Basic Code Layout Question - visual-c++

HI, I have a simple question, I've asked 3-4 different people and have had different answers from each of them.
Which code layout is better and used more?
does it really matter as long as it's consistent?
Which is seen as better practice in the world of working as a programmer?
for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
for(int p=0;p<8;p++)
//Do Stuff
for(int i=0;i<8;i++){
for(int p=0;p<8;p++){
//Do Stuff

Several published style guides exist -- for example, Google's is here, and it mandates, for functions:
ReturnType ClassName::FunctionName(Type par_name1, Type par_name2) {
and for blocks:
if (condition) { // no spaces inside parentheses
... // 2 space indent.
} else { // The else goes on the same line as the closing brace.
with similar examples for other blocks.
So, look around a few such style guides, pick one that's from a somewhat prestigious source and that you like, and if anybody objects to your style just say "oh, I picked it up from X" (where X may be Google, geosoft, or whatever other source you like (many more are listed here).

In almost all cases in practice, there is a clear answer: Use the style that is currently in use in the codebase that you're working with. If you are starting a new project, use the style that is currently in use in the other projects maintained by the team that will be maintaining your code.
The codebases I've worked with have largely had their roots in GCC and other FSF software, which means that all of my projects have used the style with the "{" on a separate line. I could come up with justifications for why that's "better", but that's a matter of subjective style. Being consistent within a project and within a team is objectively better.

This is entirely subjective. Both are popular.

There's no right or wrong here. It's up to the preference of you, or your team/organization.
As far as the braces go, my current team has chosen option B, but I actually prefer option A.
Personally I would recommend a little more spacing especially after the "for" and "if", and a bit more indentation on option B, for readability. But, that's just my preference.

What, no middle ground? Just two examples, each designed to take a (relatively) extreme position?
Clearly, you've left out a whole bunch of intermediate examples with lots and lots of slightly different formatting rules.
You're not really putting any effort into it if you can't think of at least ten more variants. Two variants isn't enough focus on nuance.
You can -- if you want -- be lazy. A decent IDE will format for you. I use Eclipse and it formats for me and that's what I use without thinking about it at all.
You can also download and read open-source code and actually emulate styles you find there. That's a little less lazy approach, you do have to read other's people's code.

I am not sure its possible to come up with reasons why one is better than the other that arent completely subjective and only valid for a small set of projects.
I like the compressed style, it tends to make code more compact and since I like my functions to be compact and fit on screen it helps.
It drives other people nuts though, and they dont like not seeing a block start and end on its own line. I can see their point.
Usually its not a big deal as each developer uses their own settings and we let the source control system store it in an agnostic format (doesnt really matter which one).
Of course YMMV.

As some have already pointed out, you should use the style that is already in use by the code base or the team.
However, if you are in college or have never used a language that uses curly braces, I would suggest placing the curly braces on their own line. I have found that new developers can have problems identifying missing curly braces when they are placed on the same line as code. This probably isn't as big of a deal with modern IDEs.

When I was younger, I used to believe that all of these questions were matters of opinion, subjective, and best left to individual taste.
As I have aged, my vision has become increasingly astigmatic. Without surgery, astigmatism is correctable using either glasses or contacts -- but the correction is far from perfect.
Astigmatism makes reading harder, including reading code.
For a person with astigmatism, such as myself, identifiers_with_underscored_spacing are much easier to read than IdentifiersWithCamelCaseWordBreaks.
Similarly, for me, braces on lines by themselves are easier to read than braces sharing a line with code.
Therefore I recommend the second style you propose because it is more accessible.


APL readability

I have to code in APL. Since the code is going to be maintained for a long time, I am wondering if there are some papers/books which contain heuristics/tips/samples to help in designing clean and readable APL programs.
It is a different experience than coding in other programming language. Making a function, for example. Small will not help: such a function can contain one line of code, which is completely incomprehensible.
First, welcome to the wonderful world of APL.
Writing readable and maintainable APL code is not much different than writing readable and maintainable code in any language. Any good book on writing clean code is as applicable to APL as any other language, perhaps even more so. I recommend Clean Code by Robert C. Martin.
Consider the guideline in this book that all code in a function should be at the same level of abstraction. This applies to APL 100 times over. For example, if you have a function named DoThisBigTask it should have very few APL primitive symbols in it, and certainly no long complex one-liners. It should just be series of calls to other, lower level functions. If these higher-level functions are all well-named and well-defined, the general drift should be easily determined by someone who does not even know APL. The lowest level functions will be nothing but primitives and will be inscrutable to the non-APLer. Depending on how they are written they may even initially appear inscrutable to a seasoned APLer. However, these low level functions should be short, have no side effects, and can easily be re-written rather than modified if the maintaining programmer is unable to understand the original coding technique.
In general, keep your functions short, well-named, well-defined, and to the point. And keep the lines of code even shorter. It is much more important to have well-defined and well-documented functions than it is to have well-written or well document lines of code.
Since you asked for books and other references, I can suggest:
APL2 in Depth by Norman D. Thomson and Raymond P. Polivka. I worked with Ray Polivka for years and he was one of the best APL teachers I
have ever known.
The classic A. P. L.: An Interactive Approach by
Leonard Gilman and Allen J. Rose is good for the core language, but
is rather outdated and doesn't contain much that is truly relevant on
APL 2 at a Glance by James A. Brown and Sandra Pakin serves in some ways as an update to Gilman and Rose. It covers nested operations and other updates to APL, but has not much specifically directed at readability. Still, if you follow the examples here you will be writing readable code.
APL is Easy by STSC and Jerry R. Turner is an intro directed specifically at the APL*Plus line. Again, not much specifically on readability, but the models are generally well-designed readable code.
Mastering Dyalog APL: A Complete Introduction to Dyalog APL by Bernard Legrand is quite good if you are specifically workign in Dyalog APL, not so much if you are working in one of the other versions such as APL*Plus (from APL2000)
It is my view that the reputation of APL as a "write-only language" is much overstated. One does need to get used to the primitives and the symbols used to represent them. But then one needs to get used to the syntax and the various library functions in many other language environments. I have seen convoluted code in C, C++, and Java as hard to follow as any APL. Of course, it isn't good C, C++, or Java, even if it is clever.
Some advice:
Writing 'one-liners' is a way to test one's mastery of the language,
but is very poor practice for production code.
Comment to make the algorithm and especially the data structure being used clear. As with any code, comments should add something
that cannot be easily read from the code itself, or call attention to
complex or obscure code.
If possible avoid obscure code so there is no need to explain it. It is usually possible.
Make each function do one and only one job, with a clear interface.
Avoid global variables for the most part, and document any that are needed.
Document the interface, purpose, and efect of any function at the
top. Make utilities black boxes without side-effects if possible. If
side-effects are essential, document those as part of the interface.
Develop a standard header comment structure.
Dynamic code built on-the-fly can add flexabiliy to a solution, but
is often much harder to debug if problems occur. Make such code
bullet-proof to the extent you can, and build in optional logging to
help when it turns out to have problems anyway.
You can use an OOP-like style if you wish. But there is no need to do so. If you do, it should IMO be used fairly pervasively through an application, except perhaps for low-level utilities. But OOP-style code can be at least as convoluted as non-OOP code, and APL doesn't have built-in inheritance or other OOP-supporting syntax.
(I'll use here "A" instead of comment, "'" instead of symbol sign.)
Well, I was developing APL for a year, I have only used
You don't even need more. The trick is to try to think OOP-like. You should have -- if I remember well -- structured fields used as class data, sth like {'attribute1 'attribute2, {value,value2}}, so you can easily pick them out like obj.attribute1 in c++.
(here 'attribute Pick object, use only in class functions :) )
Moreover, use namespaced functions:
namespace_classname.method(this, arg1)
namespace_classname._private_method(this, arg1, arg2)
and lots of simple tool functions instead of nifty, long lines. The performance drop is not substantial, you can optimize later for say arrays once you see something could be faster.
And before anything: think matlab and mathematica without for loops! :) It helps a lot.
My suggestions for robust, maintainable code:
use extensive set of utility functions instead of trickery with those unreadable symbols to make your code always to the point.
try-catch blocks there is a built in exception handling, which can be utilized here,
A tried code, maybe in extra brackets not to forget try_end() at the end.
catch(sth, function_here);
can be nicely implemented. (You'll see, catching errors is very important)
crude type checking : implement a standard and use for not-so-many times called functions... (you can put a function with flexible parameters right after a function definition)
function(point2i, ch):
typecheck({{'int, [1 2]}, 'char}); A do some assertions in typecheck...
// your function goes here
lambda functions can be very effective, you can do some reflections to achieve lambdas.
always declare returns with saying "return"!
Unit tests based on try-catch testing each and every function you write.
I also used a lot of 'apply' and 'map' from mathematica, implementing my own version, they are very-very effective here.
I wrote matlab thinking since you can here have a list of structured fields (=class data) in a variable. You will write lots of those if you wanna keep things for-loop-less (and you wanna, trust me). For that you need to have a standard naming convention say indicate with plurals:
namespace_class.method(objects, arg1, arg2)
To the end: also, I wrote inputBox and messageBox like the ones in Javascript or VisualBasic, they will make very easy hacking together simple tools or checking states. The only catch of messageBox, that it can't put the function-flow on hold,
so you need
AA documentation of f1
A do sth"Hi there",{'Ok, {'f2}});
A continue doing stuff
You can write auto-docs in bash with a gawk/sed combination to put it into a webpage.
Also creating HTML formatted code helps in printing. ;)
I hope this was good outline for a proper build-up. Before writing own tools, try to dig up the available tools from the legacy codebase... functions are often even 4 times implemented with different names due to the mess that time.

What are the similarities and differences among Haskell indentation modes for Emacs?

By scrutinizing the documentation, I have learned that Emacs haskell-mode ships with three different, mutually exclusive methods of automated indentation. They are called haskell-indentation, haskell-indent, and haskell-simple-indent. Can anyone explain how these methods are similar and how they are different? I am interested not only in individual features but also if one is a de facto standard or if one or two are no longer maintained.
Really, as far as I am aware from asking people, there is no de facto standard, people have strong opinions about which they prefer but with little specific evidence other than “it works for me in most cases”.
The haskell-indentation package and haskell-indent packages are the most popular:
both have a tab cycle
both are complicated code-bases
both have plenty of edge cases where they break down
Each will Do The Right Thing in different cases, but again, there are no unit tests, no real parser, etc. just a bunch of special cases that the author(s) happened to think of, so the documentation and understanding on how they behave in a rigorous sense is sparse. haskell-indentation understands more Haskell than haskell-indent, but plenty of people will tell you, including me, that you spend a lot of time cycling through indentations to get to the right one.
The haskell-simple-indent package has no knowledge of Haskell, it only knows about column alignment and it does not have a tab cycle, it has indentation and de-indentation. This is the version I use because of the aforementioned edge cases in the previous modes, which can be rather distracting at times.
I think with such libraries it will be difficult to describe their differences other than anecdotically at this point. I would welcome some rigorous comparison (though time may well be better spent writing a better mode).
simple-indent is maintained by me. I don't know whether the authors of the others are actively interested in maintenance.
I believe that the 3 modes you mention correspond to the 3 haskell-modes descibed in this article, namely;
haskell-indentation == Tab Cycling
haskell-indent == Rectangular Region
haskell-simple-indent == Aligning Code
However since I'm not 100% sure, I'll look into more when I get home.
haskell-indentation and haskell-indent are misleadingly similar, both offer cycling through proposals via repeated typing of TAB which is their main feature IMO.
However haskell-indent is definitely my favorite, mainly because it will propose certain completions that are quite useful:
repeating a function name for you after you've written the type signature
repeating a function name for pattern match
pipes for case branches
I just recently switched environments and had to re-setup emacs, and used haskell-indentation by mistake, and boy did I miss these. OTOH, you might find some of these completions annoying; what's more they don't work in certain cases: if your function starts with an underscore, or (worse) if you're bird-tracking.

For what reasons do some programmers vehemently hate languages where whitespace matters (e.g. Python)? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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C++ is my first language, and as such I'm used to whitespace being ignored. However, I've been toying around with Python, and I don't find it too hard to get used to the whitespace rules. It seems, however, that a lot of programmers on the Internet can't get past the whitespace rules. From what I've seen, peoples' C++ programs tend to be formatted very consistently with respect to whitespace (or else it's pretty hard to read), so why do some people have such a problem with whitespace-based languages like Python?
It violates the Principle of Least Astonishment, because we have it ingrained in ourselves (whether for good or bad) that whitespace Does Not Matter in a programming language. Whitespace is one of those issues that has been left up to personal style.
I still have bad memories back from being a student of learning the hard way that 8 spaces is not equivalent to a tab in a Makefile... Ah, the sleep I lost...
The only valid reason I have come across is that refactoring using cut-and-paste (not copy) without refactoring tools (or syntax-aware cut-andpaste), can end up changing semantics if an easy mistake is made.
There are several different types of whitespace (spaces, tabs, weird unicode characters, carriage returns, line breaks, etc.), they aren't necessarily visually distinct, and languages and editors may treat them capriciously. This isn't an argument against well-designed whitespace semantics, but many people are against all forms of it simply because of the possibility of poor design.
People hate it because it violates common sense. Not a single one of the replies I have read here decided that it was ok to simply forgo periods and other punctuations. In fact the grammar has been very good. If the nonsense about indentation actually carrying the meaning were true we would all just forget about using punctuations entirely.
No one learned that newlines terminate a sentence in a horizontal language like English, instead we learned to infer when a sentence ended regardless of whether or not the punctuation was present or not.
The same is true for programming languages, especially for those of us who started out with a programming language that did use explicit block termination. You learn to infer where a block starts and stops over time, it does not mean that the spacing did that for you, the semantics of the language itself did.
Most literate people would have no problem understanding posts without punctuations. Having to rely on what is a representation of the absence of a character is not a good idea. Do any of you count from zero when you make your to-do list?
Alright, this is a very narrow perspective, but I haven't seen it mentioned elsewhere: keeping track of white space is a hassle if you are trying to autogenerate a script.
When I first encountered Python, I don't remember the details, but I had developed a Windows tool with a GUI that allowed novice users to configure several settings, and then press OK. The output of the tool was a script, which the user could copy to a Unix machine, and then execute it there to do something or other that was too complicated or tedious for them to do manually. Since nobody maintained the generated scripts, there was no reason they needed to look nice. So, keeping track of indentation seemed like an unnecessary burden from that perspective.
For most purposes, though, I find that Python is much easier than any other language.
Perhaps your C++ background (and thus who your peers are) is clouding your perception of this (ie selective sampling) but in my experience the reaction to Python's "white space is intent" meme is anywhere from ambivalent to they absolutely love it. The reason a lot of people love it is that it forces people to format their code.
I can't say I've ever met anyone who "hates" it because hating it is much like hating the idea of well-formatted code.
Edit: let me put this in some perspective.
In the Java world there are two main methods of packaging and deploying Web apps: Ant and Maven.
Ant is basically an XML-based Make facility that has tasks for the common things you do. It's a blank slate, which is powerful, but it also means you have to write a lot of common things yourself and every installation is free to do things slightly differently. All of this is well-intentioned but can make it hard to figure out someone's Ant scripts.
Maven is far more fully features. It has archetypes, which are basically project types. Depending on which archetype(s) you use, you won't have to write any tasks to start, stop, clean, build, etc but you will have a mandated directory structure, which is quite deep.
The advantage of that is if you've seen one Maven Web app you've seen them all. You know the commands. You know the structure. That's extremely useful.
But you have people who absolutely hate Maven and I think it comes down to this: they don't like giving up control, even when it's ultimately in their interest to do so. Also, you'll find a certain brand of person who thinks that their use case is a justifiable exception. You see this personality trait a lot. For example, I think an old Joel post mentioned a story where someone wanted to use "enter" to go from the username to password form fields even though the convention was that enter executed the default action (usually "OK") so they had to write a custom dialog class for Windows for this.
Basically some people just don't like being told what to do and others are completely obstinate in their belief that they're right even when all evidence points to the contrary.
This probably explains why some supposedly hate Python's white space: they don't like being told how to format their code. They like the freedom of C/C++.
Because change is scary. And maybe, among certain developers, there are some faint memories of languages with capricious rules about whitespacing that were hard to remember and arbitrary, meant more for compiler convenience than expressiveness.
Most likely, not giving whitespace-significance a fair shake before dismissing it is the real reason. Ask someone to fix a bug in a reasonably complex but well-written Python program, then ask them to go fix a bug in a 20 year old system in C, VB or Cobol and ask them which they prefer.
As for me, I have as much trouble with whitespace in Python or Boo as I have with parentheses in Lisp. Which is to say, none.
They will have to get used to it. Initially I had a problem my self trying to read some examples but after using language for some time I started liking it.
I believe it is a habit that people has to overcome.
Some have developed habits (for example: deeply nested loops, unnecessarily large functions) that they perceive would be hard to support in a whitespace sensitive language.
Some have developed an aesthetic dislike for hanging indents.
Because they are used to languages like C and JavaScript where they can align items as they please.
When it comes to Python, you have to indent code based on its context:
def Print():
In C, you could do:
void Print()
The only complaints I (also of C++ background) have heard about Python are from people who don't like using the "Replace Tabs with Space" option in their IDE.

When is it a good use of time to refactor string literals?

I'm starting on a project where strings are written into the code most of the time. Many strings might only be used in a few places but some strings are common throughout many pages.
Is it a good use of my time to refactor the literals into constants being that the app is pretty well established and runs well? What would be the long-term benefits to doing so?
One common thing to consider would be i18n. If you (or your muckity-mucks) ever want to sell your product in Mexico or France (etc.) you're going to appreciate having those string literals not littered throughout the code base.
EDIT: I realize this doesn't directly answer your question, so I'm voting up some of the other answers re: rule of three, and the like. I understand you're talking about an existing code base, so it's a little late to talk about incorporating i18n from the start. It's so easy to do when you're in the habit from the start.
I like to apply the rule of three when refactoring. If it happens three or more times, then the code needs to be updated.
Only if this project needs to be supported into the future is this a good use of time. If you will be regularly maintaining/expanding this system; however, this is a great idea.
1) There is a large degree of risk associated with string literals as a single misspelling can usually only be detected at run time. The reduced risk of run time errors is a serious advantage as they can be embarrassing/frustrating.
2) Also, should they ever need to be changed, for example when they are used to reference another system (like table names, server names etc) they can be very difficult to update when those other system names change. Centralize them and it's a trivial issue.
If a string is used in more than one place, refactor it. If it is only used in one place, leave it alone.
If you've refactored out all your common strings, it makes it easier to internationalize/translate them. It's even easier if they're all in properties files, or whatever your language equivalent is.
Is it a good use of my time to refactor the literals into constants being that the app is pretty well established and runs well?
No, you better leave it like it is.
What would be the long-term benefits to doing so?
If no one ever touch that code, the benefits are none.
What you can do, however is avoid adding new literals. But I would pretty much leave existing the way they are.
You could probably refactor them in your free to sleep better.
Probably there are some other bugs already that need your attention. Fix those instead.
Finally, if you manage you add "refactoring" to your task list, go ahead!!!
I agree with JMD, just keep in mind that there is more to i18n than changing strings(currencies, UI must be adpated to Right-to-left languages etc)
Even if you don´t wish to 18n your application it would be useful to refactor your strings, since that string that is used today only once, maybe reused tomorrow several times, and if it´s hardcoded you may be not aware of it and star replicating string all over the place.
Best let sleeping dogs lie. If you need to change a string that's used eighteen-lumpy times, yeah, go ahead and turn it into a constant somewhere. If you find yourself working in a module that has a string that could be constant-ize, do it if you feel like it. But going through the whole app changing all strings to constants... that should be on the very bottom of the to-do list.

How do you write code that is easily read by other people who have had no hand in writing any part of it?

How do you write code that is easily read by other people and who have had no hand in writing any part of it?
The best way to ensure that others can read your code is to make sure that it is clear and concise. Namely,
Use self documenting names for variables, functions, and classes.
Comment complex algorithms so that the reader doesn't have to spend to long figuring out what it does.
Ensure that tabbing and line breaks are constant throughout the code.
Beyond that you start to get in to the areas that might be a bit subjective, most people should agree on these items.
You may want to take a look at Clean Code by Robert C. Martin. It offers up a lot of useful practices for ensuring your code is readable.
Additionally, if your code is supported by a number of unit tests that thoroughly test your code, it offers a way for your user to understand the code by looking at what the tests are doing. You will also find that if you follow the Test Driven Development process, and you write tests for each bit of functionality, your functions tend to be small, do one thing only and do it well, and tend to flow more like a story than simply a large complex web of "stuff".
Tests tend to stay up-to-date more than comments. I often ignore comments anymore due to simple fact that they become obsolete very quickly.
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The short answer would be:
Avoid excessive commenting:
// add one to the count:
Use good variable and method names:
int x = i + j;
int runSum = prevSum += newValue;
Use coding shorthand where available:
if (x == y)
z = a;
z = b;
z = (x == y) ? a : b;
Keep code nice, clear and simple. Don't comment what you're doing when it's obvious (for instance I know what a foreach or if does, I don't normally need an explanation).
Code tricks (such as auto properties) that make simple things take up fewer lines are good too.
Buy & read Code Complete 2. There's loads of stuff in there about writing easy to read / maintain code.
I don't think it's a subjective question, but it's too broad! It's not just about commenting and giving good variables names. It deals with how humans comprehends code. So your system must be implemented in a way that the reader can easily construct a mental model of its design in two way:
Top-down: assuming the user knows the system domain, he tends to make assumptions on how it would be implemented, so he'll scan the system packages and classes looking for entities he can identify. Giving good names to your classes and properly modularizing it would help very much.
Bottom-up: once the user reaches a portion of code he'll start navigation from there, building chunks of knowledge. If your system has low cohesion and lots of implicit dependencies the user will be lost.
Kent Beck adopts three principles: Communication, Simplicity and Flexibility. Of course, sometimes you'll have to trade simplicity for flexibility, and vice-versa.
This could go on and on. The answer to this question fits in a large book. As #rmbarnes suggested, buy and read Code Complete 2. I also suggest Implementation Patterns by Kent Beck - its highly related to your question.
Document the code as to why it does what it does.
Make sure that all variables functions etc. are named consistently and descriptively
Use white space to group logical portions of code together, so it flows while reading.
Place the functions/methods etc. in a logical order.
(this one is my personal preference) Make sure that code can easily be read on the screen without having to scroll horizontally (some people say vertically too, but this doesn't seem to bother me).
Since everyone else said pretty much what I'm thinking when I read this question, I'll just share two books related to this subject that you might be interested in reading. These books use open source code examples to explain how to read and write high quality code. In addition to Code Complete, I think they are valuable resources when you want to write good code in any language.
Code Reading: The Open Source Perspective
Code Quality: The Open Source Perspective
My rules:
Give everything a meaningful name, and call it what it is. Avoid using "x" and "y" for variables.
Don't abbreviate ANYTHING. I don't care how long the variable name is, don't abbreviate, even with comments. Interpretation of abbreviations is subjective. Does Cmp mean computer? Computer? Company? Compliment? Make it a strong rule, no exceptions, and its easy to follow.
Don't put multiple statements on the same line. Each line performs a single action.
Avoid Hungarian Notation like the plague. Or is it ntHungarian?
Use brackets even for single-line (if, for) substructures. Indentation differences are too easy to lose.
A lot of good answers here, I would like to add something from the perspective of an engineer who likes the big picture. I frequently found that getting a high level overview, in terms of class diagram or a package level overview (diagram/comments etc), heck if nothing exists a 10 line header comments in a file to help me a lot. We can use Doxygen/Javadocs to generate them, or spend 10-15 minutes to just jot down something in comments section.
They dont have to be 100% accurate, and I doubt the overall structure of classes/packages will change without a complete rewrite.
I personally found this kind of big picture overview very helpful and am sure there are others who feel the same.
Probably the most important point is to keep your syntax consistent. I would also have a look at the design guidelines for the language you are writing in.
I am most likely in the minority, but I don't mind whitespace. I LOVE WHITESPACE. Since the compiler takes it out and HD space being so cheap I like to have white space in my code.
For example I like:
int total = 10;
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < total; i++)
sum += i;
// Next coding statement is a space below the bracket
return sum;
I do not like:
int total = 10;int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < total; i++)
sum += i;
return sum;
What I also put in Brackets even though technically they are not needed. The best example is the if statement. I find it greatly helps readability.
// some action
// Some action
The best code to me, is one that as simple as possible. With the least comments as possible, and most importantly works.
From being a developer with several years under the belt, this used to be a real question for me. I couldn't even say how many hours I passed thinking about this and trying different things in my code. The above answers are very nice too. I just want to add a thing or two.
We each have different things that make our reading different than the others. Something that you find easy to read, might really be hard for somebody else to read.
Cleanliness of your code is a very important aspect. Soon as it gets too cramped just forget about it.
Most important: You are you own teacher. No matter what style you follow, you will want to change a thing or two based on your experience. As months pass and you have to go back to your old for fixes or documentation, you will have the "I can't believe I wrote code that reads like that" effect. Take notes of what was bugging you with the code readability and make sure not to write like that again.
