Have you tried the MySQL mailing list? Something like this would certainly be of interest to them if you can reproduce it in a straightforward manner.
You can use Valgrind as ninjalj suggests, but I doubt you'll get that close to anything useful. Even if you see a real leak (and they will be hard enough to validate), tracking down the root cause through the C call stacks will likely be very annoying (for example if the leak is triggered by a particular SQL pattern or stored procedure, you'll be looking at the call stack from the resultant optimized query, and not the original calls, which are likely in a different language).
Normally you might have no recourse, and have to resort to tracking it down through callstacks and iterative testing, but you have the source code to MySQL (including the source for the exact default package install), so you can use more advanced tools like MemoryScape (or at least build with symbols in order to provide Valgrind more food for thought).
Try using valgrind.
A very good and powerful tool, which is installed/available for most distributions is Valgrind.
It has a plethora of different options and is pretty much (as far as I've seen) the default profiler under linux systems.

Can you recommend a good debugging malloc library for linux?

Can you recommend a good debugging malloc library for linux? I know there are a lot of options out there, I just need to know which libraries people are actually using to solve real-life problems.
EDIT: I know about Valgrind, but sometimes the performance is really too low.
Valgrind. :-) It's not a malloc library, but, it's really good at finding memory management and memory usage bugs. for finding memory leaks and heap corruption. for general purpose heap debugging.
gcc now comes with sanitizers which are much more faster than valgrind. you can check different compiler options under -fsanitize. More info here
The GNU C library itself has some debugging features and hooks you can use to add your own.
For documentation on a Linux system type info libc and then g Heap<TAB>. Another useful info node is "Hooks for Malloc", you can get there with g Hooks<TAB>
This might not be very useful to you, but you could write your own malloc wrapper. In our special "diagnostic" builds it keeps a table of all outstanding allocations (including the file name and line number where the allocation occurred) and prints out anything that was still outstanding at exit time. It also uses canary words (to check for buffer overflows) and a combination of memory re-writing and block checksumming after free and before reallocation (to check for use-after-free).
If your product is sufficiently large it might be annoying to have to find-replace your entire source, hoping for the best. Also, the development time for your own malloc wrapper is probably not negligible. Doing lots of heavyweight stuff like what I mentioned above probably won't help out your speed problem, either. Writing your own wrapper would allow the most flexibility, though.

Is there any similar tool for Linux that works like Shark on Mac OS X?

Shark on Mac OS X is a great tool for profiling an application on a running system. Is there any similar tools for Linux?
OProfile looks like it could be, anyone used it?
Extending another answer, I use the 'callgrind' option of valgrind ( Then install kcachegrind from KDE for a nice GUI interface.
As a dummy's tutorial, do:
1) Compile your application with debugging information. It's a good idea to try profiling with optimization both on and off, with optimization off you will get more information, but it may be less accurate (in particular tiny functions will seem to take up more time than they deserve.
2) Run with:
valgrind --tool=callgrind <name of your app> <your app's options>
This should produce a file called 'callgrind.something', which you can load into kcachegrind.
You can also look at:
valgrind --tool=cachegrind <name of your app> <your app's options>
Which will give you information about how your app is interacting with your CPU's cache.
Note that while valgrind and shark seem like similar apps, they work very differently. When you run an app in valgrind it will run many times slower than normal (often over 40 times slower), but the results you get are much more accurate than shark's. I tend to use both, so I can get as much information as possible!
You can probably try Valgrind ( They have both runtime and compile time profiling tools.
A bit late to answer this one, but the closest answer is Zoom. Some of the Shark team worked on it.
OProfile is a tool that does sampling-based profiling of both your application and the system calls it makes. This allows for seeing detailed information about where it's spending time. It doesn't have a GUI, but there are several front-ends that will let you process the information from the runs.
I've used it extensively, both for desktop applications and for embedded systems. It takes a little effort to interpret the results, but the callgraph output is really useful here.
