How early can I call kalloc in an arm linux kernel? - linux

I would like to dynamically allocate memory from the machine_init function in my arm linux kernel. However, my tests indicate that calling kalloc sometimes results in a complete failure of the system to boot.
My debugging tools are very limited so I can't give much more information regarding the failure.
Simply put, is it legal to call kalloc from a machine_init function in ARM linux, and, if not, is there an alternative?
I understand that in most cases it is wrong-headed to be allocating memory this early in the boot process (this kind of work should be done by the device drivers); however, I am convinced that my particular project requires it.

I can't see where machine_init is called from, but I can't help thinking you're trying to do the wrong thing.
Device drivers and other subsystems have their own init time, trying to do things very early on is usually a mistake (because something required isn't started yet). You can definitely call kmalloc during the initialisation of a device driver (at least, most. Maybe the console driver is different).
In any case, the fact that your on ARM suggests that it's an embedded system, so you're unlikely to have to deal with a lot of different hardware. Can't you just statically allocate an array with as many elements as could possibly be required (give an error if it is exceeded) ?

Kmalloc is a kernel API on top slab/slob/slub memory frame work. Once any of these framework(one which used by kernel) is initialized kmalloc works fine. Make sure your call after the slab/slob/slub initialization


Why Kernel Can't Handle Crash Gracefully

For user mode application, incorrect page access doesn't create a lot of trouble other than the application crash and the application crash can be done gracefully by exception handling. Why can't we do the same for kernel crash. So when a kernel module tries to access some invalid address, there is a page fault and the kernel crash. Why it can't be handled gracefully like unloading the faulty module.
More specifically I'm interested to know if it is completely impossible or possible. I am not inclined to know the difficulties it might pose in using the system. I understand a driver crash will result unusable device and I'm okay with that. The only thing is whether it is possible to gracefully unload a faulty driver.
As other answer explains very well why it's not feasible to recover from the kernel crashes, I'll try to tell something else.
There is a lot of research in this area, most notably from prof. Andy Tanenbaum with his MINIX. While the kernel crash is still fatal for the MINIX, MINIX kernel is very simple (micro-kernel) narrowing the space for bugs and inside it most other stuff (including drivers) is running as a user-mode process. So, in case of network driver failure, as they are running in the separate address space, all kernel needs to do is to attempt to restart the driver.
Of course, there are areas where you can't recover (or still can't recover), like in case of the file system crash (see the recent discussion here).
There are several good papers on this topic such as and I would highly recommend watching Tanenbaum's videos such this one (title is "MINIX 3: A Reliable and Secure Operating System" in case it ever goes offline).
I think this addresses your comment:
We should be able to unload the faulty module. Why can't we? That is my question. Is it a design choice for security or its not possible at all. If it is a design choice, what factors forced us to make that choice
You could live without screen if graphics driver module crashes. However, we can't unload the faulty module and continue because if it crashed and it runs in the same address space as kernel, you don't know if it poisoned the kernel memory - security is the prime factor here.
That's kind of like saying "if you wrap all your Java code in a try/catch block, you've eliminated all bugs!"
There are a number of "errors" that are caught, e.g. kalloc returns NULL if it's out of memory, USB code returns errors if there's no USB, etc. But there's no try/catch for the entire operating system, because not all bugs can be repaired.
As pointed out, what happens if your filesystem module crashes? Keep running without files? How about your ethernet driver? Now your box is cut off from the internet and you can't even ssh into it anymore, but doesn't even have the decency to reboot.
So even though it may be possible for the kernel to not "crash" when a module crashes, the state of the kernel could be arbitrarily broken. The kernel could stay alive without a screen, filesystem or internet connection, but what kind of existence is that?
The kernel modules and the kernel itself share the same address space. There is simply no protection if a modules starts to misbehave and overwrite memory from another subsystem.
So, when a driver crashes, it may or may not stay local to that driver. If you are lucky, you still have a somewhat functional kernel and can continue to work.
That doesn't happen with userspace because the address space for each process is separate and so it is possible to catch erroneous memory access and stop the process (this is a SEGFAULT).

Linux System Calls & Kernel Mode

I understand that system calls exist to provide access to capabilities that are disallowed in user space, such as accessing a HDD using the read() system call. I also understand that these are abstracted by a user-mode layer in the form of library calls such as fread(), to provide compatibility across hardware.
So from the application developers point of view, we have something like;
//library //syscall //k_driver //device_driver
fread() -> read() -> k_read() -> d_read()
My question is; what is stopping me inlining all the instructions in the fread() and read() functions directly into my program? The instructions are the same, so the CPU should behave in the same way? I have not tried it, but I assume that this does not work for some reason I am missing. Otherwise any application could get arbitrary kernel mode operation.
TL;DR: What allows system calls to 'enter' kernel mode that is not copy-able by an application?
System calls do not enter the kernel themselves. More precisely, for example the read function you call is still, as far as your application is concerned, a library call. What read(2) does internally is calling the actual system call using some interruption or the syscall(2) assembly instruction, depending on the CPU architecture and OS.
This is the only way for userland code to have privileged code to be executed, but it is an indirect way. The userland and kernel code execute in different contexts.
That means you cannot add the kernel source code to your userland code and expect it to do anything useful but crash. In particular, the kernel code has access to physical memory addresses required to interact with the hardware. Userland code is limited to access a virtual memory space that has not this capability. Also, the instructions userland code is allowed to execute is a subset of the ones the CPU support. Several I/O, interruption and virtualization related instructions are examples of prohibited code. They are known as privileged instructions and require to be in an lower ring or supervisor mode depending on the CPU architecture.
You could inline them. You can issue system calls directly through syscall(2), but that soon gets messy. Note that the system call overhead (context switches back and forth, in-kernel checks, ...), not to mention the time the system call itself takes, makes your gain by inlining dissapear in the noise (if there is any gain, more code means cache isn't so useful, and performance suffers). Trust the libc/kernel folks to have studied the matter and done the inlining for you behind your back (in the relevant *.h file) if it really is a measurable gain.

Why do we need a bootloader in an embedded device?

I'm working with ELinux kernel on ARM cortex-A8.
I know how the bootloader works and what job it's doing. But i've got a question - why do we need bootloader, why was the bootloader born?
Why we can't directly load the kernel into RAM from flash memory without bootloader? If we load it what will happen? In fact, processor will not support it, but why are we following the procedure?
In the context of Linux, the boot loader is responsible for some predefined tasks. As this question is arm tagged, I think that ARM booting might be a useful resource. Specifically, the boot loader was/is responsible for setting up an ATAG list that describing the amount of RAM, a kernel command line, and other parameters. One of the most important parameters is the machine type. With device trees, an entire description of the board is passed. This makes a stock ARM Linux impossible to boot with out some code to setup the parameters as described.
The parameters allows one generic Linux to support multiple devices. For instance, an ARM Debian kernel can support hundreds of different board types. Uboot or other boot loader can dynamically determine this information or it can be hard coded for the board.
You might also like to look at bootloader info page here at stack overflow.
A basic system might be able to setup ATAGS and copy NOR flash to SRAM. However, it is usually a little more complex than this. Linux needs RAM setup, so you may have to initialize an SDRAM controller. If you use NAND flash, you have to handle bad blocks and the copy may be a little more complex than memcpy().
Linux often has some latent driver bugs where a driver will assume that a clock is initialized. For instance if Uboot always initializes an Ethernet clock for a particular machine, the Linux Ethernet driver may have neglected to setup this clock. This can be especially true with clock trees.
Some systems require boot image formats that are not supported by Linux; for example a special header which can initialize hardware immediately; like configuring the devices to read initial code from. Additionally, often there is hardware that should be configured immediately; a boot loader can do this quickly whereas the normal structure of Linux may delay this significantly resulting in I/O conflicts, etc.
From a pragmatic perspective, it is simpler to use a boot loader. However, there is nothing to prevent you from altering Linux's source to boot directly from it; although it maybe like pasting the boot loader code directly to the start of Linux.
See Also: Coreboot, Uboot, and Wikipedia's comparison. Barebox is a lesser known, but well structured and modern boot loader for the ARM. RedBoot is also used in some ARM systems; RedBoot partitions are supported in the kernel tree.
A boot loader is a computer program that loads the main operating system or runtime environment for the computer after completion of the self-tests.
^ From Wikipedia Article
So basically bootloader is doing just what you wanted - copying data from flash into operating memory. It's really that simple.
If you want to know more about boostrapping the OS, I highly recommend you read the linked article. Boot phase consists, apart from tests, also of checking peripherals and some other things. Skipping them makes sense only on very simple embedded devices, and that's why their bootloaders are even simpler:
Some embedded systems do not require a noticeable boot sequence to begin functioning and when turned on may simply run operational programs that are stored in ROM.
The same source
The primary bootloader is usually built in into the silicon and performs the load of the first USER code that will be run in the system.
The bootloader exists because there is no standardized protocol for loading the first code, since it is chip dependent. Sometimes the code can be loaded through a serial port, a flash memory, or even a hard drive. It is bootloader function to locate it.
Once the user code is loaded and running, the bootloader is no longer used and the correctness of the system execution is user responsibility.
In the embedded linux chain, the primary bootloader will setup and run the Uboot. Then Uboot will find the linux kernel and load it.
Why we can't directly load the kernel into RAM from flash memory without bootloader? If we load it what will happen? In fact, processor will not support it, but why are we following the procedure?
Bartek, Artless, and Felipe all give parts of the picture.
Every embedded processor type (E.G. 386EX, Coretex-A53, EM5200) will do something automatically when it is reset or powered on. Sometimes that something is different depending on whether the power is cycled or the device is reset. Some embedded processors allow you to change that something based on voltages applied to different pins when the device is powered or reset.
Regardless, there is a limited amount of something that a processor can do, because of the physical space on-processor required to define that something, whether it is on-chip FLASH, instruction micro-code, or some other mechanism.
This limit means that the something is
fixed purpose, does one thing as quickly as possible.
limited in scope and capability, typically loading a small block of code (often a few kilobytes or less) into a fixed memory location and executing from the start of the loaded code.
So what a processor does in response to reset or power-cycle cannot be changed, and cannot do very much, and we don't want it to automatically copy hundreds of megabytes or gigabytes into memory which may not exist or may not be initialized, and which could take a looooong time.
We set up a small program which is smaller than the smallest size permitted across all of the devices we are going to use. That program is stored wherever the something needs it to be.
Sometimes the small program is U-Boot. Sometimes even U-Boot is too big for initial load, so the small program then in turn loads U-Boot.
The point is that whatever gets loaded by the something, is modifiable as needed for a particular system. If it is U-Boot, great, if not, it knows where to load the main operating system or where to load U-Boot (or some other bootloader).
U-Boot (speaking of bootloaders in general) then configures a minimal set of devices, memory, chip settings, etc., to enable the main OS to be loaded and started. The main OS init takes care of any additional configuration or initialization.
So the sequence is:
Processor power-on or reset
Something loads initial boot code (or U-Boot style embedded bootloader)
Initial boot code (may not be needed)
U-Boot (or other general embedded bootloader)
Linux init
The kernel requires the hardware on which you are working to be in a particular state. All the hardware you used needs to be checked for its state and initialized for its further operation. This is one of the main reasons to use a boot loader in an embedded (or any other environment), apart from its use to load a kernel image into the RAM.
When you turn on a system, the RAM is also not in a useful state (fully initialized to use) for us to load kernel into it. Therefore, we cannot load a kernel directly (to answer your question)and thus arises the need for a construct to initialize it.
Apart from what is stated in all the other answers - which is correct - in some cases the system has to go through different execution modes, take as example TrustZone for secure ARM chips. It is possible to still consider it as sort of HW initialization, but what makes it peculiar is the fact that there are additional limitations (ex: memory available) that make it impractical, if not impossible, to do everything in a single binary, thus multiple stages of bootloader are available.
Furthermore, for security reason, each of them is signed and can perform its job only if it meets the security requirements.

pinning a pthread to a single core

I am trying to measure the performance of some library calls. My primary measurement tool is the rdtsc call. After doing some reading I realize that I need to disable preemption and interrupts in order to get the most accurate readings. Can someone help me figure out how to do these? I know that pthreads have a 'set affinity' mechanism. Is that enough to get the job done?
I also read somewhere that I can make calls into the kernel of the sort
Is there any benefit to using one approach over the other? I tried the latter approach and got this error.
error: 'preempt_disable' was not declared in this scope
which can be fixed by including linux/preempt.h but the compiler still complains.
linux/preempt.h: No such file or directory
Obviously I have not done any kernel hacking and I could not find this file on my system anywhere. I am really hoping I wont have to install a new linux kernel. :)
Thanks for your input.
Pinning a pthread to a single CPU can be done using pthread_setaffinity_np
But what you want to achieve at the end is not so simple. I'll explain you why.
preempt.h is part of the Linux Kernel source. Its located here. You need to have kernel sources with you. Anyways, you need to write a kernel module to access it, you cannot use it from user space. Learn how to write a kernel module here. Same is the case with functions preempt_disable and other interrupt disabling kernel functions
Now the point is, pthreads are in user space and your preemption disabling function is in kernel space. How to interact?
Either you need to write a new system call of your own where you do your preemption and interrupt disabling and call it from user space. Or you need to resort to other Kernel-User Space Interfaces like procfs, sysfs, ioctl etc
But I am really skeptical as to how all these will help you to benchmark library functions. You may want to have a look at how performance is typically measured using rdtsc

Address space identifiers using qemu for i386 linux kernel

Friends, I am working on an in-house architectural simulator which is used to simulate the timing-effect of a code running on different architectural parameters like core, memory hierarchy and interconnects.
I am working on a module takes the actual trace of a running program from an emulator like "PinTool" and "qemu-linux-user" and feed this trace to the simulator.
Till now my approach was like this :
1) take objdump of a binary executable and parse this information.
2) Now the emulator has to just feed me an instruction-pointer and other info like load-address/store-address.
Such approaches work only if the program content is known.
But now I have been trying to take traces of an executable running on top of a standard linux-kernel. The problem now is that the base kernel image does not contain the code for LKM(Loadable Kernel Modules). Also the daemons are not known when starting a kernel.
So, my approach to this solution is :
1) use qemu to emulate a machine.
2) When an instruction is encountered for the first time, I will parse it and save this info. for later.
3) create a helper function which sends the ip, load/store address when an instruction is executed.
i am stuck in step2. how do i differentiate between different processes from qemu which is just an emulator and does not know anything about the guest OS ??
I can modify the scheduler of the guest OS but I am really not able to figure out the way forward.
Sorry if the question is very lengthy. I know I could have abstracted some part but felt that some part of it gives an explanation of the context of the problem.
In the first case, using qemu-linux-user to perform user mode emulation of a single program, the task is quite easy because the memory is linear and there is no virtual memory involved in the emulator. The second case of whole system emulation is a lot more complex, because you basically have to parse the addresses out of the kernel structures.
If you can get the virtual addresses directly out of QEmu, your job is a bit easier; then you just need to identify the process and everything else functions just like in the single-process case. You might be able to get the PID by faking a system call to get_pid().
Otherwise, this all seems quite a bit similar to debugging a system from a physical memory dump. There are some tools for this task. They are probably too slow to run for every instruction, though, but you can look for hints there.
